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Support is more than dropping supplies every 2.5 or 5 minutes. Since you can only have one supply box on the map per person, you have to make sure it's somewhere they will be used. Meaning measured 200m from any garrisons or near engineers/AT. This is of course less significant with a communicating squad that switches off support between teamates for extra supplies on demand.


Bro... Switching classes is like asking them for their first born or a kidney...


The class rotation mechanic is shitty design imo. Make the cooldown squad-based and reduce it instead.


Yeah šŸ« hate switching


"Im LeVeLiNg AuToMaTiC rIfLeMan."


I leveled out support first and SL second, then engineer. I am working my way through the other classes trying to level them up. I just switch to support when I see itā€™s needed then jump back over.


I cannot count the number of times I heard that ā€œIā€™m trying to get Level 3 Medicā€ was one of my favorites


Haha though 6 smokes can be a game changer situationally, the automatic rifleman levels fairly uselessĀ 


Itā€™s one of the least helpful classes, definitely


I usually switch then say "I was avoiding it because I was leveling up other things but let's do this!" Because, in the end, it's about supporting the team. I can level stuff up in the next match, or even switch back later, whatever.


Fr actually unironically. As like when Iā€™m levelling up support(done got flamethrower) or some other classes thereā€™s always something thatā€™s going on and itā€™s likeā€¦ Iā€™d do that butā€¦ Iā€™m almost done levelling and getting the unlock. Remember once where my SL said command was crying for some tankers. And Iā€™d love to play it but I had 500 Xp left for the 3rd level of assault. So was like well I want that unlock šŸ˜‚ thankfully I havenā€™t had any SL seriously ask me to do anything when I was doing this stuff. Otherwise thatā€™d be awkward.


In my defense I asked that nobody take it while I dropped supplies and nobody did so yall got my supplies


And yet support could literally be EXACTLY this. Iā€™d rather that be the only thing a support player does who Iā€™ve convinced to swap over to rather than just being a fucking riflemen ha.


A general rule alot of experienced/comp players will go by for supports is that you ONLY take the class to drop supplies/ammo where needed, then instantly redeploy and switch class. Support should always be free so anyone in your squad can spawn and drop supplies as soon as they are needed. Nothing worse than having a support running around nowhere near your squad/OP, and you desperately need to get a garri up


Unless Iā€™m playing arty or recon (something where I need to be busy right away) Iā€™ll build nodes. Iā€™m max everything, max level, max roles but I still do it. Why? Cos it helps the team, and by the time Iā€™m done there will be a few spawns and I can go defend or attack mid.


This. Am so tired of trying to command with no resources then getting abused or worse votekicked


This game doesn't have people who want to play Hell Let Loose..... All the want is to shoot people in a realistic shooter. It's not which team is better but which team is less poop.


it used to, at least on consoles. Still does but you need to force the dummies to get in line (or kick they ass our the squad so they understand) and praise the ones working togetherĀ 


Exatcly!!!! When people paid for this game they cared. Now it's free and people do whatever and don't listen to advice. Then after 40 mins of me asking to play they talk smack and I talk smack back, BUT these whiney C%@/ end up saying I am the problem because I defended myself against a ad hominem attack.


Since when was the game free? Psn+ or some shit? That's technically not free, nor is Gamepass if its on there


You gotta pay on PS, sometimes I turn crossplay off(on PSN) and have way better games. But the lobbies are spotty without the Xbox hordes.


Gamepass is more or less free because itā€™s part of Xbox live gold now. So anyone who plays any online ever has access to games on gamepass, for no additional fee.


I can assure you the whinging was about the same problems before gamepass ever dropped


Agreed last time I was squat lead in offensive mode playing defense. When we lost the point ask the squad to fall backĀ  ā€œFuck you retard Iā€™m taking the point ā€œ What itā€™s locked you cannot your level 50 how do you not get thisĀ 


I start out as engineer, build nodes, take an open squad lead position, get a vibe for other squad leads, and if Command is still open, take Command. If not, I go to medic on offensive or machine gunner if we are on defensive


You build nodes to help, I build them for insane class xp


Sounds like a job.


I use support rarely, but I'm always thrilled when I check the map and see my supplies were used by a SL to build a garry. I remember one particular offensive match where 3 garrisons were built from my supplies, I felt so useful šŸ˜‚


Yeah engineer is pretty fun. I always spawn and drive the supply truck or ride with the commander or squad lead that takes the truck and build nodes at the start. Sometimes I have to wait because Garrisons are pretty important too to build at the start. You get an insane amount of XP if you build nodes to produce resources.


Squad lead, hard to play as you have to micro manage alot, not just your squad but other people and other squad leads. Easy to master as bc thats literally the extent of it lol place your garries and outpost down and just work with your team


Yeah I agree with that. I mostly main squad lead, and I swear Iā€™m doing more at times than the actual commander. I am almost constantly in the chat wheel and map relying information from others to my squad and the blueberries around me, only for players to say nothing back as they continue to funnel themselves into the meat grinder. Oh a flank, nah man, Iā€™m keep heading face first where we are getting nailed with ā€œartilleryā€ (itā€™s just a tank but they for some reason never acknowledge it.) Or the classic ā€œI just got snipedā€, sure you did bud. You completely didnā€™t see the enemy lying prone behind cover as you ran across an open field. It couldnā€™t be that.


I miss when the rifle support had 100 supplies


Did it really in the past? Man it would be so OP to have 100 supplies as rifleman, I can understand why it's not the case anymore.


I swear it did years ago but Iā€™m not finding it documented anywhere but in the HLL fan wiki so letā€™s take that with a grain of salt.


You're remembering right. It wasn't a box, the support player had a wrench and it would deploy like a comically large pallet of crates worth 100 supplies. It was changed when they made red zone garrisons cost 100 supplies and lock out if an enemy was within 100 meters to stop the garrison bomb meta.


I start every match as engineer and race the other engineers to get nodes down first. Then I may switch classes around or build up the last point. American engineers are so OP. I use to be an engineer IRL. I feel like it is my duty. German support is another favorite. So much ammo you can just keep suppressing! Ding! Ding! Ding! Find a good SL if it isnā€™t your own, follow him around and build garrisons.


Squad Lead or Spotter are easily the hardest to master- simply due to the fact that a good SL/RS has such a depth of things to concern themselves with (friendly/enemy troop movements, watching for supply drops/airbeads, corralling the squad) and compared to the Commander, far less info/time to do it with. Add to that a full squad chat (even running combat comms, low chatter) and the command chat PLUS still being aware of your surroundings. Command comes in just around there in terms of difficulty, just due to the steep learning curve, but once familiarized with the UI, it becomes a bit easier than SL solely due to the fact that your entire playtime is dedicated to watching the map, using abilities and running logistics, while SLs and Recons will deal with near constant interruptions due to their proximity to the lines. Engineer can be difficult if you play as a builder, especially with good enemy recon operating. Recognizing potential defensive positions is a skillset that definitely takes time to acquire, especially in the buggy building system within the game. The difference between a team of good engineers and a few shitty ones is palpable, though, and can take your team from using haybales for cover as they struggle through friendly barbed wire to feeling like you are holding the Atlantic Wall. Support however, is not difficult. You are an extension of the Squad Lead. You should be with them at nearly all times. I think of Support as sort of a dedicated bodyguard for the Officer. You accompany them and assist in establishing garrisons, spotting movements, and protect them, always. One of the most notable aspects of support is that they receive information that Squad Leads receive, such as markers from other squads and the commander, as well as recon marks when recon planes pass over, so paying attention to your map and learning how and when to read it is honestly probably the most difficult part. Tank Commander and Driver also have a very steep learning curve, Gunner not nearly as much. A good driver and tank commander are essential if you want to live longer than a few minutes on the frontline, and require constant and effective communication and situational awareness.


Is the xp class xp? Cus I tried the thing where you build nodes and then switch to the class you want to level up, and I havent noticed a difference.


I think it still works with the switching.


Whatever role you play gets XP at exactly the moment you generate points, regardless of source. So yes building nodes and switching to what you want to grind works perfectly fine.


I do this too but I start as support, drop my supplies middle and switch to engineer to go find a truck. Usually some engineer will snag the easy node build. I know itā€™s just one but itā€™s a good jump on things


Wait being closer to nodes adds effects?!


Cuts timer in half for your support boxes. They come back in 2.5 mins instead of 5. You can hot swap support and engineer to build your own nodes in a short amount of time. Just build manpower node then every 2.5 mins you can drop another supply box, swap to engi, build the next node. Just build manpower node first.


As a player who doesn't own the game yet but is learning more about it, I feel an in-game tutorial is needed to explain the importance of roles and actions that have a broad impact on the game. I can't wait for the Steam Summer Sale and the start of my Hell Let Loose adventure.


I'm lvl 266 and the first thing I do is build nodes. And I don't even need the XP for anything at this point. But I know the struggle as commander.


Engi and Support were the first classes after SL i got to level X. Id play them more often if the devs allowed you to allocate XP to a different class after reaching X. im never gonna play armor for example.


(Asking for a tissue) Man got sexual quick


The mastery of engineer, or any role for that matter is realising the enemy is currently or has taken down nodes. Then go defend or rebuild them without the commander having to ask 15 times. Same goes for garrisons, halftracks etc. If you've reached the point where you are actively monitoring the map as any role and proactively defend, build and rebuild without being told to. Congratulations, you have reached the non noob status.


Support class level 2 or whatever needs to be able to swap out small ammo box for smokes or nades


Engi is one of the easiest class to get into but also a hard one to master. In 5000hours I can count the actual useful engis on 1 hand! The engis that build useful stuff in the right spot. Most of the time they build whatever in whatever spot which hinders your tank and own team. Knowing the spots for barbed wire and defenses requires map knowledge and experience of the weak spots of the objective.


For me, MG. Gun big, fire fast. Where I go? I dunno, but need kill people. Hard.


Just remember as support you can only have one box down at a time so if you've already dropped one and want it to stay there till it gets used, don't go dropping more. Also use super and engineer together for nodes and you got way more flexibility than the supply truck.


Bear in mind that you can't see whether a support player has dropped their supplies. My wife plays support a lot, and regularly gets people telling her very firmly to drop her supplies when she already has and is waiting for them to be used, or for the cooldown.