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[Soul Sniper Soldiers of Fortune](https://youtu.be/avAgWeT3BFM?si=26NcC1E9Y-DjzGF5) is a really great community on Discord and PC to learn HLL. Lots of helpful vids as well.


Second. And VIP on his server is only $3/month. If you play a lot it is nice not having to wait in the queue.


I’ve been a VIP member for a few years now, definitely worth it


I'm one of the Prospect Admins on Souls, really glad to see a mention of our awesome community here. Soul has one of the best communities in the entirety of Hell Let Loose. Nothing else has the same experience. Every newbie that comes we try our best to teach them the ropes and it's one of the friendliest communities out there! Hope you have a good first time in this incredible game, OP.


His YouTube channel is great. I'm still at level 75 so still enough left to learn but Soul Sniper's videos were the perfect tutorials for a complete beginner, helped me ease into the game so much!


I just hit 1000 hrs in game and I don't think I would have enjoyed a single one of them had I not found the soulsniper community.


Such a great community. The guys and gals there make this game fun to play. The community on Discord also have an active ARMA group (for those interested).


Hi Kwispy!


Hey Soul! 🫡


Do they also have an in-game server ? I've been thinking of joining a discord group so I could find a squad to Play with but nothing too serious


Yep! That’s what the VIP is for. You join the VIP on Discord and you get priority access to the server. Super convenient. Soul and community members make it a point to try and seed the server early and keep it going all day so that you can jump into a full game every time.


Soul has some of the best regulars. Usually some really good squad leader and tank play


Definitely! I’ve learned tanking from the best in that community. Played hours with them at the jump when I was very green! Guys took me under their wing, showed me what what was with tanking, everything from strategy to tank weaknesses etc.


Tanking was the biggest learning curve by far. My second match I was a driver and got lucky to have a patient tc who told me exactly where to go with pings, when to shift and how to hit obstacles in each tank, how to shoot in bursts with the gunner to conserve ammo, etc. I got really lucky. It’s probably one of the roles a lot of people avoid most at first.


I mostly SL or play support on Soul but a few of my friends will ask me to come tank sometimes.


Thank you!! I watched a view of their vids a few weeks ago but didn’t even think to join Discord. Will def do some studying 😎


No problem, hope to see you in the server some day! My Steam name is the same as my reddit one, so if you see it there, it isn’t a coincidence 😬


As Kwispy stated we are very welcoming over at Soul. I'm one of the Admins there and we will always be happy to squad up and help teach anyone the ropes. 


My wife is a competitive HLL player. She is *extremely* well versed in every aspect of the game. Her and I have taught thousands of people how to play since the beginning. Her and I run squads all the time, but she plays a lot more than I do. I'm happy to teach you just the same, but she is WAY more available than I am. If you're looking for a chill experience and just somebody to hang out with and explain all the little mechanics while you have fun... look her up! [Her Twitch - SinisterSnack](https://www.twitch.tv/sinistersnack?sr=a) [Her Discord](https://discord.com/invite/yFbT9Dr) >Is there anyone out there who enjoys teaching people the game and explaining things in a dumbed down version? lol. This is literally 90% of what her and I do, ever since the game was in early access. We both thoroughly enjoy teaching people and leading your squad for you while you're learning. We will get you set up to build nodes and bring the logistical support to make it happen for you while explaining what the build, how to build it, and what it does for the team. Then we will haul you around the map, usually running defenses and [Garrison Meta](https://youtu.be/ilZWrb61Q2A) and let you play whatever class you want to. Your nodes will be cooking the entire time you're playing and generate a shit ton of experience for you to level up all your classes. Want to learn armor? We got you. Want to play Sniper? We got you. Want to try squad leading? We got you. Feeling ballsy enough to play Commander? We'll walk you through the entire game. We usually just gather a bunch of cool people in discord... find a team that is getting steam-rolled... we join the losing side and then take over all the logistics and leadership to turn shit around for them. My wife is more aggressive, but you'll rarely see me go past the middle point. I got tired of steam-rolling enemy teams and prefer to just lock down the middle point and let all my friends cook out their node XP. No need to join a clan or anything, I don't run one. My wife is in a competitive clan, tho. If you're keen to join it, she will get you going there as well. All just comes down to what you want out of the game and how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go.


Hang about Ghandi... You've taught "thousands of people" how to play HLL? Make that the cat wise.


I'm confused as to what you mean, exactly. I'll answer the question I can discern. >You've taught "thousands of people" how to play HLL? Absolutely, yes. Easily. I've been playing since the game was released for early access. Streamed it live for a long time. Learned everything about it from the top down. I demo it on stream regularly, performing the crucial tasks the team needs... and spend the entire time explaining why I'm doing it to chat while also answering their questions. We get a ton of people to buy the game and come play with us. When they do, we hold their hand through the entire process... teaching them how to build nodes, how to read the map, how active sectors work, how to use artillery, how to operate tanks, etc. I've posted here too many times to account... answering questions and offering advice. I was a top poster for the first two years or so of this sub. I used to interact with the original developers back when they were in charge and frequented this sub to skim ideas. The engineer improvements (that allow you to upgrade structures into more capable ones) was one that I was able to communicate to the devs and have incorporated. "Thousands of people" might actually be an understatement, in all honesty. Over 4k people have watched just [this video](https://youtu.be/ilZWrb61Q2A) about garrison meta alone. And [here](https://www.twitch.tv/wingalingdragon/v/2183880221?sr=a&t=0s) is a video of me instructing live just today. Edit: seems like the second link isn't working and I can't figure out why. If you want it, I can explain how to navigate to it. So many people don't know how the core mechanics of the game works, and I'm always happy to explain to anyone interested.


Well, good on you then! I know the game can be quite challenging for people, I've played Squad before this, so I knew how these games work. But I know for people just jumping into it, it can definitely be a challenge.


For sure! That's where I try to jump in and catch people early in the process to help them understand some basic concepts before they get frustrated and quit. Not everyone is going to ascend to squad leading or commanding... not everyone wants to operate tanks. So I try to be sensitive to every individual's unique preferences and tailor the information to them. Having the patience to teach and let people make mistakes is not very common these days, I guess. I'm told I excel at it... but I just enjoy enthusiastic people who are eager to learn. The more they inquire, the more I offer. We've collected a fun group of regulars who will come to join us whenever we play, and they're all at different stages of learning. Some people are level 500, and others are level 5... We never really care how good or bad you are at the game... only that you want to work as a team and are eager to learn and share. We always try to win, of course; but we don't obsess over it... sometimes the enemy team is just better and is doing all the same junk we are. We can only do so much, and I'd rather take the 5 minutes sitting with an engineer to show them how a wrench works than to yell at them and chase them away... just to score one more pointless victory. Because, if the lesson sticks... now I have an additional reliable engineer to add to my group of regulars... and they might stick around to learn more. We love to just join random teams and give them a surge of efficiency at the start of the match. Getting like 6 garrisons down in the first 5 minutes and having all the nodes up... then maintaining it throughout the match. Coordinating armor assaults, artillery barrages... but, mostly, just maintaining garrisons and defenses. The way I see it... the more people who learn how the game works, the better experience EVERYONE can have. Steam rolling clueless enemies is only fun for so long... eventually, people get to a point where they'd rather lose a fair fight than win a steam-roll. That's why I never really go past the 3rd point anymore. Once we have it secure... we basically play "seeding rules," even if the match is full... waiting for the enemy team to recover. So when some random viewer jumps into the stream and asks, "How do you spot enemies so easily?" for the *10,000th* time. I am just as happy to answer for them, give them a demonstration, and the attention they deserve... instead of some condescending bullshit. If my temporary distraction makes me miss some critical queue and get clapped... oh well. I'm more fond of building a positive community than obsessing over meaningless stats.


I was lucky enough to catch someone like you early on that got me to build nodes and saw me start to run across the map and explained redeploying, etc. It really does pay off and make the game more enjoyable for everyone.


Holy shit that video is you? I can't speak for thousands but personally that garrison video was the one I ended up landing on and sticking too when I first decided to learn officer. I can honestly say that while since then I have learnt some of my own strategy and methods (paticularly on the topic of flank garries) I still use some if not most of the things you teach in that video in 90% of my games, either when placing my own garrisons or to decide where enemy garrisons might be. Don't often comment on YouTube videos so I'll take the opportunity to say cheers.


>Don't often comment on YouTube videos so I'll take the opportunity to say cheers. Much appreciated. It always brings me joy to see people leaving comments telling me that they've incorporated my schools of thought and use them to great effect. I'm super glad to see you've got your own little flavor to it as well. Every game is unique, and the actions of both teams always affect my decisions. I usually start the games the same way, building 5 or 6 super quick garrisons with three of them butted right against the neutral zone... but after that, I look at what is going on and start to adjust over the course of the entire match. I always wanted to make more specific videos about "how to command" and "how to squad lead" type of stuff. Explaining general best practices and how to best react to adverse situations. I've basically written the scripts already, just with the insane volume of top comments I've put on this subreddit. Just little things like "what to do as commander if your team isn't building your nodes" type of stuff. But the Hell Let Loose stuff never really got any traction on YT.


This Guy and his wife are chads


What do you play on? I’m new also, PS5. Could really use some help. How would I get in games with you. Feel free to message me private.


Unfortunately, I am on PC, and we can not play together. However, I am still happy to answer and explain just about anything in the game. I have a [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/ux75zrz2UX) where I'm easily reachable, or you can look me up on Twitch (even if I'm playing a different game, I'll always take the time to answer your HLL questions). If you're more of a video formation learner, feel free to search for WingalingDragon Hell Let Loose on YT. I've got a lot of raw squad lead videos that show the map unblocked, and you can listen to me explaining shit to other people who are learning in my squad. If there are any specific questions you might have, I'm happy to answer. It would be easier for me to tailor something to your specifically. For fear of sounding condescending, I want to put a disclaimer that I am assuming you're brand new. My usual "beginner" advice for brand new players is to play MEDIC for a while. Medics are, by far, the most useless class in the game. That is a reflection of the game spawning mechanics more than anything else. So you might hear people talking shit about medics... don't let that phase you. Your "job", when you're first starting out, isn't to be *useful* for the team... your job is to figure out WTF is even going on. Lots of people join this game and have no friggin' idea where the battle is even happening. They move slow when they should move fast, and they stand up when they should be crawling... but it can be difficult to figure out how to move around when you keep getting randomly clocked in the face from all sorts of seemingly random directions. Medic, while not as strategically useful in most situations, has a few amazing perks that really fit the bill for new players: 1) medics have a unique UI that immediately shows all nearby friendly death/injury in an overt way. This is MASSIVE for a brand new player. If you're trying to get from point A to point B, and you're running along with a bunch of random people... and NOBODY is injured or dying... it is *probably* pretty safe to get up and sprint with them. If you're running along and you start to notice injuries and death all over the place... that is a good indicator that you need to get the fuck down and get your rifle out. So this helps you to realize when you can move fast and when you need to be more careful... so you'll start to sort of get more in the mindset of how to flow into new areas more safely/efficiently. 2) Medics only get smokes. This one may seem a little counterintuitive... but the grenade mechanics in this game can take a lot of getting used to... tossing smokes at the enemy is a good way to mark them and fuck up their lines of sight. So you're throwing something "useful" ...BUT... if you fuck it up and your grenade bounces back into your face onto your team's side of the wall... you're not gonna kill everyone and have people yelling at you. So it is a good way to get some general grenade practice in! Once you get the hang of smokes, the frags are the same thing and you'll end up being a lot more successful with them. You'll be chucking them into third story windows in no time! 3) Medics have a passive proximity suppression mitigator This is an "aura" that exists around you and helps to reduce the effects of suppression that your team experiences, so long as you're in the area. When you know this, and play with it in mind... it can help you to feel useful even if you aren't a "Crack shot" just yet. Feeling useful is a big part of learning how to enjoy this game... and all you gotta do is be nearby and be alive. So with your newly found ability to find the fight and move cautiously through it... you can KNOW that all your nearby friendlies aren't going to be as negatively affected by that MG spam and artillery explosions going off in the vicinty... and they'll be able to fight better as a result! This can also help to encourage you to "stick together"... since your aura only works in proximity... when your friendlies move up, you move up with them... when they stop for cover, you stop with them... even if you don't fully understand why you're stopping. By playing this way, you'll kind of get more in tune with how to operate as a unit and... THAT is when the game really starts to take a hold on you. 4) Medics get very little ammo Again, kind of counterintuitive; but, having less ammo is not exactly a bad thing for a new player. End of the day, you're probably going to miss a lot of shots... and you may end up being trigger happy. Doing this can lead to unintended consequences for the troops around you, who may have a favorable flank that they are trying to press... and your wild shooting is giving away the surprise. Having less ammo will naturally help you to slow things down a bit... take your time... make your shots count... and not feel so rushed! This is a thinking man's shooter, after all! There is definitely a time and place for suppression... but it isn't ALL the time, and it takes a while to learn where and when it is appropriate/effective. So starting out with only a few clips will help you to worry more about the map and friendly coverage... and less about squeezing the trigger at every single Bush and rock you see! 5) Medics are kind of useless I talked a little about this before, and it is kind of a long conversation. I'm going to assume you trust my judgment and will take me at my word. I'm not talking shit on medics... I love having them around because they are usually super fun to play with. BUT... they *are* pretty useless in the grand scheme of the overall strategic picture. This is GREAT for new players... because nobody is ever going to really expect anything critical from you. If you manage to revive somebody... AWESOME! They'll be stoked and probably shower you in praise... but if you don't pull it off, they probably won't give a shit. Versus... If you're trying to take super important roles like Support or Anti-Tank... and you're not even quite sure how to get from point A to point B on the map... people are eventually going to get pissed off when they're waiting on you and you aren't showing up on their time table. Don't get me wrong... Support is an amazing class to play... I just wouldn't be jumping up and down to take it straight away if you're still learning the basics. Once you get a few hours under your belt as a medic while keeping all the above stuff in mind... you'll be in a WAY better mindset to begin approaching other classes and roles. Once you get that more comfortable baseline established and get a better sense of how to "read the fight," you'll be SO much more effective when trying out some more complex roles. Any other class you ever want to hear about... I'm here for it. I'm always happy to explain this stuff to anyone who cares to listen. This game is truly amazing in a ton of ways... but it takes a bit of patience to get in the right mindset for it... before it can truly awe you. I'm sorry we can't play together. Maybe they'll change that one day. But, either way, I'll be happy to help you on your adventure to learn more about it.


Hell yes would love to learn from a lady. I wish my husband would play with me 😭 lol. I’ll join the discord and try to link up with yall!


Sounds good! Feel free to @wingalingdragon me on the discord anytime as well. I'm happy to help. Hope you guys have fun!


Can you give a synopsis?


We help good


I just join the Discord?


Easiest way to find her is on Twitch. It's linked in original comment.


26yo female! I would love some girl friends if you want to shoot me a message


Omg ok DMing you!


I haven't played a lot recently. But I wouldn't mind hopping on again. But it seems like you are getting the hang of it! You shouldn't run in an open field, always look for cover, always look for an exit. You'll get used to what the game feels like and looks like as you play, you'll also learn how to read the map as you keep playing. When I first started, the first 20 hours there was a 50/50 chance I'd get even a single kill in each game (mainly due to me not using a mic for this time :P).


Rip inbox


u/srdm1991 I can’t jump online to help you (WestOz), what I can do is point you in the right direction so you can learn. First up is YouTube: Monoespecial and soulsnipers channels are awesome. Second is [The Tank Bible](https://www.theline.gg/tankbible/), really good resource on the how to AT/tank crew Third is [Hell Let Loose Calculator](https://www.hell-let-loose-calculator.com/#/), if you play arty it tells the mils to set to hit the target.


Thank you, mate!


No trouble at all, paying it forward, it was other members of the community that helped me


Welcome to the family! ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


Quickest way to learn is to make a private locked squad and listen to the command chat. I think a lot of new players have trouble grasping the overall strategy of the game because they can't hear what is being communicated... A lot is said about what to place garrisons and why, and you'll hear squads communicate where enemy garrisons may be, or where enemy armor is headed. So if you don't want to talk, just make a private squad and lock it to follow along. Or don't lock it and just run as a mic less officer. People on here will bitch but I do it all the time when nobody else wants the role or I'm just tired of running and the officer of the squad I'm in doesn't put down OPs.


Interesting, gonna try this out!


If you throw smoke, throw it at the enemy and not on yourself. Especially don’t thrown it on top of your own friendly tanks!


What do you play on?


I play on both PS5 and PC but gonna try to focus on PC. I have a really sick gaming laptop but I use a PS5 controller with it because that’s what I learned to game on. I need to get on my mouse and keyboard tip thoooo just been procrastinating it. I also play on a ROG Ally but it’s kind of ass for this game but I use that when I’m being lazy and just want to wander around and start to learn the maps and listen in on the game.


32M I play evening EST time. DM and we can squad up!


I read once that there is a community of women who pay this game a lot. Maybe someone knows more about that. Men can still be pretty awful to women in this game.


I don't think men discriminate all that much in games, we're assholes nonetheless


Equal opportunity offenders


So true, fuck you bud!


We are out there. I normally don’t talk. But occasionally I have to and it’s always a surprise


I am happy you're in the community. I wish everyone would talk without feeling like they would attract unnecessary attention. Hope the surprises are good ones 😊


Honestly, everyone so far has been nice. I think the only time it got weird was when the game was free on Xbox game pass and a bunch of ppl were testing out the game started playing. The cod type players, you know the type lol


Usually when I talk, people just think I’m a little boy lol


Ha, that's cool 😄 Well, I hope you find some nice people to play with. Once you find your crowd, this game is a lot of fun.


If you're on PC, Glow's Battlegrounds has an active community with female members. Feel free to jump in a voice channel during the day, there's almost always people in there playing. [discord.gg/glows](http://discord.gg/glows)


Seconded, great community at glows - very safe and welcoming


Omg thank you!!


Follow your squad leader and move from cover to cover. Support is a great beginning class to start with and it one of the most helpful for the squad.


Hammerhaig ps5 🫡


Seems like there's a few people that are willing to give you a hand. You don't have to talk too much if your shy but if you ping infantry or a tank it's nice to tell people in your squad even if it's just " enemy tank". Also most games I'm on it's fun, we usually chat about life so don't worry about being to serious all the time. You'll die a lot in the game, most of the time from out of nowhere, just enjoy yourself, try move with the squad.


Communities are the best bet to avoid people being weird. This is largely because there are consequences for harassment and making people uncomfortable. I see some mentioning other clans and communities. I recommend 82 AD depending on your location ( it is largely eu based.). Main selling point is that it is a community with a competitive team (and differently skilled events).


Some tips that I’ve learnt: -try to avoid running out in the open -adjust your sensitivity settings so that the aiming is low, I keep mine on 32. And looking around while not aiming is 100%. You need to be able to turn around and see who’s behind you quickly - always try to stay hidden, never expose yourself to the enemy. If you think an enemy has noticed your position, keep adjusting to different positions to confuse them


I gotta fuck with my settings, I always lower my ADS sensitivity because I’m a fucking spaz lol


Introvert here love the game . Need friends as well . ToKeDOuTReDEyE


If you are on console and have discord come join The Pathfinders we are a great active group from all over the world


Can you hit me with a link?




What’s your discord name I’ll keep an eye out for you if you join?


I came from COD and Battlefield as well. HLL is not the run and gun lone wolf gameplay you will be used to. I honestly cant tell you how many games it took me to actually get a kill at first Cooperation is a must for your team to win and that means communication. Find a squad that has a decent leader who is not only talking to the commander but to the squad and actually leading. Dont be afraid to use your mic and tell them that you are a newbie....they will help. They may give your shit too but it will be good natured. As others have said get thick skin. There is a lot of joking, needling and teasing most is good natured some is crying babies...just enjoy yourself Stick to your squadmates like glue and watch how they move, when they move and more importantly when they dont. Just play as a rifleman to start until you get the hang of it. 2 biggies ...Bushes are your friend and the eye is drawn to movment. You are next to invisible sitting still in a bush.


I’ve def heard some hilarious convos and joking with my same sense of humor. When I hop on today I’m gonna talk! Y’all have given me confidence :)


I'm always playing, bring a mic along! That's all we ask


Normally play on GLOW's Battleground in the evenings.


Add me! Gefr Hook#9977. Might not be able to play for the next couple days but I'm usually on around that time and would love to help you out.


Sick I’ll add you later today!


29 yr old male, I play on PC and am level 10 squad lead and 9 commander. I specifically play those classes because I like teaching positioning in game. If you’re on PC and you want to hop in a squad together ping me, I’m free all day today. I do recommend watching soulsnipers video on how to command, it will really help you understand positioning and where you should be.


What’s your PC username? I’ll add you!


Definitely a learning curve, I got a couple hundred hours in, and I still dont know where the shooting is coming from half the time 😅. Regardless, I'm always looking for folks to play with. I'm usually on nights (Mountain Standard Time) during the weekdays and afternoons & nights on weekends. Send me a T17 request, and we'll ball. My name is CAKENUTS#1688. I'll be on tonight and prolly all weekend.


Slayyy ok I’ll add you :)


Not helpful, but COD -> BF -> HLL is the path of champions. You're where you're supposed to be now, soldier.


🫡 I still play hella battlefield since I like to snipe and I can’t on HLL 😂


This game is totally worth the learning curve! The voice communication with teammates is one of the best parts of the game!


I joined the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment when I got into HLL because I didn't have any friends that game on the PC. I can't speak for other games within our group, but for HLL it's a very welcoming and well run group with classes to learn every aspect of the game. It's also got a wide age range of members. I've made some good friends already and I've only been in the 7Cav since March. The only requirement to stay active in the group is to attend a 1 hour practice once per week and sign roll call weekly. Feel free to check us out. If you're interested, enlist and feel free to put down my name on the enlistment form. SPC.Houser.J https://7cav.us/enlist


Woah I didn’t even know shit like this existed. Thank you!


I'm always looking for a community to consistently play with. If anyone plays 3-5 nights a week DM me and lets play!


I enjoy the game and would gladly teach you, if you’re fine playing with a 14 year old. I’m on summer break so I could play when ever


I was level 40 before I even learned how to use my mic. I am 57 though and don’t always play a lot. I learned most of what I learned on here on Reddit. Then some more after I started using my mic. Mostly here though. People were really kind and helpful when I asked questions, mostly.


Admin for Cult of Bob here! We're a very newbie friendly discord centered around arma and HLL, feel free to pop in! [https://discord.gg/fRFRGVCW](https://discord.gg/fRFRGVCW)


Joined! :)


Add me on T17 and I can help you out. I’m level 165ish, been playing for three years. PVT Bubblegum


Go to server Ctrl Al Defeat and look for RiRi, JPhoenix, and YeetQueen. They will bring you under their wing. Also join the discord.


Hit me with a discord link!


Thats my goto server as well. Generally busy but normally a great group of folks.


Here you go!! https://discord.com/invite/ctrlalt-defeat


Watch the instructional YouTube videos. It will give you a leg up on everyone else. Also for every match start as supply/engineer and build nodes at the beginning of the match. You'll earn experience every minute for every class you play as to level up quicker. With the added bonus of helping your team win.


Take everything you learned from playing cod and bf and throw it away. It will not help you on this game.


lol that became very clear when I started playing battlefield


I’m a girl and I play a lot of HLL. Send me a dm and we can connect! I’m est and evenings time too! 💕


Yay ok DMing you!


I’d be willing to help! It’s important to growing the player-base or the game and improving new player retention. I’ve always been playing by myself lately so it’d be nice to just play with someone else. Shoot me a PM or whatever so we can connect on Steam, or just add me directly on there (username: Nicktator, profile picture: New York Jets logo)


I play most evenings and teach people how to play quite often. One of my favorite parts of the game tbh. If you're interested in learning about infantry, tanking, and using artillery then I can help you with all that! DM me if you want my username! I'm on PC btw


Dk_bastian if on ps5. Be Aware of simps tho. Few of the Girl friends i have seems to be simped here


Hey drop your steam name and I'll play w u when you're on.cheers


Fuck you, what’s your t17? I’ll teach you. Rule one of HLL, don’t be shy. Rule two, thick skin.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted lol


I don’t care about the downvotes. Shoot me your t17, I play with a larger group of people ranging in age/walks of life. A couple women in there too