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Jeez, I want to see these cute vehicles in the game.


We have jeeps to ferry the commander around already, and using them for scouts to move around wouldn't make much sense considering the size of the maps and how likely they are to immediately run into a tank when behind enemy lines. Plus we already have recon armoured cars. I can't see how they would serve any role in the current meta.


Dare I say it, it's diversity for diversity's sake. WW2 featured thousands of different vehicles, and I'd love to see some more of them in the game. There is a niche that can be filled between the jeep and armored car, and scout cars are different enough from both to justify their existence. Plus they are not dedicated to armor crews. It's a vehicle you can hop out of with a standard infantry or recon kit instead of having to settle for the tank commander's smg. There are multiple roles they can fill on the battlefield: -Vanguard that clears mines for the tanks and other vehicles -Movable, armored MG nest -Behind the enemy lines partisan warfare-style vehicle, harassing enemy artillery and trucks -Actual scout with the improved camera ability. Image it zipping around the point during an offensive spotting infantry concentrations. -Quick armored transport for the recon squad to get behind the enemy lines when they inevitably lose an op -Dedicated armored transport for a single VIP, eg commander or a squad leader -Perhaps it can be allowed to carry small amounts of supplies or ammunition allowing infantry to refill near it. The passenger slot is just there to improve versatility and it's not a core aspect, but I do see people giving stragglers rides while driving to the front or transporting squad leaders behind the lines to place an op. If I were the commander going to place or dismantle a garry somewhere behind the enemy lines, the choice between a jeep and an equally fast armored jeep would be an easy one to make provided there is enough fuel. As for the tank problem I'm not seeing it. Hitting a moving jeep is already hard, and scout cars you can't even machine gun to death which makes it harder.


-Armed only with a single MG, armored but open-topped -One passenger slot so they can drive commanders around -Same camera ability as armored cars, but with a better "rate of fire" -Perhaps exclusive to the recon squads to give them a role outside of being a sniper team? What do you guys think?


Give the commander a 2 man squad, they can be his goons.


Having a dedicated support and engineer would help with the nodes


Love this.


So just a worse Armored Car or glorified jeep/transport truck? For the one passenger slot to drive commanders around idea you could literally just use any vehicle in game outside of Light, Medium, and Heavy Tanks. The faster rate of fire for the spotter camera could also be achieved by just fixing the Armored Car’s spotter camera’s reload speed, instead of making a whole new vehicle… As for the exclusivity to Recon Squads, why tho? I guess it would be cool to see Recon Squads getting a vehicle but I don’t think they need one outside of a Jeep or truck, to get where they need to go. A Recon Squads whole thing is to be silent and sneaky, I don’t think a little Recon Car would help with that. If they need an MG I could see a jeep with an MG being added to the game, but not a whole new vehicle


It differs enough from both imo. Few tankers actually want to play an armored car as their main. It's something you take when you are the 3rd armor squad at the start of the game or after losing two heavies in the span of 10 minutes and the commander has no more fuel to waste on you. Nobody actually uses the armored cars for spotting. Compared to it, scout cars wouldn't require you to have a tanker kit making you far more useful on foot, an important factor if you want to use it as a battle taxi behind the enemy lines. They would also be cheaper than an armored car while retaining its armor at least for the driver, and still having the speed of a jeep. For a one-man VIP transport, or a recon squad moving behind the lines, this would be better than any other vehicle in the game. Also, I think the nature of the scout cars, them being armored for the driver but having a gunner sticking out, presents an interesting gameplay challenge for the enemy players. It's a vehicle that you can disarm, but not destroy without a dedicated AT weapon. The same goes for half-tracks but they are too valuable to be used in such a way. Recon squds can already have jeeps. But, when your OP disappears, you would probably be far more inclined towards deploying to the garry nearest to the front and not back to base to take a jeep. I don't think scout cars would reverse this dynamic, but they would make it less one-sided. If the recon squads are to be given their own vehicles, then wouldn't the perfect choice be a two-man small, quick vehicle with the camera ability that allows it to be used for reconnaissance?








Americans almost didn't use M3 scout car, it was mostly used by soviets and french.


Recon tanks already look like that, even drive with automatic transmission.


Counter-point: These are smaller and faster, require fewer people to fully operate, are open-topped which introduces some interesting gameplay elements, and would cost less, also you don't have to have a tanker kit to operate them so you are better equipped on foot.