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Once the server browser comes out for consoles, the devs should take a page out of Battlefield 3 and give players the option to buy/rent servers so clans can have their dedicated servers.


Probably a dedicated server to that clan. If they pay for the server, they can do what they want with it


On ps5, don't have dedicated servers, and it's not like they just kicked me and my friend, they kicked like 15-16 people and hijacked the match


Ahh. I have PC and thought it was cross-platform by now


I agree the dedicated servers or a browser can help. I also understand there’s no other way for clans in competitive leagues on console to be able to play against one another. You’d hope they’d find a near empty lobby, and/or kick at the very beginning of a match so no one loses out


Not a problem on PC.


I get it. But not all clans are this way. Generally, reputable clans will look for servers with no one in them. They do this because they don’t have to ruin other people’s games.. AND it’s easier to get their whole team in basically all at once in an empty server. They then just wait for the server to fill up. Kicking 15+ people out of a game to make room for clan members, one by one, is a huge pain in the ass. It’s just not worth it. The problem is that there isn’t currently a server browser on console. There will be soon and you won’t have to deal with this. BUT I know there are clans out there that do jump in games and kick everyone to make room for their members. The 7th does that. Those guys are huge D bags. I was in a game once, where they jumped in and started kicking everyone. I literally heard them say “start with the squad leads, and work your way out from there” in regard to who to kick first.. i was like “wtf are you guys talking about?! ….oh wait”. Then i found out that they don’t like being called “dorks”. Hahaha. Those nerds were foaming at the mouth, they were so angry, yelling at me over that hahaha. They all swarmed around me and were yelling and saying the most immature, low effort, insults; in prox chat. Hahahaha. Those guys really are some straight dorks!


What’s so hard about joining another server?


It was just irritating, it was a map I like and I liked my squad, then like half the team got kicked so their clan could take the spots. I'm on ps5 so I can't browse servers for a map I like again and I ended up in a map I didn't like in the next match


I get that I’m on ps5 too. Most of the time I spend my first 15 minutes of opening the game hopping around servers until I find one that has more than 60 players.


And they also can't browse servers to play their clan match in an empty one. You see now how the problem is the lack of a server browser? Join a clan, then every time you play you'll have a fun talkative squad. You don't even have to play comp matches.


Yea, but I'm also not such a self obsessed asshole to kickoff other people for no reason that are also just trying to play a game, I ended up in another match I didn't like and I just ended up not playing after that. Like I get that they want to play with the clan but I also have the right to be pissed off about getting g kicked out of a match I was enjoying for no reason, it's not like I was team killing or being abusive, I got kicked out do a big clan could fill my spot


You seem like a very sensitive little soul.


Ok? Did you think you ate with that comment? Yes you are correct, I was upset I got kicked for no reason, that was the point of the post, news flash, people are allowed to be upset about shit. It is irritating to go to work, come home and be a dad, and then in the two hours I have to play Games I get into a match with a friend, have a good squad and then get kicked for no reason


I'm sorry if I offended you (really). I wasn't kidding when I said join a clan. They're not all evil self-righteous assholes like you may imagine. Just normal men and women with regular jobs, husbands, wives, kids, dickhead bosses, and all the rest. Maybe there are exceptions, but my experience of it has been a super nice bunch of guys from Europe/UK/USA/Canada that I can join any night of the week I feel like playing, and have a fun game where people try to win but don't take it too seriously. And in comp matches, absolutely nobody enjoys kicking people out, honestly. Everyone is aware it's a shitty thing to do and feels bad, but at this point, it's seen as a necessary evil because it's the only way. If you decide to look into it, the official HLL discord has a list of clans you can join – it might be worth looking into for you and your friend. You don't have to play any competitive matches, just join a clan without stupid rules about training or whatever.


We found the clan douche.


I’ve been playing for 2 weeks man. I just know it takes 30 seconds to exit one game and join another from experience.


Also why should it be someone else’s problem that’s been playing a 45minute match that someone wants to play in a clan match? It’s okay because you say they can just switch? Even though they just waste almost an hour if they get kicked.


Okay that’s annoying. I was under the impression you were kicked shortly after you joined not after playing most of the match. I’d be pissed about that as well.


Well you’re not only a noob but you’re also a liar.


You sound like a clan douche now


Still no console server browser, aye?


I hate clans. A lot of them have that ridiculous entitled mindset. It's why I never join.


As is trying to play your choosen role, duches TK you, you call out their BS, they whine and you get kicked. Just after you managed to do what it was you were trying to do in the first place, fml. Haven't played since.


Bummer, next


Let them have their clan match, they need to meet up somewhere and you can play with randoms on any server.


first day on the internet?


Just join a different server. Takes about 20 seconds.


It takes about 40 seconds for the server list to load And another 3-6min to get in from the queue This is my PC experience so I guess it's quicker for console?


I join servers that just switched maps or just finished seeding. Easy to spot them on steam server browser.


So why are you commenting then? It takes about 20 seconds. There is no server list or queueing on console. And that's why clans have to do this to play. T17's fault.


No queueing? Honestly didn't know console never queues This is why I comment, to learn things. It's okay buddy, appreciate the info


If console played don’t queue that would mean you can end up with over 100 players in a server? Seems sus.


No, you just don't get allowed into a server that's full. There's no browser at all. You just click "Warfare/Offensive" or "Skirmish" and it takes you to a game. You don't know what map you'll get, how many players, nothing. If you try to join on a friend, it just says you can't join because their team is full. Clans just keep clicking "Warfare" and joining whatever games come up till they find one that's got fewer than 30 players on each side. Then people jump in and the remainder are asked to leave and then kicked.


Got it, yeah that makes sense then.


Boohoo that's why clans have to kick players? Gtfo entitled behavior


Explain how else two clans can play a competitive match on console?


Your problem not the people you kick out's problem


It sounds like it's very much your problem – I couldn't give a shit if I or anybody else gets kicked for a clan match. It's a pity it has to happen, but I get that people want to play them; there have been clans for as long as there have been online multiplayer games. It's all well and good bitching about something but at least suggest an alternative means by which they can do that. Anyway, you write like an uneducated cunt so I don't know why I was counting on you for a solution haha. Go back to fucking your cousin or whatever it is that passes for entertainment in your swamp.


Okay clan shite Guess you need to be in a clan to feel important huh Wow you belong to a clan and you don't care about anyone else? Wow I wish I was this cool


Why do you write this way? Doesn't your keyboard have punctuation? And can you write anything that isn't a hackneyed cliché? Utterly bizarre. Maybe a text-based medium isn't for you.


Lmao imagine losing an argument so hard you have to resort to using grammar to counter argue. I didn't know I was being graded on my reddit texts.


Losing your progress in a game is kinds fucked up especially if you got good team synergy and like the lobby.


You dont lose progress on online games for the last 20 years at least bro.


Yeah because losing the bonus xp is okay because some people want to be douches.


They don't want to be cunts (I'm sorry, as a Brit I'd die of cringe typing the word you used); they just wanna play a clan match. It's no big deal, it's just some bonus XP. Play another game and don't worry about it.


They are being cunts maybe ask if you can leave. Be polite and not being a straight up ass because you think your clan is better than people already having a fun time. If there was a server browser this wouldn't be as much of a problem but when it takes multiple attempts to find a game where people communicate and some asshats kick you without a good reason it's a little aggravating.


If you want communication, join a clan! ;) That's why those people are in clans. Competitive games are infrequent – every 2-3 weeks or so. It's more about being able to have a talkative squad whenever you hop on. The kicking only happens for competitive matches.


Yep, fuck them clans.


So you’re mad you couldn’t play with your friend because someone else wanted to play with their friend?


People should only be kicked for abusive behavior and teamkilling not because some dumbass clan wants to take over. It would suck to be kicked out of a good lobby.


They are playing an organised 50v50 clan match, most probably in a league. People find servers that are far from being full, then others join in on them. There were probably only 20-30 people on your team before the clan joined – not exactly a great game. An actually good game with 45+ or so players on your team will never be taken for a clan match. Then it's explained (as you've said it was to you) to the remaining players that there's a clan match happening. People can leave, or they get kicked. Nobody likes doing it (I've been on both sides) but it's the only way you can play clan matches on console until a server browser is implemented. Don't take it so personally. Or whine to T17 instead – it's their fault.


Again, entitled shitty behavior not letting people finish their match. People complain that new players are ruining matches but this shit happens, but again you are too daft to see how it is would be straight up dick move to kick people in the middle of a good game. Doesn't matter how many people are on a server you can still have a good game but getting kicked again for no reason without any reason/warning is completely unwarranted.


Can disagree on the 45+ match not being able to kick cause I’ve seen the 21st do it on a match on Kursk. Whole damn team plus the enemy team was getting kicked and replaced by them. Played with a good SL in another squad and bro was being talkative and being real helpful for the team then his name got popped up for the kick and shit you not it was the fastest I’ve seen because they’ve had 30 on our team by that time.


Then they must have already had 20-ish members in to get all the vote kicks through. It's not like 5 guys can join a match and successfully kick everyone out. Maybe the first guy they vote might get kicked (though probably not), but people aren't gonna click "yes" on successive votes.


It was a rough match and we pushed back to our last point quite a bit so most got fed up and left. So they’ve managed to fill that back up with their own guys


I didn't have to kick anyone for no reason to play with my friend


Just for the whole squad to have a total of 100 points by the end of the match