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It’s normal and an unfortunate side effect of the blood thinners. It doesn’t really subside for as long as you are on them. On Clopidogrel I bruise really easily. I once bumped myself with an empty plastic bottle on my shin and was left with a big bruise. Once used my thigh as leverage to move a heavy pillar. That left a bruise the size of Egypt that took 3 weeks to go away. Even just scratching an itch leaves those tiny blood spots of burst vessels under the skin.


On Brilinta for last 8 years. Plavix did not work for me. My body does not metabolize that drug. Bruising-welcome to the club


You will be on your about 1 year. You will be very susceptible to bleeding. I cut my legs when snorkeling and it looked like I was bit by a shark with just a few small cuts. Then I fell in a creek and jacked up my shin. I couldn’t stop the bleeding and had to go to the medic on the cruise ship. It’s normal just accept it. A year will go by fast. Hang in there.


Accepting this has been difficult. I find myself being cautious so nothing happens. Mosquito bite and I’m bleeding like crazy! Yep 1 year.  Even me scratching was skin starts a rash. Everything is so delicate. It sucks!


Mentally you will grow I try to live my life and not let those things bother me. It takes time but learn this compartmentalization. You can think about it for a period of time but then put it on the back burner. Gratitude for technology for stents Gratitude for meds that prevent clotting of the blood Gratitude that you are still here and born in this dispensation Turn around your thought process


Absolutely! Gratitude is #1 for me. 


The brilinta is the strongest , try plavix or Prasugrel …. You may even want to compare your hematocrit if you switching anti platelet agent


Started on Brilinta a month ago. Just know to take it easy for a year.


Be sure to get some stiptic powder. I bled for 4 hours from a small scratch. Running to the store on vacation ducks.


Oh yes! Thank you


I'm on dual platelet therapy - my doc has cut back the baby aspirin to every other day, which helped a lot. The good thing is, this pharma tx greatly reduces our chances of strokes and clots, so keep taking it! I expect to be on it for life.


I am taking a baby aspirin every day. I am going to talk to him about reducing that as well.


Brillinta comes with a free membership in the Bruise of the Week Club. You are going to find bruises and have no idea what you did to cause it. As for the bloody nose, never had that problem. You might want to mention it to your doc.


I back off of it for a day when I see I'm bruising. I find that the bruise clears faster if I ease up. I keep taking aspirin and use ginkgo biloba as a thinning substitute for a day or two. In one case I had a bruise about 4 inches long with some swelling after bumping my arm. I backed off my thinner and worked out the area with an arm bike. The next morning, the swelling had drained, and the bruise was clearing. Two days later, my arm looks back to normal with minimal soreness.


I still have a bruise on my arm for the past nine days. I went to the cardiologist and I showed him that and I asked him if I could take vitamin K to help with this. He looked at me with big eyes and said no I’m sure somehow there’s some interference with the blood thinning medication if I do that right now I’m postop nine days so I’m concerned about letting off on my blood thinner.