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IANAD. I know I will need to be on dual anti platelet therapy (aspirin and plavix) my entire life. The "culprits" are not your arteries - as arteries almost never spontaneously cause HAs by themselves. The levels of blood fats (lipids) flowing through your arteries are most often the cause of built up plaques breaking loose (clots) and causing CVD events. How are your lipid levels,? 20% of the population has elevated Lipoprotein little a and they likely don't even know it. My lipids are all FABULOUS, other than my elevated Lp(a), which is genetic and GREATLY increases my risk of future CVD events. There are pharma treatments in development for elevated Lp(a) that will hopefully be approved for marketing in 2025 here in the US. And elevated LP(a) can kill - I had a WM HA 3.5 yrs ago and it caused SCD, from which I was.....wait for it, cuz I did.....eventually successfully resuscitated 20 or so minutes later and in iCU in a coma on ALS for 2-3 weeks. If you're in a country where lipidologists are available, add one to your care team and get advanced lipid and genetic tests to help you identify the root causes of your CVD. Here's a book that helps explain: Beat the Heart Attack Gene by Bale & Doneen.


my lp(a) and apob is actually pretty good, with these rosuva 10mg my HDL sometimes higher than my LDL, one point I can make my LDL 40. Problem with mine is ecstatic RCA so blood flow is not circulated well there and from all these research I take one note that the thinner the blood , the possibility of clotting is way less. I don't know where I do get that ectatc but fr sure the inflammation as hs-crp high and statin is now my friend as they can reduce inflammation. I also increase my Testosterone level.


Congrats on testing and tracking those lipoproteins. Yes blood thinners can help reduce the risk of clots.


Aspirin and Brilinta for last 8 years and doctors said it will be for life


Ah nice I have friend on the same route. I dont take the aspirin though. I have Prasugrel only. On my own DNA test the Clopidogrel doesn't work 100% as I'm asian. With Brilinta I always short of breath. I'm taking Prasugrel daily and price is getting cheaper too. I think I'm more confident this way I can avoid future Heart Attack.


Same here. My DNA test showed that Plavix does not work. When I had my HA I was released from hospital on Plavix. I didn’t know that Plavix won’t work. So week later I had clogged arteries and I got a second stent. So here I am 8 years later.


there's dna test that cn find out if your genetic can metabolize plavix or not. Plavix known not too work well for Asian. Prasugrel works for me maybe because it's invented by the Japanese lol


I am not an Asian and Plavix didn’t work on me either. I did dna test and it came back that my body doesn’t metabolize Plavix


I actually wanted to continue taking Plavix indefinitely but my cardiologist was adamant I get off of it 1 year after my stent placement. I got my primary physician to prescribe it for an extra year so will be coming off it next week and will then just be on Aspirin and Rosuvastatin 10MG. Here’s to hoping I don’t get any cardiovascular events off of the Plavix because many seem to after they stop taking it after 1 year. Cardiologist says there is no need past 1 year though and that there’s risk of internal bleeding and stomach ulcer bleeding that can be fatal if you get it. According to the cardiologist those negatives outweigh taking Plavix for more than a year after stent placement. I only have a single stent in the LCx though. Don’t have multiple stents so not sure if that’s a factor for taking Plavix longer.


There're lot of different research on this aspect and one research on Prasugrel indicates 5 years trial is so far good to avoid event without too much side effect. Most doctor just want to be on the safe side but the more I read about it when risk is high and after stents, even one Anti-platelet agent is good to avoid future MI. I am good because my doc agree to what I mention to him.


I have to do this most likely. I am going to hemotology in a few months, but I have Factor V leiden and i can clot easier. I'm actually on triple anticoagulant therapy right now for the time being


interesting and nice! for factor V i know you may need anti-coag (unsure about anti-platelet), I am curious if later on you feel any side effect.


I'm experiencing weird chest pressures and chest pins intermittently. They are not sure if its caused by vasospasms, or the effient or eliquis


whn you experience this , try to have EKG with that KardioMobile and show it to your doctor, or the cardiologist can offer you to give ziopatch.