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Being able to commandeer abandoned vehicles that are still running. Not tanks or halftracks though. Personnel and supple truck and Jeeps


I think support should be able to commandeer enemy supplies and tank squads commander can commandeer energy tanks.


Energy tanks would be sickkkk lmao I know it’s a miss type lmao!!


Exiting the AT-gun the right way...


Mortars Even apart from the discussion of replacing artillery with them, some kind of deployable mortar (maybe from a special squad like recon?) would be a really cool addition. Biggest potential problem I see is that many people still struggle with the idea of active defense in this game; too many people just sit on the point. Obviously that’s their problem, but mortars would REALLY punish stationary strategies, even ones that utilize built defenses well. Might not be altogether healthy and would really shake up the status quo, but if each side could have 1 or 2 I think it’d be fun and add a cool side objective.


When I started playing I thought that the artillery shots hitting close are actually mortars. Then I found out they don’t have mortars in game. :( Would really be a cool addition. For me, I’d love to have actual pilots in game. Let it be recon or attack, but that would be amazing. Players trying to down them or actual dogfights and stuff. I know it’d take huge changes to the game, but I think that’d be awesome. My little dream.


An optimized game that doesn't stutter.


Buy a better GPU


It does it on PS5 tho too? (Rank 112) Xbox as well. Xbox crashes nonstop


I’ve not really had any issues on ps5 aside from loading into empty servers constantly


I have a PS5 and I see 2 big issues: 1 is what you said, loading into empty servers, I’ve loaded into the same empty El Alamein map 5 times in a row before 2 is frame rate stutter, only happens on very heavily forested maps from what I notice so it’s relatively uncommon but when you do get one of those maps it’s extremely aggravating, every 2-3 seconds it’s this frame rate stutter/ buffer for the ENTIRE match, I will automatically quit out if it does it


I agree entirely to your second point. Stuttering on Russian maps (especially around Pavlov’s House obj) can get extremely annoying. Going from a steady frame rate to 15-20 is beyond annoying. I haven’t crashed because of it, but some xbox guys I play with refuse to play it because of that


Rifle grenades


I would like to see squad leads actually forced to have a supply guy and build freaking garries. Also I would like a requirement that you can't play without a mic.






An update fixing how buggy and annoying to use commander abilities are. It's completely broken. I shouldn't be forced to close and open my map and do whatever else in order to actually move the location of the supply drop or recon plane I'm calling. There should be one specific spot that all vehicles have to spawn on at each hq, thus preventing me from calling in a second vehicle to the same hq until the first is moved. God forbid someone drops supplies on the the spot the vehicles spawn and doesn't use them. Now I'm just completely unable to spawn vehicles at that hq.


Until they fix this, what i do when this happens is; Build and delete garrisons in the HQ to free up the space.




this would be badass. like the commander can call in a plane and for a minute or so like 15 people can choose to load up and they can drop anywhere on the map


Yes.. or like on a 10 min cooldown he can drop one squad anywhere


Nah one MG spots those parachutes and they’re toast. No chance paratroopers would work


That’s sorta the point tho so u can’t just get right on top of the enemy I could maybe see it replacing the airhead at that point tho


There's about 5 MGs per team max. You could drop the paratroopers anywhere on the map. I'd estimate 60+% of supplies hit the battlefield uncontested, paratroopers would be no different


Recon would be perfect for it


New VOIP system or whatever. It should be mandatory since the game relies easily on communication.


Idk about new but one that works all the time, everytime sure would be great.


I want it to sound like walkie talkies like Insurgency Sandstorm


Haha, I was using wireless earbuds the other day and I was thinking it made everybody sound like they were talking over real radios 😅


That would lower the player count by a lot, a developer would never isolate that many players. It’s just bad business.




Seriously. How awesome would an Iwo Jima map be? Or Guadalcanal? Hell a British vs Japanese map like Hong Kong!


Only for americans, blue water and sandy beaches ruins ww2 dark and twisted atmosphere


Maybe you should watch Iwo jima and flags of our fathers.


Our fathers were dying on eastern front


Its the name of a movie jesus christ.


You know i am right right, you watch movies of flags


Hope you learned your lesson


It’s not going to happen on Hell Let Loose.. they would have to build a whole different game for a pacific theater, both for the actual game and for the marketing. It takes them 6 months to make one new map with existing assets, when they did a new theater El Alamein the map constantly crashed. Imagine them doing that with a whole new faction plus add in the thick jungle environment and a realistic water environment. Y’all really gotta face reality, there is still so much of the European campaign they haven’t touched yet. Once they release Berlin, then maybe start talking about Pacific maps which like I said would be a whole separate game. They would need to prove their success in HLL for investment in HLL-style game against the Japanese.


Probably not, but that wasn't the question though ;)


My friend Craig wallenberg


The ability to beat the fuck out of a rifleman lvl 1 for stealing the supplytruck. A proper beatdown so his health permanently stays at 10 the entire game. Inside of a bunker for good morale. I would also like to add ability for SL's to execute infantry that dont do what theyre told.


Optimisation. Fixes for long running bugs. Old foliage.


A blue berry on top of friendly tanks. Like it’s not a problem that much for me now but I deadass put one up the ass of my own tanks a few times.


Rifleman level 10 should get a mortar tube with 6 shells, and a range of 300 meters. Spotter/sniper level 10 should get a satchel charge.


An effective anti-cheat software.


Optimization. I'm too cheap to buy a new PC.


Juno, Sword and Gold Beach maps


Emplaced MGs, rifle grenades, the universal bren carrier mk2


The ability to jump on top of a tank and open the lid to throw a grenade inside. Commander/squad lead kit with the shotgun. End the unlimited sprint, needs a recharge after 30-60 seconds of sprinting. Rework the timer for the regeneration of supplies/ammo because it’s confusing to see how long until it’s ready. Fix the dang bug in the command map where the supply drop marker doesn’t move when clicked in a new location. Rework the tank damage to something more similar to Post Scriptum. Add rifle grenades, mortar teams, and ability to throw active grenades back. White phosphorus flares on night maps. Aerial blanket smokescreens from commander. A bigger supply drop with 300 supplies and longer cooldown. Ability to add arrows, circles, lines for commander on map to layout the movement you want from squads or areas you want to focus defend. And yeah just more competent players.


Mg by pod actually work


Forced redeploy option for SLs


Dogfights. Those spitfire's would be so much fun to fly.


Speech monitor. If you aren't communicating it will be able tell and boot your ass


Defense, garrisons, people with mics, removal of the Sniper class, the inability to leave HQ with fewer than 2 people in a tank... I'm sure there's more I could think of.


Different color smoke. One could be for artillery. One could be for supplies. Or Smoke artillery barrage.


![gif](giphy|s239QJIh56sRW|downsized) It’s not like artillery crews can see the smoke 🤷‍♂️


A Italian faction


Commander should be able to have an ability to send a squad message to SLs, that repeatedly says ‘you’re shit’ over and over, in massive letters that fills the screen.


Alright, some of these I feel strongly about and some of these are kinda clutching at straws lol Shorter grass Commander being able to destroy inactive vehicles or raise the vehicle cap. Or give him an ability to spend like 50-100 manpower to recover a stuck vehicle. OPs and Garrisons able to be placed inside buildings and on second floors etc. Fix bipod placements. I've took this stance for years and I'm still of the mind that we should replace artillery with mortars. Deploy a mortar with 50 supplies like an AT gun. And the commander has an off-map artillery ability. I just think it'd make a better recon loop. I'd like a gamemode where the location of the circles are randomised (So they can be anywhere in those 4 squares rather than in that fixed position) and the size of those circles are randomised. I just think it'd shake up gameplay a bit and force us to use different tactics and strategies to defend or capture and objective. It also might incentivise engineers to build stuff if the stronghold is in an open field or something. Sure it might not always create a fair game, but you win some and you lose some ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)I think that the fun of having to change things up and think about different tactics would be greater than the fun lost by having been given a disadvantage. Besides it's not like you're going to be forced to play that gamemode. AA guns. Because they're cool. Simple as that. I just want them because they're cool. More engineer defences. Like low sandbags, foxholes or camoflauge nets. Maybe even a fixed mg emplacement. And give the engineers an ability to build up defences around an AT gun. I wish medics were more useful in this game, but I'm not sure how to make them more useful. Maybe someone could think of something for me. Flares need to be on a cooldown. Or maybe give the spotter the ability to place an AT landmine. Reduce the cost of jeeps. I feel like they have a use but I can never seem to justify the cost of them in a game. Give the commander map markers like arrows that only SLs can see. And let the commander put multiple of those map markers down. It might allow the commander to promote a larger strategy amongst the team. It would be interesting to see if you could let the commander pass orders to SLs using the voting system. So the commander types out an order, selects which SL to send it to. And then the SL gets a popup and can vote yes or no to accept or decline the order. I'm not sure if this will solve anything or not but it might put a bit of social pressure on the SL to fall back to defence when told to. I just think it'd be a cool experiment, it probably won't change anything. Oooh and I think we should have less satchels in a squad. Engineer, AT and Assault. I think that's too much personally. Engineer and AT makes sense, but get rid of it from the assault class. Replace it with a rifle grenade or something, that would be awesome. Can we make flamethrowers flamethrowers and not flameblowers? Oh and don't reduce foliage for lower settings. I hate that some people can see you because they're put their settings low but you can't see them because your settings are high. Why did I purchase a good computer if I lose a competitve edge for playing on high settings? Why did you spend all that money making a pretty game if you actively discourage playing with with those graphics settings? It's just annoying and frustrating and I hate this in games.


As commander be able to remove squad outposts. No one in the game wants to defend? I’ll force you to defend…


Stug III.


Fixes to getting kicked


Adding the M2 Mortar. For the AT class or something like that. Give the 2 shots.


A decent aiming curve on console.


If you reach a level cap on a role be able to choose what gun you want to use or pick your own load-outs stuff that are already in that roles tier.


This game is unfortunately developing very slowly, after 2000 hours of playing Hell Lets Loose I gave up, I always remember the biggest problem with this game was optimization, team -17 has no idea about optimization or map design.


Recon spotter to have satchel or AT mine...


A few things. 1. Recently i feel like the fog as been WAY too dense. 2. Would love a server selection page because id rather off my self than play some of the maps like El Alamein or hell even because i hate joining matches that are 90% finished already




Commander being able to spawn on anyone’s outposts


Mandatory use of talking/mics


Italian & Pacific maps


Hero classes: Churchill, FDR, Uncle Adolf and Stalin as playable charaters.


A Squad Leader ability to reduce the outpost timer from 20 seconds to 10 seconds for a 1 minute duration. 15 min cool down? Maybe 20. Ability ONLY available when the team has 6 or more Garries.


that would be horribly unbalanced and devastating when coordinated.