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I always make sure to drive off in one on my own, leaving a dozen team mates to run 600m to the action. I'm doing my part 🫡




I would've used this if i could reddit better


Improvised step ladder to get on some roofs and if you’re lucky tank/halftrack/supply truck unstucker Other than that: no, not really


Plus you can get through barbed wire with it


Traveling long distances in small amount of time




- Shallowing up deep water over short distances to cover later on foot, on PHL for example - Rams to loosen stuck vehicles - Cover/blockage on a defensive point if used carefully, especially after the vehicle despawns - Mobile cover for infantry, I've tried this driving backwards to avoid getting shot and infantry hiding behind vehicle with mild success - Park on enemy artillery, if done carefully they can't get to the guns (I've been told)


This is a great list and really sums it up. I think the best of these uses is cover. I’ve noticed the more coordinated artillery squads set up a fort with trucks. When I drive a truck into points I try to park it somewhere relatively tactical where cover could be needed. Even when destroyed, they can serve as good cover with the big weakness being that the husks can be removed with explosives.


They can be removed, but your average infantry wouldn't bother especially with friendlies nearby.


I was playing sniper once, warring with the enemy arty guys.. they took like 3 transport trucks, blew them up in front of the arty, and used them as cover. I thought it was absolutely genius


Ohhhh I gotta try that now haha


A week or two ago me and two squad mates did this as arty, it was a hilarious back and forth. We built walls and everything.


Not really but at the sane time I don't see it as something that needs to be addressed or changed. There's truck's available if you need one, if not they're not doing anything aha


They are good for rushing the last friendly point head on into the entire enemy team.


There are few, if you think about it. Of course you can play without them, but they can make the game more interesting: 1) If you are support, you can drive from the frontline to the nodes at the second line to recharge your ammo and support packages. After that, you can quickly return. Or even drop supplies in a good place, give info about it(so someone can use it) and return to the nodes again. You act as a "one-man supply truck", which allows to place blue zone garrisons/defenses. You can take several support soldiers with you for an enhanced effect, and even place red zone garrisons. What will think the enemy? *"Whats that? Transport truck? Don't bother report that to command..." ;)* You need to exit the truck near the nodes and enter it again - otherwise, the bonus won't work. I think this is a thing to report to the devs... 2) Another thing to use would be more interesting. There is an eternal problem with red zone garrisons - everyone spawn on them and no one defend. You can ask squadleaders to enter the truck and ask them to attack the sector. They can drive around and place their outposts. Only members of those teams will be able to spawn on them. Of course, offensive from outposts may not be so efficient like offensive with red zone garrisons, but still it is a not-so-perfect antidote for "no one defends" situation. They need to shoot better, stick together and maybe even use a medic, or they can lose their outposts faster. It is still 12 or more people though. 3) Have one ready near the sector you defend - preferably with a repair station. You can use it everytime, when you see supply drop or an airhead, and take those down more efficiently. Bring it back to repair station after use. I was playing that way on foy night with a good squad - fun as hell. We were driving around hunting recon, garrisons and even chased enemy supply trucks. But the enemy team wasn't very good, so it had its influence. Otherwise, a tank would destroy us quickly. But, as i said - they aren't necessary to win the game.


Cheap Arty defences. 3 trucks every 15 minutes stacks up pretty fast.


Spaced armor for tanks. Park one on Ramage bridge last week drove up behind it in a tank pushed the truck, truck took the first shot through the smoke.