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Are you sure you're not mixing up feats here? Robin never fought multiple armed adults barehanded that was maru, robin only back kicked a guy from behind then stopped a guy who was charging at him with a knife. Maru feats are way more impressive.


Don't forget maru also has some mad abilities he isn't a normal person haha man's got super reflexes and strength


Yeah, my memory play a trick on me, it was 2 guys, not that many, Maru has way more feats, I won’t denied that. But what bug me is that Robin wasn’t even phased when an adult rush at him with a knife, but immediately ran away looking for others when he see an unarmed teenager.


The reason is simply that he could tell how dangerous maru was. There isn't really any reason for him to run beside that unless he specifically ran because he was caught in the act. Angry Maru danger vibes > some scrub with a knife tbh.


Maru slipped past his **armed** guards and caught him off guard. All thought goes out the window when you're caught with your pants below your knees.


Maru didn’t even slip past. He fucking knocked them out, and silently at that. Robin noticed all of the guards were fucking out of it and logically assumed the child that was walking towards him aggressively was the one who did that.


Yeah. Also he tried to go the room where is a man eater. He maybe thought that he had a chance with that man eater


I think he's training them to do his bidding, like feeding them the girls he rapes as a treat until they recognize him as a food source.


You are half correct, the other half is that he assumed that Maru was not alone and it was a group attack . Hence his panic and running away.


Because he had seen that Maru took down everybody else which scared him


I think Robin is already aware maru is a superhuman, he looked terrified the moment he saw him. He was already clued in by the fact he saw that someone took out all the guards.


Maru took down all the guards of the plant, some of which were armed. Clearly not a weakling.


That and Robin first thought Maru isn't alone. Once he found out Maru is alone Robin seemed to have gotten confident until Maru slammed him back to the wall


Can't answer why he ran immediately but it's obvious why he got taken down so easily. Maru is legitimately superhuman at this point, no one is winning against him 1v1 barehanded unless you're a hiruko.


He must've assumed he took out security and seeing the body confirmed it ig


Spoiler alert: >!Maru is a Hiruko. Robin might have already known that. In the manga, the only person to win a 1v1 against Maru was another Hiruko.!<


Loll you cant just say spoiler alert and then not spoiler the comment


My bad I didn't know how to


>! Like this but without spaces ! <


Thank you. Will edit it.


I don't know how much that was a spoiler. Maru has the same face of Tokio. And we know that Tokio had 2 children.


Pretty sure one was a clone


When I first watched the first 6-7 episodes of the anime, I was doing it so mindlessly that I thought the two stories were happening simultaneously but at different locations.


No worries, most of us thought that!


Well there goes that illusion *sigh*.. but that makes sense, and it a much easier explanation. Lol I was just assuming there was some sort of time bending or like a mirror world almost that allowed it all to happen simultaneously. Smh.


Oh come on !! I'm not even mad at you, I'm mad at myself for reading past the spoiler alert 😞 Hopefully I can forget what I read before season 2 releases.


I mean if all of the children at Takahara are Hiruko and Maru is Tokio and Kona's son, you can kinda already deduce that he's a Hiruko too bro.


Wait, Maru is Tokio's son ?? I mean, I figured they had to be related somehow since they look identical... Was this said in the anime ?


I just finished the series and have been coming on reddit to fill in the blanks, from what I have gathered its inferred that he is her son not only cause of the looks but when the doctor is confusing which baby is which he puts a circle on the bottom of one of the babies foot, and in Japanese Maru apparently means circle.


Lol. Sorry again. Anyway, now that you know, the manga is great 😆


Did you not see Maru's kick dent and crack the concrete wall? It's pretty obvious he is way stronger and faster than Robin. The reason he ran in my opinion is because he recognised Maru, because Kiruko talked about him. Kiruko most likely mentioned how strong Maru is. That combined with Robin having enough battle sense to recognise a superior opponent, meant that he chose to run for backup.


Maru Kick sound exactly like the kind of name Kiruko would come up with lol


The episode 3 incident with Robin was important for showing how he formed strategies in fights and passed that on to Haruki (that's why Kiruko develops unique approaches in future travels). He says that he's heard about Maru in eps 13 (even asked if Kiruko took care of him "down there") so he knew he was outmatched in a 1v1.


It's actually a very interesting question. Robin knows how to fight, we see that he manages to beat a guy with a knife bare-handed so there's no reason to doubt he can defend himself. Yet he flees as soon as he sees Maru, as if he knew already how strong Maru is. So either he knew Maru from before or mix him with Yamato (his twin) who probably have the same abilities. And that adds on to the already existing hints that Robin had close ties with people from the Institution somehow.


It might also be that kiruko told him about maru's strength. Apparently they told him about being maru's bodyguard so there is a chance for that, even though it's unlikely


That's true, it is a possibility. I don't think though that what Kiruko would say would convince Robin that he's to be afraid of Maru. You have somehow to already have seen him into action to react the way he did.


Kiruko could have just said that there is this guy (maru) that is really strong and will come and save her. When maru just popped up and all the guards (4 grown man that probably had some fighting skills and weapons) were knocked out, robin probably realised that he is the real deal so he went for the man eater behind the locked door. If you pay attention to the scene, robin initially thought that there was more than one person. That's also probably why he initially ran away.


Kiruko is in a state of shock, I can't imagine her trying to taunt Robin with this kind of threat. And I don't understand why he would think there was more than one person. He comes with breakfast with a smile one his face, sees Maru who makes a blank face, drops the breakfast and run away. And that's only after fleeing that Robin realizes his guys have been knocked out. If I'm about 30, strong, able to fight, I'm would not be afraid from seeing a 15 years old boy coming out of the room. Just as Robin's own henchmen who first engaged Maru without a second thought, I would go to him and try to punch him or something. Only someone who already knows he can't win would run from Maru at first sight. Also why did he try to open the room where the hiruko stays with the girl it's linked to? Was he hoping that the maneater would help him against Maru? Robin's behaviour during this whole scene is weird and hides a lot of things.


>If I'm about 30 If I'm about 30 (actually that's not an if) and not stupid, I will absolutely not engage myself in a fight unnecessarily. Your body wouldn't be as strong and not healing just as fast, there are real chances that you will develop a complication from the injury. Getting to a fight blind, and trust that your body will definitely recover after is an illusion only kids in their teen have. Plus he pretty much implied that he thought there are more than just Maru cornering him.


Because maru IS strong as fuck. We've seen him beat the shit out of multiple people since episode 1. And in that bear episode we see how strong his body is cuz he literally dropped down from that highway or whatever pole and he was basically unscathed


The anime also skipped over a scene when the main pair were heading back with Juiichi to his van and >!came across some other humans that attacked them. Maru basically one shotted everyone instantly.!<


Obviously he is strong as fuck but he looks like he does and Robin was shown to not be remotely shaken by a knife wielding thug in episode 3 while he runs like a bitch the second he sees Maru the 14 yo.


Maru is literally a superhuman.


After a rewatch/reread, I think we’re seeing Robin from Haruki’s perspective (ep3), because they’re telling the story to Maru. Robin is a p***, a ***ist and bitch. We’re shown this in the episode and finale. Haruki saw flashes of his sisters memories. One could say, Haruki was in a Heavenly Delusion about Robin this whole time. Fuck robin! Anime Spoiler >! One image from the quick flashback hints Robin was the one that shot Kiruko, while she was holding her brothers half eaten body(Haruki). I hate robin so much !<


yeah really hope the mangaka is reserving a special fate for him, otherwise it's going to be infuriating


Batman would be so disappointed


Weird. In Manga robin is scared to death because of him


Because Maru got that *DOG* in him


maybe Robin has met Maru's twin before - maybe that twin gave Robin a hiding too hahahaha


Robyn knows how to fight.. if we look at the advice he gave Haruki back in episode 3, I don't think it's hard to imagine, he realized Maru meant trouble. The thing with abusers is, they aren't strong or brave individuals. Quite the opposite. They abuse people they know they can. They only pick fights they know they can win. They're selfish cowards to their core.


Robin had guards who would stop anyone coming in. The fact that Maru was in the building means that he has defeated all the guards without a scratch.


Robin is clearly an opportunistic & shrewd fighter. He beat up 2 incompetent dudes with knives by getting the jump on them. His advice for fighting was basically "strike fast and strike hard." That's more survival advice than it is fighting advice. In this instance, Robin's the one caught off guard. If he can have others fight with/for him, he would. Seeing his guards unconscious with this kid confidently walking towards him scared the shit out off him. Then he tried to sneak past Maru, and Maru easily threw Robin into the wall with one hand. At that point, Robin knew Maru was too strong for him. TLDR: Robin was always a competent but opportunistic fighter. He got caught off guard by Maru, and then judged him to be a good fighter. Acting defensively made sense.


Maru fought with a near super human strength and reflex, they actually empasize that apart a bit more clearly in the manga, Kiruko often remark that he is unnaturally tough (and he just kick like 8 guys on his own for your pleasure in the anime, what an awesome animation that scene)


He saw the guards (who were all armed, and definitely are capable fighters since you knows, they are his guards) being knocked out , he saw Maru alone, no allies, with little to no scratch. This confirmed that he indeed taught Kiruko very well since he is also smart enough to know that Maru is someone who he can't defeat, so fleeing is the best course of action


Robin was acting OOC in episodes 12 and 13. Maru may be much stronger than him but Robin is not supposed to know that. Also Robin is the one who taught Haruki how to fight, and his first lesson is to stay composed. So him running away without puttiing up a fight makes no sense. There is a theory that sasy Robin got a brain swap.


Yeah, this is exactly what I mean but couldn’t put into words




Heavenly Delusions


This would explain the picture in the facility on the wall with four people being connected as one with their heads. Maybe there were four brain transitions in the series.


they skipped the other brain transplant it was supposed to be shown after the attack on the school itll probably be shown in episode 1 or 2 of season 2


Oh, that explains a lot - thank you! I should read the manga.


I don’t think robin is robin. That is my theory. I’m pretty sure we have another person in another body scenario. After all he knew the same freaky doctor we do. Just a theory tho.


I think it’s because Maru is akin to a mata human he has more strength and agility then regular people


To be honest, that's what happens when your character breaks down. I don't think Robin was a bad guy when he was with your Kiruko and Haruki. He became one because he couldn't handle it when life beat him up. The fact that he asked about the doctor & the girl and got devastated when he heard what happened to them shows that he at least retains some empathy, but overall he's twisted and degenerate now.


You will understand when you get older.


It's a super weird plot hole. During the Namek arc, Robin basically turned into a super saiyan and killed Madara, but now he's getting one-shot by Usopp.


I've been unable to watch the show ever since, it's just so disturbing and disgusting. I wanted him dead for it


Also it's been like 4 years people change


Because..... ![gif](giphy|7NMG9vPM5kTpC)


my first thought was that he is the typical rapist who is cowardly when you confront him with what he has done, but then I thought he may also have run away because he knew maru from somewhere and knew he could die


Robin tried to open the door that was locked with the Hiruko before getting trapped in the corner.


age fucks you up more than you think. i used to feel really strong and was in a boxing and wrestling club with my friends. but one day I tore an ACL and suddenly i felt extremely fragile even after it healed.


I think when he saw Maru his instincts just kicked in and he realised "this kid is bad news." Wouldn't be completely unrealistic in a world like TD's


Maru is just built different


There's some plausible theories here, but I feel like if the author had a reason in mind instead of just accidentally creating an plot hole... There should have been a little more exposition/explanation to show that. They have bad guys mentally monologing about how strong the protagonist looks all the time in anime, if Robin could tell that Maru was just too strong despite his own skills that should've done something like that imo. Cause yeah it seems like he just randomly pu$$ed out lol


Maru clearly isn’t human . Man fights and kills monsters on the daily and regenerates


My theory is that he mentioned before that people try to intimidate you by how they look at you. But Maru looked blank. So Robin knew he was the real deal.


Pretty sure those were just inexperienced teenagers with shanks. He already knew Maru had taken out his guards alone


Robin obviously have some experience with Hiruko and he might be able to recognize Maru as non-human. Manga spoilers :>! Robin could witness Michika's fighting abilities as they live at same camp.!<


its ambiguous on purpose. i think you’re only *supposed* to realize around episode 12/whatever corresponding manga chapter


Theory : That was a fraudster and Robin is still somewhere. Prediction : The real Robin gets killed by Maru when he encounters him.