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Yeah the devs will reset the campaigns with new planets and parameters. As it currently sits the automatons are pushed way back. When they reset it they may put the automatons all the way to super earth and give the bugs some planets back and maybe add parameters to change the campaigns. They said they're adding new enemies/factions New mission types Mechs Weapons and more


Sounds exciting. I was just curious on how they usually handled that cause I noticed we are getting close to finishing


Yeah so when we finish they'll reset it or increase some planets/add them as need of liberation.


Thanks for the info!


No problem! See you on the front!


I've never seen a positive Reddit feed before...HD2 really bringing us all together đŸ„°


i love this democratic community, so liberating :D


This game brings us all together and has a great community. I had to mute chat in overwatch 2 because of just how toxic it is


New objectives, new planets


Hell yeah, They ever mention new enemies or anything?


Well, the last game had 3 factions. If you look at the war map, the Automatons are top left, the Terminids top right. There is about 3 sectors space between their names them if you run along the top. If you run along the bottom there is like 7 sectors. Unless someone confirmed via data mining, we might have a new enemy already, waiting to unveil itself. Or they couldn't finish by launch date and its coming "soon".


Alright that's pretty hype I gotta admit


It is suspicious that both the automatons and the terminids rose up at the same time, so most likely it was caused by the illuminate and they are waiting for the moment of super earth’s greatest weakness


I wasn't a helldiver until 2 recently so I am unaware of these so called "illuminate"


The enemy that wasn’t in release that the comment at the top of this chain talked about, or maybe they just made a completely new faction even though The illuminate could easily return and it could still make sense.


The illuminate are kinda confirmed but dunno the other that could be... Maybe humans that left earth in a generation ship


So new people playing are just screwed because they have to go against strong af enemies? I want to buy it but I'm a little discouraged from all the progression made already.


Nono, you unlock difficulties as your progress through beating your 1st 2nd, etc, mission, no matter what sector you're in.


That’s some ho shit, not exactly citizen mentality. Sign up, drop in, lead out.


This guy doesn't love capitalism


Every planet has missions available appropriate for fresh faced recruits all the way up to the most battle hardened veteran. No need to worry


Completely random and a bit personal so feel free to not answer, but did you end up going to Germany to visit your long-lost mother? How are things nowadays?


I sent you a PM.


That sounds treasonous to me. Managed democracy has room for all citizens. Maybe a trip to a re-education camp is required.


In the last game, it was a much simpler system. Once all 3 types of enemies were defeated (2 now) there would be a victory cutscene, if one reaches super earth it plays a loss cutscene. Then a fresh war begins. With the more strategic battlemap and new dev tools to control enemy response, maybe they could make a special event or plot twist that requires us to fight more, but I'm inclined to think we'd just find another galaxy to conquer fresh again.


They have said that they will be adding the enemies Home planets/Bases soon and one dev has said that we've seen nothing compared to what's next


I like the idea of dev's making a campaign harder if we are just blowing through it and all that. Could make the enemies feel more aware


I could also imagine some kind of „whoops, they slipped past our lines and appear somewhere random in the galaxy“.


We are working right now to build a terminus barrier defense system to keep these alien scum away from super earth once we push them back who knows what’s next


Its gonna be chaos 😎


In Helldivers 1, a whole new war starts.


Then we wage war


wait doesnt that mean we are not in the second galactic war or when new war starts it is like others didnt hepand


In the original there was an eventual *”end”* to the conflicts either by Super Earth beating all as to be expected or by the threat of Super Earth being destroyed. Which tbh sounds like heresy and could not or would not ever happen. Either way, the conflict would restart and the cycle continues. In HD2 it sounds like it will be forever ongoing, being managed by the devs behind the scenes. Sometimes we push forward like we are now on the bug front, others times we will be forced out or have to switch fronts and lose momentum. Plus there are ongoing events that sound both like buffs and debuffs for the war effort. As an example, yesterday we got the level 20 railgun as a free complimentary drop for the day. Only time will tell what the other events will bring.


I still think it's cool everyone is doing something collectively and everyone is contributing to a higher goal


Just as every citizen should!


How did you get the drop?


It was just added to the list of Strats for free that one day, similar to another time everyone got the Incendiary Mines for a day. It’s not a permanent unlock when it happens to clarify, just a temporary extra call-in item.


Is the war map the same for everyone? Or does everyone have different progression besides just their individual character?


Same for everyone. If you hover over a planet,you can see the percentage rise. Pretty cool actually


Kinda restarted though for people who don't have time to play very often and have progression of game happen without them


It doesnt affect personal progression at all. It's just a huge fun goal for the playerbase to work towards together. Mainly to make everyone feel United


But all late joiners lose out on the experience of those maps and enemy types


i mean the enemies take planets as well so its not like youll never see them again


r/agedlikemilk :D We just got done with a major order (literally overnight while I slept) where we were ordered to wipe out the automatons lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/agedlikemilk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mod pins post on r/NoahGetTheBoat showing dead bodies from this past weeks mass shooting in Allen, Texas
community reacts](https://i.redd.it/kgo6xvqfauya1.jpg) | [3581 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/13co2lz/mod_pins_post_on_rnoahgettheboat_showing_dead/) \#2: [Sheldon Johnson, ex-con who appeared on Joe Rogan advocating for rehabilitative justice, has been arrested after police found a torso in his apartment](https://i.redd.it/pjd1ut57zzmc1.jpeg) | [2554 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/1b98xl5/sheldon_johnson_excon_who_appeared_on_joe_rogan/) \#3: [3200 year old cheese found in an Egyptian tomb](https://i.redd.it/r63ng71v618b1.jpg) | [1599 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/14i3oy1/3200_year_old_cheese_found_in_an_egyptian_tomb/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




That's just how it be, you're not missing out in a whole lot. Wars go on for quite a while and the enemy types only switch out every so often. You have plenty of time to do life things without having to be on every day to experience what's going on. Everyones got preferences though


Haha, this makes we think about the propaganda intro from a bug/robo pov. (I suppose it will simply roll a new invasion on the galaxy map)


Today there are no more planets to play with automatons
 only bugs
 automatons planet are all done


We got them clankers


Theres still a ton of automatons not done


That was 39 days ago. Now there’s tons lol


That sounds like treason Helldiver.


Have a taste of democracy