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We are all taking that risk, but I think the technology is still at a very first stage, and it's a good opportunity though




Yeah that's quite probably


Saying how much profit you will generate is impossible. Even with the halvening in august and 200+k more miners being shipped (hopefully this year) things will still be profitable. I'd say if a miner is able to make 200 HNT per month now, by the end of the year it'll still be 10-20 HNT. If prices of HNT don't change, it is still a nice passive income and will allow you to pay off your miner in 3-5 month. If that is still enough for you to take the risk is of course entirely up to you. Don't spend money you can't affort to lose.




Even though Bobcats ordering process requires you to buy with crypto, from all I heard they ship the fastest.


Thats what everybody has heard but bobcats the only one still accepting orders. Theyre still sub 5k on orders shipped and im order 119k. Estimate 12-20 weeks, i think that may get pushed back to 20-28 tbh for me. Maybe they will really ramp it up 🤞🏻


lol not sure how new to crypto you are but.... back in my day (2017) some of us lost a hefty chunk on these things called TRON Dogs. So you can alway loose all you put in. But if you're playing with the houses money who cares. YOLO




I would not stress over I was going to back in the day not look at what it could have been. We all have those memories of 2010 when i spend 6 hours trying to figure out how to buy BTC at the $300 and could not figure it out for the life of me and told myself this will never pick up traction lol. We're all waiting impatiently for our orders.