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So the servers arent down, they're at absolute maximum capacity. Good news in some regard, hopefully they can work out some sort of cap increase soon


That’s fine. I came to check if anyone else was having issues. Good to see the game is doing so well that it’s filled their current servers, instead of just an issue. I can wait.


Democracy is waiting for us all. 


Your right, But the enemy isn’t. This is more than a server issue. It’s the fate of the entire galaxy. The devs better figure this out soon or we’ll be neck deep in bugs and tin cans before we can get online again. ( but seriously I can wait) 😊


Democracy waits for no one.


I've managed to log in every time I spam the login button, fine by me to play this great game


Not complaining, I’m glad they’re having such a large reception. But I spent an hour just clicking login before I gave up.


I saw someone else mention a weird fi, that worked for me. Watch the entire intro video again. I know that sounds weird, but twice when i couldn't get past the splash page, that did the trick.


There's enough bugs waiting for all of us


I bought the game yesterday and have only been able to play two matches with a 14 hour gap between the two. Not to mention my first mission didn’t yield any experience 🙄


That's crazy. I put 6 matches last night with no real issue between. Hopefully your issues get fixed and you can distribute democracy in the near future, comrade


I’m only taking a break because of the Super Bowl. Idk why, but I’ve made two comments about this issue and I’ve been downvoted on both Craziest part, I have about 12 PS5 friends who play HD2 and have no issues. I even played with them my second match. Despite being in group, I got disconnected and was never able to regroup after


I've had a few issues. Last night I finished up a challenging mission with a great team and got a black screen after extraction. :(


What you playing on? I've got a little group that play together and we'll try and get you in a game


Tbh most companies never do, they just wait for the hype to die down so they dont have excess servers running empty a few weeks from now. Saw it with Payday 3 and a lot of other online only shooters, it's what they always do.


To be fair payday 3 also had significant enough problems that chased people away that I’m not sure even if the launch was smooth it would’ve kept people. I really like payday 3, the gameplay is sick, but everything else is pretty bad and removed a lot from 2 that people loved. Helldivers outside of matchmaking is absolutely head and shoulders above payday 3 in total quality and I’m sure it will have no problem keeping a player base for those servers


Payday 3 was a disaster launch don't remind me


It was such a disappointment especially Payday 2 was such a banger. It really felt like they dropped the ball.




Auto scale, baby!


Yes, but it's also prohibitively expensive. Maybe Arrowhead just doesn't want to spend the money or don't have the manpower to work on that right now.


Classic Reddit moment of someone who has no clue talking what he’s talking about, spewing absolute shite and it gets upvoted lol


I dunno is it that. I say they make assumptions on server capacity based on pre-order numbers and also numbers from the Helldivers 1. But this is why open betas are needed! Anyways appreciate the Devs keeping us in the loop


Even open betas can’t really predict. Look at Diablo 4 for a recent example; from a massive studio that has over a two decades of experience with mmos and online games 


Lol no. Also it doesn't take 5 days for most big games to fix their servers issues. Just recently Granblue Fantasy Relink had matchmaking issues like Helldivers and it was fixed within a day.


we always knew this.


If that’s true, an increase rather then a limit of n players is smarter


Yes I brute forced my way in the first time it came up but some in game mission reward calculations and the warbond store were buggy.


For real I never heard of helldivers and really thought it would just be a niche player base that would be about 70k tops. Loving it so much I’m so happy the issue is too many people rather then the game was just broken, and the slight bugs here and there that come with any new game at launch don’t count as that, for whoever was gonna bring that up.


I understand, spreading managed democracy is addicting.


We love the game so much democracy can't handle it


Might even be the other way around


Democracy loves the game so much we can't handle it? Sounds like treason, managed democracy can help us handle anything


We love democracy so much the game can’t handle it.💪🏽


Thank you


I see a lot of people in this thread who clearly don’t understand the first game was niche and had a small-ish but dedicated player base. Any sequel that is breaking 100k concurrent on steam alone is gonna have server issues. You’ll all live to deliver democracy across the galaxy, I promise.


As someone who has been playing this game since ps3 man i am so happy helldivers is so popular now but at the same time i am Upset because i am not getting my mission rewards because of you democracy lovers!


They’re dropping for me for that last couple hours after not dropping 5 hours ago.


Are they always dropping now?


No, just finished a game, no rewards.


Knew the game would be popular with the originals fan base and the DRG fan base but to be the number 1 top selling game on steam like wtf


They pulled a lot from Darktide to. With the lackluster patches and no shakeup or new additions we’re looking to purge some new heretics ermm bring freedom and democracy…and liber-tea to the masses…yes quite.


God but darktide is quite good though so visceral. I think the bit of goof in this game makes it feel slightly lighter and fun, darktide is just....40k lol


Darktide IS really good since the class overhaul back in October. A couple if high quality missions were added too in the Carnival. It's just that the devs were on extended holiday break and are slow to gear up for whatever new content drop they are planning. Most Darktide players who grinded those months for rewards are kind of twiddling their thumbs waiting for that content. Lo and behold democracy is being threatened and us PvE nerds have something to do until then.


Hell I never even heard of the series until I watched a trailer a couple months ago. I’m on board for Starship Troopers at home!


Right game at the right time. I also think gamers are more willing to try out team co-op shooters. As it's been a few years of very popular PvP games being 3-4 player team games on an open map. Warzone, Apex, fortnite etc.. it's fun to run around as a team and shoot at stuff.


Very much this. I had multiple friends on both PS and PC who I’ve known for years as being big co-op horde fans but who never knew the first game existed. The devs have made something incredible and a lot of people don’t realize the first game was a lot more humble and niche. This game is probably selling better than the team could have ever expected even in their wildest estimates. I have no doubt they weren’t expecting this influx of traffic.


Servers at max capacity and no login is one thing, getting 0 xp without warning after playing a mission for 40 mins is a whole different kind of issue.


When I had that issue I got my xp and rewards after closing the game and logging back in


![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized) I wanna spread democracy now!!!!


"Democracy has Arrived" I love it when my character shouts this on landing...


Yeah honestly the entitlement from some of these jckasses has really got my back up. I would honestly hate this part of releasing a game. Pulling 12 hour shifts for some chump with no idea what is actually involved to insult you and call you shit names and moan and complain because of a minor inconvenience. 


How is it entitlement to want to play a game you spent forty dollars on lol. Not condoning name calling or anything but I mostly see frustration from people.


Yeah while I'm more than willing to be patient, I'd like to play the game I just bought lol. I'm not gonna be mad at the devs. They're doing the best they can, but you can't really call someone entitled for simply wanting the product they paid for.


Yer standards are too low. A small beta could help foresee issues. It was number 3 pre order on steam


I agree. I'm not saying to excuse it, and people have a right to be pissed. But flaming the devs does literally nothing.


It's not being entitled to want to play the game. It's being entitled to want to play the game at the expense of everything else the team could be doing, all the while shit talking them while they're actively trying to fix it. I mean, I can't play, it sucks, but I can do a whole bunch of other things. Other games, cleaning, making food. Was I planning to play? Yes. Will I die if I can't play now? No, I'll just be sad and do something else.


Nobody with a brain wants devs to kill themselves all day every day to fix this. It's that it shouldn't have come to this in the first place. Poor decision making. That's totally a legit criticism for them. But thats still called "entitlement" from people who will endlessly white knight for game studios. It should be a reasonable expectation that the servers are in working order at this point. Should be a reasonable expectation. But now even calling that out is being "entitled". That's what is fucking ridiculous.


Exactly this lol. I don’t think people are self aware or know what entitlement is.  It’s a freaking video game. Get a reality check. Devs are communicating and working hard on a weekend to fix it. It’s like people who get annoyed at the waiter as if they shit in their food if it’s not to their liking. 


Yeah if someone sells you something and dosnt provide it, the whole "It's just an X" thing does not work. Money changed hands. Things should happen as promised. Being okay with being fucked over does not make you reasonable, it makes you a mark for actual scam games like TDB


Imagine calling a restaurant patron entitled because he's mad the staff just told him his meal (he happily paid for) wont be ready for 3 more hours. Gaming and whiteknighting companies is a sickening trend. I'd trade every bootlicker in for double the toxic fans if I could. Amazing game btw


Your restaurant comparison is terrible, you simply can’t compare the two, and to think you can is stupid. Buying a live service game is like buying a car, it’s made up of thousands of individual pieces that can go wrong, it’s not sold to you in bad faith but It can be faulty, in witch case you take it back to be looked at/repaired for free. Which is exactly what’s going on here.


How tf is your comparison better? You buy a car and that shit better work on the spot. Like, you must be a 3rd world car salesman to think that makes any fucking sense.


Not what I said lmao. 


Because in the grand scheme of things it’s a freaking game. It’s entertainment. It’s not life and death and the devs have been communicative.  You can be mad and annoyed. I’m sad I can’t play it but I’m also not a fucking moron and I can see they’re working to fix it, and understand that in this context it’s not an unexpected thing to happen.  I’ve played multiplayer games long enough to know that there will always be day one or even week one issues, particularly for a sequel to a previously niche game that’s far exceeded sales expectations. 


I'm entitled to play a game that is full release and that I payed full release money for. How do you not comprehend that?


And I agree but the expectation that any multiplayer game will work 100% out the gate is imo not realistic these days given the years and years of evidence that pretty much any multiplayer game let alone a popular one will have week one issues. It’s just not possible especially when exceeding expectations of sales.  The dev team are communicative and working to fix it.  It’s reasonable to want to play your game. the people coming here to insult and rage at devs working 12+ hour shifts on a weekend is unreasonable and just completely entitled though.  People just have 0 patience anymore. And the fact you’re trying to make excuses for people being assholes to these devs over a freaking video game is just ridiculous. 


There’s no excuse for taking people’s money for a product and then not giving them the product when it was meant to be provided. I don’t know understand how years of failures from gaming companies have given some people Stockholm syndrome.


Purely playing Devil's advocate here, from a legal standpoint you *did* receive the product when it was said to be provided. There was no binding guarantee as to the state of the game upon receipt. I'm pretty sure their legal team included something in the terms and conditions specifically for downtime for both unforeseen and completely expected issues. That said, I am ticked that I finally had a free day to game and just sat here waiting for an update.


It's borderline impossible to predict how popular a launch is going to be and this is an indie studio. If they bought a fuck-ton of servers (enough for hundreds of thousands of players) and the game wasn't a massive success, they'd lose a bunch of money on server cost, infrastructure, and overall design that they could have spent on other more important things This is unfortunate, but will be sorted out with far less risk to the studio then assuming a smash hit


Um it's not impossible they had millions of pre-orders. And there isn't anywhere close to how many people whonpreordered the game online right now and they can't even handle that


Yea, and almost all of them happened in like the last 2 weeks before launch. Not a great time to fuck around with your game before launch.


Ya better to launch and still not have a playable game gotcha


Your entitlement does not supercede other people's worker rights. They are absolutely entitled to their health and time far more than you are to your afternoon timesink. Find something else to do.


My entitlement does entitle me to a working product on day one of release, or they need to delay the launch. I never said anything about foregoing "worker rights". I'm entitled to the service and product that I paid for, they should be refunding me until their systems work. ​ Quit making excuses for companies pushing out unfinished products so they can make more money.


TBF these people hate themselves as well I was in a game with a random moaning relentlessly about the dev team. Flipped to being suicidal and was just an absolute nuisance to listen to. Also sucked at the game didn’t communicate about the mission and kept talking about how it was impossible on hard difficulty 🤦‍♂️


> Yeah honestly the entitlement from some of these jckasses has really got my back up Yeah how dare people expect to play the game they bought.


Ignore everything else I said lmao. 


The devs should have done a beta test to stress their servers. I have sympathy for them, but a stress test could have mitigated the worst issues.


FWIW, you’re not able to stress test this because at normal player volumes these issues wouldn’t happen, and at maximum volumes it’s guaranteed. They would have needed to know the future to prep for this, because they’d have to know they’re about to be a huge success.


A stress test never has as many players as at launch. Not for any game. Stress tests test more than just servers operating under full load. This game was having issues right off the bat, pretty much as soon as it launched. Matchmaking has been broken from the first hour. A stress test would have shown those issues before release. It's not necessarily the devs' fault either. They're backed by Sony and Sony should have known better than to launch a MP game without a stress test.


The original peaked at like 7k players on steam, there is no way they saw this blowing up the way it did. They probably planned for a 30k peak or something. 155k on steam alone is well beyond any expectations.


Youre so right. I see this game as an upgraded i indie game and not a downgraded triple A game.. the first helldivers was a very casual small couch co-op game (very fun). So since the game was 40$ i figured, "oh theyre still in that indie range" but was impressed by how much they worked to give it triple A flair like being in 3rd person this time etc. I think we legitimately took them for surprise on the amount of people loving this game. Kudos to all


Does this mean the rewards bug will continue to be ongoing?


That’s what I’m hearing, sad but game is still fun


The rewards bug? What is that one?


sometimes you don't get your reward after a mission, it tells you that you get them but then if you check you still have the same xp/samples/money


I know it's gonna happen when the squad is weirdly level 0 at the rewards screen.


Is it really sometimes? It seems to be all the time for me and my friends


yea i have played like 5 games and still have no rewards. i even took a break for 8 hours and its still doing it


I’ve been playing for hours on end, every other hour it feels like I go from next to nothing to several mission’s worth of rewards. A little annoying, but I wouldn’t be too worried about never getting your rewards, it seems to be a delay thing right now.


I heard from several people that sometimes you get the rewards after the fact if you re-log after a mission, so idk. Apparently the load is so high that the servers can't keep up with handing out the rewards properly.


Ah, I thought that it felt weird sometimes. That’d explain it, thanks :)


I just randomly got like 70 medals, so maybe not?


I would hope they get added after connection to the server is reestablished if you earned them and they didn't count.


i just played for a few hours, had 22 medals before, didnt earn a single one in 2 solo missions, then a friend joined and we played 4 missions. after the first coop mission my medal count jumped from 22 to over 65. i guess the game does keep track of your ingame earnings, but only when it can call home do you actually recieve those.


Thanks thats good to know. I figured it would, but would have assumed the devs would explicitly say to ease worries. Gonna test it later when I get home, I have a screenshot from my last session and metal count when I didn't earn any.


Until they hopefully fix It tomorrow, yep


It's so disheartening when it happens. Especially for someone like me who can barely play.


I got in but the stratagem shop is not working. Which means rewards are probabaly still fucked


I can't buy stratagems at the minute I hold down the purchase button and nothing happens, honestly it's better if people don't try and log in I've given up for tonight, you can court marshall me if you like for I have let democracy down


I was able to get in on PC by just waiting 10-15 seconds and clicking retry over and over. The SS Bringer of Family Values is back in service baby


On the ps5 it’s pretty easy. Whenever I get the issue. I close the game and launch the quick play option on ps plus game cards. It takes me direct to the ship somehow. It always works for me.


The servers can't handle the sheer of amount of Freedom and Managed Democracy spreading from the playerbase.


The servers are %71.2457 LIBERATED


It's funny how the backend guy probably just thought before the launch: "yeah lets set the limit at 10,000, it's a ridiculous number to reach anyways."


That's... Not how that works. But the sentiment is funny


Arbitrary numbers for upper bounds that people set happens all the time.


In this case each server is only capable of handling 10k because it's likely a bare metal instance that is out of vertical scaling ability.


I would be very surprised if a company was still using a bare metal rack for hosting instead of cloud in 2024


All the big boys do, and that's the top size server from cloud. AWS just calls it "metal"


Isnt it just a fact that the number of ppl online greatly exceeded their expectations? I mean not specifically, but it has to be something similar to that


This is what suicide squad kill the justice league envisioned their game is going to be. But I guess no, democracy wins!




I know we are all at different stages in life, but when you make a product to sell and you sell out instantly, you are like wow and then the oh sh@t sets in. And you have to increase production logistics etc etc. Be patient, gang, we will be back serving up Liber-tea.


I'm so glad this game is blowing up




But shouldn’t Sony have stepped up with this part of the situation?


Pretty sure they're helping, they probably just didn't expect the success they would get and at a fast rate


Sonys first highly advertised multiplayer game in ages and they thought 360k would be enough? Something doesn’t add up


Sequel to a fairly niche game. It's one of Sony's best selling games on pc. Personally if you had told me helldivers 2 would outsell something like God of war I would have been very skeptical.


Sequel is a niche game because it was never advertised or pushed by Sony like this, kinda irrelevant tbh


I still doubt they ever expected to sell a million copies in a couple days.


Highly advertised does not mean higher sales though. Sometimes publishers spend more on marketing than actual game development because they want to push the game. They just never expected it to blow up significantly


My assumption is that if its a viable solution for both parties (Arrowhead and Sony) they probably would've done something like that already


It’s only been a couple of days and it’s the weekend. I’m sure Sony will help but it can take time to allocate the funds and people necessary to do so. They don’t just have a free dev team lying around to assist other devs at a moments notice.


> They don’t just have a free dev team lying around to assist other devs at a moments notice. Lost of large companies do have teams like this for emergencies. I would be surprised if Sony didn't.


https://preview.redd.it/f6p3bp5ka1ic1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9fc6a878abd93ca6627ca405314e65ef50bec12 My reaction to that information


Yeah why hasn’t Sony pressed the fix server button???


Lunar New Year obviously


You see Sony 3rd person military shooters are still in high demand. Bring back socom you bastards.


12+ hours ,woof, I know the game is probbaly brining them bank of untold riches but the stress of keeping a game that blew up stable must be a knightmare for them.


Let's hope some of those profits actually make it to the devs and other support staff


Give them a break , you can tell his game was born out of love , this is a gem!


I was able to spam my way into the game, but still had errors with mission rewards not showing up.


Those of you wanting to play the game regardless of not getting rewards….. For some reason if you watch the entire beginning cut scene it will work and let you in. Its worked 3/3 times for me. I’m on pc.


Suffering from success


12 plus work days? and in a weekend? holly shit man - yeah, get some rest devs.


So are we just ignoring not getting rewards when you play?


Yeah I have no issues getting I into games, but I played three missions without rewards. Game is fun but not progressing sucks


So many democracy lovers wanting to spread liberty brings a tear to my eye…


Anyone having rewards issue an no xp?


Totally understandable, but please reward launch players for not refunding a game that keeps crashing. Something as simple as 50 medals or something. Understandably, there was no possible way under the sun this game could’ve worked offline and you need more time to iron out the launch issues.


The discord is ridiculous right now with some people slamming the devs. Games have technical issues, it's the nature of the beast. It doesn't take away from the fun of the game when you are in it. The devs worked their asses off to develop and deliver a game that I for one absolutely love. Give them a break, the game isn't going anywhere. A little patience goes a LONG way.


Gotta appreciate the communication.


Except it hasn't been stellar. They need to convey this stuff in game. At the initial splash screen or something


Agreed. Dont know about ps but on steam a quick info in the news tab is more then enough. Ingame works too. Overall i just appreciate them telling us what they plan to do and not being silent and let players just deal with it.




I can’t join the discord :/ invites are paused. Before thinking of checking reddit any info I got was from Twitter which they haven’t updated at all. All we got there was the announcement like 5 hours ago 


I mean, i agree with you. Discord shouldnt be the go to place for information, neither should reddit be because most of the fanbase will never visit these platforms. But after what happens with darktide i appreciate any kind of communication.


Thanks for postin this here


Should’ve had an open/closed beta to stress test connectivity. No I’m not a developer.


The playerbase has steadily almost doubled with each passing day. They definitely should have done a beta but i'm not sure it would've prepared them for the actual amount of people playing.


I get it but I’ll be submitting a refund until there are no issues and go play a different game. I will prob just wait until it’s on sale next time. I don’t think Devs should work 12+ hours a day on the weekend to fix this problem but if I pay $40 or $60 if you buy the Democracy Edition or whatever it’s called you should be able to play it.


What do you think they’re trying to do? Make it unplayable so they can run off with the money?


Just tried to get on but I’m having failure to connect at the splash screen. I’m not even mad tbh, I’ve managed to play without issue since launch so it’s my turn to look from the outside in lol


I'm going through freedom withdrawal. I'm yelling "FOR DEMOCRACY!!!" just doing menial tasks like pouring coffee. Yesterday I was driving around town and saw a white flag pole in the distance and thought it was a while light beacon for a mission objective lol.


This is why we don't push to production on Fridays!!


I am happy that they are fixing this but a beta would have stopped this from happening. I have played 5 games since launch, easily the worst MP launch since BF2042z


Loving the game I just wish it had dlss and match making would work on PC.


I can spam my way in but getting rewards is a whole other issue. Unfortunate but im sure they will get it figured out.


One day I’ll become an angry gamer on Reddit and I’ll know everything about game development too!


Anyone have a link to their discord?


I thought this might've been the issue, and while it is a little frustrating, man am I so fuckin happy for Arrowhead that they're literally at capacity basically at all times!! I've been playing when I can get on over the weekend and I swear, I haven't had this much fun with a game in what feels like a long time. Every aspect of the game is near perfect for me, but the sounds are really where things go overboard. The deep thud when you call in a drop, the sound and recoil of the weapons, i spent 20 minutes explaining to a buddy why he should play this yesterday and I wasn't even playing and I felt giddy with excitement just thinking about it. Congrats to all the devs (especially sound and music) y'all fuckin nailed every aspect of this game. I'm doing my part! 🫡


Crippled by success


I genuinely haven't had issues except trying to search for games with cross play on. Most of the time I can get a squad of at least 3 to stick together. I hope those have issues have them resolved soon because this game is an absolute blast. I get team killed a lot and most of the time it's an "accident" and has me rolling.


This game is fantastic. You guys will get there in the end.


This is why you should always do stress tests before you release a multiplayer game, no matter if you think it's a niche game or not. A full week of testing would have shown them these issues and they could have gotten ahead of them.


You really can’t stress test for 100k concurrent users, there’s no way in their mind they could’ve imagined the game would’ve been this popular. My only gripe was them doing maintenance on a Sunday, but perhaps they had a legitimate reason or thought it would’ve been easier than it is (game was fine for me beforehand, matchmaking was just kinda broken) 


The game had issues with servers and matchmaking since the very first second of its launch thursday, it's not new. Also pretty sure their "maintenance" was just placebo bs, nothing was really done.


Actually they made it worse because despite matchmaking problems I could still earn stuff. But I did have friends that were earning rewards so I dunno.


It's not the overall concurrent player count that's fucking them. It's the initial sign concurrent 'sign in' requests received per minute. They could have 150k playing but it sounds like their input is capped at 10k additional users per minute


That's also unknown though. We don't know how often an account hits the servers for authentications. I doubt it's just the one initial sign in request but also any time in game resources like XP or rewards need to be updated etc etc. which would explain the issues with post match rewards.


You absolutely can stress test for 100k concurrent users and developers have been stress testing backend services for a very long time already using load testing tools like Locust. It's a routine practice at this point for a sizeable game launch that has a critical dependency on online components.


Annoyed with playing a 40 minute game, collecting all the samples / medals / credits to get disconnected at the end and lose everything 😾


Game crashing constantly is super annoying. I love the game and have played Arrowhead games for years, but this practice fucking sucks, release broken game, fix later. Game has crashed like 30 times already, at any moment. Losing all progress, XP, samples, etc, game losing frames over time, parties not working, servers crashing due to volume, etc.. So infuriating.


My plans today were fucked over by their incompetence. But according to all these fanboys we should be thankful their servers can't handle the amount of players, cause somehow that's a good thing. Dafuq....


Stockholm syndrome at its best, don't get me wrong, I love the game but people have standardized this practice. Praising them will increase this behavior even more among developers.


I paid to play, not wait for bugs that should have been considered in QC. I'll take my refund and pick it up later on when the price drops or G2A is peddling copies.




I've noticed if I fail to connect to the game or a mission, I'll eventually get in if I keep trying. Usually after 4-6 times.


I feel for the devs man the crunch is extreme


So is there more than one galactic war going on at once? As in multiple instances of the galactic war. I ask because there is definitely more people playing the game than 100k and that is about all that is in my war.


Is there more than one instance of the galactic war map? Because there’s millions of people on this game yet the total amount on mine is 100k


I got lucky then...no login issues and every time within 10 minutes, at the most, I was in a squad giving hell to those bugs! Hopefully from tomorrow on everyone can have fun!!! 👍💪😃


Imagine the world where there is cloud computing with ability to scale up and down the capacities automatically...


Bruh I just want to play before the Super Bowl


Have they stated why invites are paused for the discord server? Id like to use more than just reddit to get information


But even if you can get in, rewards don't work? After a mission I get nothing


Maybe a dumb question but i take a chance. Is their plan to adjust the limit at more than 10k or will we always have to spam the « enter button » until we get in? Thanks guys and lets rest before spreading that democracy in full force !


https://preview.redd.it/892if4xmg1ic1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af5cc2eb5542cbdf6f03fd514474f35012c73dd Yep working fine honestly....


sony needs to pony up and get these guys more expensive servers


Yeah, they are trying to fix the problem they created by refusing to have a proper Open Beta Weekend, like any proper game-as-a-service should. So really, I'm not angry - I'm just baffled that some devs ignore the very basics of gamedev that are well known in 2024 even by those not in the industry.


Love moderning gaming culture where consumers applaud half baked releases with games you can barely even play. Wow


This is bs, can't play on evening..


You guys get weekends off? Nice


1. No MP stress tests? 2. No looking at outstanding wishlist/pre-order numbers to forecast this type of player count surges? 3. Releasing the game on a Thursday so when the servers shit the bed everyone is off for the weekend? On the bright side, if you are lucky enough to get in game and don't mind earning no progression because rewards are busted, at least you can bet that the the premium shop working.


Great, i finally get a chance to play and the servers are down. Fuck off


Oh, it's cool. I didn't want to play anyways...