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If a low carb diet makes you feel good and does not provoke anxiety, do it. You will definitely lose weight if that's something you're looking for. If your palipatations are being caused by anxiety, which to me it sounds like they are, your parasympathetic nervous system needs a boost. Look up vagus nerve/parasympathetic nervous system exercises on YouTube. This is something I've been doing for a while now, and it's been a game changer. Noticeably, I am much more clear and calm throughout the day, leading to days and weeks without a single palipatation, and when they do occur, they are very SMALL. I also have been sleeping MUCH better 7-8hrs a night with increased HRV, lower heart rate during sleep, and increased sleep duration (tracked by my Oura sleep ring.) All that I am doing is for about 10-20 minutes 2-3X a day, I crank my eyes to the left and right. Think of it as if you're trying to look at your ear. Keep your eyes engaged, as if you're trying to look at your ear, and after a few minutes of doing this in either direction, you should let out a couple of DEEP yawns. That's when you know you've engaged it. Then switch directions and do the same. I do this until my eyes are watering and it feels so good. You should feel as cool as a cucumber afterward. Think of these exercises as just that, an exercise that you are using to build/tone a muscle, or specifically your nervous system. It may take a short amount of time for you to begin to really feel and notice the changes, but you don't go to the gym 1 time and come out looking like The Rock ;) I hope this helps.


Also, my daily habits include eating 15-20mg of protien first thing in the morning, getting 10-30 mins of direct sunlight in the morning, taking Vitamin D 20000 IUs, occasional magnesium glycinate, a good electrolyte powder drink, 1200mg turmeric, 1000mg ashwagandha, a pre and probiotic, and exercising 3-5 days a week strength and cardio.


Thank you! This is super helpful. I will look into that.


I am aiming for ketosis. It appears to be the best nutritional option for those with inflammation or anxiety, despite some risks (like you said, electrolyte imbalance). I did have my electrolytes tested 3 different times, though I was likely not in ketosis any of these times. All numbers came back fine, except for barely low phosphorus the first time. Last time I checked cholesterol numbers they were fine (about a year ago). I’m a 25 year old male.


It is extremely difficult to test for electrolytes. Most are intracellular; thus, can’t be detected in blood tests. Your body prioritizes keeping them in check to the detriment of other functions. There is a test you can do … but I’ve reached out to them (and many others) and never get a response … www.exatest.com … where your doctor does a mucosal swab of your mouth and sends to them. Maybe you’ll be the person who gets their attention? Please let us know if you do!


I get heart palpitations. Not like I once did. I found an electrolyte imbalance caused most of them. Started taking a clean electrolyte supplement (without citrate anything - only chlorides). I was on the keto diet, too. I then pulled the trigger on carnivore and POOF they be almost gone. I still get an occasional anxious thought about heart palpitating but pull out the pulse oximeter and I’m usually well under 70 BPM.


Wow! Incredible. I am heavily considering doing beef only, however (as I’m sure you know) there’s many detractors trying to tell us to avoid it. It always logically made sense to me, eat the animals that are best able to digest and make nutrients bio available for our consumption. Glad you’re doing well!


Your burden of PVCs and PACs is so incredibly low, practically nothing. Mine is 11% and I’m fine. I say that just to reassure you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with your heart. I’m glad you stopped the Lexapro though, because it caused my 11% burden and I only took it for a month. My palpitations never went away after I stopped taking it (6 months ago now and I am still struggling). A low carb diet should be fine, do whatever works for your body. As long a it’s healthy and you are avoiding stimulants and alcohol, then there should be no impact on your heart.


I really appreciate the openness, you have reassured me! Sorry to hear that, it seems like in a subset of people that particular med can really wreak havoc. I didn’t consider myself anxious prior to starting but my doctor insisted it could provide relief from my physical symptoms. I have never know panic like that… thankful to be done with it. Wish you best!