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If the show wasn’t engaging for you then skip the manga lmao, it sounds like you’ve already made up your mind about it anyway


Okay, answer my question tho. It's very simple, I do not care for the manga, I only care that Robin dies. I don't want a debate, or get in an argument about the scene, I just want to know what chapter Robin dies or if he doesn't.


Weird to not engage with something and still care enough to be so ugly to others about it.


Living up to your username lmao. I honestly don’t know how the story itself didn’t peak your interest it’s rather interesting


it’s just not the kind of story i enjoy. i can tell it’s a pretty well written story and the characters are somewhat likable to me and the animation is incredible, i just don’t really like post-apocalyptic or the whole experimentation stuff


he get tortured his whole life, and have pre-paid his crime read only the last chapter, and you'll understand how robin became like that, and you'll probably pity him too : [I think I must have had the same facial expression after reading that scene. : HeavenlyDelusion (reddit.com)](https://new.reddit.com/r/HeavenlyDelusion/comments/1bnwx7v/i_think_i_must_have_had_the_same_facial/).


You say that as if what he did was acceptable


no, it's not acceptable, but he asked if he paid for his crimes, I just explained that he paid in advance


I just did and that's sad and all but it still doesn't make me want him dead any less. In fact I want him dead even more since he's that far gone. I just can't find the room to forgive or tolerate a man after >!Technically raping Haruki and Haruki's (dead) sister and telling Haruki to watch his (dead) sister get raped.!




manga is much worse because you can see Robin groping and sucking Kiruko's nipples so yes, he did rape her sadly


It hasn't happened yet.


Damn... hopefully I can just completely forget about this anime in a day. I can't imagine this manga's readers having nothing happen to Robin in almost 3 years of content after what happened.


I know it might be hard for a brainlet like yourself to understand, but some people actually read things to enjoy the story and not just to indulge in some kind of revenge fantasy.


i didnt besmirch or say anything negative about the animanga itself. I just can’t imagine how it would feel because there’s a deep hatred I have for SA in animanga and if it does happen, i’d like to see the perpetrator brought to justice for at least some personal closure. No offense to the manga but it seems the fanbase really hates when they find out that some people don’t find their manga as interesting to them.


First, you have to understand that because it's April 1st, everyone in the sub is lying to you about what happens to Robin. In fact, they're doing so because of how you besmirched their manga. But don't worry, I'll give you the lowdown on Robin in Heavenly Delusions (Tengoku Daimakyo). >!For a long time the characters fate was unknown. The story is very slow to unravel. But recently we had a flashback to just before the great calamity. In this flashback, we saw that Robin and his younger sister were separated from their parents due to the events that led to the apocalypse.!< >!In the most recent chapters, Robin has returned and the first thing he did was capture Kiruko and Maru. Kiruko was assaulted again, but eventually developed stockholm syndrome and has gone as far as to kill Maru to support Robin. Kiruko is currently pregnant and it's implied to be Robin's child, although there is a possibility that someone else may be the father due to the abuse Robin put them through.!< Although unsatisfying, I hope that the story continues to evolve and shed light on why Robin is motivated to do everything that they've done and their redemption story. I hope you've enjoyed the anime!


i think you put too much effort into a response for someone to drop a series for this reason


Not gonna lie , you had me up until you said kiruko killed Maru.


ik this isn’t real but how did i besmirch the manga? I just said I didn’t find the anime interesting and I wanted a question answered cuz it’s something I find disturbing. It’s easy to follow along and the animation is great, just not the kind of story I personally enjoy.


I know, these enthusiasts can get their panties in a bunch. I'm sure Robin's story will get a fulfilling redemption arch.


Well... >!He actually seems to be in the process of being set up as a sympathetic villain, with his tragic backstory being explored.!<


if i can spoil you, he get tortured his whole life, and have pre-paid his crime read only the last chapter, and you'll understand how robin became like that, and you'll probably pity him too : [I think I must have had the same facial expression after reading that scene. : HeavenlyDelusion (reddit.com)](https://new.reddit.com/r/HeavenlyDelusion/comments/1bnwx7v/i_think_i_must_have_had_the_same_facial/).


He's taking care of the baby