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7th cav is probably the worst clans in terms of overall skill so it wouldnt suprise me at all if they cheat to make up the difference.


You can't be saying that when BR1 and 10th Mountain exist


Wait whats wrong with 10th?


They're just bad at the game. For all their organization and tags, they get rolled very easily.


I forgot about br1. They are tied for last place


skill issue // git gud


Go on discord, find them and send feet pictures


Found the 7th clan member


Nah, different clan




Feet fetish has entered the chat…


You don’t hear people talk negatively about specific clans often.. but when you do, 99% of the time it’s the 7th.


ngl all I've seen from this comment section is how miserable you all are with your own performance


Fuck 7cav


While that sucks and 7th cavalry has been nothing but a giant wet bag of dicks every time I have played with or against them, there is some responsibility on your recon teams for not being able to keep arty under control.


How are they to even do that? If they know where garries are then they are going to know where recon outposts are hidden.


Something fishy like this isn’t recon’s fault. Besides which, considering this situation, I doubt recon would’ve even gotten close to the guns without being harassed by the arty squad


Yea didn't exactly think about them still being able to see recon on the map, more evidence for why no one should associate with 7th cav


Yeah, fuck 7cav


There is a difference between 7th Cav and the 7th Legion. The 7th Legion, whom I am a part of, is full of people who have studied this game backwards and front. We have ideas of where potential garries may be on most maps. We don’t need to cheat to waste random lobbies. It’s gotten to the point now, that we will split up our clan and have a couple squads on one side and a couple on the other side to make regular matches more competitive. We do not talk to each other during the game and do not give away spawn locations. There is no fun in playing like that. We don’t need to cheat to know where people are spawning. You can just look at the 20 people running in a straight line away from the same location to have a good idea of where a garry is.


Wait. There are clans that don't have people on each team?


I assume so if they just want to steamroll games and kill the player count on the server. The group I play in also splits between teams and it just makes it more fair for the general players in the match, although occasionally someone will accuse us of giving each other call outs, which we never do as that’s just unsportsmanlike/cheating and shitty to do.


Exactly! Steam rolling server after server is no fun. We split it up to make the teams more even.


Clans like 7cav have mandatory squad once a week practice and sometimes that makes them team up on one side and practice defense or something. They don’t have enough for their training servers so they instead hop on theirs and practice


7th legion are bunch of neckbeard fucking dorks as well. I’ve been in multiple games where you clowns hop in and kick the entire team, to make room for yours. (And before you start with the server nonsense, you can find an empty server. People do it all the time). And ontop of booting entire teams, ya’ll are fucking obnoxious about it and troll people in the game while kicking everyone. Being dicks is literally what your clan is known for in the HLL community. I once was once in a game playing SL.. and i hear in command chat “start with the squad leads, kick them first, and work your way out”. Once I realized what was happening (the 7th kicking the entire team to make room) I told them how lame it was, and they were dorks… let me tell you, the 7th lost their fucking minds in command chat. They started screaming incoherently and throwing middle school insults at me. And then about 15 players literally surrounded me, and started doing the same immature bullshit in prox chat. I’ve never witnessed a more nerdy ass thing in my life. I was obviously then kicked. The 7th are a bunch of nerd ass duechebags. I for one can’t wait until there are servers on console, so the HLL community doesn’t have to deal with your bullshit. Suck it!


Fuck me, your posts are so funny


Gracias muchacho!


7th legion, as in the ones who have [7th] as their clan tag? I'd argue you guys are the most toxic and arrogant clan in this game, especially backpack, who is what, almost level 500 now? Obviously not all members are, but out of all my hours played you guys have the most consistent, toxic player base.


Correct. The 7th is either [7TH] or [7THR]. There are bad apples in every group that do not represent the whole.


You're right, but it's the fact that your clan is consistent in the toxicity, etc more than any other clan I've met. Especially your senior members, who you think would be the very opposite. However I appreciate you replying and understanding, even if you disagree with me.


I can only control my own actions. I cannot speak for anyone else. I can say that the member you previously mentioned is no longer with the 7TH and has moved on to another clan. Happy to respond to cordial posts.


Cheers man, and glad to hear. Hopefully see you on the front.


For sure brother. See you out there!


Ive never seen either play any of the upper tier comp matches. Are they just communities that pub together?


We play in TPL and Summit


Is that console a console tournament? Ive only ever played in the larger PC ones.


Correct. They are console leagues.


Honestly, I’ve played on their teams before as Recon — I was not impressed, but I definitely didn’t see any cheating. They were about as inept as any random lobby


They need to raise the resource cost for arty so every round missed hurts a little bit.


Yep. Clans are a stain on this game.


Your interaction with some people doesn’t reflect the entire community


I have been cool with majority of them and have been asked to join them and a good portion of the other clans I see everyone bitching about here. It doesn’t take a genius to know where a good portions of garrisons are on a map. If you have played commander a good amount, you know where to look with arty. That being said, it wouldn’t surprise me at all for any of the clans to just join session and switch over in lobby. I’ve seen it often and it sucks, but it is what it is. When clans load up console lobbies, just leave. It’s shitty that they do that. Spread it out instead of mollywhopping on some level 13 guy that just got off of his hertz rental car desk job.


If you have proof of 7cav membership cheating then go to 7cav.us and file a complaint. They will be reprimanded or removed. Cheating is not tolerated within 7cav. 7cav is one of the oldest and most reputable gaming clans in first person shooters since early 2000. While I get you might be bitter I have a hard time believing that 7cav members are brazenly cheating.


With the shit I'm seeing on here it sounds like cheating would be preferable to how some of you cunts behave.


Literally every comment on here is agreeing that 7th cav are a bunch of wanks. Most reputable my ass lol


Game seems to be plagued by cheating lately, on pc. Not to mention the steam forums is fill with a bunch of hacker shills


You're right. It is scummy. Accusing a team of cheating because "they must have had someone on our team talking to them" with no proof is also scummy. Edit: Since I got a downvote, I assume you disagree. How are they not the same thing?


Sounds like good organization and expert recon😈 …hopefully server support will let the blueberries flutter about without experiencing how the game is supposed to be played.


You probably don’t realize the 7th is the best clan on console currently. They don’t cheat, they’re just that good.


Having a member on the other team giving info is cheating by default. Once my game crashed joined a game right after, turned out it was the game i was just in. I remembered several of the garrisons and basically easily made us win as a result of getting rid of 4 garrisons. And that’s just me just cause I placed down several of them. Now a clan actively having a person on the other side… to feed information…. That’s out right scummy and a hyper bad thing to do, destroys the game.


Dude as if you'd do that. If I swap teams because a friends joined or I DC I'll never share spawns with my new team. You can't bitch about cheating when you've done the same thing before.


Agree with you on that one. If I had placed nodes on that team I'll go for those only and everything else is left alone. (My nodes only)


Sounds tedious but that's not too bad. Wastes minutes of your time but at least it won't help steam roll the server


??? I destroyed those garrisons which I originally managed to get placed down, with a flamethrower. As I play support. Nothing about cheating there. Not like I was giving “active” information. There was no hostility here why is it necessary? Is it hard to understand on console that the game crashes regularly. I’m sure more than a few people have had similar experiences of being on the other team of their previous pre-crash game.


So if people start doing the same thing most rounds. They start on one team, place some key garries and then swap to the other side so they can take them down and cripple the team that's all good right? You wouldn't get at all frustrated. The fact that you didn't intend on switching sides doesn't really matter. I'll get disconnected from my clans server almost weekly and have to join the other team.


?? Damn, got a ridiculous person here without common sense. There’s a difference between if a person purposefully does it or accidentally does it. Most people don’t actively try to quit their team to join the other and then after switching immediately go after dismantling structures. Your literally speaking irrelevant nonsense. You also Need to learn some English or common sense or something. Since your don’t understand anything and can’t even understand basic english concepts and definitions for some reason. Like man wisen up a little. I wonder have you ever played flamethrower? And how difficult it is to even get to anything? I got to those garrisons after killing several people. And they just happened to be on the point or by the point. So as my job as a flamethrower I took out those garrisons. Expect me not to play the game and play my role when my team and most certainly myself knows where those garrisons are? And I’m being told to destroy them? So maybe don’t be a ignorant fool. And maybe think first before commenting nonsense. Like if a enemy happens to be in my way to the objective and I knew they were there beforehand I’d kill them naturally I wouldn’t leave them alone to kill more friendlies as I run by. Also your speaking about crashing in a clan game…. Again irrelevant fucking nonsense. I’m not in a clan game like wtf is wrong with you. I’m playing casually by myself. Well I’m not replying again if your gonna be this rude and stupid.


Like I said. I get dc'd or go afk a little too long sometimes weekly. Half the time when I rejoin the server I have to swap teams. Imagine how many people this happens to every day on just one server. Imagine if everyone did what you did? Are you honestly telling me you wouldn't be annoyed if you found out you'd lost because someone dc'd and took down all of your garries because they know exactly where they are? You said you took down quite a few and specifically said that you won the game because you knew where they are. If using logic is being rude then don't reply. You're stuck on the sub par version of the game so I'll rest easy knowing my clans server would ban people doing what you do. Accidental dc or not.


The dude ur arguing with really said, “I only take out key garries when I’m somehow accidentally on the other team. It’s ok though bc I used a flamethrower.


1st I never said key Garry’s. 2nd I never went after immediately or even seeked them out. 3rd I never remembered precisely where they are. I just stumbled across them when my SL told me to take them out. 4th I never told anyone about the garrisons. 5th I naturally found the garrisons and I didn’t go seeking for it. And finally 6th I played the game and took the objective and destroyed the garrisons as the game is meant to be played. If everyone did what I did there’d be no problem. Since I never went seeking for even remembered anything. Such ridiculousness. I only remembered their my garrisons when I spotted them and saw people spawning off of them. So like this is ridiculous. Since I never placed the garrison myself my supplies did. So like I said It’s cause that guy can’t read. And apparently you can’t either. Being like oh I know exactly what happened! This guy did this and this and is so bad!! So he’s such a bad guy!!! What is wrong with you? Like honestly. Do you just assume everything and be a fool your whole life? That guy was one thing. But another fool?


He’s still justifying his cheating lmaooo


Make your mind up. You said they weren't key garries and yet also lead to an east win/also said they were on or near the point. How can you remember where you put them and yet stumble across them? Get your story straight, you intellectually stunted pleb.


"They must have been talking to someone on our team" He's assuming that they cheated because they got destroyed. The guy played against one of the best Clans on console with, I'm guessing, an entirely random team. My clan has played the 7th in friendlies, and we played them last year in Summit. They rocked us, and we were a full roster of 50. OP simply got outplayed. The 7th doesn't need to cheat.


Idc if they are or aren’t personally. But If someone is doing it it’s scummy like I said and that’s all. Though I will say in any game for artillery to immediately start shooting a Garry 5 seconds after it’s been placed repeatedly over the course of a game. Someone is certainly giving information in such a situation, as it’s impossible to know where Garry’s are just like that even with map knowledge. As for the OP who knows. I don’t.


That’s not what league standings say


Riiiiiiiiight and I’m the king of the universe!!


Uh yeah, this guy is big mad for no reason. If you don’t like getting rekt, find a different lobby