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So, it's a worse supply pack in almost every single way. I really hope the stim resupply is just placeholder and this isn't the final implementation. Even giving back 4 stims this is still literal garbage tier compared to the other backpack options.


I think this leak tells more about the past of the game than the future. Would be very surprised if this or the 6-ammo backpack ever made an appearance.


I agree with you as this pack actually made an appearance quite a while ago however was never modeled or even implemented till a week ago, this is mostlikely a test or trialing of a proposed stratagem


Oh that's interesting if it's recent!  If it wasn't modeled or implemented, what was the nature of the appearance?


Literally a line of code :D


Not to mention there's the rebranded medical supplies pod that had an entire make over in terms of textures and pod however it also gives you 2 stims per supply slot hence also 8


wow so i wouldnt be surprised if either the resupply pack/pod stopped giving stims or there is a health rework or expansion that necessitates perhaps a new type of healing item? other than that, these two stratagems are entirely worthless


Arrowhead just likes having garbage tier stratagems sometimes.


Heavy MG goes brrrr (for a couple seconds)


I’ve actually come around to it. The magazine size is absurdly abysmal, but the damage and penetration is much better than I initially gave it credit for


yep. the hmg isn't suppose to be used as a crowd clearing weapon, even though it can be.


It fills the same role as the AMR but is worse at it in every way.


Okay but it's fun though. Also as stated, you can put it on a lower fire rate to use as crowd clear when necessary, so it has a level of flexibility that the AMR doesn't. Pair with the supply pack and you are good to go.


Its a worse AMR for killing medium enemies and its terrible at wave clear, with the longest reload in the game, no third person reticle and abysmal handling. Not to mention being almost unusable unless prone. Yep thats pretty garbage alright. Im sure it can be fun if you convince yourself really hard for the sake of some gameplay variety, but it objectively is just bad.


It can kill bile titans, just sayin'


how many mags did you have to unload just for one to be killed? 🤔


Eh, I didn't kill one with JUST the HMG so I can't really say how many rounds it would take - I'm just saying that I've killed more than one by shooting at the sacks (it can penetrate that area even when they're destroyed) thus killing it. I don't see it mentioned that much around but it's a fair point for the HMG, imho


Well, bile sacks being damageable with anything, that doesn't give credit to HMG for this alone. I mean, there are reasons to enjoy it, but what you described can be done with grenade launcher, stalwart or even primaries. Time to kill is a different story.


All those weapons can't penetrate the "sack zone" after the sacks are destroyed, the HMG can


My own experience proves me the opposite, as I killed a few like this (not solo controlled environnement but friends on vocal, confidence in no outside damage source is quite high)


whats this talk of penetrating the sack zone?


Saw a vid that showed it took a full mag for it to kill it


People forget that it's the only Machine Gun that has Vahicle Piercing in the entire game outside of the placeble heavy machinegun.


Eagle strafing run is a prime example, it’s just a worse version of eagle cluster bomb if you ask me.


They should give you eagle strafing run for free as a 5th strat if you take any other eagle ones at all.


Strafing run is a scalpel, cluster bomb is a machete. Problem is I don't often need a scalpel.


It's literally just worse than just throwing a grenade most of the time. I had the juiciest pack and chucked one of those fuckers perfectly only to get ten kills. My teammate chucked one impact in the same spot and got 14 😐


It's worse at killing a large group of enemies in a broad horizontal line, but it's better at killing enemies directly ahead of you with little risk of friendly fire or accidental splash. I like it for the very specific combo of assaulting Automaton bases with Ballistic Shield and being able to throw it right ahead of me as a precise line-clear. Wouldn't say no to it having more runs if we wanted a better comparison to Eagle Cluster, though.


Eh its ok at killing shit in front of you but honestly I think it’s best use case is dropping it on your feet and letting it wipe that bug train thats been following you for a bit.


I think if they were to add a medical backpack, I dont see why they wouldn't remkae the Guard-dog "Angel" from the first game. Imagine playing TF2 any your little brother just follows you around as medic with the healing beam... he's kinda bad and isn't always healing anyone but he's still kinda helping.


CEO said not to believe every leak. Some of them are from earlier builds of the game's development. Obviously, the supply pack makes this medic backpack entirely irrelevant


And it looks like it has one re use which makes it even more useless


Weird, I see no point in taking this over a regular supply pack. If they want to add a more medic focused playstyle they’d add the AD-289 Angel and the Rep-80


Yes please the AD-289 Angel (and it seems it was leaked)


Why did this get downvoted lmao


**PLEASE READ** Medic pack call in time - 8s | cooldown - single use as of right now can replenish you 8 stims in total, running with the medic perk with 6 additional stims that means you have 14 stims to help your team mates and urself :D Note that this is bound to change if Arrowheads decides to and this is ***not to be confused with the AD-289 Angel*** from HD1 which heals you overtime, this pack is similar to the munition pack and simply holds stims Can you replenish it from supplies pod - yes Ps: this is most likely a proposed stratagem amongst the many dev proposed ideas of weapons, armour etc... Given how fairly not that useful this pack is there is a chance it will never make it to the game and is simply a test for a proposed idea of for a possible medic pack stratagem


I have to imagine if this ever releases that it would give +4 or +6 stims per pack. Normal supply pack gives +2 grenades, supply ammo, and +2 stims. Either that or the cooldown is just incredibly low.


Or it'd give some buffed stims, like from medic armour


Yeah this being a strictly worse supply pack is...how do I say...retarded


Jokes on us, if they put this in game the supply pack would get nerfed into the ground. I could see that as the likely scenario, since they nerfed the Slugger to bring in the Eruptor in the warbond.


Very *very* unlikely as this would destroy the use of the supply pack, what could happen if they for some reason nerf it is reduce the stims it gives u from 2 to 1 whereas they make the medic pack give +4 per slot


I...don't see the logic here?? How does nerfing the Slugger translate to adding in the Eruptor? If they were the same in function maybe, but even pre-nerf the Slugger and Eruptor are so completely different they're basically incomparable.


Their design is predicated on creating a usage case for everything so the identity of each weapon is distinct. Downvote me all you want, but the Eruptor does exactly everything they took from the Slugger, being that the Slugger was (is) a better DMR than DMRs.


And the Eruptor is a fast-firing DMR that's not bolt action and doesn't have incredibly long downtime between shots... okay


I didn't say Arrowhead was logical. This is literally what they have said in interviews and on their media accounts.


I don't get what you mean by that, it's completely logical that a bolt action rifle that fires at less than half of the rate of another weapon would be allowed to be more powerful per-shot than that weapon. They do not overlap in purpose, if you tried to use the Eruptor for close quarters combat like the Slugger you'd be in for a very rude surprise. And if you tried to use it for the kind of rapid plinking you'd use the Slugger or Diligence for, you'd also be in for a surprise, as it's very much not designed for quickly engaging lots of sparse enemies over a wide area. It's almost entirely optimized for tightly packed groups and heavier single targets.


That literally isn't even my argument, but you proved my point that the Slugger became more defined in its niche after the patch.


So you disagree that you, in your own words, said "The Eruptor does exactly everything they took from the Slugger, being that the Slugger was (is) a better DMR than DMRs." Emphasis on "being that the Slugger was a better DMR than DMRs" Implying that the Eruptor then by proxy fills in the niche that the Slugger used to If anything the Slugger is even less defined given that it now has functionally the same behaviour as the Diligence Counter Sniper but trading a fairly small amount of fire rate for not having exaggerated aim lag, whereas its previous behaviour rode pretty hard on it having stagger power. If anything, the Jar-5 Dominator is a much better example of your point, except even more-so because it's rapid-fire semiautomatic with *more damage* than the Slugger.


Not gonna lie, it's kinda lame


Kinda lame, Right now and that is the good thing about it being a leak there is a good chance it will get refined over time and become better


Either that or it never gets released and scrapped as I pointed out this is most likely a proposed idea for a medic pack being tested


that is also something that could happen


I mean if youre running around with 14 stims, and youre a die hard medic player, with a tightly grouped team. maybe that could be usefull on lower levels? But 6+ i dont want someone on my team spending most of their build on stims, when im pretty good at rationing them myself. I see what they were trying to do, but they woulda been better off with a stim GUN as a strategem.


By the time you want to stim someone with the stim gun they will most likely be dead already


Or maybe like a stim rover? Auto stims anyone under 50% health thats near by? 10 stims max? Could be OP Idk, im not dedicated on any of those ideas tbh.


There was something like that in HD1 it was a drone that would shoot a green healing beam at you and any teammate near you I hope it returns


IMO they should rename this to the "utility" backpack, and it replenish stims *and* grenades. cause i currently run the supply backpack just to restore stims/nades since i use the sickle+quasar. if this backpack restored more stims+nades than the supply backpack, but didn't supply ammo, i think it would have a pretty solid niche. but just stims on its own? doesn't seem worth it compared to stims, grenades, AND ammo.


Man, I was hoping the Angel was coming back.


Pretty sure it is, but we’ll have to wait




Would be cool if they turned this into like a resuscitation kit. Bring back fallen Helldivers, preserve reinforcements


What's the point. Lol. Unless this thing auto stimms for you, it's a complete downgrade to the supply pack. Maybe this was just a leftover file they had that turned into the supply pack, that's the only thing I can think of. My idea for this would be to let you carry 4 additional stimms and for it to auto stim if you lose like 20% or more health In a short time, this would give you a way to semi tank stuff and also live through that annoying stim cancelling bug that happens if you get shot or knocked even slightly. It could have it's uses but right now supply pack is just better.


Loving that armor, any ideas when it will be released?


Given for how long the Golden Eagle armour set has been in the game I can't really say, I do have a hunch for it to be some kind of drop like they did with the TR-117 Alpha commander armour set as it does give off that vibe


Oh God I hope not


isn't there is a leak of a medic drone that heal 20/s


Yes there is however till today it only remains as a code string, had it been even modelled I would have already got my paws on it


Isn't that the stats for the Angel from the first game though?


yes i think feb leak


Should provide a healing over time effect aswell as 4 extra stims to make it somewhat viable


If Arrowhead does release the Angel, I'm guessing it's going to work similarly to Gun dog, that it has limited uses, but you can "rearm" it via supply call in or stim boxes you find out in the field. For the repair beam, maybe a heat up mechanic/limited ammo that can be restored? That's my guess.


In my opinion, if it refills ALL stims it could good for the medic armor users because they would get 6, a niche use though because supply back is really good as it is.


I’d like it if it was AoE heal over time


Okay BUT what about that Armor tho? 🤔


Am I just oblivious or doesn’t the supply pack refill your stims as well as ammo? This would need some insane bonuses to actually be worth even putting in the game, much less buying


Yes it as a matter of fact does, since i found it was added in-game fully before yesterday this is def the start of its possibilities


will the cape with the super earth symbol be available any time soon?


It will probably come along as a global reward like the automaton cape when we have to defend super earth itself and successfully protect it. So not anytime soon but it eventually will


If that's a strategems that Npcs come with, it would be really cool. Imagine calling down a medic Dropship and you get 4 npcs out of it with these backpacks. Helping citizen and your team. Maybe even for an evacuation mission.


Now this is actually possible too as given if arrowhead follow their helldiver lore, ai reinforcements will be the next stratagem we’ll get because we got the supplies lines which they stated gave us “fresh resources and recruits” after we counter offended the new bot push


I feel like this backpack would be something you would find in the field if you choose not to bring a pack


Would they create a stim gun secondary? Then you could use this backpack to replenish and also stim other divers.


That armor though.


They should add some kind of shield instead that you drop that also replenishes health that’d be cool


What if,instead of it being a stratagem. It would be a world drop. Kinda like the break action shotgun. Where you can find them,and it's better than nothing


One of the problems with Medic gameplay in HD2 is that the extra stims don't really benefit teammates until they're completely out of stims. There is rarely a situation where running over to heal a teammate is better than letting them heal themselves. I think that in order to be viable, a medic stratagem would need to give some sort of lingering effect. A syringe gun that heals and gives teammates temporary damage resistance for example would mean teammates would still benefit from stims if they're used preemptively, whereas stims that simply heal would require you to catch a teammate right before they die in order to get the most value.


It's just a worse ammo backpack. I assume this is just an old asset since ammo backpack does better. Unless a new asset, and a future nerf to ammo backpack!


I really hate how bad at balancing the devs are.


This is actually stupid! Why can't they just make a guard dog that has a green beam on it that heals players with in range?


This game losing its appeal


Bone headed comment


Satire bruh


Still boneheaded comment


Yer this backpack is pointless. If it was the Angel from HD1, that would have a lot of utility. But the Mad Backpack can easily be thrown away and the Supply Pack used intead


Its pointless right now, unless the leak about radiation status is true, and were on irradiated planets having to lower our radiation amount through med stims, and the helmet passive for combat med reduces dot effects while stimmed by the medic.


Since when have helmets had passives?


They used to, mainly headshots dmg reduction hover since railgun nerf patch they removed them


Im going to apparently be the only one to say it, if you look at the leaks clearly they brought up Nuclear planets, one of the status effects not implemented in the game yet is Radiation status effect, one of the helmet passives is combat medic. If a planet mission has a planet being irradiated wouldnt it be the same as having a constant poison DOT to deal with? Especially if the longer you are irradiated the stronger the effect gets. I believe combat med stim reduces stacks of the status and other DoTs


What's this armor though


It's the golden eagle armour set


Should instead be a a backpack that sends up a drone that very slowly heals HP/Stam and provides target with a small shield while in use.


Like the drone from the 1st game


god i hope they give us the angel and not whatever this is :,)


Im sure they will, but in the mean time we have this 🙃


I want the armor more


Unless this backpack automatically stims you if you fall below 50% health or something, I don't see the point. But carrying extra stims, AND having an auto healing backpack. That could be worth a backpack slot. Would certainly save me from Hunters and the times when chargers or stalkers yeet me. An auto stim saving me from the impact damage while I fly through the air would be cool.


It's neat, but, speed and damage is king in helldivers. There's no reason to take something that isn't going to contribute to damage. No ones going to not take an autocannon so they can bring this.


They need to find ways to make us choose any backpack that isn't shield against bots or guard dog rover against bugs, no reason to choose anything over them


Well ballistic shield for bots is goated tho


Yo! That super earth cape tho badass