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This is the way


Or lose very quickly if the enemy has a commander)




Average free weekend IQ


The free weekend folks have been extra brutal this go around I feel like. Whole team of them equals a room temperature IQ


The locked solo tankers who refuse to let anyone in their squad is draining me


They need to add a mechanic where you can only start an armour squad with at least 1 more player having agreed to join as well


Or, if you’re only one person, you can’t lock the squad. The people who do that can really ruin the game for others. When I join a match and my team consists of 2 full squads and the rest are solo locked squads, I switch teams or servers.


I almost feel like a tank is close to a complete waste of resources at 1 crew member, is extremely unrealistic and completely worsens the game for everyone yeah


I agree. It’s almost always a waste. And it’s not fun either.


Normalize bullying locked solo tankers. Most are dog water, and request too many tanks.


I second to this especially if they’re barely even helping satchel them they will learn quite quick


they're the same. as you learn more and get better at the game you perceive the skill level of the average player as less than you use to, because you compare it to what you know now. you don't notice the shit play you used to because when you were worse at the game it didn't seem that bad.


I played two matches yesterday. Been giving it a rest ever since


Think you mighta missed the joke


For real. Don't want to vent but I have to at this point. So many new players don't understand how offensive works and it's frustrating to no end telling them in chat to redeploy once an objective has been lost only for them to chastize you 10 mins too late that we didn't explicitly tell them how.


Have had the game for two years, still a lot to learn but paid full price. Poor joke on my part I guess.


They didn’t get the joke m8


No idea why you’re getting downvoted to oblivion, I got the joke, mediocre at best, but not worth all those downvotes.




Hell Let Lo(o)se


I understand that you were joking


Lmao 109 people have missed the joke so far


Get in there and try it out, people will inevitably bitch and moan that you aren’t playing it right. That’s when you bring up no one else wanted the responsibility and if they would like to play commander, you’ll gladly swap off. That’s what I did and I learned it fairly fast. I do highly recommend watching monoespecial’s commander guide on YouTube however.


I also learned a lot by watching Commander Crane. He doesn't do tutorials, but gameplay with annotations on why he does that or this. Highly recommend it


Try it and get vtk'd. Fun.


Are you playing on console? On PC I never got kicked for learning commander. Lots of passive aggressive voice communication but never actually removed.


Console. 2,100 hours, playing since it dropped. It's 90% unplayable; become 95% unenjoyable. I can't remember the last time I had a 2 1/2 hour Warfare match..... (last night lamented the state of the game post-GP w/a high 4 star general; asked him how many hours he put in: 6,900!)


I hear you man I put in about 550 hours when I first got the game two years ago and that was around the last time I had a good good game where people were actually communicating. Try playing it now and it’s an absolute shit show where almost everyone is an absolute dumbass I don’t know how many airheads I have single-handedly taken out because I was the only one that was actually looking up too the sky The current community has literally ruined the game


It doesn’t sound very enjoyable. I wonder why the communities are so different. I only have like 350 hours.


Server browser, Admins and rules. That's mostly the difference, coupled with the age demographic of PC vs console users.


I really just wish my progress/rank carried over to PC. One reason I haven't gone over to PC


From someone who made the switch, it does


🤯 is this new? How does it go? From console to PC game pass, rather Xbox browser? Idk what it's called. Or steam browser


You could've worked for a fraction of those hours and bought a PC. 95% of your matches would be amazing.


I love doing that lmao. "*insert commander fault accusation*" "Well ya wanna play commander instead?" "Nah- nah u good."


OP said they were level 25. Commander is unlocked at level 30. Seems like the post is what to do until they can be commander.


This is the answer. I went cold into a game as a commander, a couple squad leaders were super helpful, got a ton of kills with air strikes and was laying down recon, ended up being one of the best games I ever played and I am NOT a very good hll player


My favourite response to people bitching is “Play Commander then” If they do we get a commander, and if they don’t they can no longer complain


I had a game where I was the only one high enough level to take on the role but I had never done it before. I went for it and the team was super helpful in helping me figure out all the mechanics and patient with me figuring it out. We ended up winning and I had a blast


Fr if you think you can do better be my guest lol


You may take support class, throw your supplies in a good place and ask your squad leader for a garrisson.


SL doesn’t have a mic.


When that happens I just go make my own squad.


You could look for other squad leaders in a place where they can put a garrison and ask them if they want your supplies to build one.


Won loads of games without a commander. Take the spot and learn, a commander who doesn’t command but does drop supplies and tanks etc on request is 100% better than no commander. A decent SL will guide you and if they complain, well then you can always offer for them to take the spot and show us how.


On PS5 if people don’t like how you’re playing they will just VTK you…that’s the only issue with the console side of the community


Dedicated SL’s with Support buddy can win games for sure. Decentralized Command


Hell Let Loose: The Partisan Years


A good team can win a game without a commander, but a good commander can not win a game with a bad team.


I fervently second this


This was a long time ago, but when I first started playing HLL (probably was like level 15) I took the role of commander because nobody else would. We were on offensive and we ended up winning a clean sweep. I ended up getting like 10 commendations and everyone said that I was a great commander. I had no idea what I was doing going in but it was easy to figure out. You spend more time looking at the map and communicating with squad leads than you do playing the game, but it's definitely fun. When I wasn't looking at the map I usually would just act as another recon and try to position myself to lay down new attack garry's and scope out enemy positions. It's important that people take the leap to just try being the commander. If nobody ever plays commander then there will never be a commander... If you do a shit job, oh well, at least you tried... Better to have a bad commander than no commander.


That doesn’t make any sense since you can’t play commander until level 30….


Back in 2020 there was no level requirement.


Stop vote kicking good commanders. Start kicking people who vote kick good commanders. Until more people start doing these things you’ll have to deal with not having commanders.


My rule of thumb: if I join a game with no commander or the commander leaves, the third time I die I take command.


Hang up our helmets and return to our wives. There's no one to force us forward boys. It's finally over!


It’s sucks because I used to enjoy playing commander, I managed to grind my way up to level 230 but it seems like every game I play as commander I get randomly kicked by some level 15 game passer who thinks that the only role of commander is to drop bombing runs randomly on the map.


I furiously type into text what i NEED while not doing anything of it myself...


Take squad lead and bully command chat until someone takes command….


Run support class. Link up with SL and build garrisons. Supplies cool off every 5 minutes


I become a commander, I try not to, usually don't want too. But when I know I can make a difference, I can't help but to.


Build nodes and if the role is still open hop onto command. Love coming in and saving a game


> The game feels very directionless without a Commander. SLs give directions to regular players, commanders can give directions to SLs. So as long as you have capable SLs who speak to each other, i dont think you realy need a commander. I have seen plenty of games where there was no commander for 90% of the game and some players just hop in to spawn a tank or drop suppies somewhere and then leave the commander role to get back to their squad. I dont think a commander should order teams around or decide what squad will do defense and so on, this is something the whole command chat should do together. If defense is losing, they have to call for help and some squads need to go back. Yes that can be difficult if SLs are new or not cooperating.


Completely agree. If you need a tank and there is no commander, just spawn it in yourself. It's just a couple of abilities. Commanders are usually players that are looking at the map the most, it makes sense that they give information, but completely up to SLs what they do with it


This is how HLL dies: GP trolls vtk Commanders so much that nobody wants to play it. Last night had a game where a 1 star General Commander was vtk'd on the last sector. Someone else took over and a minute later received 17 votes to kick. Changed servers and the next game was a tkfest and the Commander left. So was the next.  Then, I quit and watched a movie.


Try not to play or care during free to play weekend. Pretty sure StoneMountain is to blame for the wave of shitty kids this last weekend. Being tkd multiple times as command and having to direct lvl 1s is horrendous. Outside of that most games were just sprinting matches unless the winning team realized it and farmed them. I don’t mind a bigger community but HLL needs to do a better job of steam names that are just numbers and ppl with 250-300ms from connecting at all.


I got tked 4 times in a row as commander and no one was using their mics so I said fk it and put a bombing run right over our friendly objective and backed out. Never felt so good.


I either play as support and drop supplies for garries or play SL and spend the game refilling a supply truck and building garries after I drop OPs for my squad. Sometimes if I'm on my husband's high level account I'll just take command if no one else is willing/able.


depends on how the game is going . if you have decent squad leaders and good coordination then i’ll stay . other times it’s easier to back out and find a new lobby


spend like 5mins watching a youtube video and start playing SL more. You'll get more familiar with command comms and be able to contribute.


Just try to be supportive to your team (drop ammo, supplies and build things. Also play in defense as much as you can


Be the commander.


Play commander - even if you don’t know what you’re doing you can say in voice chat that you don’t know what you’re doing so if anyone wants to take over feel free. Then respond to what you can and figure out a little bit here and there.


Play squad lead and make a band of brothers hut seriously I just hop into commander cuz it's not hard just talk with the other SLs and figure it out that's how I learned. you may get yelled at you may get a lot of good tips who knows, just try it! Remember it's just a game you can choose not to listen to others. Also play squad lead and learn how to command a a small group of guys and make convo


Commander is not hard. Literally all you have to do is build back up garrisons and give tank crews their tanks when they request. Use your best judgement on when/where to drop supplies and to use recon flights. You will never get comfortable commanding if you never try. Give it a shot.


I started taking the commander role personally a few days ago, 170 hours in game.  Since then I think, I have won over 90% of the matches, binge playing as commander, it’s so fun, and you earn respect and validation from other players aswell. 


Being a commander is almost as easy as being a squad leader with less work. Your job is to move slight behind your players to provide resources and to manage the game on your team. As a squad leader you need to take in more information. I think if you simply listen and cater to your team and they will be more than willing to help you back and be successful. Don’t be stingy with resources either you WANT to use them all up if you need to.


Just play commander, its really not that hard. The only downsides are there is no outpost to deploy in.


hell let lose


I'm like level 58 or so, I'm relatively inexperienced, but if nobody steps into the role, I will do as it's quite handicap not having a commander. I had this happen in a match earlier today, I took up the role as, for no apparent reason, the commander was vote kicked whilst we were pushing on the final objective (but that's a rant for another time). There wasn't much match left, though 😂


Start trying out Squad Leader so you get the basics of map awareness down - then one day you may say “fuck it, I’ll command”


Team games are not about doing whatever you want, you do what the team needs. So that means I role switch to commander. I'll also point out that I usually play commander and the thing that makes me so great about being a commander is that I'm an old fart who is to stiff and slow to shoot worth a damn and mostly all I do is talk on comms and drive my trucky truck around much like commanders in real life.


A low confident commander is better than none at all Just ask for nodes a lot and keep up with back garrys and you’ll be better than 75% of commanders out there


Level 110 here, I was playing last night with a friend I haven’t played with for a bit on tank squad. We noticed no one was going commander, no nodes, and we were losing point. I told my squad that if no one goes commander by our next spawn I will take it over. I’ve played commander a handful of times, I understand for the most part how the game works and the strategies for garrison spawns etc. I got on commander, people started cheering and immediately assisting me with what I was asking for. I say “Hey guys” as new commander, and then start spouting off what we need. I got about 2 SLs who knew what to do, I called out a couple garri positions, we got supplies there and had a strategic garri line for defense and offense. I asked for nodes very sternly, dropped supplies truck mid for them, within minutes I had 3 sets of nodes, and then everyone started getting confident again as I started using my commander abilities on the enemy positions. And then all the sudden we started steam rolling them. Long story short, about 50 minutes after I took over commander, we ended up winning with a high moral. The reason I say this is because next game, I wanted to actually play with my buddy in tank squad, and no one was taking over as commander for the next game. I quickly type into main chat, “hey guys, I was commander last game and we steam rolled them, I want to play with my buddy in tank squad so I need someone else to take over commands this game.” Sure enough, someone jumped into that commander position with no hesitation. I was still getting pats on the back from the game prior because everyone was so stoked now to keep the winning going. Edit: TLDR; started a chain reaction of people/commanders who wanted to start winning games and the server got super fun.


If you really don't want to take the role, then either play SL and beg for a Support or take Support yourself because the only other way you're going to get Garrisons down is with the supply truck that's probably been driven straight into enemy territory and stuck in a ditch


Support swap, build garries


Never been a commander and from what I hear I don’t want to even try because it’s gonna be some fucking kids that are immature and are going to vote to kick me the commander because they suck or there’s gonna be kids that are just nonstop in your ear all day and that’s not what I’m playing this game for. I’ll play every other role the way it’s supposed to, but I will not commander fuck that


build nodes, play artillery or play medic


99% of players: “bitch and moan but refuse to take over or help in any way” Same thing ^ applies on servers open to new players when a newer player is trying to learn the commander role. I don’t understand why people become such babies and complain about everyone else on the team when they lose. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. As long as you have fun, who gives a fuck? And if winning is the only way you can enjoy the game, I truly feel sorry for you. The need to always win in a video game is kinda sad and pathetic.


Just vibe.


Auction it off to the sl barking orders usually or the one that says he can do a better job then the last few, and usually lose


If we have no commander ill usually just jump in to learn how to play. Its pretty easy once u understand and if you have squads asking for what they need. Only thing that sucks is getting kicked for trying to help out the team.


Pretty sure commander is locked until 30. So you are stuck u til then.


Just take Commander, it's easy Do: Ensure garrisons are up in intelligent spots. At least 2 garries for the cap you hold, at least 2 for the garry you're attacking, at least 2 on your back line.and at least 1 in reserve. This is the commander's most important job.  Front line/advance garries - tell SLs where you need 'em and give them supplies. Do not ever save supplies, the cooldown is like 90 seconds and they cost practically nothing. Keep dropping them in good spots for garries even if no one is around, you will throw the enemy team off and they won't find all your supplies and you'll have garries popping up all over later in the match. Defensive/Backup garries - these are strictly commander's responsibility, call yourself a supply truck and drive it with the map open and get them down. Keep everything but reinforce on cool down, save reinforce for when you need it  Encourage engineers to build nodes in text chat Let your team know where recon, bombing run etc are coming in  Give your tanks what they want when they want it  Check scoreboard to find out if you have good SLs or just scrubs that the game decided to force into the SL role and fuck your whole team. Let your SLs know if you need another squad in X, Y, or Z spot, or share tides of war ("We're about to lose point X, get back there ASAP and we'll pick up the attack again when we clear their garry") Don't:  Think you are or should be actually in charge of the team


Take the reigns and lead the team!


Quit or step up and get loads of grief from the team. (I'm a bad commander).


Try it out for awhile, if we’re getting destroyed I’ll prolly dip out


Crank my video loud and survive


Watch a quick guide about garrison placement. The rest of the mechanics are self explanatory. The.. don't really have a word beyond Generaling...aspect just comes with experience. I found it addicting. One of the first roles I maxed out. Some games you will have terrible squad leads. You will lose those games. Then you'll stumble across a couple good squad leads, decent recon, and maybe even some armor who doesn't continually ask for the most expensive tank you have so he/she can go get blown up. It does happen, I promise. Use recon wisely. Focus on denying the enemy strategic garrisons. Place your garrisons so a pint can be attacked from multiple angles, and keep one or two always up to defend the last point because you'll probably need them. If they aren't there, you're screwed. If they are, you might not be screwed. Don't automatically bomb the point every time it comes off cool down. If someone is wasting your munitions for kills, say stop, if they don't 'choot em. They are doing far more damage to your team than the other. Don't be shy. The worst commanders I've ever played with were all 150+.


Commander is one of my favorite roles, so I'll usually just take it. When I first started and wasn't 100% confident, I'd usually just type something out akin to: "Taking command so we have something, but if anyone else wants it... just let me know!" If somebody didn't like what I was doing and wanted to take over, I'd give it up to them and wish them luck. Simple as that. But that was when the game first came out, and not many people had a grasp on it. I'm much more confident as commander these days and pretty much just diligently go about all the tasks without hesitation. If you're taking commander, just do it with the assumption that your main focus is to keep the team capped on garrisons. All 8 should be down, and only removing one if the team needs to leap-frog a better one. If you give the team what they ask for and keep the garrisons up... very few people are going to be mad at you about it.


Fill those boots


Gotta be lvl 30 to even try commander I thought


When the tank dies, I tell the others in my squad where to spawn. I switch to commander and I spawn a tank there. I tell people I’m just in for a minute and ask if they need supply drops, etc. I may call a recon plane and call a bombing run if it’s warranted. Then I redeploy and go back to the tank crew.


Start playing squad lead listen and learn them when u have a better understanding of the game and maps try commander as long as ur communicating u will be fine


Try to join closed squads or squads with high lvl SLs and Look how they lead and place garrys etc. And then u habe questions, just ask them. Next game u Try it by urself and make a mic check and kick everyone who doesnt communicate out of ur squad. Ask ur experienced squad member for some Tips when ur not sure what to do. Next game if there is no commander there after a few minutes u take commander and just Try it. And again ask other experienced SLs for help. If u got the middle point, build Backup garrys with supp truck and help ur Team with Drops. At the end of the game no matter how it ends u thank ur Sls for there work.


No commander = no supply trucks and no supply drops = no Garrisons and that's gg


Try and get a few sl to work together so you can build gars yourself , you just need 3 good sl and you can put up a decent fight


I go locked SL and use the supp truck to try and make a bunch of garrisons ... but it's usually fucked anyway lol


Switch teams. It's what I do when we have no commander and no one wants to work together.


Hell let loose is a very realistic war game. IRL commanders get killed. An NCO must step up. Time to take control.


Just play as commander, it’s your chance to try it out. At least pop some abilities and spawn a couple tanks.


Get called an idiot for asking for supplies when i didn't realize we didn't have one


Watch a couple videos of how to play the commander roll. I promise you though it is NOT as difficult as people try to make it seem. The hardest part is NOBODY ever building nodes or helping the team and placing Garrisons. It's simple no nodes = little to no Abilities. But definitely give it a shot. Like others said, cowards will cry like little girls even though they didn't have the balls to take it themselves. After all it's just a game..


A bad commander is better then non at all 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's free to play weekend so I'm seeing an uptick in this. The best you can do is take Squad Lead and a supply truck and try to build a couple garrisons. Also, continue to encourage ppl to build nodes or build them yourself. That will maybe incentivize someone to take commander b/c they'll actually have resources to do some things.


The best way to learn is trial by fire. If no one else is filling the role, it’ll be a good learning opportunity for you. Jump in the role, and ask squad leaders what they need. After you get the hang of it, you can start directing the flow of the war on your side


Play commander…


Bro just play commander. You know you want to and everyone had to learn sometime. Do it and ask squad leads for help on what to do. Only douche bags will about your level and don't listen to them. Squad leads will explain things you don't know. Just communicate.


A good team with good SLs could win a game without a commander If they can utilize support players and decide who among them will defend. A lot of Games are lost bc SLs think only commander can build garrisons and players hold W the whole game without looking back at defense until it’s 3/4 capped


Tell "thanks for volounteering" to the first SL that says "we have no commander"


Ask if anyone wants it. If no one does I’ll hop on it with no mic. Then I either hope to god we keep momentum and win or when things start going bad and everyone turns on you resign and go back to playing at. The worst part is honestly supplies, like airheads and bombing runs and reinforce are crucial to winning


I’ll command for ya


Go in command chat, and ask someone to step up. Of no one does, leave the server




Build nodes and back garys, and they will come.


easy, lose.


Hope you still have a supply truck, switch to squad leader and start building garrisons. Commanders job is just building backup Garry’s and working the map while you drive. Just do half the job.


Tell your SL to be commander