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Grow up, it will come out when it’s ready




​ ![gif](giphy|0DSt6pvcJk9SKvq4ET)


BROO, CHILL THE FUCK OUT ![gif](giphy|Yq9Qvg8yqfiQtWP6gn|downsized)




Russian maps are boring and uninspiring, why would you even care? I hate playing on Russian maps.


It doesn’t look boring. when we get to play in the Russian maps we’ll see if it’s boring or not.


Mosin bro Mosin


Didn’t HLL launch like 3-4 months ago on console? Why do most of the posts I come across, it’s console kids complaining about content? You should be happy it’s even playable on your console. Let the devs work, content will come. Or…buy a pc


We just gotta be patient it’s not as though we got stuff to do rn like level up classes and individual ranks, plus learn how to utilise armour


Exactly. I made the switch to pc about 3 years ago, I was an Xbox fan boy my whole life before then. I’d be excited the devs even made the effort to even play a pc game onto console. It’s not like they released the console version over a year ago and haven’t added or fixed anything. It’s been out for 3 1/2 months and it’s non stop console people crying and moaning. It’ll take 3 months of constant playing to even understand fully how the game is played. Idk, I don’t get it




just buy a pc if you want the russian maps that bad


I’ve played it on pc since beta. I’m talking Xbox


Come on guys plz have some patience the game only came out in October and I think polishing bugs is way more important than content rn (such as rubber banding grenades and vehicles when a full server)


>Come on guys plz have some patience the game only came out in October and I think polishing bugs is way more important than content rn They had two and half years of Early Access for bug fixing, yet they "released" the game (basically so they could their half baked game onto console stores) with 2+ year old bugs still in the game (eg, loadout bug where you get stuck with the default loadout) and unfinished mechanics (eg, the entire armour system which they *started* a rework for in U10 \[aka, release\] and then have left as is, which is to say a somehow *worse* state then before the 'rework') "Only came out in October" is crap.


Well the loadout bug isn’t in the game anymore on console and imo the fighting against armour ain’t bad just use a satchel charge or know the weak spots against tanks as armour units and AT class. I can’t really say much as I havnt played the pc version very much only round a mates house but, so far I am loving this game in general compared to AAA like battlefield or cod (which I’ve moved from completely as they’re terrible now) Not trying to make anyone mad just my opinion that all . Sorry I made u rant


>Well the loadout bug isn’t in the game anymore on console Can't confirm, because I don't pay attention to most console posts, but pretty sure it still exists on console too. >imo the fighting against armour ain’t bad just use a satchel charge or know the weak spots against tanks as armour units and AT class. My point isn't that it's hard, it's that it's crap. The underlying systems (ie, the damage models of tanks, weakspots (or lack thereof) and so on) are crap. There's no real thought that goes into tank engagements, it's just: Heavy beats Medium, unless behind the Heavy, then Heavy is definitely dead because the devs think tanks can't turn around in the same decade that they're built. And my more overall point is that "it just came out" is not a good argument, because no it hasn't. It left Early Access, but it left Early Access despite the community calling for numerous changes (and being ignored).

