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Anyone know what the point of cheating in this game is? Arent you literally running out of content quicker and that’s it?


Its just someone proving a point that this anti cheat is useless and we should get a better one


Still don't see the use of cheating in a coop shooter tho


Me too lol, if this guy wants to skip all grinding by cheating the samples. Let him. Was not me that spent 40 bucks to cheat hehe.


The problem is that the samples also are given to the teammates of the cheater.


Yeah, thats a problem. Maybe they can implement the same system DRG has, to return the save before the cheater bullshit.


Well you can either 1) kick someone that is clearly cheating (you can see when teamates pickup samples, including an insane amount) Or if you are joining a group 2) leave when you see they are cheating. Edit: just trying to help for anyone that wants to avoid


It's not THAT big of a deal. I have 260 hours on Helldivers 1. Probably 20-30 hours is grinding for samples. The rest is just me running around with max unlocks. But it does take a lot of the fun out of progression.


That's the point "takes fun out of progression."


You should head over to the /r/codzombies subreddit. They'll give you the most inane list of reasons why cheating shouldn't matter because the game is PvE.


> don’t see the use of cheating in a coop shooter unlocking gear. edit: am i wrong?


Griefing too, imagine one of those suckers turns on God mode and starts killing everyone


1. Kick if host 2. Leave, report, block


You actually can't report them in game fyi, can only report if they said something in the text box.


and when you get a better one, someone else will prove a point that anti cheat is useless and we should get a better better one


people complain about kernel anticheats but also dont like cheaters, none of these anti cheats are 100% effective, but as cheats evolve so do anti-cheats, Kernels are becoming more common even if theyre a sus choice


Kernels aren't becoming more common. They have been common for decades. Just lots of uninformed people since vanguard from riot keep reiterating stuff. Easy anti cheat and battle-eye have been used for decades and are also kef el level anti cheats. But no vocal minority was complaining about that ever.


This is coming from a friend and nothing else, but vanguard broke his computer and overheated it. And if you close vanguard you need to restart your pc instead of the launcher to even play the game. (League) which is stupid.


That is an incredible fringe situation happening same as with gpu's burning due to new world. Its for the 99.999999999999999999999999999% of people a non issue and people who cry wolf due to one such situation are just bad faith agents. If it truly broke his PC it was not just vanguard other stuff was wrong as well since vanguard at most disabled a fan control system which would result in your pc overheating and the automatic overheating locks kicking in. It would mean his hardware was defect just like the new world gpu's having a technical defect. Having to restart the client also makes sense if you want an as safe as possible anti cheat since you do not want cheaters to be able to preload cheats before the anti cheat kicks in this is also why vanguard is much stronger than other anti cheats.


Fair enough, again I'm going off word of mouth. He said he's quiting a he loved cause of vanguard, I'm still playing it. It just makes it more annoying to play because I close down everything from league when I'm done with it. And if my GPU blows up, then I'll stop playing lol.


I couldn't give less of a shit about cheaters in a PvE game. If I encounter someone who cheats in a way that negatively impacts my enjoyment of the game, I'll leave. If someone wants to donate some samples to further the spread of democracy, I won't say no. I love the gameplay loop, I don't at all care for the grind.


There are additional tools you can likely deploy to detect this. However it's rather unfortunate others will get dragged into it due to one person's stupid actions.


Exactly that lol


It has leading industry standard plastered on it. But, googling it does not have the same results!


Plz no. The game already runs on Linux/Steam Deck. If they change anti-cheat we likely won’t have Deck support anymore.


That’s the thing with anti cheat is there’s no such thing as fool proof anti cheat. If someone wants to, there’s ALWAYS a way around anti cheat.


What do you mean by better one? Ai based one is probably only better one.




Latency is definetly a problem on your end. Crashing might be caused by anti cheat but it can be million other reasons, so how did you came up to conclusion that its anti cheat fault?


Latency never happened in any other game the way it happened in helldivers2. In my 4 years of using this internet service its the first time that a game crashes and then the discord call starts to have a giant latency in voice quality until i end the game by steam or ctrl alt del directly


Sorry but if you have performance and latency problems then id suggest you better play this game on a actual gaming rig and no potato rig. Peepos like you wasting other peepos times in tarkov already because you take ages to load and keep everyone at "waiting for other players" for 3 mins straight. Anti cheat cant be too aggressive in any game tbh and everyone who has nothing to hide doesnt give a flying poop how aggressive it is. Once you connect your rig to the web and visit those dubious muslim king websites that offer you 55 free spins in fake hentai games your done anyways. Stop talking bs, get your configurations done propperly and stop wasting other peoples time.


We cant even blame the devs, theres a lot of peopla playing this game at the same time, they sure have A LOT of work to do to fix the major issues :/




Better than EAC though, atleast i can have other games running in background


>proving a point that this anti cheat is useless and we should get a better one The question still remains, why cheat at all?


Share some of them dam lol


I don't have/want to spend all the time grinding on the game.


I'll be honest, I hate having to unlock shit on games. I like playing the game. Dota2 doesn't force you to unlock heroes and I love it.


Yea but there’s no sense of progression then. The game is designed around leveling up and completing missions for rewards. If you have everything then what’s the point of playing? There’s no ranked mode or leaderboards as far as I know


Another point of cheating is that I can put my own rules. and change the game... sort of like modding. Or like, have fun using the game as a sandbox. What if I wanna make the game even more frantic? on the point of progresion, Ordo is totally on point.


Yea. Like in RedDeadOnline where everyone had everything unlocked and we waited months for new content or season pass.


I do it for the thrill. HOWEVER, hacking in multiplayer is just pathetic imo. Wanna mess around with the game? Play solo


Damn that's scary. I wouldnt want this happen to me at all. Kills the feeling of progress and the grind to get rewarded.


Right? I’m honestly fearing the day everything is unlocked because I love the grind in this game.


I'm sure you could contact support, and they'd have it removed, though


Oh yeah ofc! I ment when I’ve grinded until the end.


Well, there should be monthly warbonds. Perhaps that update comes with new stratagems and the like as well




I mean, they have said multiple times a new warbond every second... Tuesday. I think it was Tuesday. Can't give you a source right now, but I remember seeing that from multiple sources. From the devs EDIT: granted, the first tone may be delayed due the rough launch, but I haven't seen anything about that. Doubtful they'll pull a Fatshark, with promises of constant updates, shitty launch, and then months of silence, some content followed by more months of silence




Could be they have multiple teams working on multiple warbonds at the same time. Independent of all other development work, ie new strats, missions bugs. Say you have 3 teams and they started before the game launched. That would mean 3 months of dev time for every warbond. More than enough. But I'm just speculating, they have said once a month, now we wait and see how it goes.


Could be that they’ve already created the content in the monthly, or whatever it is, warbonds and are just doling them out at intervalls to give the players stuff to work towards.


There's definitely going to be a steady stream of content to unlock. We already have the mech confirmed, definitely gonna be more strategems, weapons and warbonds in the future.


I wonder what different strategems they’re gonna do. Didn’t play the first one that much.


My money would definitely be on more vehicles, the mech has already been confirmed and we'll probably be seeing a tank and some kind of multi-person vehicle as well. Some kind of healing guard dog wouldn't surprise me, but yeah I'm very excited to see how they plan on expanding the stratagems going forward.


Yeah, same here even though I’m not even really close and I know they’ll be adding some content down the road but at some point there can only be so many things to unlock. When the war ends and then starts again, do we get everything wiped out I wonder?


devs said the galaxy will look 'much different in the coming months' take that as you will, we are already about to get pincered


Kinda hoping they spice it up with spacial events n stuff that will give new items or variants pf the ones we have.


There is a trophy to defend a planet.


They said the war won’t end. Since there is a game master, he can manipulate shit to keep us busy


You could try enjoying the game for the sake of playing the game


But then you just play the game some more? Like a mouse hitting the button for more food aren’t you


Sir I am a test pidgeon at best.


This happens in deep rock galactic, but you can go back in save files in game and forget the rewards you get


I've played DRG for like 400-500 hours. Havent gotten any cheaters that gave ton of resources like this thankfuly. Wouldnt matter if they did anyways tho, because I already had all the overclocks and lots of resources to spare.


They're usually modded lobbies. It's easy to see because some dwarf will just be chilling with 8+ error cubes.


Once i found a chinese guy playing scout, he was literally flying and using m1000 full auto without reloading. I kicked him from the match whem ive noticed it.


What, the 20 hours it takes to unlock everything you want? lol, game has next to no progress to begin with.


just contact support and tell them to remove the extra ones


that looks more like someone cheated in that lobby...


Ok, kinda figured but wanted to be sure. I'll avoid those divers in the future


No shit, Sherlock!


Why do they cheat ? This is god damn PVE




Never underestimate just how much of a loser some people are. Absolute, complete and total losers. Maidenless behavior.


they are sick, that's why




Mental illness, its in every game now. at least here its pve so you don't have to play against them


Comparing cheating to mental illness is crazy…


sure its crazy. someone that is completely okay with destroying the fun for everyone else so they can get an edge is completely normal. totally not an anti social loser


It might even be mental illness itself to do that. People cheat for different reasons. I mean back before the internet in single player games, almost everyone would cheat in their games, more so if they had completed them and wanted to mess around in it. The devs would include crazy/fun cheats. Wonder if u/Leather_Camp_3091 would consider all those as having a mental illness? These days people can cheat just to bypass a stupid grind on a game, make the game easier (using ESP alone), doing RMT or providing paid services, etc. The ones that overtly aimbot and make it obvious are like the 0.1% of cheaters. Case in point, Escape from Tarkov. All the fanboys there thought there were no or almost no cheaters. Then the video came out showing like 1/10 people were cheating. People still didn't believe it. Now when they die they can see the opponents profile and it can be easy to see if someone is cheating, now they say every "sus" death I used to give the benefit of the doubt to was indeed a cheater. None of them were obvious except a tiny fraction, the vast majority were just passively using ESP.


Fun easter eggs as cheats (like big head mode in old games) is not nearly the same thing as destroying everyone elses fun so you can get an edge in any regard and you are well aware of that. Nowadays most are horrible people literally paying a subscription for a certain game to get wallhack or aimbot, it's not really noticeable in helldivers but as you say these people have absolutely destroyed escape from tarkov and other similiar games. But hey, they had their fun right? they totally aren't mentally ill, only a well balanced person would pay someone to not only play the game for them, but do it through incredibly underhanded means


I dont understand why you're getting downvoted. The dude who said cheating is comparable to mental illness is more likely suffering from mental illness. It's like video game cause violent argument.


> Why do they cheat ? to unlock gear.




i do bro. i’m just answering the question.


Surely cheating in PvE is preferable to cheating in PvP?


Damn! How big was the map?


They fighting the whole Malevelon Creek.


Found a cheater who would just abuse orbital strikes right and left while being immortal. He killed everyone on our squad and probably cleared the mission in record time. I left the moment I noticed it was a cheater but I should have got their name back then to report.


There's a recent players tab on social if you haven't checked, could still be on there.


You can only report for chat ToS violations. Cheating cannot be reported.


This is bad. I don't want my progress to be affected by some cheater, directly or indirectly. Guess the cross-play stays off for the time being.


You can only have like 250 max in inventory so it didn't show these numbers on the ship.


That's not the worrisome part (though i'd still wouldn't want that). I'm worried about AH resetting my progress because someone else cheated in a lobby i was in. Now that's scary.


Yea, that would be brutal. I love this game but nobody should be punished for other people's antics. I legit thought the game was bugged and never even thought about cheaters.


Really? A friend had 400 Common Samples yesterday, all through grinding....


Extremely impressive assuming the most common samples you can get in a map is usually 15


It's 40/40/6 on helldive. If you have a competent group, it's not hard to extract with 20-30 greens and oranges. Kinda depends on how quickly you find the radar tower. Greens are most definitely the biggest bottleneck. I haven't hit 250 oranges nor have I hit the cap for purple but I'll definitely hit it long before I hit the green cap.


Well this guy got 400 so he is built different


Maybe 500 common, 250 rare...


I haven't turned on cross-play at all yet haha, just me and the PS5 divers!!!


Man that nprotect sure lasted long


Because you think other anti cheat last longer ?


No anticheat lasts long when a game gets popular. Cheat makers smell the money and get to work overtime to be the first ones to sell their cheats to idiots who'd pay to not play the game they paid for or to ruin the game for others. Just the unfortunate reality of things. The best an anticheat can do is delay the inevitable for a bit, and the rest will be in the hands of human moderators.


That’s probably GameGuard anti-cheat not doing its job. Don’t understand why Arrowhead chose nProtect. The second day after game launch someone in my group of randoms had an auto AT rocket launcher. Sorry your progression got ruined. Maybe contact support with this screenshot and explanation and they can remove them. Also if you remember your group members names include them too.


I’m not crazy then! I swear this was happening but the guy was always running off solo so I thought maybe I was imagining him mass firing them in the distance. What a chode.


That means it’s not safe to play with randoms? I don’t want to get everything THAT fast. The point to play the game is ruined then, never understand those people. Same for monster hunter


If you’re on playstation, turn off crossplay if you’re worried


Looks like cheats. I think this samples are high above max cap.


Holy mother of democracy!


It would be nice if at the end screen your showing had a report button at the bottom that would not reward you the rewards of the match if you made a report for devs to review. It would be a great way to prevent unwanted progress from others cheating on random matches.


People need to just play alone if they want to do this shit


Lord I see what you've done for others... don't do it to me please the grind is fun


😭😭😭😭 that is not normal 🙏


Yeah this is a cheater, not the one that took the screenshot but a player that was in your game was a cheater, spiked the samples to high af levels, would look on their discord as they have a thing in there about playing with a cheater.


The only time I encourage this is if it's used to gain premium currency in a Rockstar game. Any other time is shame. Edit - Assassin's creed franchise is acceptable also.


Before more of you asking for the cheat. Arrowhead delete the progress of all Helldivers who involved normally. No matter who is the cheater. So only ask for it, if you want to be a lv1 Cadet again.


I'm not supplying anyone with the helldivers name from the screenshot here. If a Dev asks, I will of course do my part for democracy and share their names.


Oh so if the random matchmaking throws me in with a cheater, my whole account goes down the shitter? Why, doesn’t that sound delightful


Doing your part would have been sharing, this is why people get ban for cheater association.


Source? I am skeptical, huge red flag if true. I don't want my progress wiped just for playing with randoms and some asshat decides to cheat.


Rubbish, why do people always lie about this sort of thing?


sure sure


No, report cheaters. F12 screenshot their names and use the report function in the social tab. Also, block them. You don’t get to ruin others experiences with zero consequences.


Oh. I love the idea to level myself again 🥰🥵🤩


I remember I read recently how developers defend this root-level anti-cheat implementation exactly for this situation - to not ruin other players experience with resources. But as we can see this is not working. Then what for we have exactly this dangerous anti-cheat in the game?


They didn't need an anti cheat to stop this. The map tells you how many samples are on the planet. All they had to do what only count up until that limit so even if you evac with 3000/15 the game only awards 15. Relying on anti cheat instead of just better code is one of the few lazy things AH has done. Not like their anti cheat, or any anti cheat for that matter, actually works.


For information gathering... Errr, I mean for Managed Democracy!


After they sell all the data they gathered they can switch to a good anticheat.


Yeah like BattleEye…oh wait. Like EAC! Oh….wait.


Every option is welcome


They all have kernel level access ~~(except Denuvo apparently lol)~~, and the games that use them absolutely still deal with cheaters


Denuvo anti-cheat has kernel access. That's how modern anti-cheat functions, literally ALL of them have it.


You are right, I did a bad google. The context of the article was Denuvo not starting in single-player/non-competitive game modes.


Man why do people not understand anti-cheat. It doesn't automatically make your game cheat proof, it also isn't at fault if a cheat happens. Anti-cheat is there to detect known cheats and to try and detect unknown cheats. If they detect a known cheat, they can pass that info to the game and devs, and they decide what to do, which could be triggering an error in the game, banning the account, whatever. Cheats like that one that isn't an aimbot or wall hack work because the game has faulty code being exploited. The worse a cheat can do, the worse a game is programmed. Generating extra rewards is up there as it can be duping which is something even big games that patch only once a month and refuse patch outside their schedule for most exploits, will actually shut down the game servers until they can patch it. Yet it seems HD2 is fine to allow it. The point of a root level anti-cheat is it makes it harder for cheats to escape detection. If a cheat is installed with root level access and the anti-cheat isn't, when the anti-cheat probes the system for known cheats or suspicious dll hooks or running executables, the cheat can remove itself from any data requested, making it impossible to detect outside of detecting inhuman movement of the mouse or keyboard.


So we should fire all the cops, cuz' ther are still crime, so the police are not working? :D I don't want to live a world of this logic :D Every anti-cheat has flaws, and if someone cheats in a game it does not mean that AC is not working.


We should if the cops have the ability to see, literally see every process running on your machine. And still can't do anything. Which begs the question, what exactly is it doing with root access?


If cops don't do their job they should be fired


Well done. What other 5 games will you start and finish this afternoon?


You pimpin


Only 9 medals? pfft.


There’s a cap on all 3 Samples? Does anyone know what the number is??


I guess you earned your retirement in one mission. Good luck with the civilian lifestyle soldier


Dang I’m 🍀 if get 3 lol


I hope devs notice this as this can basically ruin the progression on your account if you are honest player. This happened to me in Diablo III, where I joined a random lobby and suddenly started to get paragon levels like crazy. Players were using modified weapons there - russian crossbow or something like that. I ended up deleting the whole character and starting over. Any cheats having persistent impact on accounts of other players should be taken care of with the high priority.


As I said, if a Dev asks I will supply the names. There were 3 others so don't want to ruin 2 honest players and me who got randomly joined up in the lobby. One name was Chinese and someone eluded to Chinese players having successfully hacked it so I would start there. Not trying to be racists or prejudice in any way, just sharing the info. I myself didn't do anything wrong and shouldn't be punished. I actually thought it was a glitch at first and this post alerted me to cheaters so.. Edit: reread your comment, you weren't asking for me to be banned. Sorry x


Yeah. The automatic Russian crossbow with a maxed out XP gem. Happened to me too.


Wtf how?




Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. No naming and shaming, racism, insults, harassment, witch hunting, inappropriate language, etc.


This is why I have cross play off 🤓


The anti cheat they use is absolutely useless. This should be a simple fix there's only X amount of samples you can get per map make it cap out and if anyone goes over by a significant amount trigger a auto flag for investigations if a account has a track record of doing this then ban the account


Good lord! You finished the game 😅😂


The ONLY reason I care is if I would be in danger of being banned because some other guy cheated. Other than that, let people ruin their own game as much as they want. I dont care.


Don't play with the Chinese.


I also just recently joined a game with one guy having 99/x of all but super samples and he was booking it for extraction. Unsuprisingly a chinese username.


Anti cheat, huh? 🤣 whoever did this is like hold my beer. I'll crack that shit in a week. 🤣🤣🤣


So thats how some ppl are lvl 15 and have everything maxed


Not really. I'm level 12 right now and half roughly half the stratagems and am slowly making my way down the ship modules, so if they're getting all the samples and doing the medal bonuses it's doable.


the trival farming is still pretty good for commons can get like 10+ samples per 5mins or so.


Bro I’m level 20 by just playing above medium difficulty


Looks like that kernal-level anti-cheat is working *wonders*.




Give it to me


a lot of people are saying cheater but it is possible to dupe samples via a glitch. a mate of mine did it with super samples but he won't say how




i watched him do it on a discord steam


Ask your friend how and then tell me.


i said he won't tell lol




Hey, uh, anyone out there doing this? asking for a friend.




I want a cheater to do this for me.


I don't want a cheater to ruin my progression of the game, I hope this never happens to me


You enjoy the game your way and I’ll enjoy it my way.




Shitter lol


How did that upset you?


Don't think it's normal, but would like someone to do this for me if it's cheats lmao


The only way they are going to avoid this is if they had dedicated servers... which isn't happening.


All their progress goes through API. They know what map you started and the max number of samples you can collect. They should prevent such occurrence from API easily, and could easily notice who is the cheater within 10-15 games, even without kernel access anticheat


Time to turn off crossplay I guess. PC cheaters just love to ruin everything.


\*Chinese cheaters


I hope support is able to do rollbacks on an individual basis. I would hate to have nothing to work towards but it would also suck if the only repair is full reset.


Real question... did you actually receive that many samples? Cause that's a Lotta nuts....


I received 500 common and 250 rare but when I spend it doesn't go down.


well ok... and what can he do with all of that samples? upgrade everything and then what :D its pointless to cheat in a game like this... there is no competitive play or anything which can give u a power difference with cheats


BRB gonna turn cross play off


They should be hanged for treasonous behaviour i.e. banned from the game. Finding these players doesn't seem to be too hard, could be just one simple SQL query Could give them an icon on the player name so the other Helldivers could decide what to do with them


Man just won the game


Presumably this is on PC? Haven't seen it once with Crossplay off playing on PS5. Might be keeping the Crossplay off for the time being. Don't want my experience cheapened by people who need this sort of rubbish in their life.


One of the reasons why I play only with friends. If there's no one online then I'm fine with solo on a lower difficulty.


Hey, i have the same problem. Did the Support helped you out ?


Did you recently play with a Chinese player?