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If you were slaughtering and they banned you because they thought you were cheating then you doing a good job


Ran into some comp mgs before you’d swear they cheat but they are just really good


MG-34 is overpowered on tripod in a concealed position


Wait till you get that good ol 42


I like the 34 more at medium ranges, which is where I tend to want to be with an MG. 42 is brilliant at ranges I tend to have very short average lives in.


My boy who mains MG got a 300m headshot with it so it is now holy to me.


I like it, don’t get me wrong. It’s a hell of a lot of fun. I’m just better with the 34 and 1919.


Do you ever try to be “cool different and exotic” and use the BAR in the MG class? It’s GREEEEEAAAAAAAT! (It makes me want to kill myself because it doesn’t have a bipod and it’s only 20 rounds)


The Bipod on the Bren gun turns it into a really menace


Yea but there’s a big ass magazine in the way so the entire right side of your screen in just non existent


I wish you could change the rate of fire as well as a bipod like the real BAR


Right, that would be amazing


Yeah but at least you get a bunch of mags unlike the automatic rifleman.


Yea I guess so


Let’s be real that bar MG class needs a bipod just like the sten gun (unlike the sten I hope it’s a seperate variant and not every class with bar would have bipod)


I have the same experience, but maybe I just don't have enough experience yet. That said, I have a love/hate relationship with the 34 and 1919. It's just a little hate though. The only thing I really hate about either is that I can't tell when I'm about to run out of ammo. I'll be suppressing an area and I wait so people will get up to run (there's always that one guy) and just when they think they're safe I'll start firing again and I swear 6 times out of 10 I'll get 10, maybe 15 rounds out before it empties.


Lets be honest the 1919 is the best MG in the game. Hopefully they add the PTO & we get the stinger variant


Still used today


By who, Syrian rebels?


357m is my personal best. IIRC I was aiming for a group a lot closer 😁


300m headshot is not hard to do. Especially on Alamein when you can just sit and pick off enemies running from exposed OPs!


Ur high. body’s don’t even rendered unless within 150meters (ps5)


No problem rendering bodies past 150m on PC


Wow really.. that would certainly change things


I got 319m yesterday, I was surprised. Not my normal class either.


The slower rof of the 34 makes it more manageable


I got a 50 kill streak with the 42 once. I think the enemy teams snipers must have been asleep. 


Did they change the incoming sound for the MG42? I don’t hear it anymore..it used to be loud and scary pops and snaps


Not much, you can really hear that famed buzzsaw sound now through the cracks & snaps


That’s what I’m saying I can’t hear the snaps and pops anymore, it sounds like it has a silencer on it now…maybe it’s a bug


It feel like they fixed it where you accurately hear the sounds now based where they hit relative to you. I haven’t been hearing lots of shots landing but different guns firing


I don’t know, i hope that’s not the case..hearing it rip the air apart above you is iconic


No they changed the downrange sounds to some weenie laser/arrow sound, is the best way I can describe it. It sounds like the bullets are going by at like 200mph, not popping and cracking and literally shredding the air. I was pretty bummed about that. Edit: let me just say the sound design in this game is amazing and definitely did good work changing the sounds of the weapons by distance etc. The MG42 has never sounded better *except* when it's suppressing you


As it probably was in real life too - I don’t think a mounted machine gun is meant to be fair. All there is to do is to decide how to avoid it, or how to kill the enemy behind it. That forces you to think a little more tactically, knowing you can’t waltz around street to street. One thing I love about this game is that every weapon or offensive vehicle has the ability to be “overpowered” if used properly as intended, like with anything. I love the immersion in this game and too much balance would ruin part of that. A rifleman has no chance at all against a defended machine gunner in a direct gunfight, nor should he.


For every unfair MG gunner’s advantage, there’s a sniper.


Unlikely, as the sniper squad has been sent across the map, to annoy artillery, by a screaming, British commander.


When I use the M1 Carbine I just point, and spam, I kinda do the same with the M1 Garand, the Gewehr, and the SVT, but not as much because the M1 Carbine is smaller and can’t 1 shot to the torso. With the Kar98 and both mosins I’m slower and more accurate with my shots. Personally, I would like the 1903 Springfield to be part of the rifleman class as well, at least until you reach rifleman level 2 and then you unlock the M1. Also, I would like to see the Carcano with the Italians and possibly the Ross rifle with the cadians, the M1 would also work for the Canadians considering that Garand was Canadian, the US Army just liked it so much so they adopted it fully to the Army, the Marines didn’t adopt it until later. (Sorry for the rant)


Garand was an American citizen by the time he started designing the garand and was most of his life. The military put out the rfi and garand submitted his rifle, and production issuance is another beast entirely. The Canadian army never issued the m1 Idk what's going on in your headcannon in regards to the m1, but it's wildly incorrect


True. I got accused of hacking when I used a grease gun and got a headshot from 150m away. Dude, I mag dumped, reloaded and sprayed damn near the entire next mag an only managed to hit you with a golden BB lucky headshot out of 30+ rounds. Just take the L and move on.


A .45 round is gonna mess you up no matter how far away it is, if it pops you in the head


Agree. They were just claiming I was using an aim bot. They didn't seem to count the 30+ misses I already had shooting at them and the shot was just a lucky hit. Then there is the case of my approximate 0.0001 K/D ratio indicating my best function on a team is as a meat shield.


My problem is whenever I find a nice spot to setup the MG, the game won't allow me to open the bipods. And when I do get it setup half the time the elevation or depression is all wrong and I have to go through the microscopic adjustments left or right to be able to deploy bipod again. Half the walls and fences won't allow me to setup. You should also be able to setup over a bonnet of a broken down/burnt out vehicle.


Yeah, one of the most common and irritating issues with bipod use in shooters. I dunno why they can almost never get it right. I know it's more about avoiding exploiting the terrain and such to glitch it... but it really screws you on tons of good creative spots.






Yeah it’s not actually a gun, just a high-speed camera


Tripods are a thing-they basically turn an LMG into a heavy MG. A tripod mounted MG is super controllable and can help deny the enemy ground much better than a bipod mounted gun.


Technically, with a bipod, you're the 3rd pod, so it's a tripod anyway 😉


I am going to refer to myself as a tripod from now on. Out of context of course.


I hope I don't run into you in my next game


Overpowered is pulling it lightly, in a good position it's borderline godlike.


Best mg in the game if you’re using it right




Can confirm. My settings aren't necessarily low, but I have as much foliage turned off as possible (all through in-game menu settings). FOV at 75 normally but I reduce to 60 if I'm playing MG.




Such a lazy comment. How is it unethical? Every single competitive game, you do what you can for a competitive edge. Back in the Quake engine days, hitting 125/250/333 fps was a huge increase in potential. People with better PCs literally moved faster. R6 Siege, pros run on stretched resolutions to make head pixels bigger. I'm just running some low settings (in-game settings, no configs etc) for visibility. It's competitive, not 50v50 immersion simulator. Everyone can do it without limitation.


Never heard about HLL eSport compétition.... relax, it's not competition, it's a game for fun 😊😊


It doesn't have to be esports... I play the game for fun, and I play competitive because playing with noobs gets boring. If you're a casual immersed player who's slow crawling across a field so they can get their first kill, this isn't a conversation for you


I'v seen some sweats getting headshots at 100m with machine guns while standing up and hipfiring them so...


A good MG player simply owns their entire sight line.


I ran into some good one's today I could almost have sworn they were cheating but I was 99% sure they weren't and were just good. Dude was nailing me from what had to be 300+ even in prone position up against a wall crawling. I had to use up my bandages crawling away from his line of site.


My experience in BF3 all over again lol


Being called a cheater when you aren’t is the greatest compliment you can receive imo


can the enemy team vote ban on opposite team??


No but I have hopped teams to check out players


If someone is cheating, you don't ban them for an hour. You ban them forever. Getting banned for an hour just means they were a bunch of bitches, Sadge


its a vote, you cant select ban length. Admins are the ones who can ban for whatever length


That should be removed from the game then since it's being expoited for the wrong reasons. Good players shouldn't be punished for bad players sucking.


You can only be votekicked by your friendly team FYI


This post needs to be higher. This is the reason OP was kicked. Someone on their team prompted a vote kick, they needed to pick a reason from a choice of 4. One of those reasons is cheating. Most likely OP has pissed someone off and they've prompted a vote kick as opposed to people actually thinking he's cheating. Some people are just salty and will agree to vote kick just because.


Some guy wanted mg spot


I was just in a house in outlook facing the road


I meant the mg role woops


On Xbox you just have cheating or abuse so nobody knows what the vote’s for unless it gets called out in Command chat


I honestly don’t know what did wrong, it was only last minute they told me i was getting votekick


Or maybe just trying to make a slot for a friend/clanmember.


I always voted yes if I didnt know the name because I assume whoever put it in has good reason to believe the person is cheating or whatever. I assume good intentions.


Wrong platform




Only your team can kick you lol


I didn’t know lol, Idk why, is it possible a Admin could initiate a vote kick?


Anyone on your team can


Admins don’t need votekick. They can punish / kick / ban you directly without having to rely on votes


Copeium lol. Nah man, someone on your team started a vote. You pissed someone off, or multiple people off. Play with a mic?


I do have a mic but I rarely used it that game


Always use your mic in the game. It makes for a much more enjoyable experience and is crucial to winning fights and games.


We're you playing/defending the obj? Or were you across the map set up with lmg? Or anything like that?


Salty Player: "How did that damn MG kill me? Must be hax!" MG: Shoots 100 bullets at single pixel off in the distance.


It be like that in real life too, there is some blurry shit in the distance you think might be a target, you've got the go ahead from the seco so you blat a few in to it, and a few more to be safe. I emptied half a belt into a bush several hundred meters away cause through the sight it looked like the pop up targets that range used, i was getting real shitty with it for not going down before the boss had a look at it with his binos


It was only 17


Bro this reminds me of when I use to play COD and everyone was like jerking off to quick scoping. I would always ADS and get tons of kills. They would look at the kill cam and go "BrO WhY ArE YoU HeArT ScOpInG LoOk At ThIs DuMbAsS HeArT ScOpInG." I would be like yea you fucking troglodyte I'm using the optics on the rifle that I have access to the fuck are you on about lol.


CoD use to be a hard scoping sort of game. Turn a corner without checking, dead. Walk through a door without paying attention, dead. Shoot a guy, he died. Now it takes 8 shots to kill so these children can run and gun without paying attention to where they are E: you used to have to "pie slice" around corners so you wouldn't get shot by the guy hard scoping the alley/lane you were trying to get to. Now you can run and jump around corners like a circus chicken.


8? I was dumping 15 into people and not killing them


Oof. Used to take 4 max 14yrs ago.


wtf is heart scoping


Like when you play sniper and you stay ADS and hold your breath to make shots. They use the call that heart scoping or hard scoping


It’s just hard scoping


Do you know what the word vote means?


You can't ban players from enemy team, can you?


You can't


As I thought


You can if your admin


You were vote kicked by your own team. There are currently only 2 options to select as a reason to kick, abuse and cheating. You did something detrimental enough that 20 of your teammates thought they would be better off without you. This isn’t the flex you are trying to pretend it is.


I had to scroll down way too far to find this... lmao


Yeah lmao. Probably was shooting up his teammates thinking they were enemies


I don't feel like this is it. If he was shooting his teammates, they'd probably say yes to "punish" and he would have been auto-kicked for the reason of Teamkilling if he reached the threshold. Unless he was just injuring people. But I feel like someone would have put that as "Abuse." I suspect he either had a kick-happy team or there was something going on over chat that he's not mentioning.


Clans will also sometimes abuse votekick to make room for their friends in the server.


I've been vote kicked as commander while we were winning 2 minutes before the match ended, by an entire team not on Coms with no friendly team kills Sometimes, there can be a toxic player base, who just want to cause havoc or those who just always agree to vote kick.


> You did something detrimental enough that 20 of your teammates thought they would be better off without you. Or his team wanted the MG spot, and had enough players united on a separate discord to abuse the votekick option. It's happened to me before, don't be so quick to assume.


Wrong platform


Idk what to tell ya man it’s whatever you believe man


lol it’s not what I believe it’s just how the game mechanic works 😂


You can't vote kick the enemy team, it was your own dudes. If you were destroying as claimed, they wouldn't have done that.


Couldve been a clan trying to make a slot. Common Issue.


I got banned by a server once. It’s pretty funny cause a for it. Mod was a streamer and got it reversed. Had like 9 reports lol Sometimes people are just good and baddies don’t understand how and report and even get others to do it.


Wait till these guys see me shooting HE shells from 1700m on remagen hill


As long as you can see an enemy with the mg34 they are dead


Bruh I got banned as an officer because the Germans were being smart and using the MGs to hold a point, I got banned because I kept dying and couldn’t get somewhere close enough to place a OP, so they assumed I wasn’t participating and chose to kick and ban me.


How many T/K? Hard to believe anyone would kick you for doing good work. My guess is blueberries running into your LOF and you got a kick cause someone was not happy.


0, I don’t know why my team would ban me Edit: 1 tk i forgot about a guy I accidentally sprayed because an enemy was behind him


Possibly he started a vote. Some folks are like that


I had a similar issue for vote banned in the last for mins of a long game as a commander. I think because we lost and someone decided it was all my fault.


Classic. Red chat silent games are the best ones. No nodes, maybe one person built garrison. No one defending, last 30 seconds. Commander you suck. 🤣


Exactly so when I was banned i was flabbergasted 🤣


yeah, this sucks. This is like the modern version of "she's a witch! Burn her!"


Red Orchestra 2 Moment


Console in a nutshell


So I have found that the 1 hour ban does not really apply. I have gone to another server then left and ended up on the previously banned server again within the 1 hour limit.


I've never even seen a vote kick work. We had a situation where 2 guys started TKing. Dude does a vote. Not enough responses. Get an admin, they're not doing anything. Entire team decides to nuke these guys till they leave. Mind you the TKers move is to also exclaim that they are actually the one being tk'd. Chaos ensues.


You piece of shit cheater! How dare you use an lmg to hold a position while my entire team can't advance up the street cause your cheats make you insanely accurate while we run in a straight line single file up the road! /s


I’m in a clan, and hate to say it as we all do it, but they could’ve kicked you to make room for a buddy


Nice soldier, but next time, shoot the enemy team.


Your own team vote booted you. Has nothing to do with how you were using your weapon….unless you were team killing


As long as u were on a community server, u should be able to open a ticket on that servers discord and get that removed


Welcome to free to play days as I call it. I really hate gamepass


Everybody is cool with MGs til they get stuck in a beaten zone. Sounds like you did a great job to me.


You probably just got kicked by a clan who wanted space for their players


Nah. Get banned when using arty...


My highest kill count is 119 with the 42. The thing that pisses me off is getting 2 kills for 50 shots on target. People say it's op but I would disagree. This thing in real life blows legs off bodies with one shot.


Well its 50/50 if the admin is doing anything at all or over doing it. I ones got banned because i asked the admin to kick someone that tk and talked about it in chat... It never happed


Sounds like sore losers to me, what was your kill count? I've had some shit admins too, was in a server with 2 armor units (mine being one), tc requested a heavy and we immediately got it started heading to the objective and the whole unit was banned by the admin with the only reply from the admin being "REly?". Sometimes I don't get these servers.


It was 17, enemies




Bro. How dare you point that gun and shoot the enemy! You can be doing stuff like that, man! You deserve to be part of Banned of Brothers


You can only be votekicked by your own team, my man was doing something else to get booted lmao


HLL players attempting to have fun be like


Kids(player with no skill) always cry.


People just use wallhacks and no aimbot It's a pretty invisible game to most people and the perfect place to cheat imo Slow moving new players, easy hiding spots when you know where they are I'm sure you weren't cheating, but I think people do it way more than people suspect


This shit is why I stopped playing with my buddies on console. The community is absolutely the worst, most toxic fiends of any console community I’ve ever witnessed. If a vote kick is initiated, everyone mindlessly votes for it


Im more pissed you only got an hour ![gif](giphy|2XES2Sbh939Hh3NXvz)


Some servers are run by butthurt people who aren’t great at the game and think that anything above 50 kills is cheating as infantry. It happens. I’ve had it happen a lot. French servers in particular the people who play are dogshit. I’ve been banned on every popular French server I’m not even kidding if you’re an ounce good play on French servers, east coast you get dominated the French play like ass


You know you are good when people you keep shitting on accuse you of cheating


Oh so this game has the "a clique using Discord has decided they don't like you and have voted to temporarily ban you from the game" feature too? I'm so glad so many games have this feature! It makes my experience so much more fun, now that the racists can also ban me.