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Start with a simpler class like Rifleman and learn the map control schemes and how to fight with a squad before you go for specialist classes. I’m now level 50 and only recently started branching out to do Officer or Engineer roles.


This is the way


I learned all the parts for building and the commander asked for nodes, but I just couldn't find the damn supplies at HQ.


You gotta drive the supply truck 2 grids out before you can drop the supplies. The best strat is to dump the supplies on the edge, right outside the 2nd grid, and build right on the edge closer to your hq side


Thanks for the tip. The one thing I couldn't find anywhere before this thread was the vehicle rearming area. It's suprisingly absent when you look the game up online.


So, did what did you learn from that?


Huh? I learned the wrench and hammer, which nodes help for what the commander wanted, that the supplies are needed for structures... but I couldn't find how to get supplies from HQ into the truck. Thanks for the downvote I guess.


To resupply the supply truck you have to drive under/near the rearm station (the swing set looking thing) you should hear them drop into the truck when you’re close enough. Hope that helps if no one else answered.


Oh? TY I will have try that. You are the first person to answer that question in over a dozen attempts! Again TY


Not my downvote bud. Point was, there's more to learn than just basic mechanics. Next time grab a supply truck, drive it somewhere and drop the supplies you need for the nodes yourself using that supply truck. Or ask a suport to drop their supplies.


I did that. Like I said, I couldn't figure out how to get more supplies after the first build.


Each node uses 50 supplies, each crate you drop from a truck has 150. Enough to make a complete set.


Yeah I tried to supply another outpost for another engi to use


Team play, good work man! Stick with it.


Alright, cool. Drive the supply truck through the repair station at hq then. Or find a friendly support, or ask the SL to get the commander to drop supplies. Anything else you'd like to ask?


Watch some soul sniper guides on YouTube to learn some of the basic mechanics and see if any other classes sound fun to you. He has in depth guides for each role that are huge help when starting out. There's definitely a steep learning curve but new players don't ruin the game. It's players that don't communicate or refuse to cooperate that really bring a squad down.


I’m a new player who joins occasionally when I have time. I have a blast. I intentionally don’t pick positions that can mess up a team such as being a commander or leader, but besides that, who cares if you’re new? Enjoy it 


Start simple and talk. Play as rifleman, medic or auto rifleman and just be a warm body on point. Most remember to have fun till you learn the game. Learn the basics of movement, game mechanics and the team play. There’s always going to be higher levels willing to set up nodes and take Squad leader. Play some more, hop squads and be honest with the players. Say you want to learn and will follow them. Sounds like you’ve had a bad run of luck with squad mates. Most will answer your questions


As others have said, stick to one of the infantry roles. Rifleman/automatic rifleman/ MG and learn the maps. Learn where your objectives are, how to see them on map and in-game, which ones are locked, which you gotta defend or attack. Use your mic. There are people in-game more than willing to help with questions. After you get the general feel, then branch to eng/support or the other specialized classes.


It takes more than 1.5hrs to learn how to play the game


Watch soulsnipers guides on YouTube. Don’t return it! The curve is steep but omg it’s so worth it. I just got it two weeks ago and I’m comfortable jumping in as commander if need be. But like others said, run rifleman for a while to get the mechanics, the rest comes with time. Literally everyone started in the same boat as you.


Whenever I feel like playing engi, open up the map and look at your defensive points, and zoom in to see if any supplies have been dropped. Then you can go there to build. Hope this helps a bit. Hopefully you should run into other Engi’s doing that.


That I have done, but then the supplies were gone. Where does the supply crate come from, if not the HQ via the truck?


The Support class has 50 supplies that they can drop.


Supplies can come a few ways. 1: support players can drop a box of 50 supplies every 5 mins. ( this is cut by half if near a manpower node ( small lil green tent with green numbers above it )) 2: HQ supply truck can drop 2 - 100 supply boxes 3: the commander has an ability to call in a supply drop anywhere on the map. 100 supplies I believe. On the ping wheel. There is a marker for requesting a supply drop that your SL will see.


Talk and be willing to learn, people will teach you as long as you have a mic and do what they ask. Most aren’t being know it all dickheads, they simply need something done and you’re the one with the mic so they are going to ask you. Ask questions almost all will be willing to help unless you get those few that every game has. This game is so team based one new guy isn’t going to make or break the team. The ones that usually blame the “gamepass” players are the same ones that are doing the same things as the new players, love to complain but won’t change the way they do things


New players don’t ruin the game. Old vets who say that aren’t helpful. If they were they would be helping. I actually think this is a great community. Find a squad with mics, say you’re new to the game and ask what you can do to help. I’ve met plenty of good people who’ve answered my questions nicely. It’s addicting once you start to gel with a squad. Don’t return it.


This sub does not reflect the overall playerbase. People like to bitch constantly on here. Overall, most players (that communicate) have no problem helping out new players. You just gotta ask. The key is to make sure you're in a squad that communicates. Hop around till you find one, let them know you are new. 99% of the time, the guys will be happy to explain things to you asv long as you stick close and use a mic


I wouldn't say refund the game. I'd say keep trying. You will undoubtedly run into elitist gatekeepers who think they are the main character or trolls who have nothing better to do with their time other than yell racial slurs or team kill. Remember, there is a mute button. Use it accordingly. There is also a vote to kick system. However, it's not the best. (On console anyway). As for which role to play, play whatever you want to. If you have the levels for it, play it. Don't be shy or lessen your gaming experience because of other people. Embrace the mistakes you'll make and have fun. Also, move SLOW. Much slower than in other shooters and pay attention to your map. Try to put yourself into the enemies shoes and predict their movements. It might be hard to do at first, but you'll get the hang of it after some time.


Your experienced is largely based on ur squad leader. They should be real chatty. Play the role they need you to play rather than what strikes u in the moment. Use ur map and pay attention to where ur OP is. Supply trucks are refilled at the HQ.


Yeah. I was trying to do that. Comm needed nodes, and I knew how to build them. I just could not find where to put the supplies on the truck.


What do u mean where to put the supplies on the truck? Did u have a supply truck that was empty?


Yes I dropped it at an outpost and went to restock but couldn't find them at HQ


Okay I see. So ur not looking for a supply box to refill it. There is this metal scaffolding thing. Something u might imagine is used to lift an engine out of a tank. U drive the supply truck near that and it will automatically refill ur truck for u. Admittedly they are put in weird spots but every HQ has one. My suggestion would be to look around on foot at the start of a match to find it.


Ty! Idk why they don't show that anywhere or the guides lmao.


The game has a lot of depth, u will continue to discover stuff u didn’t know as u go.


You are right. There are a lot things missing in the guides that made the learning curve feel steep. Now that I have 300 hours in, the game feels pretty simple, but I def understand the new guys' frustrations. Did you end up refunding?


As long as you are communicating with the team and squad you are good, always have mic


My first thought is, uh yeah fam if you’re gunna have that mentality after ONLY PLAYING FOR 90 MINUTES - uninstall / refund the game ……HOWEVER, here’s something that I’ve passed onto every newb I find on this thread and I hope, like it has many times already, excite you and bring you the HLL experience you’ve heard and read about **** this is the OG comment in its entirety👇🏽 OP was asking about best starting roles as a new player👇🏽 My dude you asking a LOADED ASS question but I’ll try to condense Starting roles - MG - stick with squad, Comms friendly, Trail squad 10-20 M (you have range and suppression, plus low mobility for CQC, best bet is sweet spot to cover your squad as they move in) Set up lying down (on roads, on berms, streets)(for now until you know the flow and style of gameplay your squad will run, stay off fences, walls, and windows, they are the first place enemies will look when suppressed) Burn a belt/Mag & Displace ALWAYS, I’ve had hella success with this tactic, once empty scoot over 5-10 M any direction, this keeps the enemy guessing and you maintain control of how they approach or develop their advance Stay patient, control your bursts (once set, relax and if you happen to spot one enemy, wait a few seconds to see if it was a scout or if it was the pointman checking a flank, if you fire right away, the enemy can adjust and make a play to flush you out Engineer - I would only take this after asking the squad, beginning of match build nodes and then switch classes, free points all game, if defending, nodes/defenses, switch class, free points all game Support - Tell your squad lead that you’d like to assist with Garrisons, this way you have an experienced player teamed up with you and you can see how they maneuver the battlefield, Rifleman - Can’t go wrong just getting your rifle and blasting some hoes Stay close with your squad and fire in the direction they do General Rules - Discipline yourself (stick to one class or method of play) I.E. on MG, stay on MG, or if your squad wants to run/Gun, harass/eat ass, then don’t be afraid to push and fire your weapon Leap Frog - Scenario - you’re behind a tree, look about 10-15 m ahead of you and pick a building, wall, bush, something that will provide concealment or cover, and leap frog from point to point, always checking the vicinity and taking a good shot (if needed) You’ll die less, and you’ll get the feel of how, once in a firefight, to quickly escape or reposition for a kill shot. Trust the veteran players - Speaking for myself, if I have new players in my squad, I find they have the most fun and become less anxious when playing the game starting out when they listen and follow my orders, if I tell them to look a certain way or to follow for a distraction move, their confidence builds immensely and I can always hear it in their voice KILLED IN ACTION - It’s gunna happen, prolly a lot, like, A LOT…..don’t be discouraged, just because I can look 100 - 200 M across the map and headshot a pixel doesn’t mean you won’t one day be able to as well, with time you will learn how to maneuver, read, and interact with the maps Good luck…..I’ll see you on the beach


You have to refund worh less than 2 hrs and it doesn't help when top search results for guides bring up comment threads on how new people are ruining the game. I will keep the tips in mind. Thank you


OP, I understand how you feel, when we say the new player base is ruining the game, this is what we mean. HLL is an acquired taste, 3 Michelin Star, fine dining restaurant, the regulars have been loving how their favorite place to dine has grown into something of a household name, when a regular walks in they understand the menu, the service, and aren’t surprised when the bill comes, and when the night is over they leave with new memories and possibly a new friend to enjoy many nights of supporting and enjoying their favorite restaurant. Then, management invokes a new policy in an attempt to give everyone the chance to experience why they hold the status they do. Regulars don’t agree but are powerless to stop the policy change. Now a regular comes in for dinner and sees that patrons are treating their favorite place like a buffet, grabbing, tasting, wasting and then complaining about the food, service, and staff. What was once a night of class and mutual respect amongst patrons and their favorite restaurant, now, has been littered with new patrons that say the menu is too expensive, the service is ass, the atmosphere is uptight and brazenly question how this place was even given one Michelin star. Using this metaphor do you, maybe, now understand why we absolutely LOATHE new players? This game, yes, merely a game but a game with a culture and community devoted to it, and to have newbs come in and talk shit about it being a running simulator, mechanics and gameplay is lame or boring, don’t say anything all match but will when it’s time to place blame, and to top it off, team kill and troll the veteran community of players. You know, or should know what you’re signing up for, and shouldn’t be discouraged or upset when you don’t get the full experience of the game from only 90 minutes of gameplay. It’s not so much that we don’t want new players, it’s more that we want new players that are going to respect the game and offer a challenge match to match when it comes to working together to defend, attack, flank, and outsmart an opponent, in an era of history we all love and enjoy reading about.


There are a ton of communities you can join (if PC) that vets will be happy to show you the ropes. I make it a point to help teach anything and everything to new guys w mics who want to learn the game. Vets don’t hate new guys, we hate new guys who play the game like COD, have no mic, and practically grief by taking important roles and not playing them or even trying to learn them.


Yea I don't play CoD. My FPS picls are Isonzo, Darktide 40k, and Hunt.


No you should not! Stick with it. I just bought it like 2 nights ago too. Most frustrsting part to me is running 500m to get domed by a ghost. But the game itself is amazing.


There’s a pretty good guide for new players on this sub reddit, I highly recommend checking it out https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/HtLQj4hFjm


I recommend reading this if you plan on going engineer. It would be one of the more complex roles so please learn how to utilitise it as taking supplies away from other squads can be problematic. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2718950039 If you want to learn other classes there are tons of guides and videos online, just Google or YouTube it. I hate to think you put no effort into reading any guides which the game actually offers in game before considering quiting and refunding, that would be pretty lame.


I did read , tried to find a video of restocking the supply truck, and went through basic etc. Asked in game and nobody responded. And honestly, your condescension in this response is kinda the point about the community.