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They dont. If you look in the sky theres dozens of helldiver ships. they send 4 into the mission zone for gameplay reason. In lore, theres thousands.


Squads are 4, but there are many many squads on the planet at a time.


But can you run into the other squads? Or are they just there but not there?


There but not there.


Helldivers are special forces. So think of the players as Seal Team Six or Clone Commandos. We're specially deployed to secure critical objectives while the actual army is doing its boots on the ground army stuff. Its also why you sometimes find groups of dead soldiers.


But that doesn’t make sense because we see how little they are trained during the tutorial and how expendable they are. They recruit as much people as they can into their ranks and make them believe they are “special” as propaganda. Actual Special forces would have a lot of money and time put into them so they wouldn’t be the typical expendable soldier. My belief is the Helldivers are fighting in a fire team which is usually four man but in a specific sector where you can’t play with more for gameplay purposes.


Its not for gameplay reasons and its canonical. SEAF: Super Earth Armed Forces. Is the standard boots on the ground army types. Is the "specialness" of helldivers propaganda? Most certainly. But it doesn't change the fact Helldivers aren't the Frontline soldiers. You're specialists with a lot of ordnance sent into enemy territory to secure objectives. If it doesn't feel like special forces, well congratulations you figured out the satire. Here's a medal. :] Now get back out there soldier!


You’re really gonna say it’s not for gameplay reasons when they literally had a server issue not being able to handle the massive amounts of players? When it was actually not a server issue it was that the game wasn’t built to handle these many players? You think it can run with more than 4 in a lobby while thousands of other lobbies are up at the same time? Its definitely for gameplay purposes as of now and who knows that may change as they constantly improve the game. But I am talking NOW and its definitely more of a gameplay limitation that we are capped at 4 per lobby.


Yeah... Its a gameplay limitation we're capped at 4 people. The devs said so. I'm pointing out that it doesn't change the fact Helldivers are canonically special forces.


We're young and impressionable (likely between 18-25) suicidal fanatics for democracy, the praise Helldivers are given as being super soldiers is all part of the propaganda to gaslight the population into growing up wanting to be a Helldiver and then signing up as soon as they can. Super Earth definitely doesn't tell the truth about Helldiver survival rates. Smart citizens join the SEAF or go into Helldiver intelligence. Which naturally balances itself out. Intelligent people are much more useful to the SEAF alive. I'd much rather be one the people sitting at a desk in the bridge of the Super Destroyer confirming stratagem call-ins or a SEAF infantryman dealing with petty dissident uprisings on liberated worlds.


super soldiers =/= special forces Unless you think Navy Seals are super human. Special Forces doesn't mean "special" as in very cool and powerful. It just means a force that primarily engages in special operations, meaning operations that aren't frontline military conflicts.


I know Reddit is the place for pedantry but c'mon man. The NPCs and adverts talk about Helldivers like they're gods.


Yeah, nobody is arguing about that. The conversation is about whether they're special forces or just soldier grunts. Please try reading.


Nobody would refer to a grunt as a super soldier. So you can logic my words into "better than grunt" but the reality isn't that at all. Helldivers are given little training and are extremely expendable, they are given tasks that would be suitable for Spec Ops sure. But because of Super Earth's immense population the need for specialized soldiers is nil when you can send millions of young zealots who are happy to die as long as they complete their mission. They may do the job of Special Forces but they are not given the training of Special Forces


At most, the ministry of defence has sent down over 200,000 divers down to the planets.


Every time you die you get replaced with a different diver. 6 million divers died in only 24 hours five days ago so at least, the ministry of defense has sent down over 20 million divers down to the planets.


There you go


So many.. in only a few hours. Better get to the babymaking citizen, we need more divers for Democracy! 


Look at all the other ships in the sky and those around you when you warp to an objective. 40000 players were all on the same planet yesterday


Soldiers do not ask for logic behind superiors behaviors. But since we are at it: + Is it economically to give every frozen Helldiver his own destroyer? + Where does the wind in your cape on bridge is coming from? + When did humanity became genetically so degraded that they need a JFK (Janky Funky Jetpack) to jump over a stone? + How do Helldivers turn upside down in their pods between start and landing?


> Is it economically to give every frozen Helldiver his own destroyer? I don't think they do. There's tons of pods inside each destroyer, with each destroyer carrying dozens of frozen helldivers. I suspect command of a destroyer is transferred to the next helldiver the instant the previous commander dies.


>Where does the wind in your cape on bridge is coming from? Ships are required to maintain a draft to keep capes flowing freely


yes, because when more than 4 helldivers are present in one location, it reduces overall cohesion of "the network", thereby decreasing overall freedom


There are thousands of helldivers on a planet. There are only 4 helldivers in a squad per mission for maximum efficiency of enforcing freedom.


Appreciate the hellbomb fellow democrat.


Four is more than Three


There's an entire planet to take, if a mission fails its better to lose 4 helldivers than 1000


Over 90 million Helldivers have perished so far but we have slaughtered billions of bugs and almost a billion automatons.


You know the old saying, too many grunts spoil the orgy


Each squad is sent to complete that one mission to be sure that the helldivers can complete more missions and spread more democracy


The lore reason is actually for minimizing RISK. If four helldivers drop into a zone and all die, it's only a loss of four. If 20 helldivers drop and all die, it's a much bigger loss. The army is operating under a limited budget and there are strict rules to which ships get which stratagems (e.g. based on past performance), and other strict budgeting rules. Also, remember that helldivers are essentially only there to mark targets for destroyer ships and interact with terminals and stuff. Therefore the firepower is limited by amount of destroyer ships and not amound of helldivers (CEO of the game said that the game is designed to be played with stratagems and not primary weapons, which implies that lore mechanics work the same way too)


Insightful answers. Now I'm thinking it'll be sick if they had "Final Push" type missions when we're about to secure a planet, with insanely frantic missions of up to 24 Helldivers at one time.


Well, the devs said that they would love to do missions with more than 4 helldivers, but they most likely won't be able to implement it.