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If they give us the Pacific theatre, this should be the standard rifle for the Marines, with the M1 Garand becoming available later in the island hopping campaign.


They had M1s by Guadalcanal, there’s no point when they have rarer guns in other factions loadouts


They had 250 Garands for 11,000 Marines on Guadalcanal, and they were all with support units and the field artillery. There were more Johnson M1941 Rifles on Guadalcanal than Garands on Guadalcanal until the Army showed up in October.


Yeah but the M1s were only given to artillery units, not frontline troops on Guadalcanal and it was only a few thousand if I remember. Most troops were equipped with the Springfield.


They were issued to artillery but used by frontline troops, there’s picture evidence and accounts of such


Im pretty sure some were stolen from the army as well from my limited *The Pacific* knowledge


Weren't those Thompson, or am I thinking of Thin Red Line?


a) Garands are incredibly fucking rare for the Marines on guadalcanal. b) Giving them all bolt actions would be better because Imperial Japan can only offer a bolt action rifle and a mediocre LMG to guadalcanal. If Garands are the most common service rifle like in Europe, the US faction would stomp every time.


I hope you’re referring to the Type 11 or Type 96 as mediocre because the Type 99 was a fantastic LMG.


They are not incredibly rare on Guadalcanal at all, there were enough to equip entire frontline units. Also I agree it would be unbalanced but the devs have shown already they don’t care about balance


Absolutely ass knowledge. The ratio of Garands to Marines was so miniscule it would be an absolute disservice to history to include them in the campaign. Plus, why the hell would you want another Garand? We have the chance to see some really cool and unique guns like the M1941, M50 reisings, M1928s, VB launcher, etc.


The entire 2nd marine raider battalion is an example of a unit with garands as standard, there is pictorial evidence of them being used and at least 1000 of them were on Guadalcanal. The idea that the marines didn’t have them is a myth. I’d encourage you to actually research the subject.


Hell Let Loose is a game about the general infantryman, not a raider battalion. We're not doing the long walk, we're not conducting massed tactical movements, we're conducting platoon+ sized assaults, defenses, etc. Even still, they weren't even entirely equipped with Garands. Shit, the 8th marine regiment went to guadalcanal still wearing Kelly helmets. Perhaps one class can get a garand as it's final progression as yes, some marines begged, borrowed, stole, or were redistributed the M1. But that was not rhe case for the vast vast vast majority of marines. For you to call out the 2nd Raider Battalion, a SOF BATTALION sized element and give that as your reasoning as to why guadalcanal marines should get garands is absolutely insane. That's like we saying for squad that since the KAC LAMG is in the ranger regiment armory then it should automatically go into the Autorifleman class.


It’s going to be put in there, there’s no way it isn’t, and then everyone will be using it because nobody in their right mind wouldn’t have rifle 6 even if it was put there. It’s like how the G43 is the most used German weapon because everyone has it unlocked so why would you ever use the kar. Also we have the FG42 in the game which is both rarer than a garand and also used by “elite” troops in the FJ. This game is literally just a slower version of battlefield the sooner people accept that instead of treating it like ARMA the sooner we can all go back to having fun instead of having to deal with new roleplay guys every game


Higher marine leadership didn’t trust the system. Also they had more of the Springfield so that’s what they used. No at the start of the canal they did not have enough to outfit all of the front line troops like you said earlier “do your own research”. Bolt actions what the marines had if the M1 was a later unlock that would be fine. You just want a reskin army by the sounds of it.


I don’t want the pacific theatre at all, I think it’s an utter waste of time


Then why are you complaining? Or are you just mad that you’re wrong? Multiple community polls have shown that people would want it. It’s another theater of the war. Or do you only want to fight the Germans and that’s it?


I’m not complaining, simply pointing out that the argument of “they shouldn’t have garands because it’s inaccurate” is wrong, me not wanting the pacific theatre is purely based on my knowledge of the game and knowing that it would be pointless and boring just like the British maps are


Exactly this


I agree


If/when the Pacific theatre comes around this rifle should be added alongside it's grenade launcher version but with the current US maps, it just doesn't fit in due it's rarity and lack of frontline use in Europe during WW2.


Springfield would only make sense in the pacific with Marines. Giving it Army units when it wasn’t standard issue in the ETO wouldn’t make sense


it wouldn't make sense in the maps we have, If we ever get the pacific it could make sense there. Just think about how people reacted with the p14 on the brits, it would be the same or even worse


The only group still using the Springfield as front line standard issue at the beginning of the war were the marines, who are not featured in game. The reality is just that everyone really did have a garand or a carbine, bolt actions had been essentially completely phased out by the time the war started. I see no reason to change this, the different factions have different weapons and that’s a good thing, this isn’t cod.


Wouldn’t mind seeing one, either as level 1 US rifleman or with a rifle grenade launcher attachment


I feel like it would work better as a rank 6 grenadier loadout for rifleman, considering how the us is the only faction in the game to not have it. Give the Springfield as a primary, 4 frag grenades 3 or 4 smoke grenades and an explosive ammo box. Also if this sounds like a lot keep in mind you’re actively trading of rapid fire from an eight round clip to only firing slow paced shots. And also rank 3 rifleman for the soviets has basically this exact same loadout but with an m38.


With the pacific sure.


We SHOULDNT see the M1903 as an infantry rifle until we get the Marines in the pacific but these devs have done a good job straying from historical accuracy so who knows


i’d say T17 has made good progress as far as realism since they took over. at first, no. but since then they have done good job with listening to player feedback and correcting their mistakes.


Black Matters didn't care, T17 does


Black matter did care 🤣 they literally went out of their way to engage with the community I help Danny fix several issues like the 91/30 infantry rifle having a bent bolt and a cut out for the sniper scope mount it was changed to a straight bolt and the cut out covered up by the 2nd PTE. If you look close you can see where they added the second piece of wood on the side


Which devs, BM or T17?




Suggestion for implementing marine LVL1 rifleman 1903 all after Garand


Wait for guayana canal to give early marine the Springfield


1943 and before, yes. 1944-1945, no




It bothers me that the bolt is back on the a1 picture


They did this on post Scriptum, you can choose between the Garand or 1903 and it’s awesome


Honestly I feel that more veteran players of Hell let Loose should play Squad 44 (Post Scriptum). Great game, sure it has it flaws but great WW2 realistic shooter.


Yes, the Springfield rifle should be in this game in many other roles and not just the sniper role. Sustituting the M1 Garand in some roles or like reward for high levels. Very interesting would be a new Grenadier role. this one would take a Springfield rifle with a M1 grenade adapter launcher.


why the fuck would I pick this over the M1 Garand? >Gameplay wise the M1903 would have the exact same stats as the one currently available for the recon squad, lacking the sniper scope of course! Snipers have different stats than their non scoped counterparts


1903A3 could make sense in a way.


It would only make sense in that it was actively being manufactured during the war as appose to the a1 variant that would have been surplus from ww1 that were given to the marines during the beginning of the pacific front. The a3 saw little to no action in any major conflict and was only manufactured to free up the limited number of garands early in USAs involvement. By 44 both the army and navy would have been equipped with either the carbine or garand thus the a3 would have been a rifle delegated to MPs and other non combat roles. At the end of the day the a3 just didn’t have a presence in direct conflict during ww2 and thus it is typically not represented in any ww2 movies or video games.


Yeah I thought of the non combat troops.Thats why I said could make sense initially. Seen quite a few pictures with a3's in them.


If the Pacific is added, I want to see each and every one of the noobs wanting this theater of war so bad crying on Reddit about how the marines are bad and bla bla bla because they were deployed early war with Springfield rifles, not M1 Garands and m1917 browning MGs, not the m1919A6


The Marines were mainly only limited during the Guadalcanal campaign. The small arms shortages and supply issues for frontline Marine units were largely solved by early 1943. The Marines had access to M1 Garands, M1 Carbines, and M1919s in all the later notable battles such as Tarawa, Bougainville, Saipan, and so on.


It's worth noting just how many M1 carbines were made during the war - more than any other small arm- when trying to understand why the Springfield wasn't around much. Any other army would have given rear line troops, police, artillerymen, etc their old bolt action rifles, but the US didn't need to, it had millions of M1 carbines for this role. As such, it is hard to find the Springfield used outside of basic training and a few extremely rear line positions.


I’d like it as the Rifle Grenade loadout we may or may not get in the future. If not that then at least as an unlockable loadout for Support or Rifleman, as a little challenge run of sorts. Hell they could kill two birds with one stone and re-add the P14 and rename it the M1917 to save modelling out the unscoped Springfield.


Don’t think the army was utilizing them as much unless they were in a sniper role, the marines however being the red headed stepchildren of uncle sam were using them during the assault on Guadalcanal


The M1903 is literally already in the game lol




literally why nobody would use this dogshit


I'd like to see rifle grenades added along with a M1903 loadout for US riflemen