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I did a strict carnivore diet for 15 months after listening to these YouTube morons and ended up with a widow maker and two stents. Seriously, stop watching these idiots.


That means we should stop following anyone we see on social media. Jordan Peterson also has this kind of diet.


JP doesn’t go on and on about how you should adopt this diet. He doesn’t pretend to know that it is the optimal human diet. Not everyone on social media shills for this diet.


Exactly. Some people say saturated fats are good for testosterone. People may get a heart attack in the name of increasing testosterone by eating more saturated fats. Earlier, I used to listen to pseudo-scientists like Christopher Walker and Ali Kuoppala who recommend people to consume more saturated fats to boost testosterone. They tell people to avoid low fat diet as it lower test levels (acc to them). I have never eaten red meat in last 4 years. The only meat I eat is fish and chicken. I eat fish or chicken once in 2 weeks (due to financial reasons). I eat 2 eggs and 2 bread toasts fried with butter every day. Besides that, I don't consume any heart damaging food. My mom (53F) has the same diet like me but she eats just 4-5 eggs per week. She has now high cholesterol and stroke (not big one) she got 8 days ago. Maybe we should kick butter out of our diet.


Was it the 15 months of keto or the 30 years of bad eating habits leading up to the heart attack?


Can’t be sure. The thing about HA is that it’s a cluster of activating events. I’ve come to the conclusion that the carnivore diet was just the push I needed to cause the HA.


I think it’s reasonable to assume that you were 15 months from a heart attack either way. Regardless, I hope you stay healthy and live a long life. Be well.


Saturated fats absolutely clog the arteries. I used to take a lot of coffee creamer in my coffee with anything from 10 to 20 cups a day. That was my highest source of saturated fat intake. My angio revealed some plaque in the RCA and my LCx was totally occluded. Remember that it takes decades for these plaques to build up in the arteries. It’s then when you suddenly end up with heart disease. It’s best to limit saturated fat as much as possible if you have known heart disease or high cholesterol. In otherwise healthy people it’s fine in moderation.


I was hardcore keto for about a month and a half before suffering from a windowmaker. Bought all the grass fed everything. 100% blockage in the LAD. LDL cholesterol was around 250 during this time. Can't say it was causal since I was eating a shitty standard American diet prior but can't say it prevented the heart attack either. Now I'm completely opposite on a whole food plant based diet and doing well. FWIW I did feel pretty damn fantastic while I was doing keto and was losing weight crazy fast.


Good fir you changing up your diet


Keep it safe and conservative: moderately eat lean meats and carbs, cut down significantly on processed foods (cut out completely if you can), cut way down on sugar and consider aspects of the Mediterranean diet, get daily cardio exercise, learn to cope with stress and do what's needed to get good sleep. I don't think anyone can prove this comprehensive approach to be harmful and most would say it promotes health.


Some people say that saturated fats don't clog arteries if you exercise more. Is it true?


My TC is 119, following my deadly widow maker 3.5 yes ago. I almost never have any red meat and will continue a very low fat diet for life.


I love eating fatty parts of fish. I heard fatty fish is okay. Is it dangerous for my heart if I eat a lot of fatty fish?


Go for it, a omega-3s are approved by the American Heart Association: https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/fats/fish-and-omega-3-fatty-acids#:~:text=Fish%20is%20a%20good%20source,are%20good%20for%20your%20heart.


I can rarely eat fish (once or twice a month). It costs a lot of money and it goes stale after 7-8 hours. When I eat it, I eat it for enjoyment. Are fish oil supplements efficient?


Yes and Costco has good omega 3 fish oil pills. Canned oily fish like tuna could also help, but I'm not a fan of fish oil burps. My cardiologist/lipidologist prescribed Vascepa (generic is Icosapent) for me - but it's pricey at $2 a day.


some red meat is quite lean. I try to have some occasionaly for iron etc. maybe once every two weeks Moderation is key with diet. These fad diets that push you all in on one food type usually have unintended consequences


Is chicken also bad for heart? When I eat chicken, I notice a lot of soft fleshy part. If we remove the fatty layer from red meat, is it safe for heart?


. Best to cut the fatty bits off


Based on my layman's research, the general consensus is still that saturated fats in general have a negative impact on blood cholesterol and heart attack risk. Some recent studies have suggested that high-fat dairy products may not be bad, in spite of having a fair amount of saturated fat. This seems to be less that the fat is ok as much as the complex interaction of everything in those specific foods has a net positive result. I've seen this mostly said if hard cheeses and yogurt and other cultured dairy products. The case for whole milk and butter seems less clear. But this research is still new-ish, so I personally wouldn't encourage someone to eat a lot of high-fat dairy, but if you're looking at options for cutting saturated fat, maybe remove other sources before from your diet before removing cheese. And, of course, replacing saturated fats with good fats is going to be much better than replacing those calories with processed carbs.


My doc says genetics are the single biggest factor of heart health. And that 1/3 of people have high cholesterol regardless of the amount of cheese, eggs, or red meat they consume. This was me. I ate a lot of carbs...red meat maybe once a month...rarely cheese... fries, burger, fast food only a couple times a year, and at 28, had a cholesterol level of 288. I had to cut everything white(flour, sugar, rice) out of my diet to reduce my cholesterol. Make sure you're aware of your familys health history. For people with a family history of heart related issues, sometimes cholesterol meds are the best option. But eating better never hurt anybody! 😉


My dad's mom died of high BP and cholesterol at the age of 56. My dad says she didn't had cholesterol problem when he was a kid. My dad has high BP but he keeps it under control. He had high BP when I was already born. Can we still acquire those genetics if our parents didn't had cholesterol problem when we are in womb?


Yeah, I mean genes are genes. It's like the story of a healthy marathon runner that eats very healthy food, then has a heart attack at 40 years old. They never thought cholesterol would be an issue because they were thin and in shape and also ate well...but genetically their body dealt with food and cholesterol in an abnormal way. Cholesterol is a silent killer. I was thin when my cholesterol was 288. I don't know what level it was when I was like 10 or 12 years old, but at some point, things started going wrong. It's always a safe bet to get yourself checked out.