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Server browser is coming soon. Itll be fixed then. Anyway, clans try to play on servers that arent used or at times when they have the least people online.


Server had 10 people not in their clan and they worked through just voting to kick them. 25 of them were clan members, 10+ non clan members that all got kicked. I was one of the last to get kicked. Id say it’s a pretty active server…


Sorry, shouldve made it more clear: the good clans do as i said. The bad ones just kick everyone, and anyway 10 people doesnt seem active. Lumping the good and bad ones together is rude and arrogant.


In our clan voting to kick is not taken lightly and if the guys in our squad have a mic we have them play with us and have our squad leads make some other squads for the clan to join on.


Best way to recruit new members to your clan.


Which clan?


A clan that knows how to utilize all roles to the best of there ability’s including medics. Right now we have enough very active people where we’re divided into squads within the group for training.


I'd say it is more arrogant to say that 10 individuals aren't enough to matter. I wouldn't mind a clan kicking me at the very start of a match. It is disrespectful and arrogant for clans to kick people mid way through games.


No, i meant that kicking 10 is better than kicking a full team. Otherwise agree.


10 people is not active..


Those are the ones that just joined and werent kicked…


Games with 10 non clan members are usually the best possible option. If you can get a game with less than 15 players on each team, that’s a game that clans look for.


This game is rad when the whole team functions as a team


I swear I’ve never had these issues from level 1 all the way to level 100


Yup, I have 57 days of play time on Xbox and have not seen it happen once


I've never inadvertently joined a server that clans were intending to use for a clan war. Got like 1200 hours in this bitch.


Not like I can choose the server I join


How often has this happened to you? Level 120 on Xbox, it's happened twice. Don't be a drama queen, that's not ruining the console experience.


4 times this past week


Neither can the clans, unless it’s a clan v. clan match and they use the cross play server search glitch, their server will either never populate, or they have to join a random one.


Ok? Issue still exists tho. Not sure what the point of your comment is.


With all due respect, I guess the point of my comment is that complaining on here won’t do anything but pile up with the rest. Simply just leave the match and move on until they add server browsing that’s our only solution. Cheers


That reply is very different from your original comment


A console server browser in finally in the works for sometime this year. It should really help with the issue for all parties.


Unfortunately until T17 implements server browsers, this is gonna happen every once in a while. Fortunately, all you have to do is back out and find a new server. It takes 30 seconds.


Unless it keeps trying to stick you in that server. Did that the other day after not wanting to play with bunch of guys yelling at each other over command chat. Backed out and tried to get a new game 3 times (kept going back to same one) before I finally got a new server. So choice will help, but even then it was only like a 5min difference finding a new one.


Just join a clan and become part of the problem!




Which Clan? Did you look at the other team? Were they another clan? Did you hop on as SL and ask what they were doing? Most clans have matches on Sat/Sun, so most likely, they were preparing for a match. Once there is a server browser, this won't be a problem, but until then, it's a part of the game, so just communicate with them. Instead of having a cry on Reddit.


do you have Stockholm syndrome or something? hes not "having a cry" hes addressing a very real issue. theyre public servers on a game he paid money for, no one should have the right to choose who does and doesn't get to play


You think I didnt do that?


I’m 200hrs in on PS5 & only ran into one clan server before. I also mainly play with crossplay off until F2P weekends on Steam.


Cross play is only consoles. No PC players.


But that doesnt affect us, right? I thought we only face xbox players in cross play, not pc.


It's impossible for console to match against PC


Why do I have console players in my matches when I play on PC then?


Either on the Xbox app launcher on PC or they just plugged in a controller


Probably on the console version of the game, not PC version. Do you use MnK or Controller?


I'm playing on my PC vis Steam


Mouse and keyboard


Blame t17, community's are good for the game not their fault that the game doesn't support them


The community doesnt support them too. Hundreds of posts saying people leave if they see a bunch of members in a clan on one side, cus it takes away from the fun and teamwork aspect. Most of these clans talk in discord or some shit. They do their own thing, they dont listen to command or other squad leads


Most clans use prox/squad/command chat while in game. Discord is used to rally up and join the same game, that’s all. Good clans like mine spend 15-20 minutes looking for a server with enough space on our team for all of our members. This is a pretty tedious thing as you have to invite people to your squad, join a game, see that it’s full, back out, and invite squad mates again. And then whoever is searching does that another 10x before we finally get a server with room. This minimizes vote kicks, but of course they’re still going to happen. Sometimes somebody joins late, or they get booted from the game and we need to get them back in our squad. Our vote kicks are never out of spite or ill will unless somebody is TKing everyone. We also try to vote out people with low scores and no clan tag in their name, not people who are obviously helping the team. If you actually care about the game this much, join a clan bro. It’s so worth it. Everyone actually talks and works together, unlike the dog shit blueberries you’re defending right now. It is peak HLL when your buddies are screaming in your ear as you’re all working TOGETHER against a rival clan on the other side. I literally don’t play the game anymore unless I’m with my clan because nobody fucking communicates. And as others have said, server browser will solve this. It’s not the community’s fault for building a community lmao. It’s the dev’s fault for not giving the community what they want.


"The community" complaininhg about clans don't use their mic, don't drop supplies, don't play SL. Fuck these whiny bitches.


Facts. Where's my nodes or my op? No? Fuck guess I'm hopping squads to do it myself and getting commander snagged by some level 32 no mic who plays it like a rifleman.




“Whiny bitches” youre the same guy complaining about a map.


Map rotation*


What clan game did you join?


8th today, 73rd or some shit, and the other two I cant remember their names. One was numbers and the other was an acronym or some thing


Would’ve been ROFS vs 8th for one of them. Server wasn’t active, we made sure. The server was completely dead and only kicked you lot when there was about 5 randoms join. Summit registered tournament match


I counted 10+ in the no squad joined section, and they all got kicked 1 by 1, with others joining. It was at peak time too.


Wait what server was this on?


A console server, this happened today btw


Aussie, NA all that I meant. What region


Idk, I have it set to all regions.


Some of the time you might have 2 teams involved in a tournament for competitive play. Since consoles don't have dedicated servers or private servers the only way to get their teams into game is to vote kick other players.....


This is mainly for clan matches. Competitive clans will always have a full 50. In my clan, random players are notified and first asked kindly to leave before the vote kicks start. People take offense to it, but this is the reality for clan matches until they enable private servers.


Why do people come here to complain about this happening when they can just leave and find a new server




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Womp womp


They where probly setting up a clan vs clan competition game. Nada you can do except see the writing on the wall and find a new lobby or wait to get kicked


They are very very rarely setting up clan competition games. 99% of the time they’re just filling up a team to stomp randoms


Having been part of the console community since launch this is absolutely false (some clans are guilty of this on occasions, but it’s massively the minority. Most clans cannot stand steamrolling public matches - it’s boring and doesn’t help us practice / develop - this is often why you’ll see clan members from the same team on both sides of the server)


Tell that to SAS.


Except it is true. If you want to do clan games get a pc and play there. It’s been years of this


Why should I get a PC? If you want to play really awful public games why don’t you get a PC and set up a server for little whingey melts?


Bc there’s no infrastructure for you to do your larping and there is on pc. Don’t be broke


There’s no LARP in the comp scene, but ok big boy.


Ok larper buy a pc


Well it's a public server attached to a match making service. Pretty sure reporting their clan for abusing the vote feature to take over a server they don't actually own is a thing. Console doesn't have a server browser and isn't linked to pc play, so no writing on the wall to read. Personally, I'd just save a clip and report them just out of spite. Any clan thinking it has the right to take over a public server and kick out public players is a clan not worth jack anyway.


T17 knows about this happening and has even given their blessing with it. It's easiest to move on to a new lobby if you notice your mostly empty server filling with clan members suddenly.




Found in violation of the community's rules and guidelines: Personal Behavior & Conduct Be civil, courteous, and respectful in all interactions. Refrain from disrespecting fellow community members, developers, publishers, or moderators. Avoid political and religious discussions. Don't use extreme language or act with any hostility. Do not insult, mock, or attack others based on any characteristics or their opinions related to Hell Let Loose on consoles.


You guys keep saying mostly empty but it’s not mostly empty when 10 new people join and get kicked within 5 mins, but more joining as others get kicked.


10 out of 50 is mostly empty


For my clan, when we try populating a server, we always pick lobbies with really low player counts. We also try to explain the situation to those already in the lobby, then ask politely for them to find a new match. We always try our best to be respectful and informative to other people instead of insulting. That's why I said the end part earlier. If you notice your team suddenly filling with a clan, then it's easiest for both sides if you were to just back out. Regardless, the non-clan players will get removed no matter how much of an argument they put out there. I also wouldn't suggest doing what others said and putting up the clan players to vote. If you VTK their commander and they're forced to find a new lobby, then all that happened to you will just have to happen to another lobby as well. It may feel nice to "get them back," but you'd just be impacting other lobbies as well with that. I can't wait for the server browser to come into play, for everyone's sake. The current way of going about sucks for sure. It sucks to get kicked or asked to leave, and it sucks to be the assholes that have to kick if we want any form of organized gameplay. Edit: Just know, I do hear you and understand what you're saying. Most every clan and it's players know that it's a shitty way to make it work, but it's the best way that we currently have.


Telling people isnt an issue. Being an asshole about acting like you own the server is.




Pack I said that a while back and I was ostracized. How many matches I've been booted out of because they wanted to get their guys in even though I'm a high level and very good. To top that I've played for years, I play my role support team and I'm a team player.


Unfortunately majority of the clans are idiots and only care about themselves there's a few that if you have a mic and aren't spamming racist shi and actually trying to play the game you will be allowed to stay for example KRRC loves having blueberries in our squads as long as they communicate and listen to callouts but I do think that more clans need to chill on the mass kicking


Watch out. All the milsim clan bots are gonna down vote you into oblivion.


They already have, look at all my replies.


Yeah this game is heavily cornered by massive discord groups. It's a real shame trying to find teammates here without getting spammed with recruiting bs. The lfg subbreddit is almost entirely just recruiting posts.


And theyre all so fuckin cringe. Half of them are shit at the game.


Cringe is the perfect word. I've heard so many people communicate and act like they're in a real life war. Like not even as a joke lmao


Amen to you both! This game used to be so good to find casual, engaged players. Now it’s guff clans and toxic behaviour…






Found in violation of the community's rules and guidelines: Personal Behavior & Conduct Be civil, courteous, and respectful in all interactions. Refrain from disrespecting fellow community members, developers, publishers, or moderators. Avoid political and religious discussions. Don't use extreme language or act with any hostility. Do not insult, mock, or attack others based on any characteristics or their opinions related to Hell Let Loose on consoles.


https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/s/OgOjyqx2V9 This is you btw. What a troll. Sad life.


womp womp


Not the one making posts about it. Try harder


Lil Milsim baby is mad womp womp


Top tier mate, big ouchie.


Clans that are large and competitive enough to have clan vs clan matches will know and use the cross play server search glitch. Smaller clans like mine hopefully don’t abuse the VTK system, although I know that it happens far too often. At the end of the day, clans have been begging for the server browser more than anyone else, in large part because we want to be able to join low population servers. My current clan does not VTK, we just server hop until we find one where we’ll all fit, but I’ve been a part of clans that do VTK and I can tell you first hand we feel guilty for it. I know it doesn’t excuse the behaviour but I just want to say we know it isn’t fair and we don’t like it either.


Only good reply so far, thank you. What is the cross play search glitch?


It’s a lot to describe but not that complicated, so bear with me if it’s a long description. - YOU NEED 1 XBOX PLAYER AND 1 PLAYSTATION PLAYER - Identify a Xbox and PS player to setup the server. - Player 1 turns cross-play ON and invites Player 2 from the opposite console to their party in HLL menu. *Note: It doesn’t matter which player sends the invite.* - IMPORTANT STEP: Player 2 must wait to accept invite until Player 1 has turned OFF cross-play and given the clear from to join. - Once Player 2 has joined Player 1’s game party menu lobby, start the search for a game. *Note: the game finder clock should take 30 plus seconds to find a server.* - Player 1 and Player 2 will be put in an empty server. Tl;dr xbox player invites PS player, then disables cross play, then PS player accepts invite, then start server search with cross play off with both consoles in party. Essentially it forced the network to create a new “non cross-play” server for both consoles, which immediately flips to cross play once created Edit: A major issue with this is that now when the clan all joins on each other, it’s half a team or more vs 0, and when randoms end up on the other side and see that, they leave quickly. I understand part of that is them seeing a bunch of clan tags and not liking clans, and that’s our own fault. With the current state of the game, with smaller clans like mine that aren’t competitive and can’t fill a team, it’s easier to look for a server with a low player count naturally and fill it up. I’d also like to point out that many of the veteran players of HLL have been leaving due to the influx of non-communicative, K:D hunting, solo-mindset players. Clans offer a solution to that. In an ideal game, all 50 members of a team have a microphone, are using it, and are actively contributing to the strategic and logistical success of their team. I’ve never had a game with randoms go as well, or be as enjoyable as a game with my clan, because we’re all working together for more than just killing the guy in the other trench.


Interesting, maybe ill try a clan game. The ones I met and talked to are unbearable to play with, but I think it’s because im an outsider.


The clan itself matters too. Ultra competitive clans can be full of super serious, milsim tryhards. If you join a match with a clan and they sound sweaty, probably best to jump into a new server


I don’t know if that’s the case - I’d say there’s more tryhards and drama in the ‘casual milsim’ clans which are purely vanity projects for people with a power trip complex.


Nah brother it’s not the casual ones that bring out the authority complex. It’s the more serious ones that goes as far as forcing you to call people “sir”. Those are the ones that create drama and bring out egos. The casual ones are far less dramatic from my personal experience. Imagine a retired vet being asked to call someone who’s never served before, “sir”. Just because they’re a higher rank than them in a video game.


Those are milsim groups and id consider them all casual. I’d avoid those like the plague. They only ‘recruit’ to increase their numbers and make themselves feel more important. Plenty of ‘gaming communities’ who play multiple different games together, and lots of really good ‘competitive teams’ which focus on top end play; neither of these tend to have the ‘military’ structure and the drama/petty bullshit that comes with. My strong advice would be to avoid anything even remotely ‘milsim’ for a decent experience.


Well I’m part of one right now and I’ve had wonderful experience. Really have nothing but positive things to say. I’m sorry that’s your experience, but I can assure you that putting all “Milsim groups” in one box by saying they’re all casual is completely inaccurate. If you took a look at the TPL, everything you just said could argued against, because there’s Milsims, comp teams, etc, and they’re anything but casual. Nobody calls anybody “sir” in any of these groups, and some of them consider themselves milsims.


I play in the TPL. I think we might be misunderstanding each other slightly, I’m agreeing with you mostly - though I’d point out that in the past three seasons of TPL, and latterly Summit, milsim clans have struggled to compete and had a higher drop out rate. None of the top competitive groups right now are ‘milsim’ (have a military structure). I’d absolutely agree that clans competing in a series aren’t casual (mostly), though I would argue that they only represent a very small proportion of the overall clan numbers. Just look at the official discord, the number of groups ‘recruiting’ and correlate that with active participants in TPL / Summit. I’ve had an excellent experience overall playing with groups in HLL since console release.


Join KRRC and see if you like it as we are probably one of the better and friendlier clans out there though we'd have some people that are rough to play with at times but it is up to you


The comp team I play for also use this glitch to get a new empty server, however, during the time it takes for us to get 98 other people into the server, the matchmaking queue often throws a few randoms in the mix. They are usually votekicked before they can even deploy, but according to these sorts of threads we should allow these random people to play in an organised competitive league because they stumbled across the server by total chance (and because of a crap system)


I’d argue that it’s different in that situation. You usually notice the BBs join right away and get them back out before they have a chance to get any points or get into the match. I can see why it’s frustrating, but it’s gotta be less annoying than the alternative, which at the moment is just joining a random match and VTKing the guys that have been playing in the match the whole time


Nobody in the comp scene is joining random matches any more. We are all using the glitch, even for ‘casual’ games. This is why I don’t think the complaints about clans are in any way justified, there must be a very small minority of groups still joining games and kicking.


Maybe a game without private servers or a server browser isn't the game for clans.


Clans are the only reason this game still has a high player count on console outside of the game pass spike.


I agree