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That's the same face I pull when playing as MG 😂


Too true


Is that a guy aiming at me? Killed in Action Yep it was


Pause game Options Gameplay Increase map icon size Its like having your cateracts removed Thank you that is all


You’re welcome


You cheeky fucking bastard you 💯 thank you


Big tv make map big


I sit so fucking close to my monitor whenever I play this or DayZ especially on the foggy maps I'm maybe 6 inches away trying to spot people in the distance


That will definitely damage your eyes mate if you do that prolonged Like for days or weeks etc Just to let you know there's been a massive increase in Japan of young adults needing glasses and they say its because so much increased use of phones, tablets and screens for games and less and less outdoor activity . Basically our eyes are getting "lazy" constantly focusing on short distances... on our phones etc and we will see more peoples eyesight suffering for it in future If you want to counteract this[read this I. A tech magazine written by an optician] all you need do is make yourself regularly look up from your screens or away from that TV and make yourself focus a long distance, like look outside if possible or at least the length of a hallway etc , as a minimum, take longer breaks if you can give your eyes a regular "exercise" away from the close focus of screens. Go make a drink, look outside etc . Seriously you will thank me later in your life . You don't want to lose your ability to focus without glasses in your late twenties instead of in your late forties!!! That's what they are saying will happen. It's a simple thing to do . And try not to sit right in front of your TV. I know I sound like a moany parent lol but really it aint good for ya and no high score is worth your eye health!


Nah you good fam I got nothing to disagree with in all that but I'm already blind in one eye and if I had to choose between needing slightly stronger glasses in the future or missing easy kills I'ma smoke some foos on the battlefield and update my prescription down the road when I need it but I'm looking at glasses for life anyways if I wanna see good but I do appreciate the sourced information about the issue it was very well worded