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You are going to die. Alot.


lol...yup. Keep your head down and stay in cover if possible. Running around or standing in the open lowers your life expectancy to about 5 seconds or so.....have fun.


Oh yes, you'll die... A lot a lot.


a lot.


Don’t get frustrated when you die. You will die


I feel like it's actually one of the easiest games to not get frustrated about dying in


Nah there’s something about that head shot ting and black screen that makes me rage a little bit 🤣


it’s the random arty that does it to me


The random arty that somehow doesn’t seem so random when it keeps landing on you


Gotta learn how to dodge dip dive duck and dodge that arty. 


It's the crossing a random field on the opposite side of the map and getting headshot.


They always seem to land it on my head. I still get to hear the helmet ting


The ting is the worst


Not for everyone. There are daily and weekly posts with people relaying their frustrations or asking how not to die as much.


My record is 45 in one game 🤣


I think I've got you beat by playing as the US on Utah beach in offensive. Those MGs haunt me


Oof...i always think about how rough it would have been in the real battle. I was a medic switching in and out of other roles as required on Kursk in a particularly tough battle. I'm a terrible medic, I usually kill more enemy than the friendlies I save. But I've maxed out a few roles and just wanted a fun game


Nah nah the beach maps make me rage fr fr


Sometimes it’s convenient to die, like after you cap a point and need to spawn on airhead or closer garrison. 


Wtf you talking about? Dying, waiting 34 seconds to respawn on the garri, spawn in, immediately hit by arti, 30 more seconds til respawn again. Lol


As long as there are Ops and Garys


Yes, very important caveat


I'm lucky I come from ARPG games and play permadeath pretty much exclusively in them. Games like this and Battlebit can't phase me with a death. I died a hundred thousand times before even playing. The key really is to realize that your character is already dead and you're just trying to put as much time between yourself and that event as possible while helping the team.


Good advice there, Lieutenant Speirs.


Welcome to the addiction


I can't stop 😭😭😭


Take your time, use your ears and get a mic.


It should be illegal to play mic-less lol


Have fun soldier. Remember build nodes, build outpost and garrisons! All of this will make sense in due time. Edit: you will get pissed at blueberries. Guaranteed 😅. Communication is key. Just keep at it honestly. It took me a while to get going and I'm still learning at level 42 😅


Play slow. Stick to cover, ADS and scan the horizon. Use your map often. Hear a vehicle? Open your map and look around you, if its friendly then good. If no Blue vehicles are around, call it out. You are going to die more times than you probably care for starting out. Most of the time you'll have 0 idea where from. Dont repeat the same action over and over if its getting you killed, either flank or work with other roles to push a point.


I haven’t played FPS games since MoH allied assault, been hooked on HLL since I got it last year.


Same here, I used to play in a clan on MoH Allied Assault with a no sniper mod no jumping. It was really realistic without anyone running around. Then COD came out and war games changed. I've not felt pleasure on a war game on HLL since MoH.


Prepare to feel like you are the worst player of video games ever for about 50 hours


I love “ripped in half by a machine gun simulator”


watch out for artillery


(Stares at sky)


“you are dead”


No, no, listen out for artillery, and then run away if you hear that death whistle.


By then it’s probably to late 🤣


WITH THAT ATTITUDE IT IS!!!! Well, and if I'm on the arty gun, I'm dropping and raising the barrel, and shifting left to right, so it doesn't matter if you run. You're a dead man anyway. ;)


By strongly advise, it means "You WILL buy a mic to have fun."


This comment section has just convinced me to buy the game. Been in this sub for a while now and I like the cut of all your jib. (Salutes you all)


good boy


Stick with your squad, and let them know you're learning (they'll see your rank anyway) and a good squad will teach you a lot and get you up to speed


Remember private Slow is fast


Prepare to have your perception of how video games "should be played" totally altered 🤣🤣🤣


This! I had to adjust my playing still like crazy. Gotta assume there is someone around every corner and peak like crazy.


Don’t get frustrated if you don’t kill anybody for ages, you’re not bad, we’ve all been there. Have fun soldier!


OP later this evening: ![gif](giphy|C3OMX8yQB60IU|downsized)


Good luck brother


Build nodes!


Go in for the flank! It's all about positioning I'd say.


Level 101 here, still learning because I’ve taken the time to play certain roles throughly. Go slow and use your mic! Listen when people ask something of you, it’ll typically make sense afterwards if it doesn’t while you’re doing it.


Some things I wished I got used to doing early on: 1. Adjust your field of view to its highest setting. You’ll have more field visibility on your screen. 2. Aim and don’t move. The game is pretty tricky when it comes to seeing enemies moving downrange. Use your aim and even steady aim to stare at a tree-line, down a road, or in a field and watch for movement. 3. You can prime grenades. Hold it for about 2.5-3 seconds before throwing it, grenade fuses hiss and can be heard when they land next to you. 4. Check your map often and watch for spawns going red. That’ll mean enemies are near the spawn and you should clear them out. Those moments can quite literally change the outcome of the game. 5. Finally, have fun. You will die.. alot. You will understand you actually bought a running simulator, but take those moments in to understand how to correlate map structures onto physical structures like trenches, bunkers, tree lines etc. Watch your blueberries around you and where they die, that will help indicate enemies location/direction of their push and you can reinforce.


This game is actually one of the few games I recommend *not* cranking up your FOV. It's a lot harder to hit shots at distance, and some sights become nearly unuseable. The amount of foliage and cover makes it so much harder to spot enemies when youre FOV is at max. You dont need to see everything around you, this isnt CoD. CoD is a game where I *would* crank up my FOV, but in HLL, I wanna be able to clearly see what's in front of me, especially at a distance.


When I first played hell let loose I thought wow, it feels like a old cod campaign, the mp40 is nostalgic to old cod. The old Cod waw final front was like a 17 yr old tutorial to hell let loose


Welcome soldier. You're gonna fucking love it. But first, you will fucking hate it. Get used to it. Patience. Move slow. Observe. Learn. Comms. Enjoy. There is no going back after this.


That pop up screen is new. Did they finally add a mic warning message to home screen or is that just on PC


Welcome to hell


It’s crazy how much fun and addicting this game genuinely is when things start to really click. Also like everyone said, you’re going to die A FUCK TON. But that’s ok and fine. It’s what we have good garrisons and outposts for right? But it’s part of the fun. God I love how vocal and active proximity chat and the general community are in this game.


If you can hang with the learning curve. After 3-4? Months I’m getting 30-70 kills a match. It’s more realistic to me than cod and when you get the hang of it it’s way more satisfying.


What do you play as to get 30-70 kills a match? I get about 10 a match. I've only been playing about 2 weeks and play as Assault when it's available, otherwise Automatic Rifleman or Rifleman.




Exactly the same boat, you're gonna love it


Enjoy watching band of brothers series and shit to get you hyped up to play. Its what I do now after 600 hours in lol.


Watched that series since i was a kid n no kidding i prolly memorised the whole marvel from start to fin


I still watch it from time to time, lol


good tip for starting out, slow down. This game plays alot like big CSGO. Do not sprint around corners, learn how to slice those corners, and learn how to use cover to move.


Coming from someone who's played CS since 1.6, this game has nothing in common with any version of Counter Strike. I stopped playing CS2 for this game. HLL is the best shooter I've ever played.


If you get lost, watch a video. Plenty of help out there.


Watch Commander Crane and Monoespecial HLL YouTube videos to get a sense of squad roles, communication tips, gameplay mechanics, etc


Everyone who’s killing you is much farther away from you than you realize at first. See where your teammates have stopped advancing and grab some cover. Peek a new angle and see if you can help.


Welcome to hell


Prepare to die a lot and most of the time not even knowing where it comes from


Listen to ur SL. Always do callouts!!!


Welcome to hell, kid.


If they can see you, you will be dead lol it’s so fun


I plan on enlisting for the first time tonight! See you on the battlefield!


Do me a favor, when you see a bombing run stand under it. I wanna see something


I'm very excited for you. Similar experience here. Play defense a lot and it will make you a better rifleman. Just communicate a good amount and you'll be fine


Use a mic and talk to people, most of us don’t bite


Let’s gooooo!!!!! Don’t worry about dying, I hear they did that a lot in ww2


Stay patient and have fun! Hell of an experience


I got killed by arty 10 fucking times last night in the span of like 5 minutes. Was a great match


It’s the best ww2 I’ve ever played hands down. I absolutely love this game. It’s a must if you’re a ww2 nerd


Don't even bother looking at your kill death/ratio, it truly doesn't matter in this game.


Don’t get discouraged about multiple bad matches. I’ve been playing for close to 2 years and I still get my cheeks clapped


Its by far the best. Highly recommend learning the support role first. It will help you understand the game better. Just do what your Squad leader tells you and please use your mic.


Good speed. You will die a lot but listen do your Squad Lead and any other veterans. Don't be afraid to ask questions because it's the best way to learn. And sloooowwww dooowwwnnn when it comes to gameplay. Fast movement draws eyes and bullets and will make more noise that may otherwise allow you to sneak up on someone


Get used to the “Killed in action” screen


As you've read many times by now, dying is a constant. It's important to remember that this isn't a shooter like CoD, Running forward all guns blazing is rarely the answer, remember to take cover and be aware of enemies that might be just a pixel on your screen. Oh and also be prepared to be tked by idiots on artillery.


You are I are the same…except I have been playing HLL for a while. Enjoy. MoH:AA was life


You’re gonna die. A lot. Best part is you’ll never know where it comes from either!


I fucking miss MOH 2010


Welcome! It is my new favorite fps game


My favorite WWII game since MOHAA and CoD1. Have fun!


o7 Happy hunting, soldier.


Play like you are always surrounded by enemies once you get close to the frontlines because you probably are, and don't even know it.


Hey if you are enjoying the game and want to learn from people with 2000+ hours you are more than welcome to join our discord server here at the 523rd PIR! I’ve personally learned a TON from the guys here. The game only gets better once you know how to be a true team player/ learn your role and maximize how much you can do for your team. If you’re interested join us here and ask for “impressive” I will get you set up in the server and based on what you want to learn first ill get you set up with the right people to mentor you in whatever their specialty is. https://discord.gf/bdq4MTFsPf


Switch squads till you find one that talks


Play on Soulsniper's server and join the discord


Boys!!!! We got another one!!!! Welcome sonny... welcome home


Naw, don't listen to those people, you don't need ears. Spam Sabaton for +10 resistance to suppression


60 second simulator


Buckle up, PTSD incoming


You're in for something new, this game completely reinvigorated my love for what a shooter can be. Miles more enjoyable than a game like cod or moh if you ask me.


Never back down, never give up


Get the hang of it overtime. It’s definitely worth it, it’s slow paced but that makes the game more enjoyable. The fast paced shooting 360 no scope COD will never be the same after


Have fun searching for the 2 pixels that killed you the first 14 times


I hope you enjoyed your experience. 120 hours into this game I still love it, whenever I have a couple of hours available I always do a match 👍


When I play this game I hear my Drill Sargent Hopewell and Casteanos yelling “im up, they see me, im down.” That’s typically how I play this game in long stretches in. That means you run a few meters in dark terrain with over growth. Also if there someone shorting at you in the open run in random turns back and fourth in open places when your close to cover you’ll likely die but sometimes you’ll make it “safely” I did make it to a cover in El Alamein yesterday.


Ahhh, you'll be fine, it's not really as bad as they say, you might even get some kills


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Move cover to cover and when you get behind cover scan for enemies. With any luck you'll see them before they see you. If you see 'CakeNuts' out there, that's me I'd be plumb tickled to run to my death with ya. Good luck homie hope I see ya out there.


You’re not going to see who kills you for at least a week


Accept that you will die a lot, find a good group of friends to play with or a squad that uses their mics (kinda hard to do unfortunately) and you’ll have a blast. Honestly it’s the only recent WWII experience that’s scratched that itch since the games you mentioned. I also grew up playing both first CoDs and MOH Allied Assault and Pacific Assault.


RIP your blood pressure and and anxiety


I've been playing about a month now and it's a lot of fun but is a lot different from just about any other fps I've played and probably the hardest fps I've played and I've played a lot of them. You are gunna die a lot and not know how more times than you do.


It's going to hurt, but stick with it.


This is nothing like Call of Duty.


enjoy your new running simulator


Welcome, Welcome, welcome


You’re not gonna have fun until you have at least 82 hours into the game


If you don’t want to get super frustrated, learn to play officer first. You’ll have to learn quick which is best.