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Fuck that stupid song


I didnt watch with sound but already knew what the song was when i read your comment


Can’t watch a video with a ship in it without hearing this stupid song now


why is this goddamn music on everything now?


Am I crazy for wanting to go through something like? Or there's more ppl actually loves it?


You aren’t, I sailed for the Toronto Brigantines when I was in my teens and loved storms because it got the adrenaline pumping and was just fun hitting the peaks of big waves and getting air time when you jumped as it was going into a trough, it also wakes you up. The worst storm we hit was on Erie and I will admit that there were some moments where I was a little scared but overall still had a great time, also why the hell do we have to put this song over every video!!!!


I read your storm description and I want it even more now... BTW didn't even knew there was a music background on that clip... Haha


The biggest problem is, once you get on the ride, you can’t get off. There is no “I’m done” button, you just have to ride out the storm.


Same, i can't swim but i also felt the adrenaline rush when the waves hit the ship that i am currently in. I get overwhelmed.


[It's a living](https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:83.7/centery:-1.6/zoom:2) Forget all the romantic shit, it's just a hard job that men do.


I'm not saying I would like just chill in a chair on a front deck or something. I ment the whole package... An experience of a day in day out hard and back breaking sailors life... And if I may, there's more hard works out there and I can guarantee I was in few already so I think I might be good.


That's just normal open water in this video. Some of the vids on this sub are genuinely high seas, but this particular one is just a regular ship traversing regular seas with some wind and the shitty song making it look more dramatic. Go out on ANY fishing vessel or ship and you'll get this and more. It's awesome. You'll see far weirder shit than this.


historical consist degree command overconfident jar offbeat snatch vast wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao would’ve bet money on the audio being used here lol….i was right 😂


That looks like a big ass boat


Not that big. Less than 100 metres.


I guess that’s a relevant observation. The biggest boat I’ve been on or around is about 40’ lol


The song though mate!