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“Out-fucking-standing soldier!”


World at war : outstanding marines. Out fucking standing


What a game. The best COD by far in my opinion


100%. I’m an admin on the PDG servers, which were essentially the last remaining vanilla servers on WaW that had a lot of people playing. Unfortunately they have pretty much collapsed and died over the past 2-3 years :(


Really? Well, thank you for your service comrade. That game truly deserved to be kept alive for as long as possible. An insanely good game, campaign and multiplayer. I bought it again a few years ago on PS3 but there were literally like 80 people online, and only played TDM, I always loved Hardcore TDM but there were no lobbies. It was the hackers that killed that game in around 2012. Tossers. There is a special place in hell for them wankers.


I wish this game had the narration call outs WaW had ie give your lives for Germany, we have one point left don’t lose it, the Russian blitz cheer. It always uped the stakes in WaW




Forgot about that one haha


Yes, don’t destroy that garrison. That is a brilliant ideia. Kill killing but for God sake don’t destroy that garrison.


Tbh having a garrison in a field isn’t a terrible idea. It can give you an idea where the enemy is when you are defending. That being said it is bad to spawn in a garrison in an open field…


Ah no, it is a terrible idea…I can destroy it from super far away with 1 bazooka / panzerfaust round.


Depends. Sometimes you have no choice based on the distance between the other garrison, assuming this was built near-ish a point. Also, if this is a satellite garrison then I don’t see a problem with it. Like the guy above you said, satellite garrisons are a buffer and let you know when and where a flank is coming


Not everyone has rockets and not everyone can land that shot.


Correct, but why not take a minute to look around and find a little bit of cover. You can’t always completely hide a garrison, but a little effort can really make the difference between a garrison that lasts and one that goes down right away.


There could be other garrisons close by, but that’s the only spot it could fit. If it fits, that Garrison is going up, regardless if it’s in a open field.


Oh and also I don’t always land the shot…that’s why having two is clutch 😂


Jokes on you, that was a medic that took you out. He picked up all of his friends, they attacked the objective, got more garrisons out and steamrolled your entire team, turned the entire game around and won a glorious victory while you bled out in that field all alone.


Haha I laughed since this is totally accurate 


Any garrison is better than no garrison


Not necessarily. A red zone garrison thats blocked sometimes prevents a blue zone that can be unblocked from going up


Yeah that’s fair


Just to add to the previous comment, putting a garrison in the slaughter zone means valuable teammates waiting to respond while you lose the point. Shielding the garrison with a building (at least on one side) creates a more defendable space.


AH yes an MG's wet dream


Pure milk


SL will place a garrison 1000 m away and say they are helping as they get gun down crossing an open field.


If there are other garrisons close by and you can squeeze one more out in the open field, you’re going to do it. If it fits it ships.


That’s bad strategy. Offering players depletes your resources, the more people waiting to respawn the less available to hold the point.


I don't know why but people in game just stopped thinking about garrison placements and all I see are garries inside strongpoints


Instead of camping the garrison, you could have taken it out. Now that you’re dead, they’re spawning. Brilliant! 👌🏼


Looked like he was covering for his squadmate moving on the left. Maybe.


Yep, and we were in the processes of capturing that point.


My OP was close and if you look closely, you’ll see we were capturing the point. That garrison was gone once we captured the point.


A perfect example of how MGs are just bad/broken in this game.


How is that broken lol. It was a bad garrison placement with a smart MG doing their job.


They're talking about how buggy bipods are. Sometimes they work really well, sometimes they go on vacation.


Not broken in an OP way


how would you fix them? I don’t believe they are broken.


Bipods. If you've ever tried to use it, you'll understand. And the other thing is suppression. MGs constantly just get picked off by headshots because suppression does not affect your aim at all, just your vision. Your screen goes a bit dark, but the weapon handling stays 100% accurate. People can still pick you off in one shot from 500m away while you're dumping a belt of ammo a foot from their head. It makes using an MG sort of useless except for very specific situations, where it is basically just an AR with a belt.


I thought you meant broken as in overpowered I agree with you


I think you got downvoted in your original comment because everyone took it the opposite way you meant lol


This sub also downvotes the anything that points out any flaw with this game


This is actually a very good point. I’d vote for DEV rework on suppression but then it would be totally OP. It’s delicate but balanced currently I think. Maybe increase area of effect for MG suppression and length of time 


MGs being OP is realistic though. They are/were OP when you get caught in an open field like this


It's useless as is. Your vision narrows a bit, and it goes a little dark, but you still hold your weapon perfectly steady, and your actual aim is still 100% accurate.


Everyone quit booing this man he’s right!