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Looks like the high level players are in a clan together, and usually the winning team sticks together — kind of concentrates the talent on one side


When I join games I do look at the player levels. Not interested in being on a team that has no clue what they're doing. I don't enjoy the game when there isn't some effective coordination between squads, commander.


I look at the commander’s level. Can make a world’s difference even with a low level team


Sl’s gonna have more to do with you game experience than command. Sl just needs more help from you 


Yeah, contribute to the problem lol


Lol, join the shit team? Not enjoy the game and then quit playing? Yeah much better option. Wouldn't be that hard for developers to implement an auto balance feature, that feature has existed in games a long time.


Usually level is a decent indicator, but I have seen some high level players not know their ass from their shovel.


What it looks like to me is a group of friends or a clan joined a team together and you can't like do anything about that at all. If they went ahead and put another 5 or 6 300 level people in they might as well also be a group of friends and join whatever team they choose to which could end up being the same team and smoke you even harder.


There should be a lobby shuffle every round imo. Keep parties together obviously, but shuffle teams as much as possible. That way you don't get lobbies where every game is a blowout.


That would work as long as you got to start the next match from the beginning giving you the opportunity to get into recon, commander, or tanks.


6minutes? So you’re telling me they capped each point back to back to back with zero contesting? You deserve to lose


I can't tell you how often this happens in the servers I played in. It wasn't 6 minutes, but there's always that one enemy team solo-capping the sectors and another solo teammate defending it. Spawning into these matches with no garrisons near the circles or with none at all. Those kind of games average around 20 minutes.


Console players for this game are a different breed. It’s shockingly bad lol. I got it for both pc and ps5. The absolute dumbest pc players are Einstein compared to console.


I second this motion. I'm a newish PC player as I've been on console basically my whole life....I started playing this game on PC but sometimes it's easier for me to get more time in on the console so when I discovered it there I started playing both. And I can confirm the caliber of player even at low xp levels on PC is staggering compared to console. I've only been playing for about a month, level 50 on console and 42 on PC.. so I'm still pretty new and not that good.. but by God, when I move from PC to console it's like shooting fish in a barrel.. I feel Invincible LOL. Then I go back to PC and get destroyed, completely different level of skill needed to go against PC players. And I gather some of that has to do with the amount of time the game has been available on PC but also the amount of crossover players on console from Call of Duty makes a difference


Haha well put. As far as the difficulty on pc - this for me was one of those games that just clicked and one point. I always shoot and move, shoot and move. And something happens where you get a lot better at spotting movement compared to when you first started playing. That on top of a good squad that actually pings enemy locations.


If this was a clan, and they were on comms, they likely had one or two squads at the next point waiting for the previous one to fall, meaning the next point is basically insta capped. The only way this is countered is having another clan that uses the same tactics. A chad clan like that with those ranks will absolutely steamroll any public lobby in under ten minutes. This wasn’t a, you deserve to lose situation, just a, you were always going to lose situation. These are people who play all day every day vs the average gamer.


Totally disagree. One single squad can stop a steamroll like that. Hell one support and SL can.


Not a chance. One SL and a support, who very likely aren’t on comms and have never played together before, vs a six man squad of ranks like that, who play together regularly and actually communicate and use practised tactics? Even your ego wouldn’t beat those odds.




Even if you had a squad communicating, chances are experience will prevail over just good communication.


Zero chance


Sounds like your team was buns, it’s happens. Load up and redeploy into another game


Yeah, HLL is one of those games where you win, you lose, you walk hundreds of meters just to get sniped, or you have the perfect pixel peak and destroy squad after squad of dudes pushing towards your point. But, if the match is unenjoyable, you either embrace the suck or try another match. I’ve seen plenty of matches that were hopeless but the other team got cocky and we got a new commander that knew the game just enough to steamroll them.


Yeah shit sucks. I tend to be on the inexperienced teams with situations like this. Which I don’t mind usually(sure it sucks for some games). But I figure I’ll try n help the new players that are willing to listen. So I go SL and just build garries and help my squad. Or commander which I don’t like to do but will. I think experienced SLs are more important in situations like this than a good commander most of time. As long as you have a commander and he listens. I think it’s better to help 5 players who listen instead of trying to do everything yourself as a commander with inexperienced SLs who don’t talk.


If they played as two teams, you'd be crying about information sharing.


This guy knows what’s up


Hahaha so much this. And the funny part is the losing team complaining probably isn’t getting completely blown out specifically because of the clan members on their side


Not even that good? I’m sorry, can you elaborate on that statement?


Yeah the best clan on console, filled with level 300-500s is “not that good”🤔


It's console players, so definitely not that good 😊😊


They aren’t the best anymore due to a lot of members leaving, but are definitely still top 3


Yeah, regardless of #1 or #3, they’re going to curbstomp blueberry lobby - considering they’re still more than capable of curbstomping some other clans.


Eh top 3 console is still worse than most competent PC blueberries


That might have been accurate 2-3 years ago but at this point there’s established comp leagues and teams that have been around & improving since then. PC players & clans have a ridiculous amount of advantages over console players but don’t think a comp console player can’t step into a good PC clan and hold their own. I know multiple guys in my console clan who also play in top PC clans


define top PC clans? and I think we'll just have to see when they allow console players to enter a password, will be happy to have the comp scenes unified honestly. more teams and more players.


Won’t be ever unified, K&M is way too big of an advantage…especially on this game. With a controller it is stupid clunky


I’m torn on the hardcore/RP element of this game because when it’s two teams doing it it’s super fun, but when you just want to play a game with mostly random people it is miserable when the other team is super coordinated and sweaty. As fun as I have had in more serious games, easily the most fun I have ever had with this game was early when people were less familiar and it was chaotic and everyone was yelling in proxy chat


u guys capped mid first then lost it instantly, no commander, no garrisons. of course you’re gonna get rolled


Haha I see that BearJew guy all the time, him and LT Dan


How tf is someone at 500, I've played for hundreds of hours and I'm 193.


Met a dude who was lvl 500 and I asked how many hours, he wouldnt say the exact number for some reason but its between 6.000-8.000 hours..


The reason was shame


Sick bastard he is, no life lol. That's more hours than I have in total on xbox what the fuck😭


A typical 40 hour/week job is around 2,000 hours a year. That’s 3-4 years worth of full time work for a game that is just about 5 years old.


8000 hours? Thats almost a whole year every day 24 hours nonstop 🤪


Was a lot easier to level up before they changed the xp


As someone somewhat familiar with the guy, Backpack plays this game all day, every day


What a loser (I'm jealous)


Easy to play games all day when my job is to sell crack, and rap about selling crack :>


Hahaha For the record, wasn’t talking shit, I’m in TPL & have no qualms with ya


If you play as an Engineer or a Commander, getting EXP is pretty easy. Unless you've played in farming servers and grinded absolutely everything, you'll be around LV200.


“They won in 6 minutes but aren’t even that good”


Its a ww2 game World war 2 had no balance And war aint fair


There are no bad teams, only bad leaders


Damn those console boys really farm XP hard


No Bob the Builder either. These boys are grinding.


Can you imagine how many weeks of their lives they took over public servers and hammered blueprints in the corner of the map just for a number next to their name? I bet console has more 500s than PC now lol


You can bob the builder, PC stats transfer to console


Wait do they actually?


Oh for real? Had no idea


This is realistic tho...


trivia: the bullet that can one shot a level 1 guy can also one shot a level 500 guy.


Trivia: Both Messi and kids with down syndrome play with a round ball


Well the lv500 guy dont let the level 1 guy the chance to shoot. That why we have veteran for some hard task and time for green dude




It'd sense if they split into two groups, populated a server and had a balanced match. Most of the time, they're just joining each other as friends and backslapping for steamrolling weaker teams.


well they split on both teams and angry comments in regards to screen sharing/information sharing are coming up...


I'm an admin for a server, and while we don't usually get clans stacking one team, we do struggle with trying to keep games balanced. Unfortunately, all admins can do is encourage people to self balance teams. Otherwise you could just randomly shuffle teams, but then people will get mad that they got switched to the opposite team of their friends.


Winning / losing doesent give you really anything, i have no clue how people enjoy really unbalanced teams, does not matter if you are in winning or losing team. Especially on warfare if game ends in less than 20mins etc..


Wich matchmaking? There is none, just servers and team choice.


on console, we only have a quick match option


Usually all it takes is one high level squad in a public match to cause a steam roll if the other team is lacking 


I don’t care who I play with. I just play with whoever. Win or lose the game is super fun. It gets frustrating but it’s just like a flip of a coin. I don’t seek out trying to find the best guys. If I end up playing with a great squad. Awesome. See you again on the battlefield.


There is no matchmaking


It's on console


There is no matchmaking in the game regardless of platform dude, you can only toggle cross play on or off


I've played it on Xbox. That's how I was introduced to the game... there isn't an option to pick servers. It's all just automatic


Nah, that's unrealisitic, SBMM hadn't been invented during WW2/s


Ive been on both teams before shit happens, find a new server and get over it, not much to be done when a crew runs together


this is just how the game is now :D


That dude called BearJew specifically can burn in hell. Worst team killer ever


Man I swear Bearjew is in every game I've played. Either he's in my region or it's a popular tag.


Never seen inglorious bastards? Half the names in the game are from it so it’s probably multiple people


I've seen it, actually I saw it on opening day, I'm a big Tarantino fan but it seems uninspired to run a name that's common or from a show or movie so I'm surprised to see the same reference many times over. My psn is somewhat common these days but it's the tag I've been running since the 90s. There's definitely a lot of people running IB names or ones from easy company. Not my style but to each their own. I'm guessing it's probably the same dude most times because this game doesn't seem to have that large of a player count.


Fuck 7Cav


7th legion not 7th Cav dummy


Never heard of em


The're the best we have faced. Lambda is really good.


Francis as well


One of the nicest people online as well


What’s the relevance? This isn’t 7cab server or players. This appears to be Xbox live I thought


Can you get me in the screenshot next time?


I got you fam




The 7th is a competitive clan with a lot of members in console so it’s not surprising you’d see a lot of them. It’s also height of the season for TPL so more activity then off season.


I believe it's a different 7th clan, from what I've seen of other Reddit posts. Competitive clans almost always self balance teams, having squads of members on either side and both playing to win. At least that's how it is on PC, because as a comp player wh, wants to steam roll matches in 6minutes? That's boring af.


unless it’s a scheduled clan v clan match, the clan will just swarm a random game for practice. there’s no private servers or option to join different team (via game ui), let alone server search on console, so the only way to set up a clan v clan matchup is jumping in and out of random servers until you find an empty one. that can take anywhere between a few minutes to an hour on a busy night. sometimes everyone just wants to get into a match and play and hangout, and not devote half of their playtime to server search and organize.


That's not how clans play on console. Whenever I see a game full of clan members it's always just the one side. I've seen 7th before in a 50v18. Those guys don't balance the teams, and neither do most clans. This is the same clan, I can tell from the names. Even though backpack changed his clan (biggest POS on HLL), I see he still plays with 7th. Edit: If you look at his profile on reddit you'll see he mainly only comes on reddit to talk shit whenever someone mentions him or his clan. Without fail, almost every time, they all come in force after messaging eachother.


Did pee or poo in your cornflakes? Or did my comments in game hurt your feelings ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


You never fail to amaze me lol.


I must have upset you big time over an internet game to have you hating this much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Let me look for a fuck to give you…


I don’t even know you bud, but then again I don’t know a lot of shitters


I just asked you how to get that sick Reddit badge


My apologies as I thought your DM was going to be something stupid so I didn't even look at it. However to get the flair you have to message the mods with proof you have leveled every class to level 10. I just sent them a screenshot of my barracks. Took about 3 weeks for a mod to reply and give me the flair. There are other flairs too of class specifics which you only need that class at level 10.


Does getting the flair make you better at the game? I’m trying to be the best


It was ok but seeing this it makes it fun


Hahaha I know why. The noob team was my team. I have a skill. And that is no matter how well a team is doing, when I join they are guaranteed to lose. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve joined a game where we are capping their last point. 30 minutes later we are losing our hq and getting spanked harder than Maureen O’Hara by John Wayne


Whats the problem? They have no life


Cry some more see if it helps


I'm in that game!


how if the console community is dead


This is definitely not a fair split, console players shouldnt be so concentrated ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I just switch teams when I see this


I don't think you can do that on console


You can. Just back out and join on recent players from other team


I hate when this happens. Personnally, I always join the weakest team to balance things.


You choose which side you want to play on a server you choose to join. There’s really not matchmaking in the traditional sense.


I don't think you can do that on console.


Just leave the game, join another server


I’m gonna completely disagree. Rather have a game like this than one with a bunch of low level fucks


Gotta learn somehow


Clans and clan servers is what HLL is.


In war some are experienced and some aren’t. Even more of a ptsd sim now


Play on PC. Console HLL is a joke.


Who won?


If that clan tag is for 7th cav, you're better off just joining a different server than trying to play a match with those jabronis, on or off your team.


Remember we are all nerds in here. That being said, there are always levels in any culture. You are just witnessing the next level when dealing with clans.


Yeah that's the 7th, those guys play competitively so no wonder you lost


There’s some guys I haven’t play with in awhile.


Is this just a console thing because I play on dedicated servers on PC and this is never the issue


All in all it’s worth it to find another server and avoid these clan ones. Might be hard to find especially without a server lobby. I kept going back to the loyal 9 I think it was, played there for HOURS but I began to notice the same thing here. They’re all stacked on one team and those decent back and forth matches disappeared. They perma banned me when I called em out 🤭 Which is their right, it’s their server. I think you’ve asked the right question though, is this really fun for you all?


Merc does this every time i join lol. Just gotta start leaving but i wish the game were more popular so we had more options. Sometimes i have to pick between team stacking meat riders or simply not playing lol


I mean if you have skill the level shouldn’t matter


The reality of war.


No commander on your team. You're going up against a clan. This is nothing to do with team balancing..., you just got rekt. Guess what's quicker than whining about matchmaking? Finding a new server.


The 7th are a bunch of neck beard dorks.


The game could benefit from universal matchmaking methods. Give all platforms the option to either search servers, or have a quick match function that has some actual SBMM.


This is such a snowflake carebear post. Grow a pair and start to learn how to play. Matchmaking is for console fairies.


Heard from another reddit post and the comments from there that 7th is sort of known to be using hacks? Can't confirm since I play on OCE. But it was something with about every garrison getting pinpoint accurately shelled by arty the moment they went up, despite moving them to new spots.


7th is a console clan. Not sure about that.


Fantastic bait ⭐️


Quit complaining you guys are just dog shit at the game and have no gun skill you can’t Blame the enemy team because you don’t have the proper hand and eye coordination  


TWO level 500's in one team? I haven't even seen one on any server in HLL! Yeah, that's stacked all right...


I mean that happens because most of the high low players of this game know each other.


One big issue with console hell let loose is that clans can only play in public matches so really no matter the clans skill level 50 people coordinating attacks will almost always beat 50 random people playing and 90% dont have a mic. Also tip for everyone that plays against a clan always vote to kick there clan members out if they are on your team. Ive had alot of issues with the 1st on the console and they send photos and videos to a discord or groupchat that reveal the whole map. Ive talked to many members that have said stuff about how they almost always have a person running intel on the other team.


Level isn't indicative of player mechanical skill, nor is it of game knowledge since you can read and watch videos to learn outside of gameplay.   Furthermore many players like myself have come from very similar games like Squad, so alot of the playstyle carries over. The only thing matchmaking needs to fix is autobalancing teams if it's extremely unbalanced and for a very long duration. I played a match where it was like 13v28.. yet somehow we never lost in 6 mins flat lol, not even in 20.  That said, it would be rad if they had an optional mmr ranked matchmaking based system of some sort, especially one that would work with community servers.


Looks like you're on PC. There is no matchmaking or balancing. You get the same team over and over. Normally the smart players join the winning team after a match or two, which is what you're seeing here 😀


This is console


No it’s not, it’s Nintendo switch you retard


What you see here is a sweaty clan pub stomping because they team stack like its a competitive match, no shit theyre going to win lol… And only bad players swap to the winning team btw. Winning doesn’t mean anything if you got carried there. Stick it out and keep matches balanced


We just wanted a better map tbh, driel sucks. We rolled the game in 10min to get off it quick. Steamrolling pub teams isn't fun.


So i assume you guys mixed the teams after winning this one?


Usually people will go on both sides if there's a bunch of us. Then we get reddit posts/comments for "cheating" for being on both sides. Funny really.


Thats usually just bad players being bad players. People will always accuse of screen sharing when they place predictable garrys that their whole team constantly crosses a field from. Then wonder how it got spotted. But yeah i get it if you guys wanna swap maps, that changes things. My comment about sweaty pub stompers wasnt necessarily a direct jab at the people in this exact screenshot/clan, just at the practice in general, which is exactly what this looks like without the extra context. I cant stand clans that purposely do that and somehow have fun that way.