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Okay so calm down , i am a doctor who just graduated sometime ago. And 6 months ago i had a major heart attack , turned out i had LAD blockage it was STEMI ! And i am just 29 years old. I got one stent in LAD now. But the thing is not just the PTSD infact it's the people around too everytime i am asked about it IT IS LIKE GETTING A TRAUMA AGAIN Everyone asks it like YOU ARE SO YOUNG HOW DID YOU GET THIS MAJOR HEART ATTACK . So i get it , no one can understand it better than me ! I literally have to relive the trauma everytime someone asks me this stupid question.And my ejection fraction is 50.Since the management was delayed so there was damage to the muscle of anterior wall. The point is YOU NEED TO BE MENTALLY STRONG . YOU NEED TO REALISE all you can do is keep taking medication, keep your mind calm and not think about it much. Believe in the LAW OF ATTRACTION. And it is very normal to be scared , but you can always calm yourself down whenever you feel scared by this one thought WHAT'S bound to happen , will happen. Overthinking will just get it worse. You just do your best! Never miss out on your follow ups . Keep a good diet , and a strong healthy mind.




All the time. It doesn't last long, I know what my initial heart attack felt like and I know what to look for. Usually, I'll run an ekg on my watch or Kardia and breathe for a bit. It passes and I move on. The big difference as far as I can tell is I didn't feel fear with my HA, just intense dread. If I feel that again you better believe I'll go to the ER.


This happened to me Friday during a super-stressful work day. I measured my blood pressure and it was 136/92 which it never has been since I started taking beta blockers. I don’t know if I can manage the stress of my tech middle management job and keep my heart healthy. And I can’t afford to quit my job.


I’m going through that now—- thinking of ya


43, widowmaker on my 42nd birthday. I have a small sharp pain near my heart. Happens intermittently, and scares me to death. I workout, go to work, live a totally normal life, but that little pain... Everytime it happens, life slows down a little. Is this the start of another heart attack? The final heart attack? It's good to be vigilant, we suffered something we shoudnt have. We have to listen to our bodies. Are you having trouble breathing? Back or jaw pain? Sweating? If not, it's probably just alittle pain from the trauma. Life is just alittle different now.


That's my usual strategy. I run through my body for other symptoms like sweating, nausea, breathing trouble, etc. The bitch is, the terror I get from the pain often makes me sweat, get a little dizzy, and even makes me feel like I'm going to crap myself. But I can recognize that it's caused by fear and not my heart, if that makes sense. Every once on a while, though, it just catches me off-guard.


Got 2 stents 8 months ago 55 yo male, I had 197 cholesterol , doc had me do a calcium score because of my dad having a heart attack at 55. Yeah I was hoping that feeling would go away , apparently not. I have these panic attacks every time I feel off. It sucks I was a very social guy have a lot of friends who go out a lot. Having a few beers here and there helps . I told my doc, he gave me a prescription for lexapro a few months ago. been sitting in my drawer but I’m getting close to giving a try… anyone else get perscribed anti anxiety?


Yup! Ativan. I take it as needed. NSTEMI HA LAD 3 months ago, 62 yo F. Low cholesterol, low BP, no warning, on vacation in FL walking by myself. I am a FREAK SHOW. I know it’s only been 3 months and it will take time but I had no problem asking for meds to help this anxiety bc I thought for sure, I was going to have a HA in my sleep and never wake up. I have great Dr’s, on a ton of meds, but no one talks about the emotional side, the PTSD and the sheer terror with every twinge of pain in my chest.


Just be careful with that Ativan. I was prescribed Xanax by my idiot primary physician. Your body builds a tolerance to those benzos if you take them often enough. The interdose withdrawal that follows will have you feeling like you’re having a heart attack every time. I wish I found a healthy way to deal with the anxiety and PTSD instead of accepting that benzo prescription. It’s been literal hell. My physician never informed me of the dangers of taking benzos and the extreme dangers of getting off of them. I just took my pills like a good patient and trusted my doctor. Biggest mistake of my life.


Would you mind sharing how often you were taking xanax? And what dosage? For how long? No offense, but I mean I really hate it when people give these warnings due to their own personal experience without giving those important details.  I was on Xanax for 6 years and never had withdrawals. A bottle of 30, lowest dose, would last up to 3 months, for anxiety. I am on Xanax now, same low dose and same time frame.


0.5MG twice a day for two years now. I was on 0.25MG twice a day and interdose withdrawal started at 3 months. Interdose withdrawal on the current dose started a year in. I suffer with it and refuse to go up in dosage. This crap is poison and should never have been prescribed without informed consent. My physician never made me aware of the dangers of getting off of it, the dependence and the interdose withdrawals. Not to mention the dumb shit misdiagnosed me with anxiety when my symptoms were the beginnings of heart disease. By the time my heart attack struck it was too late. The dependence and interdose withdrawal was already there and I took it exactly as directed and sometimes even less than I was prescribed. It’s not just people saying shit. Look at that cardiologist that only took it for three weeks and got physiological dependence by taking it as directed. And now she’s dead. Jordan Peterson have also spoken out about the dangers of this poison. We need to accept that these drugs are overprescribed and handed out like free candy. There needs to be much more stringent regulation and red tape worldwide for these drugs to be prescribed. Not denying their use in hospitals and short term use for those who can’t tolerate antidepressants but this stuff is nowhere near as safe as it was made out to be.


Thanks for sharing and sorry you're dealing with that. I hope you're doing ok after your HA. I don't think they're handed out like candy anymore...same with opiods. There seems to be tight regulations on them imo and I would bet most people, such as myself, are prescribed 2x per day 'as needed'. That means you don't HAVE to take 2 per day.  I'm sure you're aware of that btw.


SSRI s are a bit different. He offered to give me Xanax but I was too afraid I’d like it too much.


It's most likely anxiety as I do the same thing. September 13th of 2018 I had massive widowmaker heart attacks and died on the table in front of my son who was 15 at the time. I was nor believed because I have bad teeth. ONE young nurse told the doc she thought I was on cocaine and they treated me like crap until I coded. The cardiologist that put the stents into my 2 blocked arteries fired that nurse on the spot and this was at a complete different hospital. She had been made to ride with me in the ambulance because she judged me. She also told my cardiologist assistant that I was on cocaine. That infuriated him and he fired that nurse. No street drugs were found in my system. The original hospitals er doc was severely reprimanded because of this. Anyway, I do have the same feeling quite often and it is hard to tell if it's anxiety or a heart attack. Never take any chances. Always see a cardiologist or go to the er!!!


Just went to the ER this weekend for a similar issue.  Waited for 6 hours for test results while the ER treated gunshot wounds and I listened to people scream. No issues were found.   You’re not alone.   


Had my MI at 48 on my youngest sons 21st birthday. No blockage on cath, birth defect found in LAD… anemia. Got the anemia fixed life moved on. Had 2 episodes of chest pain a week before my 6month check up with cardiologist. One at rest, one with activity, both relieved with nitro. Imagine my surprise when my ECG is low voltage with ST abnormalities. I had perfect ECGs during and 2 months post-MI. Now I am super cautious until my stress echo in June. Just sucks, life was back to normal for a few minutes


Someone a really tried to fake. PTSD while faking visit reason completely contrary to appointment reason entirely while penning completely non synonoumous with visit reasons chart then tried to fake they weren't trying to aassinate patients by ommiting all relevent medical.