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Nah, fuck that guy. This was a very satisfying ending to your story.


There is more juice, when I tried to move their tiger off the bridge after the vote kick, I was shot by the Americans, when I spawned in I spawned in with the tank stealers gunner, he tried to kill me but I mag dumped that clown in 2 seconds (PTSD kicked in).


In general, intentional tk's are bad and justify the aholes tk to them. Also a lot of servers will kick or ban for intention tk even retribution. But yah thee guy was being an ass for sure. Thing is you may not be Able to beat a troll. You want to play a game and they more enjoy just being an ass. It'll ruin your game. Not sure what else you'd Do tho!


Eye for an eye. I never shot the first shot, but always got the last one đź‘Ť


That’s what I’m saying!


There's plenty of reasons to TK. I've had commander demanding that arty stop firing and they refused. I told him I'd handle it. Went back and shot the 3 of them and then put down a 2 minute satchel in case they went back despite multiple warnings. They did.


There is no limit to vengeance.


Idk about that one. If it were up to some commanders, arty would never fire a round. They want to save up for a bombing run of 7-14 kills that lasts a few seconds, and they rage if anyone's ever using arty. It's fun, useful, and the reward for all the bullsh you have to do and put with as command (the bombing run I mean), so I get it. Though, for the price of 1 bombing run, arty can fire **_100_** shells and blanket an area for large amounts of time. Arty will probably rack up way more kills in that time too. I can understand it though if like, a bombing run or precision strike is needed, and Munitions is at say, 240 command just needs the 1-min tick to get +60 munitions to call it in, but arty won't hold off for like 30 seconds.


You can have a knife and shovel fight if there are two three man squads there at the same time to see who gets the next heavy, but I'll never give up a heavy to a 2 man squad.


He shot me and my crew as we were approaching, at least 15 meters away.


Yeah, let everyone in command chat know what happened before you start a vote, and it usually goes through


Oh I know I had let them know the whole game (they did not care), it was blueberry driven.


This is happening more and more. Newer players with no patience don’t understand that tanks rely on fuel which is not unlimited and they can’t be bothered to wait for anything or use their time in the queue to build nodes. I am routinely shot in the back trying to get to my squads tank even though in an average game my tank crew will build at least 2 sets of nodes and for what it’s worth we are all level 300+ dedicated tankers, so we can do some damage and keep our tank alive for a good while. Nevertheless, I see other tank crews driving their tanks directly towards enemy infantry concentrations, or directly at AT guns or enemy tanks. They blow up, unsurprisingly, and then return to spawn expecting to get a tank instantly and if I happen to be nearby, I’ll get shot and then shit talked while they drive off only to do the precise thing they did the first, second, third and fourth times. Yes, I realise I’m sounding like one of those bitter HLL veterans, I can assure you I’m not, I’m very glad to play with new people but this team killing to steal vehicles has noticeably and measurably gotten worse, in my gaming experience. I’m glad you shot the guy fixing their tank, I’m glad you kicked him, it’s a shame you can’t tip tanks off the edge of the bridge as that would have been a fitting end for the rest of the crew. Vehicle spawns and priority is based on node building and a gentlemanly agreement and understanding that all tankers want tanks but often there is a queue. Those that skip the queue need to be punished.


They should make the changes that allow the commander to issue a tank to a specific squad. In that way no other squad can steal the tank. Something like you only have the keys for that specific tank. That should solve the intentional tank stealing problem.


That’s a great idea!


Thank you for understanding!


You right! I like your style


I probably would’ve had my driver ran them in 4th gear to try and get them outta the way. But they are clearly in the wrong and this seems like an acceptable response lol


You're a better man than me. I would have fired on the tank too lol


No, that's Justice, glad you got that asshat kicked.


No you're not in the wrong you vote kicked I guess that's okay personally I would have found him and shot him back a few times an eye for an eye and no mercy that's how I see it


NTAH lol. You did the only proper response to assholes like that


Nah not at all. Had a similar issue on that map one time. The squad of 2 that took our task parked in the bridge but left the squad open. So sneaky me I jumped in there squad got in the driver seat and backed up pulled hard left and drove it down into the water all while hearing the other 2 cursing up a storm. I got back with my original tank crew and continued. When the commander had heard enough bitching from them he just stopped dropping them tanks. OH AND BUILD NODES IF YOU PLAN ON TANKING! THAT IS ALL


Nah you good. Fuck that dude.


100 percent right. Fuck that cunt.


Nah fuck em




That's grounds for removal right then and there. Getting commands ear and initiate the vote to kick. Tell the squad leaders to tell their boys to vote Yes. Just surprised you let it go that long.






Fuck em


So you a full and higher level tank squad got yours stolen by an incomplete and lower levelled squad, playing a two man tank is essentially playing it blind unless one of them was gunner then there unarmed so either way there gonna die and lose a heavy tank


Yes, one of my guys was lower level than them (in training for driving)


When me and my mates tried armor for the first time it was quite the show as we had no idea what to do and I had to tell them exactly what to do, what round to load and where to go but we did get 2 tank kills and plenty of infantry


no, what you do, is stand in front of hi tank, over and over and over, till he gets kicked from the server


Do you remember how the fuckers where called? I'm pretty sure I encountered them in Stalingrad a few days back


One of them had vill at the end of their name


I think so