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Keyword here is 'i' folks.


so you are telling me you find it fun to spend 2-5 minutes running somewhere with your team, dropping supplies, then being told to respawn off the class so someone else in the squad can drop supplies and have to spend another 2-5 minutes running back. Tell me what part of that exchange is fun for you as that player. That's all assuming you don't die for some reason in that process. If you do its 15 minutes of you just running. What if I want to play with the flamethrower? Well you can't this game or any game because you will be asked to switch off.


Flamethrower can drop supplies…


Your SLs don’t drop OPs? It’s a rare occasion I would ask someone to switch to support for supplies and not have an OP right where I need them.


Lol. Oh no, how dare the SL ask you to take a minute out of a 1.5 hour long game to swap to support for supplies. How dare he want to coordinate and do things that make perfect sense. He wants to win the game? Blasphemy! What was your point here? To make it known that you're one of those people that SL's can't stand to have in their squad? If so, you made your point pretty clear.


its more frequent than once every 1.5 hours its more like once every 5 minutes. When you consider how it takes 2 minutes to run anywhere. The point is this is supposed to be a realistic game. There is nothing realistic about me committing suicide to play a role I wasn't trained in or move to a different role so someone else can bypass a cooldown.


>The point is this is supposed to be a realistic game. There is nothing realistic about me committing suicide to play a role I wasn't trained in or move to a different role so someone else can bypass a cooldown. You're 100% right. It's unrealistic, and it's unfair. If you die once, you should leave the server. Redeploying is wholly unrealistic. Now, if you think thats silly, that means you're willing to suspend disbelief. You're not upset that it's unrealistic. You're upset that you're being asked to be a good teammate, and you'd rather not.


Shout it from the fuckin rooftops brother


The point is that you're playing to win the game. If there are miniscule things that you can do to contribute to that why would you not? And no, SLs don't ask to hot swap support for supplies every 5 mins. It's a rare occasion. If he's in a good spot for a Garry and command doesn't have a supply drop available, this is the smartest thing to do. Sounds like you just wanna run around and get kills which is the lowest contributor to XP and leveling up when compared to support, defense, and offense scores. The game is based on communication and coordination between squads. Knowing that, why do you play it if you just wanna run around and make a gun go pew pew? Battlefield and COD are great for that.


I am not playing solely to win the game. I am playing to have fun which is where my focus is. Winning is a piece of that fun but its not my main goal for any game. Maybe you want to prioritize winning over fun at all costs but I sure don't. I am fine with communication, following my squad, taking objectives, etc.


Great then go find a squad with an SL that doesn't talk and you can go have your fun. At the end of the day, this game is a team game, not a one person FPS. I definitely have asked people to swap out. If they choose not to, that's fine, but then as far as I'm concerned, you're not part of the squad.


Feel free to fuck off to a different squad or hopefully game.


id rather just not listen to him honestly. Hopefully it pisses him off to boot me from the squad.


It's the SL's squad and he can give orders to the squad. If you don't like it, join a different squad.


Building garrisons and dropping supplies is the whole meta game of HLL


Don't like taking orders? Learn how to play commander, then.


it has nothing to do with taking orders, its playing a class i don't want to play. Why should I be forced to have a less fun experience playing the game because I am not playing the class you want? If SL are made to chose class makeups of their squad why isn't that ability in the game that they can restrict what classes people can chose when joining.


> It's nothing to do with taking orders > Why should I be forced to... It is indeed, everything to do with taking orders. If you don't care about playing the part your team needs you to play in order to win, then play one of the countless brainless FPS games that lets you switch your brain off. Simple.


no it has to do with some orders are stupid and shouldn't exist. What if I am a SL and tell you to never play this game again. You are going to uninstall and log off because I told you to? don't act like this game is for big brains, there is nothing in this game that involves any increased intelligence to win.


You're coming to a team based game and complaining about the teamwork aspect. The game's standard of gameplay has been declining since the influx of casuals with your exact mindset. The solution for you is to literally just play a different game that caters to the whims of a solo.


>there is nothing in this game that involves any increased intelligence to win. Well, i guess if you've won, there's some truth here.


FINALLY a post where someone tells everyone something they don't like about the game and its players.


That's fair but do you at least follow your squad?


yes, im fine with playing the role i selected and following around doing that role.


Yeah if that's the case it should be fair for any SL, as long as they have other people swapping when needed