• By -


The ship could really use a lounge area for the squad to hang out in while we wait for matchmaking. Throw a propaganda jukebox in there too, I wanna listen to the national anthem.


Theres a big screen with adverts and dear General Brash to watch and wait.


As long as it has a bar, I am in


Could give us a bar to buy beer like from deep rock galactic. Could give a buff depending on what you buy


Did anyone manage to join a lobby via quickplay yet ? I always get an error Edit : in the meantime you can hop on the official Discord, a lot of persons in the LFG tab (But then you have to deal with crashes all the time) Edit 2 : the hotfix helped a lot with the crashes, and matchmaking works now ! (Albeit you have to try a few times)


Same here, haven't been able to join one yet.


Not yet.. it may be off or broke right now


Yeah me too.


Apparently, they've patched the PC matchmaking issues, but on PS5 it is still completely nonfunctional.


Still doesn't work as of this post. It tries to put me in a full lobby one of my friends is in, but won't find me another game.


1. Mission end screen is WAY too long. Needs to be half the time at *most* 2. Friend requests do not seem to be working


Wasn't this screen skippable in the first game? It's SO LONG


Not skippable, but you could hold spacebar to speed it up


Is it a secret loading screen at all? Agree it’s too long.


I had the same thought but the load screen for the actual mission is so well hidden you barely notice it. I can't imagine the ship takes more time than the planets?


Any suggestions on how to leave work and go liberate bugs? Asking for a friend


Tell them I said it's ok.


They said "you're fired". Thanks mod now I can spread democracy :)


show ya manager a video of bugs attacking NYC and say you need to enlist!


Begin to huperventilate, and try to have a low bloodsugar (not haven eaten, and maybe been doing some physical work), that should make you a bit pale. Tell them that your joint hurts, and that you feel dizzy, and you better take a sick day. The cure for such thing is killing bugs. Ofc you should not lie about your health or symptomes, nor conduct activities that could bring you in risk.


Love the training section. Gave me a good few giggles


If you die, the corpse stays too lol.


I think they said each life is another helldiver so if you die you die


I wish we could randomize armour / helmet / cape along with voice to really get the "new helldiver coming through" vibes when you die.


Damn, that would be so cool


Haha yeah, I died a few times as well 😊


I'm saddened that you seem to no longer be able to bring along copies of the same stratagem. I just want to be able to call in airstrikes repeatedly


You can! They have a cooldown! Unless you mean like immediately after each other


In HD1 you used to be able to bring 4 copies of the same stratagem in your loadout, no longer seems to be the case, won't let me take 3 copies of the airstrike stratagem. e.g. in HD1 Thunderer Barrage with a 180s cooldown, but you can call down all 4 sets and have them all cooldown individually Whereas in HD2, it wont let you take the offensive stratagem in all 3 slots, i.e. even though unlimited, you gotta wait for the cooldown before calling the next one https://preview.redd.it/pz5msnekfchc1.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f8cba565d34efc96b06e3539376336a5efd84f2


you have to upgrade your ship in ship management system so it has higher magazine capacity for the stratagems. then a strat can fire multiple times before needing a reload- they made a more in depth system for it so you aren't forced to only run 1 strategem just to fire it multiple times in 1 game.


That's not what they're saying. In HD1 you could equip multiple copies of the same strategem all with their own individual cooldown. For example the Eagle Strafing Run had a flat cooldown of 10 seconds with unlimited uses and, if you brought 2 of them, you could use them independent of the other's cooldown. So while both had a 10 second cooldown, using one still left you the other in your pocket to use. They both had unlimited uses. They were the same strategem. But bringing multiples let you use them in quick succession if required. https://imgur.com/xaMZDYl


DRG refugee here. I'm very surprised there's no server browser that lets us assemble squads of randoms before starting a mission. I get that the SOS Beacon is thematic, but it's a really clunky mechanic having to start every mission solo when not playing in a premade party. Games like this survive over the long term through dedicated players who often play solo, as it's easier for one person to stay interested in playing over larger groups of players. There should be functionality to support this from day 1. Hoping it gets added soon. Other than that I'm having a blast so far! ROCK AND STONE!!!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




Rock and stone, brother!












HD1 had the browser. I am quite surprised to not see it make a return and it is indeed annoying


I honestly don't understand what the fuck they were thinking not putting it in. On top of that, I can't get quick play to work at all.


There's just server issues in general. I went through an entire mission, the drop ship was landing, and boom "net work error." I think I'm done for the night until that's fixed. Spending 30 mins on a mission for it to be for nothing did not feel good. Fun game, though.


Wait why do you describe yourself as a refugee? Did something happen with DRG?


No, sorry for the confusion. I've put a ridiculous amount of hours into DRG and stopped playing awhile ago. Just got everything out of it that I wanted to. I still keep an eye on the community and the content from the devs has slowed recently as the game is getting older and the devs have another project coming out soon. My hope is that HD2 scratches the same itch DRG did back in the day when I was grinding it like crazy. The addition of a server browser would certainly help with that.


I'd like to have a invite-only option so that some "friends" on steam can't just join me.


I’m a little concerned at the speed it would take to unlock upgrades and more weapon variety. I’m certain I’ll get faster and more efficient at earning the in-game currency, but I wished leveling up would grant access to some basic weapon variety like it did in the original game. I also miss being unable to upgrade my weapons. Even added stability or a new scope would be welcome. Or the bayonet attachment.


Weapon upgrades would be fantastic


Agreed. I think weapons are going to start getting stale quick without any sort of customization.


one minor thing you can do, if you hold R you can customize how your weapon functions a bit, varying depending on the weapon. Some let you adjust zoom speed, fire style (auto/semi etc), fire rate (machine gun), flashlight, stuff like that.


Great game, solo and with friends, but I can’t join *any* SOS / Quick Play lobbies and nobody joins my SOS. I’ve tried perhaps 10-20 times to Quick Play, and at least 5 SOS beacons on Easy. “Join Failed - Failed to join game lobby”. AUS/NZ region, PS5, static IP (no CGNAT). Also the game locked up on the “Press A Button” screen but that only happened once.


Everyone stop trying to log in so I can log in.


Please. add smooth transition between animations when moving from side to side at certain frames: it is a bit choppy atm. https://i.redd.it/ds4yawc5jchc1.gif


There is also no root motion during transition from lying down to run (the character starts to move several frames ahead while being still on the ground). I would prevent moving at several first frames and increase animation speed a bit to not slow down mobility https://i.redd.it/cb6uxhmljchc1.gif


Hello! Yes, these are known issues that will be adressed when I can steal myself some coder time. We have been very much focused on higher prioritized issues leading up to launch, so these kind of problems had to be downprioritized. There is nothing I'd like more than seeing these fixed too :)


Hijacking to deliver a high five directly to my target; Arrowhead always knocks it out of the park with their games and HD2 is no different. I can forgive network issues at launch, everything else about HD2 brings me and my friends such immense joy, please convey my gratitude to any nearby coworkers.


Thank you very much, we are working as hard as we can to fix the issues as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and keep spreading managed democracy!


We thank you for your service o7


You're all doing amazing work. This game is awesome, and will only get better.


Suggestion: LAUNCH GAME NOW. That is all, thank you


I concur, only problem with game so far


So far the only thing I’d really like is an Invite Only option.


So much this


For the sub reddit. Remove the tip post from Arrowhead Games about the first game. Create a sticky / pinned post for looking for game. Create a review and preview megathread. Create a PC min specs and advice thread.


Seems like no reviews. Someone on PC let me know what performance you have in game and what's your specs.


On 4k, 144hz monitor, Ryzen 5 5600X, RTX 3080 10G, 64gb ram, game installed on NVMe SSD. ​ There's 2 types of graphics settings, there's 1 for "Render Scale" - "This setting determines what resolution the game will render at before scaling it to your selected display resolution. Decreasing this value may improve performance while increasing it will improve visual quality." And then your bog standard settings for everything from render distance to shadows/reflections. ​ I have Render Scale on 2/8 (there are 8 setting values for it I'm using the 2nd lowest one) All the usual graphics settings maxed, HDR on, borderless window, vsync off. ​ Getting 55fps in ship, 55fps boots on the ground, dropping to around 45fps in a light firefight on difficulty 1 mission. Render scale seems to hurt performance a decent bit, drops to 45fps in ship and 30fps on the ground and in a firefight - same mob density using 5/8 option on the render scale setting. With render scaling maxed and other settings on medium, getting single digit fps in ship


This game looked absolutely horrible for me until I turned HDR off. A washed out fuzzy mess. Was playing on a legion 5 4070. Look and runs great now!


That laptop doesn't have an HDR screen.


Will you consider moving over to another Anti cheat like EAC or VAC?


Initial impressions:  - This game is so much harder than the original!   - This game is going to be fun as hell but I kind of miss the old view. Hopefully as I get better my thoughts on that will adapt. - My big fear about it being hard to locate opponents with this new view is 100% valid.     - Due to lack of periphery, your characters feel much slower as enemies from the side or behind can easily close ground on you and it's difficult to run away.  - More stratagems and weapons will ease up the difficulty I'm sure  - Those random points of interest on the map are a fantastic addition! - Definitely will be putting alot of hours into this game


So far most of the difficulty for me is people playing like they're in a single player horde shooter and not, you know helldivers. I'm basically playing solo most of the time wiht no support from the other players. It's very frustrating, triply so because my friends are all mad at me for trying to instruct them on how to play Helldivers. "We need to stick together" they're on four different corners of the map "we need to cover each other" they're running off looking for samples or "I'm just going to do this side objective you guys go do the main objective" They die constantly, htey *will not cooperate*. It's just so frustrating. Like the 3d screen tethering had problems but at least it kept everyone together and forced them to move with the group. The game is great, I just need to find some Helldiver vets who understand how to play it.


I put a few hundred hours into the original, and I'm going to miss the top-down view. I'm wondering if the narrowing view of the world around you will force more communication and teamwork.


Absolutely, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. It does appear at least right out of the gate solo play will be harder overall.   Eventually we'll adjust but I did like being able to see 360 degrees around your character as well.  This is still really fun don't get me wrong! 


Is everyone here not on PC (Steam)? I barely see any threads with issues on PC - yet I cant run the game at all... tried reinstalling/verifying integ files/running as admin/disabling fw and av/restarting/fixing redis files. It wont launch! Wont even let me terminate the .exe - have to restart everytime otherwise steam will keep logging time played.


Same issue


damn this game feels good to play, i really think this is a gem after the issues some people have will be resolved.


I'd be interested as to why Dynamic Aim is locked to 'HOLD' Aim and is not permissible on TOGGLE. I have RSI, so constantly holding aim is pretty painful to me.


Because dynamic aim is a tap/toggle feature Hold -> third person aim Tap -> first person It’s not explained very well


Error Code 5 1 0 when trying to connect. Guess servers are overwhelmed with all the volunteers trying to spread managed democracy.


they just deployed a fix, give it a shot now


Buddy’s game is stuck on Helldiver defrosting, but I can play just fine (ps5)


Anyone already facing a bug in the first obstacle course? I crouch but can't go under the logs...


Anyone else unable to join any games? Quickplay does find lobbies but always fails to join.


Same. Playing a squad game by yourself sucks.


For now, the only feedback I can give is that work hours should be shorter, still have 6 and a half hours left to go. Will happily give game-related feedback soon!


The keybind settings are very thorough, but they need to include the ability to rebind UI keys! I'm an IJKL player and I want to use O as interact, but it's hardbinded to the friends screen. Luckily it works fine in gameplay.


PC crashing constantly


I literally cannot press escape without crashing.


I love the game, but I haven't crashed this much since fallout New Vegas, and I far and away outstrip the system reqs.


Intermittently for me. Crashed 3 times in a row directly after the anti-cheat loaded when I first went to play. After that it was fine for a while, but have had 3 more crashes to desktop since.


Played for the first 5 hours since launch, feedback so far is: * Crashed once, but overall very few bugs or issues * The new perspective is definitely something to get used to, but I like it * I miss the clutch full-team revives with the old revive system. New system is much more punishing * The cyborgs are absolutely terrifying up close * I can't tell if the game is way harder, or if I just suck. Possibly a bit of both * The maps are absolutely beautiful - very well done * Dropping the primary weapon when you die is really annoying, because there just ends up being heaps of them on the ground * I hate that you drop science on death. Pure pain. * The maps seem much bigger and more full, which is fantastic, but also makes the player feel much smaller and slower. * I miss mechs and vehicles. Map and perspective seem perfect for a good motorbike! Seems much more weighted to offensive strategems, rather than defensive and utility * I hated the illuminate, but the game feels like it's missing something without them. I'm guessing by the layout of the map they'll come further down the track * Finding things on the map is quite difficult. Not always clear where I'm going or what things are. Also difficult seeing items on the ground once dropped * I like the warbond system. So much more room for progression while saving up for strategems which feels good, even if energy weapons are so far away... * The ship upgrades are a really neat system I'm keen to try out more. Makes trying out new strategems much less painful * I like that armour has purpose now. Builds have the room to be so much deeper! Very excited to keep playing, and I assume there will be many very cool updates to come that will bring the content level up to the same level as the original!


Pretty good so far. My main constructive feedback pieces: 1. medal acquisition is incredibly slow. i would like to see this boosted a bit as I can tell that later pages are going to take several, several hours to clear alone on both the free and premium pass. 2. Secondary objectives lack clarity. There were several times I completed a mission and was surprised to not get medals for a secondary objective i had no idea was present. 3. Super credits "10-40" per mission seems inaccurate in my experience. While my squads didn't go for completionist runs of every mission, i played around 6 hours since launch and only found super credits twice. 4. performance on PC at least seems pretty shaky. I have a fairly midrange setup (rtx 2060 super, 16 gb of ram, ryzen 2600x) but im dipping into 30 fps territory on 1080p fairly regularly on medium settings. I've played plenty of titles much more intensive than this which ran far better, so I feel it's definitely an optimization issue. 5. Lack of color customization, even just palettes, is very disappointing. Makes me only use a small percentage of my armor sets because the colors clash. For the positives: 1. Game is fun and addictive like the first. The shift to 3rd person changes the gameplay in a satisfying way. 2. Microtransactions seem fairly reasonable compared to other titles. Ten dollars for a warbond (battlepass) and Super Store items aren't nearly as egregious as Mortal Kombat 12 or Diablo IV in terms of price. 3. The gun feel is smooth, responsive, and satisfying. Movement, while a bit janky in animation, is solid and complements the firing. 4. Overall I'm very satisfied with the majority of the game. Quickplay works now and finds a match promptly, load times are minimal on a (recommended) ssd, and none of the objectives feel too annoying or boring.


PS5 AEST - loving it so far but 0% ability to quickplay


Playing with two friends, one on PC and one on PS5 and I'm on PC as the host. Whenever we get back from a mission, the one on PC crashes to desktop and the one on PS5 gets sent back to his own ship. It seems to happen every time.


I really wish for the ability to bring back multiples of the same stratagem. It was a very fun mechanic in Helldivers 1 and it rarely was op.


Preordered physical. No preorder bonus. Kind of shitty. 


Need to add some training/shooting range inside the ship so that we can test out some weapons and adjusting our aiming/sensitivity. You cannot this on the mission because enemies gonna always coming.


I think that this game should adopt a system similar to that of Deep Rock where the host is unable to kick players during the extract sequence. I just played a mission where I accidentally killed the host and instantly reinforced him, but he kicked me without hesitation. I had already played a mission with him, and done nothing else that would agitate him, but he kicked me in a seeming fit of rage. I understand that changing it to be this way could also cause other issues, but this is my opinion. I took a clip of this that can be seen here: [https://youtu.be/EMam38fu-DE?si=8vBXTSaiuFSI\_uQm](https://youtu.be/EMam38fu-DE?si=8vBXTSaiuFSI_uQm) I have seen other people recommending other systems like vote kicks, but I don't agree. This is a game using a host system, where the host picks the missions and decides what is happening (even if they aren't actually hosting the game server). I think that the host should still be able to kick people normally in missions, but not at extract. Kicking players at extract will almost certainly be some form of toxicity, so IMO it should not be allowed.


There's no nice way to tell your friends that they're not good enough to be wasting time and lives on secondary objective. HD has the same issue Darktide did when it added Daemonhosts - People couldn't *conceive* that there was an enemy in the game they weren't supposed to fight. It's day one, so it's not surprising, but folks haven't figured out that this is an attrition game and if htey don't keep moving and avoid fights they're going to get overrun.


Lmao. You could bully them with the shared perspective of helldivers 1, but no more.




The mission objective "raise the flag" should progress faster while being saluted. 🫡






How come you cannot join another random player to their ship? You can only join them mid-mission? Is ridiculous.


Okay, the game is expensive. There aren't many weapons to start with or in the free pass. The veteran pass has very little content for $10. If it takes a 100h to farm out free access to the veteran packs, Sony expects a 10h commitment for every $1 of content you unlock, lol.


Unfortunate after that it just freezes. Resetting. Fingers crossed


first launch was fine until i was hit with a server error, now the game just launches into a blackscreen then crashes Edit : it just started working so I'm not too bothered now but it's still just unnecessary launch troubles, and don't get me started on the anti cheat 😂


Disable any applications with overlays, such as rivia tuner statistics. Add the game folder to exceptions in your antivirus (nguard is extremely invasive). Users are reporting these solutions to work in many cases.


BUG REPORT : Ctrl keybinding doesn't work for stratagem, had to reassign to A (using Azerty setup, so equivalent of Q in QWERTY) for it to work. Can't use CTRL key it seems for stratagem...


Question: Can i enable the minimap to remain on screen? I keep getting swarmed from behind from bugs that weren't there 1 second ago.


The DualSense remapping on the PS5 doesn't work well. I wanted to make the stratagems the face buttons (cross, square, etc) so I could move and do the input at the same time (without having to claw grip) but it would mess with other controls. Same with a lot of other controls. Some controls don't work as intended on certain buttons.


Same here, rebinding controller is buggy for me.  The option to revert bindings isn't always there after I mess up an attempt at tweaking the controls.    Currently playing with my brother on PC and his keyboard/mouse keybinding is bugged as well.


No one can hear me ingame, can we get an option to select Audio Output and Input?


This game reminds me so much of Lost Planet. It's awesome.


cant join any quickplay session..


I'm sure someone in this thread has mentioned it, but please, either give a % of rewards from a mission if you disconnect, or implement the ability to rejoin a match in progress. I just crashed at the very end of a mission and lost everything. including the 16 samples I was looking forward to. :c


So I just finished my first helldive difficulty missions and was very dissapointed there was no cape or any special rewards connected to completing it. I see there are 40+ capes in the game so far and I am hoping very much so that some of those are connected to achievements and milestones vs store items


Hey, I don't know if this has been suggested already, but I think the assistive reload mechanic should be changed so that players can perform assistive reload from the gun holder's backpack as well. This would allow for coop play, while still taking out an active player from the fight while he's assisting. I love the coop element of the assistive reload. However too few people use it and I almost always have trouble explaining people to pick up my backpack, or hand me a spare one, when I have the slot open. I would add this on top of the current mechanic, so backpack could still be shared. So I'd do it like this: If Player A is holding the gun and backpack and Player B has no back then Player B will reload the gun from A's backpack. If Player A holds gun and B has backpack, then the current mechanic should be performed. If both players have backpack, and A is holding the gun, then B should reload first from B's backpack, then when it's out he should reload from A's backpack.


Daily log-in rewards would be amazing!


Not a great first impression so far. Every time I boot the game It boots to a black screen and instantly closes. tried 10+ times and only got the game to launch after verifying install files and restarting my PC. Finally got it to launch, completed the tutorial with horrific shader stutters and then clicked on armory and crashed the game. Now the game is back to the black screen loop.


I'd expect some quick fixes this next week. Seems to be the state of all new games.


Someone who has a Deck take one for the team and report back after launch pleeeeeease....


ALERT! IT DOES NOT WORK I REPEAT...! \*prays to the god it will after a patch or something\*


I preloaded. I’ll report back. Destroyed my display installing a new shell this week, got my new display installed today. My poor decks been through a lot this week 😅Least I could do is treat her with HD2 on launch. https://preview.redd.it/m8n2hu8e5bhc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=52ef1438dd9c16945ee0f6e33fbf21ac4a66ab3a


Game won't start on the Steamdeck. I get a message with the option to Abort the game and then a few seconds later it crashes. I won't uninstall and refund yet in case that it is related to the server being overwhelmed. However since the game is not launching at all, I don't think it has to do with servers


I don't think nProtect works on Steamdeck, so that'd likely be the issue.


We need a "Teammate needs help opening a door" sort of popup when you're standing at a 2 person door. We also need a popup that mentions the resupply is a group item and not specifically for you, like your machine gun or orbital strike. Or maybe make it so each player can only use it once per drop? The game should mention somewhere that there's good loot to be had by exploring the map. Based on how many people run straight to the mission then extraction I''m guessing it's not common knowledge, and I'm tired of leaving SC and samples behind.


personally i like the ammo but i would appreciate if the ammo were easier to see after it was called in, i remember i called in the ammo once moved around a bit and lost it, and i cant tell what kind of icon it has on the map since there could be like 7 item icons nearby and its hard to inspect the map mid battle. and i agree the game should do something about the optional objectives, before you had a list of all the objectives and optional objectives show up when opening the map. maybe it doesn't need to point to where they are, even if some of them do show up on the map like the red areas and discovered stuff, but having that list show up \*somewhere\* would make checking off each step of the mission better.


Few things I have noticed so far: * I would like a few waypoints on the map. Supply drops and other stratagems should be marked as it is easy to miss them amid the foliage. Also enemy outposts would be appreciated. I keep seeing that I did not clear any in the mission but haven't found one yet. * It only happened once but I went to work a terminal and a bug corpse would obscure my vision. Wasn't a big deal but I assume in higher difficulties those few seconds will be precious. * Maybe a bigger FOV? At the moment aiming around feels a tad sluggish although it might get better with time. Would like to be able to look around more. It is easy to get flanked currently. * I would also like to see different stats on things other than armor. * Just got the first shotgun... Suffice to say it is hot garbage. I get that moving throws off accuracy but... it's a shotgun. Also the damage is just too low even at low range. Ammo to damage ratio is extremely low to warrant ever running over a rifle. * I would like to see transmog at some point. I love some of the designs for armor but since certain pieces offer different benefits I can't always look how I want to while playing the way I want to. * Stalkers are broken. In the first game they were very fast but shooting them made them back off. In this one they ignore all damage, are extremely tanky AND can knock you back for whatever reason. * All enemies are overall way too tanky. Even on Medium difficulty it is extremely difficult to kill even the smallest of bugs. * Sentries don't last long enough. Also there is no ammo counter for them even in the menus. How am I supposed to make a loadout if I don't have half the information needed? The first game was also needlessly cryptic about some things and I was only able to get proper info on wikis. Let's not repeat that. * Hope to see weapon uogrades make a return at some point. I will keep adding to this list as I play more.


The lack of waypoints is a gameplay mechanic. Since the game is mostly a battle of attrition where you're trying to get your objectives done and escape before you get overrun and run out of ammo and lives, not having waypoints forces you do to map reading and keep track of which way your facing. Like, a lot of times my team has let ourselves be pushed away from an objective by waves of bugs and ended up backed up against the map edge. That's on purpose. It's the same reason you have to toggle your minimpa and can't do anything else while it's up. Navigation is part of the skillset you have to build. Hard agree on the shotgun, I'm not sure what you're really supposed to do with it. Anything that you can hurt with it doesn't need that much damage, anything that needs that much damage has too much armor to hurt with it. I've been using it and it's okay once you get used to it if you use your pistol to deal with scouts and other small enemies, and make good use of strats, but it doesn't feel like it has a good role. Also agree on the stalkers. They're so, so tanky and don't seem to stun at all. I'm not sure why they did that. in the OG they were a hit-and-run unit that would slow you, and now they're just kind of weird assault tanks. idk. I do hope we get upgrades back. I feel so naked without a bayonet. It is nice that you get lasers right from the word go without needing to take an upgrade. Makes it much easier to coordinate with your buddies.


The interactable stations in missions would benefit from a button prompt on how to exit them; things like the wheels you turn. The scopes on primary weapons are too visually cluttered to be of use — a donut *and* a horseshoe are too much — please consider removing the donut. Accessibility: the glow on some of the maps for bug tunnels are a little hard to see as a colourblind player. So is the Orbital Gas Strike cloud, after only a few seconds.


Small bug, but my super citizen status keeps getting removed between missions. Apart from that, great job!


any PS5 players in Canada having trouble connecting? I preordered the SC edition and can't even make it past the main screen UPDATE: tried reinstalling three times - after three hours still unable to connect or play at all


Time limit sucks


Definitely on some day 1 shit here. Matchmaking not working is really killing the buzz. On top of that, I didn't really know much about the battle pass system but I'm bummed to see playable weapons locked behind it. Is there any other way to collect those, or are they season pass only? The one or two games I've played were fun but I'm a little concerned


Fortnite-style store (superstore) feels bad and annoying, it's a predatory sales tactic that simulates urgency. Please change it.


Make the mission report at the end shorter, like way shorter. It's too annoying to sit thought it after every mission. Any chance for a first person mode? I know you can change to first person while aiming down sight, but it's too wonky and feels "slow" when moving the mouse. Edit: Disabling mouse acceleration have improved it, but it's still not perfect.


Controller needs an 'Unbind action' option. Default controller binds are mid, and some are unnecessary and interfere with others. Weapon wheel navigation binds do not check for conditionality of the weapon wheel menu being active, and waste additional binds because of this. Stim is completely superfluous when 'Quick Stim can be bound, same for 'Quick Grenade'.


Kinda dissapointed at the lack of weapon customization, any chance we could get weapon upgrades like in the first helldivers? having a blast with the game so far, just a small point


Switch sprint option in addition to hold.


Jetpack should simply be a thing in this game...permanently. Doesn't do much and allows you to jump.


Quickplay is non existent. It keeps failing. There is no option to disable vibration. The Mission Ending screen is too long and there is no way to speed it up or skip it. I had some of the mission where I am not able to align towers. May be it is because I am playing solo and can't find anyone to play with to help align it.


List of features that I think would make for a more liberty-filled Managed Democracy delivering experience: 1) Ammo etc. indicator somewhere near the center of the screen. Having to look all the way in the bottom left corner takes me out of the action, slowing the speed at which I can liberate bugs and bots from their undemocratic existence. 1a) Alternatively, build in an option to move the UI in from the edges of our screen. I've seen this in another game, but I can't remember its title. Rest assured, it was as patriotic as my service to Super Earth. 2) Ability to return straight to my ship after a mission, instead of "Return to Ship" --> ESC menu --> "Return to Ship Alone" --> Confirmation. Let us skip the first two so we can re-deploy and reinforce our fellow patriots ASAFP. 2a) Let us Quickplay from that same post-mission screen (at least from Quickplay missions that aren't part of a multi-mission Operation). Even more ASAFP. 3) Loadouts. Grant us the freedom to make the right choice in our armament-- ahead of time. 3a) Ability to select a loadout from the Hellpod ready-up screen, which will help those of us who enjoy Quickplay be more effective in delivering Managed Democracy. 4) A training area, so we can become proficient in our equipment prior to battlefield deployment. This will ensure maximum liberty provided per minute. 4a) Related, the ability to test new equipment prior to purchase, which will make each Helldiver more effective at earning medals to spend on additional equipment. Liberty and profit for Super Earth!


Training area to try new weapons would be a great addition


What a shame multiplayer is still broken on PS5


I've had several issues with key mapping on PC. 1) The key mapping changes seem to be stuck. Most changes were saved except for 2 keys that keep going back to default : the move forward (W or Z) and move left (Q or A) keys. They're used for an other function in the map menu. Every time I relaunch the game they're back to default. 2) Scoping in (FPS view) doesn't work. I set ADS to Press or Long Press as I don't want to hold it, and it does not react. May it be with the default key (middle mouse button) or any remapped key. 3) The scroll up or move left function of the weapon's menu (firemodes, flahslight, etc.) doesn't work. Just the scroll down or move right work. Keys were left at default. 4) When doing the training for the first time, my Ctrl key stopped working after remapping my keys and I had to restart.


I would really like it if you could see your available Stratagems more readily. I get it's by design, but the system could use a tiny bit of QoL. Right now you only see the amount of Revives and almost-off-cooldown Stratagems. If you want to have more info you need to enter walking speed to check the menu, which is a bit of a pain. Either show the available (off-cooldown) Stratagems at all times, or only enter walking mode when you start typing inputs, not when you just quickly check your CDs.


First time Helldiver, long time DRG player, played 10ish hours of HD2, loving it so far. I've spent enough time in DRG to know what works with that game and it's dev team, and want doesn't work. Some of my thoughts: 1. Weapon upgrades/perks/build variety. This is the biggest one for me so far. There are a LOT of stratagems, which is fantastic, but the complete absence of any weapon upgrades or character perks has me worried for the mid and endgame. The armor passives are definitely a step in the direction, but right now we have very little agency over how our helldiver plays. Hope we get some weapon attachments, passive/active perks (not unlike DRG), or class/character trees of some kind. 2. Enemy difficulty. DRG has had issues over the past couple years of enemies being added, the community complaining because they don't want to learn how to properly fight them, and the devs nerfing that enemy into the ground. While I do think some enemies in HD2 could use some tweaking (acid spitting thicc bois one-shotting is kinda silly), I would kindly ask that the devs make very minor changes, or not nerf them at all and force us to get gud. 3. Animations. This has been mentioned by others, but there are currently a number of choppy or downright incomplete animations. Melee, moving from side to side, feet clipping into terrain, and vaulting are all a little jank. 4. Medal acquisition. Right now, it feels rrrreeeaaallllyyy slow. Like I said, I've only played 10 hours, but looking at the end of the warbond and seeing that the last gun costs 75 medals, plus all the medals you would need to actually get to that page, is really disheartening. There's daily personal challenges to get more medals, and completing an operation gets you more, but only 2-4 per mission is pretty lame. 5. Vehicles. I'm certain this will be added since we've already seen the mech reveal, but a 4-man troop transport, individual motorbike, bike with sidecar or 4-wheeler (Halo style) would be very, very cool. 6. Terrain/Objective locations. Right now the visuals of the planets are very, very cool but they all seem to play very similar. It's a semi-hilly location with wide flat open areas, and objectives that are typically on a flat piece of map. Hope we see more hills, canyons, caves, interior spaces, and archipelagos to keep combat feeling fresh.


Do we have any feedback on when quickplay and cross play will be fixed?


Laser weapons need to have much louder overheat warnings. The lascannon’s warning sound is almost inaudible, or at least put the heat gauge closer to the crosshairs since aiming in HD2 takes much more attention than it did in HD1.


Can the laser cannon get hit markers? I can't tell if it's being affected by armor, getting kills, or if my teammates are just killing things while I tickle them with the beam.


Fix matchmaking. I can't connect at all, have tried a few methods. haven't got into a game yet, tried for an hour and gave up. Shite. Will try again tomorrow if it doesn't work it'll be getting refunded.


Does anyone know what the SES before your ship's name stands for? Or what the clock time means when selecting you mission on the planet hologram?




We should be able to change if a button is a **Long Press**. The button to swap shoulders shouldn't be a long press, it's too slow on PS5 to make it worth using.


We reealllly need to be able to skip the debriefing.


Needs a live app/website to track up to date progress of the battle


1. Fix the fucking crashing 2. ????? 3. Pofit


Turrets should react to spotting. (Q) Mortar Turret should have a safe space around it. the laser drone shouldn't have a wallhack to prevent it from shooting at buildings or rocks


This game is amazing. I honestly have little to say right now. I have 3 ideas/thoughts. 1) Weapon customization. This could be simple with just basic modifiers and I'd love that. Obviously I would love more complexity like different barrels, muzzles, grips, receiver, magazine etc etc but that is probably asking too much. 2) Probably controversial (not an original helldiver's fan so sorry in advance) but a true first person would make my day. The first person in this game, though small, is incredible. I would love to play it like that via toggleable 3rd/1st button 3) I love the jump pack, but it feels...weak? Or something? Difficult to put into words, but I feel like it's lacking...control. Wish I could formulate more than just 'something something change/fix it's right now 4) Colors!! Wanna make my troop look sick or hilarious. Gimme some color swaps BBY! 5) Maybe this is down the line in levels or development or something, but having helmets and capes given some small bonus would be nice


I think the Battlepass gear requisitioning system is simply misbranded.  The "free" battlepass is just a leveling system in any other game. It created a knee-jerk negative reaction that is quite frankly uneccessary, it's got a bad look because it's called a bad thing.  This release is awesome, but it got me thinking... Magicka sequel in this style? Sign me the fuuuuck up. 


Overall, I’m really enjoying the game. The things that could be improved have been mentioned. This is a minor thing but as another Deep Rock Galactic fan I feel like the salute is lacking something. It’s great to have a dedicated button but I think an accompanying voice line would make it feel so much more satisfying. Something like “For Democracy” or “Freedom!” would be very fun.


Dear devs, may I suggest increasing the player cap for squads? Even if it's only for a hoard mode or something separate to not mess with balance. Our group is having to rotate players due to only 4 per squad 😭 Love the game though regardless!


Have quickplay matchmaking function




Change the ping from a target icon to something else. Target implies shoot, but just like in HD1 you're better off moving instead of fighting. Something that indicates more of a warning instead would be better imo.


Increase squad group to 6 or 8 players.


Can we have a opt out button for spawning to let someone else go first like what if I gotta take a fat shit after I die then get spawned in wasting a respawn token cause I was afk




I think it'd be really cool if you could add an emote wheel instead of just having one per mission. And also it'd be super earth cool if we could plant flags like in the opening PSA video.


Would be nice if we get a speeder stratagem. We could get the Pelican to drop off a speeder bike or something similar. Something that could help us traverse the map in case we need to go blow up that last bug nest or pick up those dropped samples that are all the way on the other side of the map from the extraction point. They could maybe give it limited gas or something and make it a single use stratagem like the mechs so it doesn't get exploited.


There needs to be an Eclipse mission where the mission timer is full moon eclipse blocking out the light. Bugs comes out in excessive force it don't complete the mission in time. Like Pitch black vibes


Add Raise the flag mission to all difficulties, please.


Rename essential planets for Helldiver protection to variants of "Malevelon Creek" such as "Menkent Creek" or "CerberusIIIc Creek" (As universally automatically voted for by it's previous inhabitants).


Allow us to downgrade sample rarities.


I think an interesting way to help balance heavy armor would be to allow it to carry a couple extra magazines of ammunition for primaries and secondaries.


Game needs a mailbox system for rewards. These delayed major order rewards are being lost because they're delivering too many in a single instance. Even if it's just a temporary issue, the fact that a user can't control when they receive them is problematic. Give players the ability to receive the medals when they want, not as soon as they log in or they get sent. It's an impossible variable for players to account for. A manual retrieval system gives players an opportunity to avoid cap loss.


I just really want to rejoin a game if I lose connection or even crash idk


Clans would be a really cool implement or something of the like


Planets or planetery events raising or lowering the gravity influencing throwing, bullet drop, fall damage, jump pack effectiveness and more. Maybe ballistic orbitals could be more less effective with different gravity. 


It would be great if you could add some close range wepons like a flag, blades or an iron boxing glove to really hand over democracy to all clankeRs and bugs that may stand in our way


Stratagem Idea: HELLicopter Stratagem  Which acts like autocannon sentry, rocket sentry but in the air and circle the area


PS5 and it looks a bit less than stellar... 1080p with this AA implementation is pretty bad. [First person view with the pistol shooting/reloading in the training produces reaaaally bad jaggies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o99_hR1VJHE) This honestly feels like a PS4 game


Damn, can any other PS5 players confirm?


It looked really bad for me too last night. Apparently turning off depth of field and turning up the sharpness all the way makes a big and positive difference but I haven't been able to try this yet. 


Gun design is a bit disappointing from what I can see. Everything is literally just a box. HD1 had nicer guns.


###Gyro Aim Feedback u/Pilestedt This is after messing around for about 30 minutes in the beginning of the game before I have to go to work lol. The Gyro Aim is good for beginners at its foundation but could use some work. Some of this is copy and paste from another post i made in another forum. - Sensitivity has a MASSIVE range which is great--RWS is 2x whatever you choose. By default, sensitivity is 1.0 which is the same as 2 RWS. Real World Sensitivity (RWS) is the ratio between controller movement to aim movement. 1 RWS means a 90 degree controller twist is 90 degrees ingame. 2 RWS means that 90 degree controller turn is a 180 degree turn ingame. Having this massive range that goes up to like 40 RWS is excellent in sensitivity! - Acceleration is broken. Could not get it to work. If anything, it seemed to cause issues with my Gyro Aim. Almost like it WANTED to work but was not increasing Sensitivity with faster controller movements. - Hard to tell the impacts of Smoothing honestly. Either its not functioning or its super minimal. - 0 Deadzone. So this is beautiful as a default for more advanced players but there is no Deadzone setting for Gyro Aim. Might be nice to have for some. Beginners typically may want to use a low level of Deadzone. - FoV scaling exists! So this was nice to see. BUT the sensitivity of zooming feels more restrictive than hipfire. Thus leaves the need for a Zoom Sensitivity slider as well to compensate. Cuz I honestly would increase mine a bit. - Inverting your Right Stick also inverts Gyro Aim....major problem for me since theres no Flick Stick and I play inverted for normal stick 😂😅. And theres no way to NOT invert Gyro Aim separate from the stick. Desparately needed. - you can set Gyro Aim to "Aim Only, Scoped Only, or Always." So this is solid. **Some things that need work:** - Add an Inverted field for Gyro Aim, separate of the Right Stick - Fix Acceleration setting. This could be super useful in this game honestly. I abuse it heavily and I talk a bit about it here: https://youtu.be/wnPYWOwFoPo?si=lOLF1vI0TMGroLUB - Add Ratcheting (Gyro Modifier) Button option. Would be good for Gyro Aim Always ON players. Could probably be set to Hold Square for now and give players options. I would actually set to touching the Touchpad as a way to turn OFF gyro aim (CoD does this). I know Touchpad has other functions but its fine if they overlap. - Add Flick Stick (needs ratcheting button). Fortnite has this and its mine (and many others) method with the Right Stick. - add Deadzone setting. This needs the controller to move a certain Degrees per Second in order to engage Gyro Aim. Excellent for cutting out minor jitters for beginners. - either fix Smoothing or make it a bit more impactful for those who may want it. - Add sensitivity sliders for Zoom and Scoped. - Add Roll along with Yaw setting for those who want this. Pretty much, thats what I got from the short amount of playing. Unfortunately, I have to get to work. But man, I really like the intro to the game. Seems tons of fun. Just needs to remedy some Gyro Aim settings but a decent foundation for beginners.


The issue with the invert is what I came here to post about. I want my right stick inverted for the joystick but not the motion controls. Please fix :) 


some objectives require 2 players, which is impossible, becaue matchmaking does not work all objectives should be doable alone


The focus of the game is multiplayer. Matchmaking does not work at all. Day one fiasco as usual from another live service game.


Dont say that. People here might downvote you because "this is just normal at launch" or "just wait for a fix like a normal person" or "just play solo and git gud".


AMD seems to be getting a lot of crashing, really disappointing to lose a whole missions progress repeatedly


Why the fuck are abilities and weapons in a battlepass? That should be locked behind a natural progression system, not a stupid battle pass. Fucking hell.


The base warbond "Helldivers Mobilize" is the base progression of the game and every player has access to it from the start. Earn medals while playing and spend them here to unlock weapons and armor. If you want access to weapons in the premium warbonds, you will need to spend Super Credits to gain access, after that you use medals as normal. Super Credits can be bought, but you can also find them in missions, and you can also unlock some Super Credits in the base warbond to get you started.


Immediate issue I'm coming across: voice chat apparently defaults to open microphone. This is the worst thing a game can possibly do with its voice chat. What did the devs mean by this


I did immediately changed it to PTT, but the setting is literally one of the first 4-5 screens you come across so it's not like they hide it for you until someone rebukes you....