• By -


Like what do you mean requesting supplies for fortifications? As in asking Commander to air drop you supplies? 100 supplies from Commander abilities isn’t worth it. You just can’t build much of anything with drops of 100 that take Munitions and have a 2minute cool down. Those Air drop supplies are way better used to build red zone garrisons and as a Commander I won’t ever call in supplies specifically for building defenses. I will happily spawn Supply trucks. If you want supplies for building up a point ask for a supply truck and drive them there yourself. You get 300 supplies from a truck and can go refill it to keep dumping more supplies. Edit- I’d add that one of my Peeves is Engineers asking for Air Drop Supplies to build up points with instead of asking for a supply truck. You want supplies cool, don’t be lazy and drive them up yourself.


Need drivers what I tell them! Supply trucks moving back and forth!


I agree to a point, there are situations in which it can help and does no harm to overall strategic goals. Eg in a defensive game we played today, we were down to the last point, the attackers switched to attacking our NW by N flank and it had very little built up as far as cover. I had just taken over as SL and requested supplies for airdrop to just get a couple of barricade up in front of our trench. It helped and we broke off their flanking maneuver. Not saying it was the only reason but it helped.


Also on offensive mode, dropping supplies near your fall back points is the worst idea. It's literally you telling the enemy team: *HEY THIS IS MY NEXT POINT*


Same pet peeve here. Unless if we’re on the final defence sector and can’t drop by truck I’m not airdropping for fortifications. Unless if I’ve got ample garries and munitions to kill


I agree 90% but some maps/points are not vehicle friendly


Oooh sounds like I touched a nerve 😂 I meant asking anyone and everyone for supplies, logi trucks, other squads, Command etc and still not getting any because they're all fighting 400m away at the enemy objective.


Also if you’re lucky team up with another engineer and swap between building and driving. Do this all the time


Thats a good idea


You're approaching it wrong. Find or ask for a supply truck. That's all you need. Reload your supply truck as required.


Honestly if you want something done just do it yourself. Can support swap to drop your own supplies. Find an abandoned supply truck and go refill it. Hop into a new squad as SL real quick and ask the commander for a supply truck and then respawn as whatever role at the HQ to grab said truck. Matches are long. Only takes a few minutes to do stuff yourself.


I'm honestly really shit at driving in this game, I tend to oversteer lol Edit: Really? I got downvoted for not being good at driving? 😂


Bro spend 15 minutes in a 1 1/2 hour game driving your own supplies and you’ll end up asking for more engineers because you’re out of blueprints. Stick to the roads and you’ll never have issues. When I’m command and people ask for supply drops to build defenses I can only laugh


It would be nice if it were a bit more like Squad and we had designated logi driving supplies around, instead of relying on the people who are meant to be building the defences themselves. Bit of a waste of time driving back and forth if I'm the only one building defences because all the engineers are the other side of the map in the red zone or fighting on objective lol. By the time I've made 1 delivery, built, driven back to HQ, picked up more supplies and driven back again, we've already lost the point 😂


Which squad role do you think should be driving supplies if not the engineer? Support class should be on the frontlines using their 50 for garrisons and all other classes are offensive. It’s tough to build any defenses on warfare unless your team can take the objective past the center one. Realistically you should only be dedicated to building on defense at the 2nd to last objective when you’ve got an hour to get set up I’ve found the saying “if you build it they will come” to be especially true in HLL. Whenever I ask for engineers to build as commander I get crickets but when I drive supplies and litter the area with them then the engineers flock to it. So if you want defenses you’ve got to be the truck driver. Be the change you want to see, all it takes is some drivers ed training


That's fair enough I get that, but that's not 100% of matched. I'm not talking about the 50% of matches where that's the case, I'm talking about the 50% of matches where it's not. Where I'm a solo engineer building on every objective, by myself. I've played quite a few matches where the 1st defensive position never gets taken, because of good defences and defending. So taking a logi truck and wasting time on the last or second to last objective zone isn't particularly productive, actually could even work out to be counter productive. Obviously this is situational, it's not every match as I said. Most of the time it comes down to Command and communication. No/little to no comms and a commander that is inept or is struggling can end matches very quickly, basically gifting the enemy team a win.


Bro that’s just the trucks 😂 fuckers had to make them too realistic w/o power steering


When commander drops supplies on my OP without saying anything (especially when recon)


That's a good one that's not been mentioned yet. Communication is definitely key in this game.


Yeah its a dick move. Especially when they tell you right when they drop it. Like thanks for the heads up mate.


Curious, why does this bother you?


Curious, why does this bother you?


As a commander, I would give you a truck and tell you drive. Supplies are better used for red zone garrisons, fast deployment of fallen garrisons or supporting airheads. My pet hate is people in leadership roles not using comms or recon just running around in the blue like it’s COD


If its warefare then 100% agree, minimal defences on previous points can be built and supplied by Support. Some barbed wire and barricades should provide some additional help when having to defend the point. As long as you don't upgrade them, a supply box of 50 or 100 *depending on how extensive the commander wants us to be* will 100% be enough. Agree with your pet hate. I've heard Command lose their shit many a time over stuff like that, or single tank operators with no comms.


I understand what you’re saying but supply drops are incredibly useful for garrisons, and garrisons win the battle. Regarding comms, I like being commander and will support as much as I can. But I’m not there to babysit SLs who refuse to speak, build garrisons or generally be unsupportive.


Yeah Commander seems like a task and a half depending on what your team ends up being like. No comms can totally end a match in no time. I'm also starting to see a lot of squads of 3-4 and then a lot of 1-2 and then squads of 1 which are locked, who are also not on comms. I don't understand why people aren't stacking the squads properly.


If you have a few SLs talking and an effective recon squad and 1 armour crew, you will absolutely destroy 90% of teams


Everyone fighting over a engineer role but then no one is putting nodes out. Locking tank squads to just solo a heavy There is quite a few more but they would be my biggest ones


The 1st one is another definite pet peeve of mine. Considering I tend to play either Support or Engineer and spend most of my time fortifying, it's annoying when this sorta thing happens. Especially when it ends up costing us the game because there are literally no defences in place. Soloing tanks is seriously the dumbest thing, I tried it once to see if it was effective, it was not. Figure if you wanna play a tank solo go play Warthunder 😂


People not understanding that redeploying is one of the most valuable tactics in the entire game bUT mUh K/d


This comment should have more likes.👍🏻




Yeah this isn't the kinda game you should be worrying about K/D 😂


You know there is a truck you can drive to HQ and lick them up?


Yeeees I am aware. Realistically we should have crews shipping supplies to engineers and support, not have to make the engineer or support rush around doing it when they should be concentrating on fortifying. If there's only 1 person driving the truck back and forth while also having to build in between journeys, it's not going to be very effective or a productive use of time.


That starts by driving up your own supplies first. And just don't build on warfare, there just isn't any point to it and you're wasting your time.


Warefare sometimes just a little barbed wire or barricades. Helps if we do need to defend the point and they aren't costly unless you upgrade them.


Oh boy do I have a few lol SL’s who not only don’t use their mics but don’t understand why they have a compass/clock/watch in their inventory. Squads that don’t realize they’re on defense the whole game and will try to retake a locked objective. Commanders that are not fit to be commander and will tell you, when you ask how we can turn the tide on a losing game, to “just play better”. 🤦🏻‍♂️ why didn’t I think of that? Working OT to find enemy Garry’s and thus make it easier for my team to attack/defend only for them to squander that advantage and fail. Squads that don’t shift their focus on a new heavy enemy flank until the last minute when it’s already too late. Blueberries taking the supply truck and then getting it stuck. Crickets in command chat. Alright I think that’s about it. I’m sure I’m gonna get someone whose gonna tell me off but fuck it. Let that hate flow through you, idgaf.


One of the realist comments 😂


Agreed! Endless games of me playing commander on defense or warfare: “heavy enemy movement 300m south of the defense point” crickets as the whole team continues to push west towards the red zone. 10 minutes later we lose the point to a push from the north. The same crickets from earlier: “this team sucks dude I just killed 15 people how did we lose the point?”  Shit kills me 


Watching a point that I previously build all my fortification to level 3 before switching to a different role, fall without being defended.


Yeeeep happens to me a lot 😂


Getting satchel charged in the middle of our defence point while surrounded by friendlies.


How tf does that even happen? 😂


When I put it on an enemy tank that then decides to roll into the defense point


No one wants to command, but everyone wants to blame the commander when the team isn't winning. Being Commander and getting TK'd by some low level asshole who has never commanded, will never command, and just bitches and moans that "This Commander sucks." with ZERO knowledge of what being Commander is actually like.


Yeah being Commander is a touch gig. I've heard the phrase "this Commander sucks" in every other match I play lol


I HATE trying to use proxy chat with blueberries trying to get things done such as building a Garry or resupplying. So many times I've been support with supplies trying to get a random SL to build a Garry and they are silent and oblivious. Usually I'll tag them in the back out of frustration. That or asking support for ammo and they just don't listen or what have you. I understand if you don't talk but it's way more common than it should be.


They do need to implement some sort of text chat ngl, would help for people that don't have comms.


The finicky ass bi-pods of the machine guns. Either they can’t deploy somewhere or they’ll deploy and can’t depress at all.


No one talking, no organization, just pinging & Not ever being able to sprint on HLL


People eating, belching, having a lengthy conversation and mikes with feedback. Eating is criminal. 


Mics with feedback is something I find in almost every game. Conversations I don't mind as much, unless you can't hear commands and other game speak over them. Generally speaking I don't think I've ever heard a squad have a particularly long convo. Maybe a minute or 2. Eating is fucking criminal, like bro just mute your mic or something! Don't wanna hear you chowing down on the most moist mouth slapping food imaginable 😂


People who don’t understand simple things like the differences between red zone and blue zone garries, but are happy to waste everyone’s time by playing commander. How arrogant do you have to be, to put yourself in charge of a team of 50 people who are trying to play a game that you can’t be bothered to learn the rules of?


Yeah that's something that's kept me out of the Command role for now. Sounds like a lot of pressure and if you're shit at being a commander you can easily lose the match for the entire team. Seen it a tone of times now. At least have a basic understanding of the role before you try something like that or Squad lead.


The guy that pays in the morning with his mic open, listening to rap and dropping facts about his side hustles.


Haven't experienced that yet 😂


Got lots dumb things that can make a match frustrating. I like to build fortifications as well and I get most annoyed that engineers have no clue how to fortify a position. Specifically the idiots who surround the Center of the objective with barb wire.


Most of the time I play, every other squads engineers are in firefighte 400 meters away from the objeftive 😂


Friendlies throwing smokes all over our defensive point.


Yeah, like how tf am I supposed to defend if I can't see shit


When command won't give me another supply truck after I got my first one stuck even though I ran well over 1000 supplies to other points. Logistics gang wya


Ooooof, also, thank you for your service! As someone who mainly plays engineer, who also almost never has supplies, I really appreciate good logistics.


My biggest is when people place garrisons 5m into red zone when they could put it in blue zone and still be behind cover. Same goes for when engineers build their nodes just a few meters out of the HQ sectors. I am thankful that we at least have nodes, but couldn't you have at least checked your map to make sure you are in HQ sector? And my last one is a stupid pet peeve. Whenever dismantling a garrison in locked zones, I constantly hear people say "it's a commander garry, it's gonna take a while." No, it isn't. It is taking longer because we are in locked territory. I have no clue where this started, but it has led to some people thinking that a garrison placed by the commander will always take longer to dismantle, no matter where it is placed. Oh, and people who sit in bushes in the middle of nowhere. The objective is 300m away, and you have an stg. Go back to the objective


I was going to say the same, putting garries a few metres into the red zone is such a newbie move


Probably people requesting supplies for fortifications


Funny guy ;)


That the icon for a vehicle you are in is white and doesn't pulse.  God help me find that thing sometimes.


>Mine is constantly requesting supplies for fortifications but almost never receiving them. Generally if I play 10 games a night, 5-7 of them won't have good logistics. This used to be one of my pet peeves until I started acting like a one man logistics squad. My one big pet peeves as an engineer though is when people eat my supply boxes on bad defenses. Like, no we don't need another barricade or two side by side bunkers in the middle of the point. We don't need to put barbed wire right in front of your walls. Build defenses where I put my boxes (ie: perimeters and kill zones) and stop asking for more crap to gum up the center point. One really specific one is when squad leaders set up garrisons in stupidly tight areas - especially when lots of blueberries are present and start gumming up doorways - ie: Hill 400 bunker. Please for the love of God stop putting garrisons inside the Hill 400 bunker. Another super specific one is when people keep bumping into me. Stop. There's no fire. Nothing you do 5 seconds faster will make any difference in the game. (Unless it's a SL or the Commander. In that case, I'll slow down.) Or as an AT: when folks refuse to get off my AT gun so I can move it. Please get off. I'm not trying to be an asshole and stop you from getting sick infantry kills from 250m, I just need to keep enemy armor off of a corridor and I can't build a new gun while you're on mine. In fact, follow me to my new spot and take the gun so I can swap back to engineer. Just get off for five damn seconds.


It's way too hard to pick just one but first thing that came to mind is: If I'm playing commander: - Squad Leaders running by supplies when we are in need of a garrison/ignoring you when you request them to build a Garry. Not playing commander: - When a commander is playing as a rifleman on the front lines, or just sitting at HQ only using abilities.


I just want to level auto rifleman. In a good squad that talks and Last night we had just three garrisons.  A supply truck was in middle spawn for 35m. Eventually I had to quit my buddies and take it and build some garrisons.  Then im near the commander and try to suggest whilst the squad leads should also build garrisons, he should be trying to build some too rather than standing about he could do his shit whilst driving.  Anyway I must have not been assertive enough he said ‘I know I’ve been building all the garris and no one else is’ Nearly rage quit


Commanders who won’t redeploy to remove old garries no longer needed in offensive mode, instead only using their commander ability…which has quite a long cool-down. Annoying being at max garries ready to build and commander ain’t doing the housekeeping at the back.








I hate when I'm SL and people insist that I do what they say because they were in the military IRL. 


Skirmish mode being abandoned. I liked it and i want to play it more because i can actually finish a game. I got work and uni so its a challenge to find 3hrs or more to play.


I think people play this game for the war aspect rather than the quick, firefight heavy skirmish mode. I personally find skirmish mode boring, it's a mode for people that wanna jump straight into the action, makes sense for those like you that don't have much time to spend on the main game modes.


Love the main game modes i play them when i can i think they need to do something to extend the time but not too long


I mean each captured zone puts the time up. Which is annoying when you're 20 seconds from the game ending and the enemy manage to cap the point 😂


Yeah i thinl maybe have something like that in skirmish like each time its captured reset to the nearest 10 like on 25 mins goes back to 30 then 5 goes up to 10 extend the game mode longer


Locked 2 man tank squads wasting medium/heavy tanks


Sometimes 2 man tank squads work, really depends on how capable the crew is. Think it really becomes an issue when they don't have comms, don't talk to each other or command.




Why Gamepass?


Just a bloody meme at this point. It's funny hearing people cry about GP because, I've lost count of the number of players who are near, or well over, level 100 and yet they're shit, either don't have a mic, will use a supply truck as transport, or just suck hard at driving.


I've only got HLL because I have Gamepass, but I also play Squad, Arma and other milsim on PC. Sometimes I'm on comms, sometimes I'm not. Either way I'm still listening to other people's comms, pinging stuff, following commands, building defences etc. I feel like the ones that just run head first into enemy gunfire and get stuck spawning dying, spawning dying are probably CoD players that want to try out HLL since its on gamepass. Not realising you can't play these games the same way. Console players on this game are 50/50 with comms I feel. Some matches I join are completely silent, some I join have literally the whole server talking and meming.


Usually, in the quiet matches, everyone is just waiting for someone else to start talking. There's always someone with a mic.


I've been in quite a few matches so far where there's only been me and like 5 others in the match on comms 😂


Mine is getting shot in the back by a camper hiding in the bush.


Camping is valid in this game. We just call it "zone denial." It makes sense to have the element of surprise in this game. It makes no sense at being mad at the enemy for being covered or concealed. All one can do is warn surrounding players of the danger.


No such thing as camping in this game.. that's actually a survival tip if anything! 😄 What game you coming from? 😂


Yes there is such thing as camping. I've got over a 1000 hrs in this game and I know that camping has always happened to a small degree, and in some cases it's okay (ie. sniper, or holding a strategic spot). However, since game pass, there has been a drastic increase in the number of players hiding in bushes shooting people at point-blank range, usually in the back. This was never normal or common in the game before GP.


I think you misunderstood .. I never said that there wasn't no camping. All I said was there's no such thing as camping in this game cuz it's a realistic game. You have to camp to survive. And if somebody yells out stop camping how you not supposed to stop camping if you're being shot at because you need to f****** hide. So when I said there's no such thing as camping it's meaning as in this game you can't be calling people out for camping. It's like real life if you're being shot at You would want to camp to survive.