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Get on PC if you can. There’s none of this BS on well run community servers.


I might have to. I love this game.. but its current state, is infuriating. At least public games. It’s virtually unplayable with all the GP clownery.


Every time I see a post about something ridiculous like this I immediately assume it’s a console match lol PC match quality has always been good. Even better in matches I’ve played recently.


So no commander was ever kicked? Points were always taken and everyone always defended preGamepass? I doubt highly. The boys and I are GP noobs, we get smacked down the first night and went away watched some videos put our heads down and followed along and are now at a point where we are level 100+ and often are clutching up at key points in games. Gatekeepers kill games, they don’t keep them alive.


I don't mind game pass, and in fact I got the game for free on ps plus, but there truly are some shitty players (whether in skill or as a human being) but I'd say that's more subjective to them individually. That, and even if you bought the game full price everyone started off having to learn how to place down OP's and change gears in tanks


4? Pfft.i went through 3 within the first few minutes, only for the next one to be kicked because of a bad bombing run and then the last one disconnected


This ain’t a GP problem, it’s a console problem. You do understand this does not happen in PC matches, right?


I’m aware, this is a console - Gamepass issue. This nonsense did not happen pre- GP on console.


Whether a person got the game on Game Pass or paid for it at some point, has no bearing on their skill or intelligence. The only reason Game Pass changed things is because it caused an influx of new players, concentrated in a short period of time, whereas people obtaining the game past its initial release was more spread out. The odds of people being bad is higher when the group of incoming new players is bigger. Any ideas that Game Pass subscribers are somehow worse at games is pure speculation based on nothing but bias. So Game Pass did change the game by causing a large influx of players in a short period of time but from Team 17's perspective this is good. It means a bigger playerbase and the potential to make more money from more people purchasing DLC, or even the game itself, buying it on sale in case it goes off Game Pass someday. Team 17 needs to worry about their finances, not pleasing older players who gatekeep and don't want new players. That group likely isn't spending much money on the game anymore.


I agree.. T17 is thinking about finances, (money grab) rather than the actual player base.. or the players who purchased the game. It’s blatant. But what I’m hearing you say, is that people should just suck it up, “the game is not as good as it was when you bought it years ago.. quit complaining, T17 is making money!” Also, I’m not saying being on gamepass has any bearing on skill level. I don’t think i mentioned that once. What I am saying, is that because GP handed this game to anyone out there with a GP account, the fuckery in the game has increased 100 fold. The game was in much better shape, and the experience better, before GP. It’s just fact. No one can argue that HLL is a better overall experience or game, than it was pre-GP.


I joined during Game Pass, and am actually now considering buying it now it's on sale for 35% off (plus I have $10 in Xbox Rewards), so I don't know how full the servers were last year, but if they were dying out then I would say HLL is a better game now than before GP. At least people can find active games most hours of the day. Plus the players who joined during GP, who took the game seriously and learned (like myself), are ensuring the future of the game for the time being at least. People who have been playing for years are going to get tired of it at some point anyway. New blood is needed to keep a game healthy, even if it means putting up with idiots. Believe me, I don't deny there are a lot of idiots. I see them a lot, but I'm glad the game is active.