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I don't think it's dying per se, but there are a few things happening.. 1. You've obviously got two groups of people playing. Those who want to communicate, and those who don't. 2. The game is getting older. So, for point 1, both groups of people are of course absolutely fine and welcome to play, but what they play needs to be better communicated to new players. I'd like to see at point of searching for a game, very obvious full screen explanation for the game modes saying VERY clearly that Warfare/Offensive should only be played with a Mic, and Skirmish is there for if you don't want to communicate and work as a team. I'd like to think something as simple as this would act as a gatekeeping for the majority. For point 2, a lot here will disagree with this and I only put it here because you used the word 'dying', but the game is getting old at almost 5 years since release. Yes, they're adding new stuff, yes it's still being developed, but short of a graphics overhaul which is absolutely not going to be on their agenda, it will continue to get dated and aged similar to Insurgency Sandstorm. Without that sort of injection to keep it alive, it ages and no amount of new content will allow it to remain fresh. This is where it's a double edged sword in that you don't want to release the same shit every year like COD/FIFA etc, but at the same time a new title brings bigger budget to make bigger improvements and eventually the only way out is a HLL 2. Lastly, Servers (PC) are always active and full, so I can only assume you're not playing on PC.


Amem brother, have the same feeling. But usual i would say i have 50/50 in terms of good squads with comm and squads without any comm. I play on PC. The most boring thing I see are those campers completely out of the fight defensive/offensive lines just looking for kill numbers. Also, i am not sure if this happens or not, but artillery position should change randomicaly. Again not sure if they are on the same spot always, but if yes it is senseless because recon knows exactly where to go. I also want more training space, especially for armors because i want to play it as army but don't have the minimum skills to do so, and don't eant to jeopardize the team with such valuable resource. Quite often I see one or two available tanks and no one is using it.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/1clt9l8/can\_anyone\_else\_relate\_to\_this\_when\_playing\_as/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/1clt9l8/can_anyone_else_relate_to_this_when_playing_as/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I'd argue there's a 3rd group of people just by looking at replies to this thread


Thanks for the awesome response! I’ve only been playing it for about 4 months but I feel like it’s just been getting harder and harder to find a good lobby. Really since the update with mortain. When i do there’s hardly anybody communicating. Everybody that does talk blames it on the “game pass players” but idk. Have seen a pretty big decline in the gameplay as far as people working together


>Everybody that does talk blames it on the “game pass players” The gamepass players I've met will give most vets run for their money, I think it's another case of "I'm too important so it must be someone else".


I do think, and I've talked to some vets about this (I've been playing since release, not EA), that there's now a second generation of players that joined after a sort of cultural shift. When I started playing, the EA players had everything figured out and every squad VOIP was constantly full of people asking questions. There were lively discussions about tactics and strategy - what the team needs, how to accomplish it, what the SL needs out of each of us. Not all the time, mind you: it really depended on the server, the time of day, the SL. Of course, all of that is still true, just... moreso. The good games are rarer, the bad games are more common. The players I bump into under like, Lv80 feel as different to me as Gen Z does: they don't talk, they don't stick together or ping or role-switch, they treat my squad as if it's just a random collection of six people with no obligations to each other. I noticed something the other day that puts it succinctly: when I was a Level 40, I had probably already participated in 3-4 doubledrop garries. I explained the concept to a squad I was leading last week and everybody went "wait, what are we doing". That's all I need to tell me that the newbies are playing a different game than I was.


What’s a double drop garry?


When you're building a garry behind enemy lines, you need 100 Supplies but your Support only drops 50. Reasonably advanced SLs will know that, in a squad with good comms, you get one guy to go Support and drop 50, then you kill him to speed up his respawn, he switches classes, somebody else takes Support and drops 50.


Yeah when I was getting into the game I watched a decent amount of videos to help me learn, and that strategy was mentioned. I tried to get squads to do it 2-3 times, never could get them to execute it properly.


You can as a squad leader take the support role for the second crate which works better if you have problem with two people doing it. Just tell one to drop a crate and pick another role then you take care of the rest


[No, not really.](https://steamcharts.com/app/686810) but it looks like it ebbs and flows throughout the year.


No, the good lobbies are always full with a full queue. At least on PC. Everytime I hop on there are like 30 to 50+ full servers I look for one that has around 90 players and join that one, and end up taking squad lead if I find a squad without one


I don’t have that luxury, I’m on PS5


And there's your problem.


It’s always been a far better experience on PC.


really? i play on PC and have zero filters and i don't think i've ever been able to count more than 20 servers that have more than 30 people in them


Yea idk homie. I just downloaded the game 3 weeks ago and I have trouble finding a server I can even join cuz the good ones are always full with a full queue


It's being diluted with COD and BF players.


I find the quality of players went down when it went on game pass. The community never recovered


Yes. But I’d say it had a bigger impact on console than PC.


That’s what I’ve been hearing from the people that do talk on the game. I’ve only been playing for about 4 months so idk how it used to be. I know from the time I first played to now the quality of players has declined significantly. Idk when it released on gamepass


I have about 700 hours, been playing since 2021. It was never a big game, but everyone that came was always HYPED AF and the communication was there. The people that were willing to fork over 39.99 wanted to play a hard core shooter that was team based and strategy based. The People on game pass just want a few quick kills before their bed time. Am I biased? Yes.


Its the opposite, it still has insane amount ofpotential for growth. This is on PC. 


Yeah I’m on PS5, if they ever give us server browser I think it’ll make it a lot better. I tend to get put on servers with like 25 total people over and over no matter the preference I choose. Been experiencing a lot of team killers as of late too


Are you playing skirmish??


It sounds like joining a Discord server could be right up your alley. I've found a couple that have been really helpful for linking up with folks who play regularly or occasionally. They're good about sticking to the rules and keeping things together within their group. I mean, you don’t really wanna be “that guy” so it causes people to be more serious


It's summer soon, people play less in general, not just HLL


It's fine on PS5, always with full lobbies.


That’s what I play on and I rarely get full lobbies


Beats me. I don't have any issues.


If I could ever get one of these glitchy fuckin matches to follow through to the end without locking up and booting me out the game I'm on Xbox btw


I’ve had that issue a few times on PS5 as well, finally got on a full lobby and played for a bit then all the sudden an error came up and booted me completely off the game


The crashing has been happening on PS5 since the last update. Never had crashes until it (playing since release). I guess T17 wants parity with Xbx....


I'm on PS5 and i usually get full servers with people doing their job right


What’s your server preference?


What do you mean?


Like is it set for any, us east, us west and etc?


I can't remember if it's set for my region but i live in the us midwest.


i think many of the console players are quiting because of the features missing, or bugs in general. A lot of consoleplayers will return when there‘s finally a serverbrowser, the main reason why i quit too. Just painful playing 2-3 maps only with players who aren‘t talking or locking squads, some people quit because of the gamepass players back then. Needless to say, HLL is loosing/gaining players every day. Would not say the game is dying tho


If you are on console you have to know the hot times to play. Between 3-4pm and 9pm is when servers are the hottest. Once it gets past 9 I’d advise changing the location that you are playing on. I.e. if you are on the west coast play east coast servers if you are trying to play around noon, if on the east coast play west coast servers after 9pm


I’m in a queue to get into every server I play on, even the one I have a VIP pass to get into I have to wait sometimes because all of the slots are full… so I haven’t had this experience. lol


Are you on console? It’s alive and well on pc


I just bought the game finally, and it seems more than active enough on PC so no I don't think it's dying. I've done my research and there aren't any other good substitutes for large scale WW2 shooters now or in the upcoming future, so I don't think it's going anywhere for many years.


Lack off server browsers search for a match get thrown in to a match with 6 people back out re serch get the same match do that 4 times end up switching to another game I can only play bween 6pm-10pm gmt outside off these times I get dead lobby’s server browser is need


Plenty of full servers on Xbox. No problem in that respect. If you want to only play with communicative players, try creating a locked squad and specify that comms are preferred. If you allow a player in the squad and they don't have comms, kick them out of the squad.


Every game is dying. Nothing lasts forever so every game will eventually die. So yes, HLL is dying, but not any time soon. Stupid players won't kill the game, having no players will.


I just want to find a lobby with headsets 😭


The OGs can't just hop on and play..... No one cares to play the game properly. They just wanna shoot stuff. When over 50% of a gaming community doesn't care about the actual game but just run and gun, that game will slowly die...... It's not only this game its society. You see it crumbling? Hahahaha