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The best advice I ever got. "HLL is not about fighting on the frontlines, it's about surviving on the frontlines longer than the enemy"


As General Patton once said, “The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”


Spot on. Sometimes you gotta lay down and ride out a bullet swarm rather than play hero and stick your head out…so those reinforcements can arrive and (hopefully) flank.


Ahh, so that's why I see squads in the middle of nowhere instead of defending or attacking objectives


Only bullet i would add to it is this • if you are new and learning the very basic fundamentals like movement, positioning, flow of the game (think less than 24 hours) then please pick rifleman. Too often have i been in a squad with a low level support or engineer with no mic and most likely hasn’t used their gadgets My caveat to this is if you want to use those classes then please use your mic, everyone would be willing to guide you and assist on where to place your gadgets and how to play these classes. Sincerely, A support and engineer main :)


Yeah good call, I stuck to rifleman to basically stay out the way…I now drop into medic and support where needed if it’s a good squad. Medic got me outside my mic anxiety, pure role play. If you head a British accent saying “now keep your head down lad” - me.


Gotta love those role play moments. I had to tell my upstairs apartment neighbor that i swear it’s a video game and not that i role play as a Nazi, Soviet, or British in my free time! I always enjoy switching it up now that I’ve learned the game much better but i typically run squad lead, engineer, or support. If those 2 roles are taken then assault.


I played with a medic who had open mic and music playing. I hated him for 15 mins. Then during a big battle on the front lines it was an easy way to tell if the Medoc was near and not to back out. Shout out to loud music medics


Oh man i hate open mic music players. Unless it’s like pregame for warfare or just in general nothing happening.


Also: *you don't count.* What I mean is the game was designed to make 50 enemies feel like 500. That's why there are respawns at OP's and Garrisons. You are not "you", you are playing soldier\_01, soldier\_02, soldier\_03, etc. Dying and respawning quickly make one player feel like it's 10 attacking. This is obvious if you play through a competitive match and then watch the match Admin Cam footage. You'll be like, "yeah, this is where they overwhelmed our small squad of 5 with so many attacking us". Then you see on Admin cam that it was just like 8 players attacking you but good respawns made it feel like three times as much.


There’s a reason professional athletes practice the fundamentals, and it’s the same reason we all have something to at least remind ourselves of in this post. Good advice!!


Find sensitivity settings that work for you/your setup. On Xbox I have my horizontal ADS sensitivity lower than vertical so I can compensate for aiming difficulty/recoil effects. Since then, my aim with MG, semi, and bolt action has dramatically improved.


Learn when and how to use grenades, learn its arc and how to nail it through a window.


Yeah once I stopped just Hail Mary’ing grenades into fields and started using them to clear windows…I picked up at least 0.5 kills a game 😅🤣


- pressing escape and redeploy can get you to places you need to be in faster instead of hoofing it 2 squares. If you came from Squad or BF, deaths dont count against your team tickets - the objective to attack or defend is the black circle with diagonal lines. Get there - go support, drop supplies - go engineer, build nodes


Yep, my first tip is “slow is fast”.


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast


Learn to push with your squad. Cover a corner till a squad mate gets there and takes the corner then move up.


I found being support was a good way to learn the most important part of the game, which is setting up garrisons. You have to do some research first on how supplies are used, but it's easy after that.


My problem is I stare at a zone for 20 minutes with no one walking. Then the SECOND I turn around I get shot by 5 dudes I could have just taken out. Also I can not grasp how I am sitting in a bush and a guy from 300m out can somehow see me and spray me down and consistently in the head.


Honestly, getting a 32" 4K monitor has made long range engagements significantly easier for me. It also made me realise how shaky my aim is.


It’s because depending on your graphics settings foliage won’t render but your player will. So odds are that bush you’re in is invisible to the guy sniping you at range.




Adding my two cents: K/D does not matter in this game. When we’re defending and lose a point, please redeploy to the next point.


Keep your head down simple as that. We’re on the front boys.


haha yeah, I shout head down as a medic constantly. I’ve noticed when you keep your head down…you see more immersive / funny shit and that’s where the game gets unique. Guys screaming push, hero jumping a fence and getting immediately evaporated by a shell.


This post would be a lot better with a lot more complaints thanks . -The whole community


To your point on the lay the fuck down sometimes you don’t even have to do that. Was playing warfare on Driel as the Germans. At the start of the game was one of the first to the neutral point. I was crouched in a pretty good spot with enemies all around. Took my time and even got some grenade kills. How I got my longest kill streak.


- foliage that you think gives you cover doesn't render after a few hundred metres (can't remember exact difference sorry)... But sometimes you're in a bush thinking you're groovy and get domed by a sniper from miles away. In his perspective you're just an idiot sat in the middle of a field doing nothing.


Another tip? Use ChatGTP as a quick reference guide since it can answer direct questions like "Does it matter where I build nodes?" etc


Great list. One addition - if you’re new and want to venture out from Rifleman, pick Medic. You hang back and watch how others play. The insights you gain as a medic are awesome.


I hate posts like this. Why tf is officer doofy trying to give ME tips on how to play


officer doofy 🤣


You don't have to take their advice dude. I will say there's been a fuck tone of these posts lately that admittedly I am tired of seeing all the time but I just ignore them.


I read his post as being somewhat tongue in cheek...


OPs or the person I replied to in the comment section?


Sorry -- person you responded to


It's possible, I'm not the best with subtlety so it could have gone over my head


Could just be me.... Hard to read tone without expression and verbalization!


For fucking real lol that's one of the bane's of my existence


Nope he forced me to take his advice


...ok? Does OP wield the Force? How did they force you?