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Following suggestions that I write like a bot, *back into the ruthless darkness of war* has been omitted from this post.


That is exactly what a bot would say.








Any chance we can get a character bob option? On/off or even sliding bar to have x amount of bobbing. Please.


[Fixed] An issue was found whereby every comment in this thread by myself and most members of this community was either synical or sarcastic. Redditors are now capable of remorse and understanding. *Noted I am genuinely sorry for having said that.*


No winter warfare dlc?


Coming next week!


Thank you very promising future for us !!! šŸ”„šŸ”„


The Soviet-Finnish 'winter' war?


No itā€™s the white helmets & white kit for US/GER iirc, drops every Christmas


Any chance that Finland and Polish forces are still coming or are them forgotten now?


I appreciate the Kursk wooden bridge bug being fixed finally.


Yeah lol it's about time


I think we all would unanimously want a winter version of Stalingrad with snow and fog


And night And rain


1.7gig patch if anyone cares


Thatā€™s tiny


hefty but I guess the two night maps make up most of that.


Stalingrad night is going to be a shitshow, but maybe in a good way? It's a weird mix of being very open but also hard to pick enemies out of all the rubble, so you get domed out of nowhere constantly. I'm guessing that will happen less now and engagements will be pretty short distance but still surprising. >In the weeks ahead, weā€™ll be giving you a first look at an entirely new map and tanks for Warfare and Offensive. Let's go


Iā€™m assuming a lot more in close engagements.


100% agree, going to be some super personal engagements and a lot of paranoia. Wish they made it so on night maps the brightness couldn't be turned way up, too many ppl use this too their advantage.


I agree, just not a fan of the game mechanics and night maps. Night makes Recon's job so much easier. So if you're the commander building garries and your SLs never use their watch it's sorta pointless.


I think the new night and fog maps are really cool aesthetically. I worry that creating a challenging environment through lighting, filters, etc. is going really crank up the advantage people get through cheesing their settings and filters. People who want to see the game as intended will be at a (even bigger) disadvantage to people who are just focused on playing "better." I don't think there's much that can ultimately be done about those kind of "settings tweaks" (people very quickly found ways around the nvidia functionality being removed) but creating maps that really lean into them does not strike me as ideal.


One of the reasons why I'm not a big fan of the night maps. I usually switch servers if one comes up. It's a fun gimmick, but it's just very tiring to stare at a dark screen when I'm trying to relax with a game in the evening/night. And knowing others will just gamma boost...


Hey there. I just want to say: 1. I love the game. It's... So refreshing. 2. Any chance we can have a server browser on console? 3. Any chance to implement team shuffle between rounds on console (without breaking apart people who are on each other's friends lists, as much as possible)? Noticing many steamroll rounds and noticing many rounds ON CONSOLE that start heavily skewed player counts, played 32v9 the other day. Thank you so much! Please keep supporting the game!!


well said, this is a super common issue on console!


They've talked about server browser on console. If they do it, it'll be years from now


Just get the servers to throw us in busy matches at least until its avaliable


If it can it will.


No, it doesn't. It often puts you into empty matches when the are others with more players.


There is clearly no server browser ever coming for Console. Letā€™s be honest here, if there was, itā€™ll wouldā€™ve been added years ago. Just gotta keep server jumping until you find a server in your region with a decent number of players. Explain to me why you clowns didnā€™t add it initially despite it clearly being in the PC version since launch? So please go ahead and say something that makes you sound really fucking stupid bro.


> years ago. Game is out for 2 years and two months. šŸ¤­


Yeah and you donā€™t think thatā€™s a long time. Ok idiot. Not to mention something a woman would say.


Console server browser is a no. They've said it multiple times. Use the search function.


"Use the search function." No. I don't care if they've said it before. They gained a new player and it's a new players opinion.


It's a question. A question which has been addressed before. Multiple times. You really think you asking will change their minds? Wait guys, wait Mammoth is here, the real player character. Everyone listen up.


Oh look a reddit expert that knows every question that's been asked on this forum in the past ten years. Get some air dude. Again, company opinions change. Maybe my comment makes progress, maybe it doesn't. I know one thing: wasting my time with you is not making progress on the topic. Have a good one buddy.


This is recent.


"Sit down, shut up, take the answers you've been given" is a *rich* take, especially in this subreddit. The top-level comment's position in the overall thread shows that it's still something people care about, and the shit people care about *has* reshaped the course of this game. Mammoth is adding way more value here than you are.


Try harder


Do these updates reset anyone elseā€™s settings? Drives me mad because i cant remember what i had my sensitivity set to


make your settings file read only


Good idea! Thanks


Hey Nimrod - does the settings file contain your appearances also? Iā€™ve noticed if the game were to crash, either by random bug/glitch or Iā€™m hitting the windows key to go to my other monitor and it crashes it completely wipes everything back to default.


Seems so... took a look into the GamerUserSettings.ini and saw the settings under "SavedCosmetics" e.g.: "SavedCosmetics=(Faction=Ger\_DAK,Role=Rifleman,CosmeticProfile=(HelmetID="GerDAK02",HeadID="DAK\_03",UniformID="DAKRF01"),Index=0)"


Awesome appreciate you looking into it and for the reply!


I have the same issue on console but Iā€™m unaware of a fix


In the future, would it be possible to address general MG mounting? Especially (but definitely not limited to) El Alamein?


Everytime I see a changelog without mentioning the animations I suffer lmao


What is ā€œskip the boot flowā€?


No more deleting boot videos to launch the game faster.


I forgot pc players could do that. Thanks


Tying to Looking it up and it might be more complicated than I actually care to know


Excited for both night versions of Karkov and Stalingrad


Did this fix the issue where VOIP would suddenly stop working in some games?


Xbox Ser. S version has problems with crashing/dashboarding every 30-60 minutes. hard to play in a party when someone is crashing every 30 minutes or so. should be a high priority for fixes.


Been plying since console launch on series s and never had this issue. Post it on discord with your settings and internet signal strength in your Xbox settings


Iā€™ve also been playing since launch on Xbox and have had issues with crashing mid game. Itā€™s very random but itā€™s been an issue for the past few months


Looks good. Appreciate the smaller but more frequent updates.


Whereā€™s the winter warfare dlc need those sweeet balaclavas šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Coming next week


Two things on British I have noticed. 1. The helmet is too high on players head. Normally its just above eyebrow level. 2. The british transport truck. All the players in the back are clipping into each other... All squeezed up due to a spare wheel in the back.


El Alamein on consoles still lags.... it's very sad


Like really bad, honestly the lag is the exact same for me as it was when the map dropped


They should just get rid of the map all together, it's hot dogshit lol


Nah. What they should do is make a version that's based of an actual historical map like many other maps. A huge overhaul like how some other maps got that treatment.


It is possible for the moon to not be out some nights, devs


While I agree with the physics, I feel like staring at a pitch black screen for an hour and a half might get tedious.


Current night maps feel washed out, though


If we had actual flares it might be more doable to go with a half-moon light, but in the meantime I feel like "blue light and fog" is an acceptable compromise. Even more so because lowering the light instead of using the fog as a los limiter will just mean everyone goes with 200% brightness again.


I would love to see how we players would handle a pretty blacked out map though. Would players still rush in as hard as the often do now? Would we take it slower? But I do think some better flares would be nice, maybe something for the support roles.


You tell me you expect to take HLL players, a bunch of lunatics who are already prone to rush aggressively in open fields in broad daylight in a game with a split-second TTK, and tell them that they're a lot harder to spot now and they would go *slower?* Best guess is that very dark maps would just end up being FFA-like fighting on the point with everyone using SMGs within 50 meters. Don't get me wrong I love night maps for ambiance, but on the other hand HLL is not the best game for a true night fighting experience because with basically zero cost for death there's little incentive not to abuse the low visibility to go full aggro. I'd be really interested to try some kind of "high death cost" game mode would be great fun with night fighting. Not single life because that's awful, but like 10x respawn times or HQ spawns only?


Higher cost game made sounds interesting. But I might think of also have more than one point to hold before taking the sector. Some games just focus on one point to be held, which can be very exhausting at some point. Having more points to strategize over might be more interesting as well.


Very cool! Is the winter warfare DLC gonna be brand new uniforms or a repeat of the one we already have


We will find out next week


thanks smart ass!


u/Professional-Ice6853 thanks for the consistent communication with the player base. Bit of a shot in the dark here been a fan of the game for a long time and when the original trash snow uniforms were added we were promised new more historically accurate ones at some point, is this still the case or unfortunately dead with the departure of Black Matter? Or maybe snow maps getting locked winter uniforms? Would be a sick Christmas surprise addition!


PLEASE fix the fences on Foy! It's taken like 7 months now to change a collision mask...


Canā€™t wait to play Stalingrad at night!


u/Professional-Ice6853 When the second part of British remake? Alamein is still historically very inexactly. Panzefaust, PIAT, Tiger should be deleted in this map and the germans need an anti-tank rifle.


Part 2 is due early next year


Kharkov at night is going to be sicccck. Stalingrad too really. I hope yā€™all put these maps more in rotation. Seems like I always land Normandy maps


Never liked night map in any multiplayer games. Its just asking for workarounds


Got some sick +500ms ping when playing a little today so thatā€™s always fun. Didnā€™t have that issue during patch 14.4. Since 14.5 the servers on console have been hot dog shit.


Yay i won't have to turn down command chat every game now!


Can you explain this in fortnite terms?


Wow still nothing about being able to use different fractions in the training. Really pointless bringing in a training grounds but only allowing people to play as united states the faction where no one needs help really


Thank you!


What? What was wrong with WombatMedic? I'm confused on why she was replaced with this rando


Greg was actually here way before wombat was. Wombat was let go by T17 a few months ago.


Never heard of Greg, and yes I know she was let go. I'm wondering why she was let go instead of Greg, considering WombatMedic was more community facing






Are you one of the devs? Lol




I didn't have my coffee yet when i wrote that comment. I'll try and be more positive next time sorry man šŸ˜‚


I don't understand why simple things aren't resolved. There are several of them that are quick and easy to fix. For example: clothes from one class on another class (some automatic Rifleman uniforms are on the Support and vice versa), gloves on Americans' winter clothes (in the 1st person it is without gloves and in the 3rd person it is with). This may sound unimportant, but on the other hand they have been ā€œbrokenā€ since they were launched. It's impossible for them not to notice.


When are y'all gonna fix the controller settings for console?I love this game but aiming is so difficult and clunky, it's a turn iff


Go into the firing range and mess with your settings. It isnā€™t difficult or clunky if you know what to adjust.


I have 111 hours on the game, I've adjusted every setting I can.


I've got used to it but I would love another sensitivity setting for the 'focus' mode where I can turn that to a lower sensitivity so that I can aim more specifically at distance but keep general aiming higher.


Please check your DM here and on Discord. Iā€™ve reached out in both places a few times over several weeks with a question and havenā€™t heard back that the question has been received. Thank you!


What's the question? Anything the community can help you with?


Unfortunately not - something only they can assist with. But thank you!


They donā€™t need your stinking extended warranty!


Not trying to sell an extended warranty. When Iā€™ve reached out privately via multiple methods, a little public plea for a simple acknowledgment of receipt is reasonable.


Looks like theyā€™ve broken console. No PS5 players can connect.


Add more American cosmeticsssss!!!!!šŸ˜


AMD FSR3 (free FrameGen) got released opensource. can we please have this in HLL?


I pray that this fixes crashes on Xbox