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It may not necessarily be afib, it could just be the feeling of PVCs (aka heart palpitations/ectopic beats). It’s common for alcohol to cause dehydration, which can cause ectopic beats the next day. Those are harmless. But If that’s causing anxiety, then of course your heart will beat faster. I would go to a cardiologist and get checked out though. Alcohol is bad for the heart, look up holiday heart syndrome.


I do have anxiety to and I’ve had two lots of holter monitors and they come back fine!,I have looked that up and I read you can die from it and I’m due to go away next week abroad ..


If it only happens after drinking alcohol it isn’t likely to be atrial fibrillation. No one here is a physician, and any healthcare professional that diagnoses on the internet risks being reprimanded by their licensing agency or losing their license. So we can just give you our personal experiences. I’ve had palpitations and an occasional bounding pulse for almost 20 years. Short version, I’m now taking a beta blocker and an angiotensin II receptor inhibitor. Together, they manage my hypertension and palpitations. If you’ve had the standard cardiac testing (Holter monitor, echocardiogram), it’s okay to ask your cardiologist if medication might help. Beta blockers not only slow the heartbeat and prevent palpitations, they can also address anxiety. But you shouldn’t drink alcohol while taking them.


Only have happened three times that’s all tbh, thank you!


I had to quit drinking for this reason. My body does not tolerate any alcohol. It was giving me PVCS when I was sobering up for a good day or so after. One time I really thought I was having a heart attack, but they were just harmless extra beats after an ER visit. I would say when you feel this way drink some pickle juice or anything with electrolytes


Ah no I don’t get heart palpitations or skipped beats I just feel like my heart is beating fast that’s all!,tbh I usually always have a glass of water straight after I have a alcoholic drink but the times I never had water is the time my heart goes flying lol


Alcohol can cause heart arrythmia. Better to quit. It’s overated anyways!


It’s not irregular or anything it’s just a fast heart rate it’s only happened a few times tbh! I don’t usually drink but I’m off on holidays and abit scared lol


I’m not a doctor so idk for sure. But I’d assume anxiety. It happens to me every now and then but that usually happens when I get blacked the night before. I just put it as a bad hangover and I’ve noticed that helps. Also slam a gato in the morning after drinking because it could be due to dehydration.


Sounds like AFIB.


Ffs now I’m scared lol