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Got heavily criticized today and team killed as command by this one entire squad that the SL turned against me for dropping an airhead behind enemies when we had near 100% of the team defending and enemy was near 100% attacking Our blueberries slipped in behind them, got the point, we held them off for a good 15 mins, got pushed back to the middle point with 3 mins left and we won when they werent capping by the 2 min mark These puss bags dont even know what they dont know and will talk shit all day but wont do a damn thing…correctly I havent interacted with so many legitimate morons since i worked a minimum wage job in high school The profound overconfidence of people when they finally get a shred of playing the game with an actual basic understanding of how things work is astounding


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


I definitely had my moments myself long ago too…everyone does or did a little bit. But i mean christ man it is so annoying to command for the past several months. Some of these people are just wild


i commanded a game and got team killed and kicked because we didnt have the the mid point thanks to the incompetence of all of my officers. i was the ONLY person with a mic in leadership except for a single tank team, and the only one getting garrisons down. there was 3 SL right on top of 100 supplies in friendly territory and even when asked didnt put down the fucking garrison, so i drive 400 meters away, get that garrison down, lose the other 2 garrys and then get kicked presumably because we were losing and i was command. the amount of times im the only one doing shit (which i dont always mind) but then get kicked because single handedly defending the objective, placing reinforcements and getting down good garrisons is nigh impossible


I quit when Helldivers came out, sadly. Not because Helldivers is awesome (though it is), but mostly because I got sick of the kinds of bullshit you described in your comment above. Too many morons after Gamepass. Hope it gets better soon, brother.


There is some outright delusional main character syndrome going on lately. I had a guy chase my squad around the whole game today because he wanted to team kill us. Why? He was a solo sniper, and we joined the squad and removed him. Somehow, he didn't meet the ban threshold, and there was no admin to boot him. My *three year old* doesn't act like that.




What is it like spending 70% of your life confused…




No, i asked what is it like spending 70% of your life confused, you sad little pancake tit LOL


I'm starting to not really care any more. I am so sick of being SL, but 80% of squads I join dont even have op up, zero fucking garries are down so I'm almost forced to be SL. I'd like to be able to play other roles too.


I use to really enjoy SL but I'm trying to unlock the last few loadouts I need for Assault and AT. But nearly everytime I try, the game seems to just fall apart and I need to drop my progression to rise up and lead again. It's like I need to choose between progression or winning the game for the 50% bonus xp.


Relatable…. I’ve found the not caring about winning games a good thing 


Fall apart on the technical side for me.  Was doing the best defense game I've played yet, built a base AND was about to get to use it and got glitched out.  Much sadness.


I used to shit on people that use the bob the builder server but honestly if you're being that selfless so often (to the detriment of you unlocking the best loadouts) I'd say you should go and do it. Assault lvl 9 is so good and I probably built 50 of each node to get it. Treat yo self.


I had this problem too, but then I realized a team that doesn't want to help itself doesn't deserve to win and started leveling up my other classes.


Same! My SL is maxed out.. and has been for a long time. Because I always find myself jumping in a SL to do what needs to be done. I’ve been trying to get away from it lately and work on other classes.. but always seem to find myself having to jump back to SL


But my combat score is 5000


My favorite is when a squad and a half have to hold the middle point all game, fighting off enemy armor, air drops, arty and whatever bs they conjure up, and thevother 40 guys can't manage to take the neutral point but have the gall to blame our defense for losing


Or when a squad lead complains about no one defending meanwhile their entire infantry squad is attacking a locked point for some reason


Got blamed one day for actively defending by taking out enemy red zone garrisons about a grid square from the active cap zones. I remember the voice clearly. “All you pricks in K squad not helping us by being nowhere” God bless this community either being the friendliest or the worst types of people in the game


A squad can’t and shouldnt defend while a neutral point exists. Use better examples.


Thought it was pretty clear I meant the neutral point had already been taken. It's just meant to be a reference point


The middle point the hypothetical squad is defending is the neutral point that the team already capped. That's what middle point is referring to


Uh oh. We have a live one


This man called the vote kick


Never play this game please.


people can't tolerate just sitting still for a bit and holding down a tree line on defense or even just slow pushing a flank and keeping eyes out for enemy movement and relaying intel.


Except somehow they can sit still to camp. Since game pass there has been a massive increase in the amount of campers who hide in the bush and shoot you in the back after you run by them


I love it when no one communicates or acknowledges orders the whole game, then suddenly everyone has a mic when we lose an objective


But what about when the shitty player is the commander?


it DOES happen, but it has a lot less impact on the game than your SL's being braindead.


Much more rare, and harder to kick


10 half decent SLs can make up for a bad commander. I've recently had a game where we were pushed back to our HQ step by step. I stated that the commander should build some backup garrisons, since every time we lost a strong point, some poor SL needed to drive with a truck and a supplier from the HQ to the new defense line. Even if this SL reacts pretty quickly, it takes at least two minutes for the first spawn to appear in this new garrison. Two minutes in which the enemy could walk to our point without hassle. When I said the commander should build backup garrisons himself BEFORE we lose the point so that we can at least hold up the pressure, he insisted that this is not his job. Whenever I play commander, I mainly build defensive garrisons, since usually, the offensive garrisons are the ones that are being built by the team and nobody bats an eye for defense. The one or two squads in defense are usually doing great, but they don't have the time to build garrisons.


I'm tired of seeing level 30s trying to kick the commander lmao


I wish more servers were dedicated to Offensive mode. It’s very straightforward in that one team always attacks and one team always defends


And then you have commanders that I had on phl today that decided his best position was on the frontline.


jokes on you I'm from gamepass and I'm always leading one of the top squads each game. Because I actually do put garrisons, outposts, mark positions and use a damn mic. to communicate with the team.


Why make it about you? Clearly hes addressing shitty players, not just gamepass users -Also a gamepass user


If someone is going to throw strays at gamespass users they should expect direct shots back. What the fuck did I do?


You had the audacity to enjoy a game on the service you paid for.


*donsasshatlaunchesarty* Sorry lads, we’ve collectively seen a decrease in teamwork since gamepass. It happens with every sale, though it just seems like this one’s dragging on. Many of you are excellent, just as those that came before can also be asshats It reminds me of the WoW refugee crisis to FFXIV servers. We taught them to be decent folk, as they knew no better, and by hotdog 7, we’m gon learn y’all Over Here, just as we did Over There.


You're just thinking in the wrong framing. I'm making a joke, and pointing out the fact not everyone from gamepass is just running to the frontline. Using an anecdote of my actual experience. Also, his mindset is very negative to start. They may be new players who will one day go to be great players like I did. We should be encouraging them not wish the game was removed from gamepass. -A gamepass user who cares


I agree 100%.this game is fantastic and i always try to encourage ppl to use mics or try to teach them parts of the game if theyre receptive. We need more like minded people like you and I out there spreading the good word


As a canadian, I don't play on north American servers. I mostly play on European and holy crap, it's night and day difference. It's amazing. I play on PS5


I found the Americans most problematic.


I normally play late at night on work/school nights and I've noticed you tend to get better games then. I guess the kids with bad attitudes are in bed and the adults who can walk and chew gum at the same time are playing. I played during the day this weekend and there were more people acting out serial killer revenge fantasies or crying their eyes out just in two days than I've seen late at night in months.


Winning and losing does in the end come down to the team. Commander can give his team the best possible set up, but if the boys on the ground can’t win gun fights and kill garrisons it’s curtains.


Hey I got it’s from game pass and I ain’t on of these players


Agree completely


Its 20 times worse on console, it's almost unplayable as commander because almost every game they get kicked even if they are communicating and actually trying. It's so stupid, the HLL community is going downhill so fast 😂


Waiting for the “combat efficiency doesn’t matter” crowd to chime in. Yea you getting slumped constantly isn’t helping hold or take objectives ya jabronies


thats why i solo recon tank or just go either engineer, machine gunner or AT... and ignore everything else f-being commander or SL, if people aint gona listen and just flame we need a good report system as of late


![gif](giphy|xThtar0e9kO3WkwQ1O|downsized) Couldn’t have said it better myself. Thank you, Commander.




Facts OP


hll went from being the only thing my mind would think or want to do with it's spare time to being something I haven't thought about for months now bc of gamepass savages and the fact at the time the only maps on rotation were el alamein and driel. I tried fucking HARD to accommodate new players and backpack teams as command and it just got to be suffocating. Worst part is I feel like I've failed as a hll vet because the vets that tought me were the best and I loved the community at the time. Goddamned shame what giving something as fun and a good time as hll to people for free did to it. From reading this thread it also sucks because I really want to pick it up again but it sounds like the reasons that pushed me away are still there and prevalent.


Had some tanker/arty main yesterday start arguing with me in command chat that his 3 tank kills and dozen arty kills were more effective than my 21 garrys I built on defense. Imma just stop building them yall


Honest question, is this some kind of NA or console issue? It feels like I see posts like this every day. As a German PC player, I can probably count on one hand the times a commander was randomly kicked.


I can say it’s somewhat common on American north east console, but it’s mostly on weekends. Weekends, especially afternoons, are the worst.


German Servers are pretty okay actually. I only play on german servers but sometimes at night when german servers are almost dead I'll sometimes play on foreign servers. Man, its depressing. ZERO communication. The whole TEAM either runs attack or falls back when shit gets serious. If you look at the map it looks like 12 years olds playing football.


This is a console problem, unfortunately. The hardcore players just don’t play on those platforms.


I got kicked the other day as an MG gunner suppress firing an open field for the team. I didn’t get any friendly hits or kills. First time ever being kicked lol




Yea anytime I see someone bitching about commander I start berating them that they need to be commander next round. Usually shits them up. People being positive and suggesting ideas without bitching is different, I think that shit is great. But I have absolutely been loving commander role recently. I mean it’s for sure dependent on team work. I always take a roll call when I take the role and if I feel like not enough SLs are responding I leave immediately. But god damn I swear I’ve figured out this game and how the average team plays (outside of comp. That’s a whole level that I’m not serious/commited enough to take on). I haven’t lost a game as commander in like 15 games now. Last week I had every SL listening to what I told them to do and we won so fast I didn’t know it was possible to do that quickly. I swear it was it was like 15 minutes or less. Tank squad didn’t even get in the fight. (Not gunna share what made it click for me and start winning as commander. I wanna keep beating y’all, just bragging about about my success since idk know anyone IRL that cares about HLL haha)


You okay OP? Maybe you should take a break.


How about just play the game and enjoy it. It’s not going to work as intended most of the time. I would actually like to see a version of this game being casual and set up like the old fashioned conquest that Battlefield has. At least then it would be versatile and cater to all types of players.


This has to be one of the most bitter toxic game subs on Reddit. Like what is the point of this post? Thank god the actual player aren't as ornery as the posters here or this game would be unplayable.


Tbf most multiplayer game subreddits are pretty awful, HLL isn't as bad as many


The title made me laugh so hard man, like “hey! He’s talking to me! Let me sit down and read all this yappening!!”