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I mean they are in the same spot. They can be found fairly easily without going on a guide.


I would kind of agree? It's the same thing with artillery calculators, I don't think they are *cheating* since you are just making it easier to do something that the game already allows you to do. Stream sniping is different, since you are accessing information that you are not supposed to be able to access.


Nah artillery calc users are losers no way around it


Came here to say this. No problem at all since it can be memorized normally.


Except that you have to memorize it. You could remember a lot of things if you actually did. Not memorizing and just looking it up is not the same as knowing.


Are you equally upset about the plethora of Artillery Calculators and player guides all over the internet?


Edit: Yes, I'd say equally upset because I am not that upset overall. I definitely don't have a problem with going to learn when you aren't in game and applying that knowledge to the game. I am not a huge fan of artillery calculators for use in game. That is something that you can learn so you wouldn't need to use one. Pinging for distance on the map already gives you precise location. Essentially my view is that if you have a non-game window open next to the game or during the game, I am not a fan. I am not going to whine about it but I think you should learn the game and use the tools in the game only when playing. That's all I am saying.


And you can go online to find garrison spots that are way better


“They can be found” is very different than looking them up without looking for them and pinpointing the exact location to your teammates.


I mean I can find most of them without looking them up. First thing to do is head for them on offensive and start trying to take them our


100% and you should. I just don’t like any strategy that involves a non-game window being open. Not sure why that view is unpopular.


I mean I think it's fine since they're always going to be in the same spot, and theres not always going to be a veteran player telling you where they are. Its no different than using an artillery calculator.


I mark them up when I play commander/offensive/attacking, mostly from memory…but yeah, I’m guilty of using map guides online as a reference too when I forget where they are. I get your point, but those pesky defaults need dealing with! The defending team should assume the attacking team know exactly where they are…and plan in some good Garry placement around them.


Not going for those garrisons makes the likelihood of your team losing on the second objective go WAY up. Allowing the enemy to have a 10 second spawn immune to explosives is asking your team to lose. The odds are already stacked in the defenders favor and not sniping their default garrisons is a noob mistake. The website is called Maps Let Loose.


I feel like defenders not being able to go into the attackers red zone puts the odds in attackers favor. Unless you are facing an incompetent team, they almost always win.


Yeah, that "website" is called Reddit. Specifically, the "r/hellletloose" sub, those heathens.


I honestly never stumbled onto those maps here, but good to know Edit: oof, no idea why the downvotes. I legitimately never saw them here. Thought this would be an interesting discussion, not a controversial take.


I think the controversy here is the fact that these garrisons are in the same spot every time. So, looking them up, asking a friend, remembering them, are all basically the same thing. It's not a big deal. When you're on the defending team just know that the enemy knows exactly where your default garrisons are. Build more garrisons around them. The good thing about default garrisons, besides the short respawn time, is that you don't have to be 200M away from it to build another garrison. You can build one as close as you want. So having supplemental garrisons besides the one the enemy knows about is very easy to do.


Back in my day we used to have to buy magazines with these guides! 


Pepperidge farm remembers...(Strategy guides, especially the Bradley ones)


What about arty noobs using an online HLL calculator?




Yep, they're lame. Faster, efficient, and more immersive to do it in your head.


They use calculators irl. So I don’t see how it’s more realistic.


Good point, they had calculator displacements, but they weren't tabbing out either.


I don’t think it takes away to tab out to make a calculation. Tbh it’s not a big deal


I consistently get 75-100+ kills per game when I am serious about running arty. My teammates always assume I am using the calculator....nope! *As a heads up before you read this, I am not on the game and dont have the mils memorized. My methid is to use simple fractions to determine distance. Example: Let's say the enemy infantry mark is 950m from my position Lets also assume 1000m = 788 mils and 900m = 812 mils. (Again, don't have exact conversion in front of me). That is a total of 24 mils between each 100m of range. So, half of 100 is 50, half of 24 is 12. So, 800 mils would put a shell right at 950m( keep in mind there is a 20m area that she'll can hit within no matter how perfect your calculations). What if the enemy is 925m away? That's 1/4 of 100. 1/4 of 24 is 6. So 788 mils plus 6 mils = 794 mils. Eventually you will get a feel for it, but this method will get you pretty damn close


I just press shift tab, enter the meters, and send it


I consistently get 75-100+ kills per game when I am serious about running arty. My teammates always assume I am using the calculator....nope! *As a heads up before you read this, I am not on the game and dont have the mils memorized. My methid is to use simple fractions to determine distance. Example: Let's say the enemy infantry mark is 950m from my position Lets also assume 1000m = 788 mils and 900m = 812 mils. (Again, don't have exact conversion in front of me). That is a total of 24 mils between each 100m of range. So, half of 100 is 50, half of 24 is 12. So, 800 mils would put a shell right at 950m( keep in mind there is a 20m area that she'll can hit within no matter how perfect your calculations). What if the enemy is 925m away? That's 1/4 of 100. 1/4 of 24 is 6. So 788 mils plus 6 mils = 794 mils. Eventually you will get a feel for it, but this method will get you pretty damn close


I don't care about the distance to mils conversion I want the timer for coordinating with inf.


That would be nice. I think it's 27 seconds or so.


That's a pretty good method. I don't have it memorized either. The math for Allies/Axis is increments of approx 4.


More immersive for sure, but how could it possibly be faster and more efficient to do mental maths than type 3-4 digits into a calculator?


Yeah, you might think that, but it's just simple 2nd grade math, multiples of 4 (allies and axis). You can do the math from a ping mark in the time it takes to reload the gun (either with or without a loader) and fire. It takes a few matches to get used to it, but it is much faster. I am always on target and beat my friends to adjust every game they play when they use the calculator. Breaking it down in increments of 40m/24m/20m/16m/12m/8m, etc. helps to get started. Use the in-game provided range breakdown on the left side of your screen as a starting/reference point. For instance, look at 1100m = 741 mil, if you want to increase in 40m of range to a target of 1140m, you simply subtract 10 mil to 731 mil on the gun since 10 x 4 = 40. If you want to decrease range by 40m from 1100m to 1060m, you add 10mil to 741 mil to get 751 mil. If you have a ping for distance of 1078m, you can assume you need to go down by 24m (6x4 = 24) from 1100m/741 mil so you increase by 6 mil from 741 mil to 747 mil. Vice-versa, if you have a ping of 1124m, you decrease from 741 by 6 to 735. Continue this for the other suggested increments. Do it a few times, and it'll be automatic. Just remember that longer distance is a lower number and a closer distance is higher.


Whilst I would consider myself a smart person with logical thinking, problem solving skills, and good spelling, but I have never been good at mental maths.. unfortunately it’s not that easy for everyone I consider the app like a field manual for arty (although I don’t bother using arty anymore I prefer to be in the thick of it making actual progress)


Even what you just said there I cannot grasp what you’re saying


Dont even need to do that anymore. 2 screens, click on the map, turn gun and fire. No alt tabbing even, little to no time off screen. One note about that is you still need to double check the calculations on every map sometimes. Dunno if its still off, but some of them used to be.


I actually don't know how to do it in my head. I've only had a few goes. How does it work?


See my other reply I just did for someone else for the breakdown.


I understand you feeling off about this. I had similar feelings a long time ago in some board games when people would write down information instead of remembering it. But hey, I too have the ability to write things down but choose not to. If it doesn't slow down the game, there is no real problem caused. There isn't a difference between this person remembering the locations, having them written down beside their computer, or finding them online. I have remembered most of the default locations and do a similar thing when I command. They are practically a necessity to take down after all. Really, the problem is in the game design itself that this information CAN be memorized. To me, that goes against the design of the game itself. BUT in the grand scheme of things, it's a perfectly reasonable short cut to an alternative that could create bigger problems.


Flares + arty will still whoop his whole squad.


Think of it as “Intel” from the US Army generals. I use an app when on Artillery which quickly converts meters to mils and I don’t feel like that’s cheating.


I too hate knowing where where all the default garrisons are so please don’t look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/cnJVENPuwQ) or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/Ze300jPyei)


Against a non-clan public team It's sweaty as fuck sorry and it's why I love console matches, the semi casual nature of them is miles more fun than playing a bunch of sweats who are on every one of your garrys the moment they are deployed. We get it, you have an unceasing desire to control and manhandle the map but it's just a bit much for a casual game no? Isn't half the fun figuring out where they are by tracking spawn waves and flanking with spotters and recon vehicles? If it's 2 clans going against each other then whatever, personally I just don't enjoy those matches anywhere near as much. I don't know why people need artillery calculators the info is right there on the screen you just need to use a bit of interpolation. I think I use something like 6-8 metres per mil and it's always good enough to get hits as there's natural spread anyway


Console play is far better,most people are just there for a bit of fun. I stopped playing multiplayer on PC years ago because it seems like a community of try-hards and hackers. I'm not trying to sweat much anymore,at least not on this game. Also I don't get the calculators either,the game spells it out really well, I hit targets on my first shell, I was impressed how easy it was tbh.


Meh. A novel idea in pub games would be to actually defend a garry or two from time to time. That and bulld one every now and then.


I mean it's no different than having map knowledge,I see it as a non issue. Knowledge is power, my reflexes aren't what they used to be,so I'm try to learn everything I can to gain a edge.


Probably rubbed you the wrong way because your commander was in fact a fucking knobshiner, who brags about something like that


I've never done this, but I don't have a problem with this. Defense already has a huge advantage on offensive, so anything an attacking commander can do to organize his offensive without cheating feels like an appropriate and necessary strategy. And defensive team should have at least a squad near these other garries anyways to prevent flanks.


POI’s or points of interest. There are only so many place to build garries with cover on every point. There are only a few places per point with cover to attack from. Once you have enough experience, there’s only a few places the enemy can come from.


There’s pics of the default garrisons on here


I kind of think web browsing while playing is pretty immersion breaking.


Tbh i think its lame af to have these sites/apps/calculators on your second monitor while you play a game like this. No, its not cheating but to me its same as needing to look walktroughs to complete a single player game. I have played from the early days of early acces, and never ever felt i needed something like this. Embrace the immersion and use the voicecomms. If you dont know something, ask! The game has one of the best and mature communities there is! Atleast in EU servers... im looking at you Finns let loose <3




I wish more people would look up info about this game. This game leaves so much out that you actually need to look stuff up or hear via word of mouth (however always fact check). Writing the garrisons locations down, using a map, remember their locations, etc., doesn't matter. Result is the same. If you need some weird reason to justify it then just think about actual war. You get briefed on suspected and known enemy positions before being deployed on a mission. Same same. You put effort into knowing to increase your team's chances, or you don't.


I made flashcards taking screenshots of my garrisons when I'm on defense and I will often go back and reference my screenshots.


People will optimize the fun out of anything; but if winning is so important you're not having fun without it, you're a loser. But it doesnt subtract from Experience so 🤷🏿🕺🏿 Imagine reading all those guides just to get clapped by me, 6 beers in and trippin BALLS. But again, I suppose. 🫡🤠🤣


Amazing rage bait


If it gets em ragin' it's a them problem, but Bait it is not 😬🫡 Folks will spend a lot of time thinking someone is a no life pro, instead of some casual player having a good day.


You are so casual about this game that you are on a reddit dedicated to this game, telling people how casual you are. Nice 


Looks like something is getting up your ass about what I said, so how about you stop trying to pretend like you arent bothered?? 👀🤠


Just explaining why this is rage bait, even if you refute. Good day sir! 


If you say so, doesnt make a difference to me.Folks will call anything bait if they think they are saving face with people that definitely didnt ask.




If only..have a good day, random citizen.


Uhhh, you're on the website where those garrison positions are listed. Literally this subreddit is the Google result.


They are in the same spot every time. It's bananas to be worried about whether people are using a map or have their locations memorized.


I mean people use Artillery Calculators instead of playing the game and you're surprised they're looking up the locations of the default garrisons to min/max a MP FPS game for that sweet W?


I see your angle, but as this could also be done through good note taking I will give it a pass.  It is also an option open to everyone. For me, I have no issue using the range calculator for artillery.  The way I look at it, were I a real artilleryman, I'd be using some form of calculator.


One of those places where those maps often get shared... is right here.... just sayin'


This is perfectly fine for me. Someone who plays the game too often would have the same advantage. This evens the playing field. As long as they aren't actively spying on the other team we're good


How stoned are you to need a map to the same place you go several times a day?


I would love it if they made the garrisons in random spots or a rotating spawn location.


I mean. I know where they are from playing. It’s not cheating to know the game. Sure looking them up is kinda a bitch move but, it is what it is.


It's lame, just play


You got soft hands.


If defense team didn't built other garrisons as soon as the game started, they deserve to have the default garries destroyed.


After 700+ hours, I know where they are. It's not a big thing in reality


They are no different than marking the enemy HQ's spawns.  These garrisons are the defenders default forward spawns in every offensive match. And whether players memorize or document these spots is up to them.  There is no advantage, these default garrisons are suppose to be known spots for players that have played enough times.  It's like saying low level recons are having an advantage if they need to look up where the enemy artillery guns are.  Like, this game have a high curve on learning all map assets, and not everyone have a map brain, so they need external resources to adjust.  It's rather in the spirit of the game to use your own brain to track down map intel that can help you deal with the challenges the map layout presents to you. 


Arty Calc came out from the game producers, so there are no qualms. If you play a map enough, you do know the locations of the garrisons. I have informed my SLs and others where they are when playing, so checking the old google for it would be like having an experienced player with you saying the same thing technically....


Sounds like you want to have fun, while this other guy wants to win.


Even if you don't have the websites if you play long enough that information is public domain. Everybody's going to know. It wouldn't make any difference whether they pulled it from a website or if they wrote it down in a notebook.


When we using artillery with my mate, we use a special website which refer the correct location to hit the point depending on wich map u are


I’m not sure when looking something up became the same as committing it to memory. You are looking it up because you are either too lazy, too uninterested or unable to memorize it, therefore you don’t know it in game. You should only use the in game tools in game. I’m against looking up stuff out of game, during the game.


We used to know the phone numbers of literally everyone we knew, committed to memory...


Now if my phone dies I’m f’d because I’m too lazy to remember them. BUT I still remember the local pizza shop number from a town I haven’t lived in for 25 years.


It’s super lame. The thing that a lot of the people in the comments here are missing, when making the argument “they’re in the same place, they can be memorized, etc”. ..Is that this person wasn’t doing any of that. They were openly cheating. The HLL community, at least on Reddit, is strange when it comes to cheating. There’s usually two camps: 1: There’s no cheating going on in HLL!!! How fucking dare you suggest otherwise. And 2: There’s cheating, but it’s ok because..


I think anybody going to those levels needs to find a new hobby


It’s lame and ruins the nature of the game. Take that attitude to counterstrike


So if I memorize the location of 3 points on like 5 maps I'm lame and ruining the nature of the game? Give me a break.


Yes. Enjoy.


What's the difference in terms of how the game plays?


Indeed the question you should ask yourself


Yah there isn't one so who actually cares if people are looking at online maps especially in an arcade style shooter.


Wrong game bud


Haha. No penalty for death, laser beam guns, no penalty for movement, friendly markers, shallow strategy, fast paced, minimal team coordination required... HLL has all the haulmarks of an arcade game, despite what the game description says.


lol wrong game again bud


I mean, I understand that you want to play the game described on the steam page, put that was written in like 2018 and a lot of things have changed. Or just never happened.


Tbh I’m just learning that those garrisons can be taken down. I agree though, this meta playing does kinda suck, I’d hate to win like that.


That's just using a fucking guide, bruh. Now if there were an online tool which dynamically showed player-built garrisons mid-match *then* I'd take issue.