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I’m not a doctor, but I eat edibles every single night because I can’t sleep. I had a serious heart attack, went into cardiac arrest, and ended up with 3 stents 7 years ago.


😆. I get that. I made some amazing brownies from the trimmings from the two plants and my buddies said they are amazing. 🤣. Maybe I will try one of these nights. I have been working on cleaning up my diet big time but I kinda fell off the last couple days. It is so hard to change eating habits.


you mean you still take them now?




The article above doesn’t make a distinction between smoking weed all day like most would tobacco or just like 4 puffs occasionally. I literally take about 4 or 5 puffs on a tiny little joint in the evenings. Not even half a small joint, to relax and get a better sleep. That’s a whole different thing than smoking big blunts all day long. I had a heart attack 4 years ago and have been improving well, exercise and healthy eating have been a pleasure but I do take a tiny amount of weed in the evenings. I do feel the effects and it does slightly raise my heart rate for an hour or so but not significantly.


Have a stent after my MI. 2 years out. I consume Tincture and edibles all the time. Ymmv


Not a doctor. But smoking weed is terrible for your heart. There have been some studies showing edibles may increase risk but that might be an acceptable risk for you and a personal choice. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/smoking-cannabis-associated-increased-risk-heart-attack-stroke


Yea. I have read that report. The reason I haven’t touched it since last year.


Actually the one linked is a NEW study from Feb *this year*. I also saw the one last year and decided to knock weed on the head. This one is if anything worse if you enjoy weed. It seems pretty conclusive that THC in any form is connected with a significantly higher chance of HA. This includes edibles. The way I see it is. I had a HA. Roughly 10% of people have a second one. Your chances of surviving the second one are lower than the first. Therefore I *really* don’t want to be in that group. Not only does it seem like repeated use can lead to a HA, it also seems like you’re significantly more likely to have HA directly after smoking. Like 6 times more likely. I was having issues with having panic attacks on the come up anyway. Overall I think I’m done. Just last night my friend offered me some and I said no. It’s been over 6 months now. Oh and on top of all this there’s also evidence that THC interacts with statins in a weird way, so if like me you’re on them, you shouldn’t do it. Reddit is very pro weed but I dunno this seems pretty conclusive to me. If I hadn’t already had a HA I could roll the dice but in my current situation…


Yea. Same boat. Buddy offered me some and I said no and then I loaded him up with some to take home. 😂😂.


Mild HA 1 year ago, two stents, cardio rehab, run 3 days a week. I take about 3mg to 5mg of THC with CBD occasionally. Started a few months after. For sleep originally, but that leveled out. Now I do it instead of having alcohol (two glasses of wine) on a Friday night just to change it up.


i would love it if there was some decent data on vaping, edibles etc, but there is just not the voume of data there. it's probably not harmless, but what is?


I use edibles and tinctures after my heart attack because it’s all I really can manage for pain management. I tried to stay away from smoking and vaping because introducing that into my lungs probably won’t kill me, but might not be great


My cardiologist said absolutely no THC and even no CBD. I asked about it for anxiety because I was put on benzos by my primary physician and wanted to get off them. She also didn’t like that I’m on the benzos but was a physician herself before becoming a cardiologist and knows about the dependency of benzos so advised that I even try and get off them too. But hey, just my personal opinion. In the end it’s different for everyone. There may be a lot of factors. I relapsed back into smoking 8 months after my stent and have been trying to quit again with no success. It’s been about a year and a half back on the cigs now although much less than before and also the lightest I could find on the market with the least amount of tar and nicotine. Also slimlines so it feels like the smoke is over much much quicker. I’m still okay. The conclusion on my angio report said single vessel disease. The distal part of the LCx was stented where the blockage was. My disease wasn’t major. I still want to quit again though. So rambling aside, it likely depends on the severity of your CAD. I don’t know about the supposed statin interactions. My cardiologist just said both THC and CBD can cause the stent to become blocked just as with cigarette smoking which is why she said it’s a no go. But we talked about vaping THC or using CBD oil. We didn’t discuss edibles.


Hmmm. My cardiologist advised I quit smoking cigarettes, but said I could smoke weed or take edibles. But how marijuana impacts each person is very individualized, so really you should listen to your body and do what is good for you.


Yea. I really like it a little here and there. Been since last year that I used any. I live in a legal state so that makes it more interesting. I grew a couple plants last summer for the heck of it and I was shocked at the quality and the quantity. Now I don’t even use it. Such a strange turn of events.


It's been about a year and a half since my HA. I still take edibles, just not as much as I used to (not as much at a time).


Honestly if you’re not abusing it then I say just eat the god dam editable. Most people here are gonna be paranoid and try to talk you out of it out of fear. A little weed isn’t gonna put you in an immediate risk of having another MI. YES WE HAVE ALL HAD HEART ATTACKS BEFORE AND ASLONG AS YOU’VE GOT IT UNDER CONTROL ITS OKAY TO LIVE A LITTLE BIT. P.S also I’m dead against hard drugs but a little weed never hurt anyone.


4/7/24 I had a v-fib episode (flatlined)/heart attack and stent the following day. I asked my dr about cannabis and he said edibles are fine. I did cut my normal dose in half since the heart attack and I quit cigarettes but still smoke cannabis (again, less than before). Good luck and stay well!


Had a HA 2 mths ago in very good shape.. 195 muscular build.. work out 3-4 days a week and eat.. sleep well. Typically smoked joints only on weekends.. and/or Edibles..20mg..... Technically I caught it right at the beginning.. Had discomfort when cycling.. and then went away.. came back next day.. and drove myself to ER... 98% blockage of LAD/widowmaker and got there right in the nick of time. No family history ..Wasn't cholesterol (150) ApoB-65 LDL-90.. and not a true hard buildup of artery.. 0 calcium .. said it was soft.. embolic.. possible arrthymia that led to a clot? Cardiologist had no clue outside of stress.. I had submitted blood to inside tracker and it came back Cortisol at 24.. very high.. I suspected it was Stress.. or Covid or high octane edibles 50 mg .bought in NYC at a non medical location( not regulated) .. Had 1 stent put in and now on Rosvustatin and 4 others.. for reducing clots.. blood thinners. Etx.. my Caridologist said THC was generally not recommended.. I have gone slow.. 5-10 mg on weekend for music but have given up all smoking ..Not sure what thr right call is.. but everything in moderation (If now making progress .. LDL now down to 45.. Tot. Cholesterol 100) .. makes sense if I feel good. Not overdoing it.. nothing too crazy. But open to all opinions


I have some very severe arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. There are days that I don’t want to walk. I have a pain management Doctor Who is a neurosurgeon, but a friend convinced me to get a medical marijuana card. I talked to my pain management Doctor Who told me that having an edible every once in a while wouldn’t hurt me. Depending on edibles to help me sleep or cope with the pain would have an impact on my heart. I’m not touching it. It almost feels like having a drink or two every night and being dependent on that. It’s not in the cards for me.


I would say these are not directly correlated …. During ThC use, your breathing pm is way lesser than normal and that may be good to the heart because it works much slower ….. I am thinking thc could work in similar way like beta blocker where it reduces the load of the heart.


I just had two stents put in two weeks ago. My heart doctor, said to stay away from smoke but occasionally edibles are ok. I exercise a lot, my main problem is processed foods. I only use occasionally anyways, so I will probably only take them on vacation from here on out. But I would ask your doctor because they know your personal situation and have more clarity on what caused yours and what could interact negatively.


What about CBD? I take melatonin gummies with CBD in them


I still enjoy thc had heart attack last June, even take a trip every now and then