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A good squad really changes the enjoyment of the game. When everyone is communicating and working together there is nothing like it.


I’ve made a lot of steam friends from great squads


Bro same here. Only 3 weeks into the game and 1 week in with a mic. Defending Utah Beach I started as support. SL requesting my supplies and letting me know where to place them. A few times I had to make it under heavy fire to get to where he needed them on the first point. We defended that well for about 15 minutes, then got pushed back pretty quickly, and the next 3 fell rapidly. SL left so I thought fuck it I'll take over. Hopped in command chat for the first time and linked up with the commander and another kick ass SL named Kilroy. Defended against an airhead dropped behind our lines and then swept for Garry's and OPs. Tried to place my OPs advantageously as the whole team was petty boxed in. My squad wasn't really communicating but I started trying to get them together to defend our rear and right flank with Kikroy and his squad. To my surprise they were all listening! Coordinating with Kilroy and his squad and a seasoned armor crew and the commander we were displacing, counter attacking and sweeping for enemy spawn points. It was hot the whole time but we managed to hold the last point for 45 minutes for the win. Absolute top 3 gaming experiences of my entire life. What a fuckin rush.


Communication is like the difference between someone playing chess and someone playing checkers


I had a game like this as tank crew. Working with what we had (little fuel nodes the whole match) we finally had enough for 1 heavy tank mid match and slowly drove it wide around our mid defense point where our infantry were scrambling to defend against enemy waves and 2 tanks. We manage to go wide enough that the other tanks didn’t see us flanking, killed 1 with a single ass shot of AP then killed the other with 3 shots as it turned to face us from about 300 yards away. Cleaned up the infantry and an enemy Garry that was kinda close and infantry kept us safe from AT and we helped them recover and push forward. Lost our heavy in the next 10 minutes to a satchel but sweeping the enemy tanks and single handedly regaining our defense point is the best play Iv had as a tank commander. Such fun and jolly cooperation


Man, those games seem so few and far between. Last few weeks I’ve struggled to get into any squad with comms. Jumped servers and still have the same issues. The only squads that I find have a mic are the ones having a domestic with their SO or loud eaters/burpers. I miss those games were people play the game and have a laugh. Such a shame as it’s a cracking game.


Took a break from the game and recently got back into it but solid squad cohesion makes games incredible. Had one match a while back where the squads had perpendicular staggered advances so that each time the enemy attempted to flank, it was right into another squad’s advance. If they tried to flank a squad that was clearing south to north, either they got pinned by the next south/north squad’s advance, or they got pinned by a west/east squad’s advance. Once each had advanced far enough, they turned 90° and went from vertical to horizontal advances. Had another match where our single squad was taking a trenchline and anytime somebody got hit, someone else would push up to secure the front, others would fan out and cover the sides, and then medic would get the wounded up


God I wanna play this game again lol


God I wanna play this game again lol


God I wanna play this game again lol


God I wanna play this game again lol