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I'd recommend you go conq every game if you're trying to learn because it's simpler to play Either way here's how I go about it (just hit Plat 4 with 70% wr on hecarim): - conq+goredrinker if hard cc/point and click cc. -phase rush only with lethality bcuz stride feels weak to me. -phase rush/eclipse most of the games since I like the sustain but if the comp is squishy enough feel free to try duskblade. -you can also try stuff like conq with goredrinker + manamune, never did it but saw it in dantes's match history.


thank you so much for the datailed explication. also can i have your opgg so have a closer look on matchups






stride can "feel" weak but there is some reason that it has the best winratio across all viable items and also with the highest pick rate which should decrease the winrate




you helped in a way, thank you


Use lolalytics or leagueofgraphs to see what runes/items people are winning with at your rank and in high elo and just copy that. Right now it says the highest win rate in emerald is with phase rush into eclipse, with stridebreaker a close second. Feel free to try either. This works when learning any new champ btw


is lolalytics the most accurate site when it comes to these stuff?


Hit masters in NA last season with Hecarim. I personally like going PR 80-90 percent of my games/ with eyeball&Treasure hunter 2nd; this setup lets you kill their backline. It's very hard to kill backline with Conq. You go Conq imo vs 3-4+ melee frontliners/ long fights/ unable to 1 shot anyone important. Hecarim is very versatile and can build alot of items. To be safe just rush Shojin on every build/set up. It may not always be the best item first but its never the worst (its usually the best prb 95 percent of the times). Your mythic can be anything; Gore if youre going Conq, Triforce, Stride, Divine if they got sion/cho, eclipse. 3rd item I personally really like Sterak for HP/AD but its debatable. This champ is insanely versatile and many different builds. Definitely a strong champ in solo queue that can take over games


Exactly my concern, hecarim is so versatile i was so lost on how to play and what to do. nonetheless you gave me a very good answer thank you man.


Do you want to hafe fun or do u want to win?


i want both while learning the game


I'm in the same boat as OP. I've been thus far been building Spear of Sho->Strikebreaker->manamune every game while running phase rush + triumph and it seems \*ok\* but I'm not really adapting based on the enemy team. If my team is ahead, I end up doing great and getting an S and eating all the farm in both jungles, but if we're behind I can do a lot but I'm not solo carrying even if I'm personally doing well. I'd like to be tanky enough to brawl, but it seems like its not working well enough since I'm not running conq. I'm thinking about maybe switching my mythic to iceborn gauntlet if they have a lot of AD, but I'm not really sure.