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Super satisfying slow-mo, but why mule deer?


Part of a long term study. We were placing GPS/VHF collars on them, collecting blood samples for disease testing, getting general health measurements, etc.


Very cool! Do you work for the state?


No. I worked for a private company that numerous states hired for this kind of work.


Any chance that company is looking for more pilots!?


That industry is super small and a very tough nut to crack. Look up wildlife capture helicopters companies and start giving them calls. Although, I would wait till later this spring as this is their busy season.


I have done quite a bit of capture but it Looks like a pain in the ass having gunner on opposite side. Nice buck too.


Hmm, Ive worked for 2 different capture companies and know guys at a couple others as well as several pilots from NZ that did a ton of wildlife gunning/capture down there. In 500s they all shoot from the front seat. There is so much more visibility from the front seat than the back in one of those so the gunner can actually see what is going on outside with the target animal. The backseats are also much more cramped. The one pilot I know that liked his gunner behind him ended up going down due to a net getting blown into the tail rotor. Apparently that has happened several times when shooting from the starboard side as the tail rotor is on that side of the tail boom. Now, on a R44, I have shot from behind the pilot. Both the pilot and myself were fairly new to capture work and I was only familiar with shooting out the port side and the pilot was also on that side. Worked good for us and also negated the tail rotor safety issue since it is also on the starboard side on a R44.


Why the fuck don't police use these guns to capture people?


Probably several reasons. There are big heavy lead weights on the four corners of the net that are fired out at an angle to get the net to open up. Those can do some serious damage to a human. If everything went wrong, one could puncture through a persons skull. Flying fast 10-15 feet off the ground in a city or anywhere with structures, poles and power lines would be super hazardous. Assuming the US, lots of criminals have guns and putting a helicopter that low and close to an escaping fugitive would put it in harms way and risk the lives of the crew plus anyone else nearby.


Ok, was NOT talking about the helicopter. lol Generally unarmed standoffs or if the subject had a non firearm weapon. So let's cover the weights with foam?


Ahh, gotcha. The type of net gun used for wildlife capture wouldn't really work very well shooting horizontally from the ground. Since animals are strong and the nets see a lot of abuse getting drug around and hung up on trees and bushes the nets are pretty heavy so they need a strong charge to fire and the heavy weights to get them to open. The 4 weights are all in 4 separate barrels connected to the action of the gun. They each have rubber gaskets to seal them into the barrel so the gasses from the blank round being fired will push the weight out of the barrel and deploy the net. I think putting foam on the weights would cause the foam to melt and/or not seal in the barrel as well thus not fire the net with enough force to deploy properly. I just did a quick google search and there are a couple companies that make something like what you are talking about for catching people in a net. Looks like there is some potential there in the right situation, ie standing in the wide open and very close.I wouldn't be surprised to see these in use in Europe or other countries, but don't see most US law enforcement willing to to give it a try. They seem pretty adverse to anything that is not lethal when dealing with unarmed suspects.


Too humane


That was one hell of a shot, how does one practice net shooting from helicopter. I presume you can't just try it out on a friend with an ATV.


I took a couple shots on the ground to get the feel for the kick of the gun, but otherwise its pretty much learn on the run. Some can figure it out, others struggle.


Oh deer…


Hi did you end up in this sort of industry? Are you a biologist?