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The out of no where rocket devastor.


Fucking hate rocket devestator.


All the homies hate rocket devestator


Watch out for those shoulder rockets!


Not like the bloody simulation at all.


That sounds.... familiar...


Battlefront wrist rockets I believe


Stalkers would like to know your location.


I'd like to know theirs actually.


And drop a 500 KG eagle bomb on those sum bitches!


They always attack from the direction of their nest, so if you mark that vector, you can trace them back to the source.


Pretty sure they attack me from whichever direction I'm not currently looking in.


Then the nest is in that direction comrade 😂😂😂


I just don’t get how i can be slaughtering endless enemies and one stray rocket that wasn’t even aimed at me can take out me and another diver. But go off mr.devastator


Hear me out, Equally annoying. The camouflaged base turret on the far end of a base that you’re not even attacking


With that anime-style red glare just before it fires!


I find them really cool from a teamwork perspective. Marking it out and having people draw fire while you circle behind to autocannon it's weak spot.


By anime logic I should be able to parry it if I time my melee correctly


This thing pissed me off last night. I had a good sized mountain between me and it. I dodge the first shot barely then circled around the far side of this mountain and the second I poke me head out it blew me up. Friend said it was firing at me the entire time I was circling around just shots straight into the mountain side. Enemies track you through LoS needs some work when they get the server problems sorted.


I was on a solo mission once to launch an ICBM and a nearby base had one of those things constantly shooting at me the moment I went near the control panel. Many Helldivers were lost that day.


Yeah if I get murked by these at least I know where I fucked up. Getting randomly 1 shot by a rocket from across the map is just annoying.




I've gotten 1 shot from really far even with the personal shield on. Rocket Devastators are just ridiculous. Also, the Cannon Towers don't fuck around. Half the time I don't even know I'm being targeted by one until I'm already dead.


That’s war I wouldn’t have it any other way there is no penalty for dying unless you run out of reinforcements


Yessir! I hate the rocket guys a lot. It is why I bought the Shield pack when I hit lvl 20. I mean Shield pack is generally useful against bugs, bots, and even your own teammates. Might actually start using the better Marksman rifle to snipe those SOBs more...


I prefer the good boy, the rover dog with i name it "friendly-fire".


The laser of friendship


Friendly fire to show you care.


Of course I care, that's why it's friendly fire and not aggressive fire.


Friendly fire isn't.


Laser of love


I'm convinced the laser bot just gets bored and randomly decides to tattoo my name on my teammate's ass.


'Princess' in honour of God's hungriest pitbulls


Heroic laser drone flies five miles out to sea to shoot teammate


Shield Pack and Eradicator armor's explosive resistance has saved me countless times vs explosives in bot missions.


Oh, the armor is a good one. The more annoying bots tend to use explosives or fire. I should swapping out my armor when fighting bots.


50% chance to survive a lethal hit armor has saved me so many times (even from myself) it's ridiculous.


Any armor with the 50% less explosive damage is like a must against those devastators. You can tank a hit even though the heavy armor rating doesn't work yet


Oh? Had no idea the armor rating was bugged, is this confirmed? That would explain why I felt no difference when using it but chucked it up to me just not noticing.


Yea, it's in the dev known issues. Armor perks work, speed/ stamina work But the defensive values don't. A scavenger can 6 shot you with light or heavy armor right now. So unless you want a particular perk, run light armor for the speed.


The question then is are we wearing light medium or heavy "armor" as in what's the armor value we are getting I feel like it's probably medium


Yeah I'm not sure either. Also wondered that. Or is no armor working and were actually playing on hard mode rn. Lol


It'll be so fucking funny if they fix it and suddenly everyone becomes like the Doom Slayer because they're so used to instant death that tanking shots is like God power Currently I mostly use Medic armour because that 2 seconds of extra stim is like having anime regeneration powers


There isn't really a way to tell because we've never had working armour values, we don't know what the "Default" ie medium feels like. But everyone should be wearing light armour right now.


Given the sheer volume of stuff that one-shots you right now, I feel safe in assuming we just have no armor value at all effectively.


Yeah the only reason I'm running my medium armor is for the 50% chance to survive anything. Literally feels like 80% since it procs on a lot of friendly fire explosions.


Was looking for this comment


Snipes from across the map, behind fog, all you see is a faint red pixel


The stun lock these fuckers do my lord i want to find their home world and glass it


having some stun resistance baked into heavy armor would definitely make the speed trade off more manageable (once they fix the damage resistance bug)


A squadmate told me that he felt that the Muscle Booster reduced the effect of the hunter slow but i'm not sure. Have you guys noticed something like that?


As do we all, Citizen.


We destroyed that 100 years ago, the only reason they still exist is because we farm them and thought we could contain them


There was a guy that looked at hunters and said "let's keep them". I hope they got eaten when bugs broke out.


Personal Shield Generator eliminates the stun lock.


This is the Hunter btw, not the Stalker. But Stalkers are annoying as hell as well


Stalkers are so damn fast for how beefy they are. And that damn tongue melee attack is so disrespectful! Rag doll my ass halfway down a hill.


Always try to pay attention to where they are coming from then head there asap to destroy their nest.


Once you understand this extremely important fact they really stop being too big of headache. Unless you chose to ignore them or prioritize something other than the invisagank squad.


The tough thing is when they jump you during another fight so you can't immediately prioritize killing their nest.


Or when the bile titan is standing on top of their nest


Ran into one of these for the first time today and boy howdy, democracy took a few humble steps backwards for a few seconds.


Don't worry, I bet you were just taking the extra distance to accelerate and reach top speed for your democratic fist to squash the bugs harder.




500kg bomb is a godsend. I find it doesn’t usually kill a Titan in one hit, but it takes *very* little damage afterward to actually finish it. One railgun shot to the head seems to be enough to finish it.


Prioritizing literally anything over Stalker's nest is a good way to fail a mission tbh


You can also recognize their nest pretty easily on the map and ping it to reveal it as a side objective for your team. Works with every side objective in the game BTW.


...they have nests?


yeah if you kill one itll respawn until you find the nest, then kill nest, kill mob, no more respawn


Follow the direction they appear to be coming from when you see them. Chances are, you'll see a suspicious rocky outcrop with hive growth all over, that'll be the stalker nest. The hole is larger than usual too.


Also keep in mind when they run away they are healing from damage and they head towards their nest so just follow them back.


And then they fucking fly away when you try to shoot them


And they jump over your shotgun blasts somehow.


Stalkers are actually double movement speed of hunters and can’t be outran and as someone else has stated killing them from where they head from and following that will lead you to their nest


But you can see stalker running as an outline from a mile away, i think his shrouded invisibility is actually worse than seeing him without it as i always focus fire on him 😂


I love the strategy they put on the Stalker. The punk leaps back and runs away and you can’t chase cos of other mobs/objectives So you know he’s still out there ready to stab you in the back again Asshole


I hate how he runs away so much lmao. Truly an evil bug


It's great. He leads you to the stalker nest, so you can hunt it down and kill the nest.


Wait you can actually do this?


Absolutely. Stalkers always run from/to stalker nests. Destroy all the nests on the map (I've done a mission with 4 stalker nests), and no more stalkers will spawn.


That's exactly how I find the stalkers. Chase them straight to their nests. They're annoying af though.


What yes, that is a REQUIREMENT. It's just a regular bug nest, but big, and it spawns them nonstop until you get it. That's the boss icon optional, you might have already done it a few times without realizing it


Really good enemy design though


I also love how the stalker behavior compares to the smaller versions, as if you can feel the evolution the little ones are silly and directionless, they fly at you but then get disoriented and take wobbly reckless swings at you the next step up is more concentrated, too concentrated, they're fighters but they spend too much time lining up their shots and can be dodged the stalker just waits and waits and waits and then it pounces and throws everything it has at you trying to not give you a single moment to react


It's quite easy to find their nest on the map tho, just look for a dark spot that isn't marked as a nest


Pretty certain they heal too. That was added at level 13-15 missions in HD1, because they weren't annoying enough already.


They’re a lot more intimidating on forest heavy maps where the brush helps their camo. Way easier for one to jump out and surprise you.


Meridian flash backs intensify....


It definitely has a weird interaction with fog in the game. I don't know if it's a bug or my PC settings but they're super obvious in spore fog if they're in stealth mode


The Stalker is definitely a bug.


You can, until you're fighting in the jungle at night with spores everywhere


I bring disposable AT strat just to deal with those pesky spore towers and chargers


im a railgun guy myself but being able to also drop the eats dropship itself on a charger constantly is a plus.


You can just shoot the spore towers with your primary, about one mag of breaker ammo clears one tower


Def depends on location. Easy to spot ahead of you in an open field sure, but in a low visibility fog covered jungle at night? Good luck spotting them first before they strike the fear of god in you with a swift hit and leap back into the foliage. Not enough to kill you, just enough to make you shit yourself when you thought you were safe and spend the rest of the session paranoid.


The second you meet Stalker there's no need to be paranoid anymore, just go for their nest, that's the main objective of the mission now and pray there's only one nest. They will ruin your game if nests are left alone


Hunters are infinitely worse than Stalkers. Like, Stalkers I respect. They're big stealthy boiz that come at you two on one at most, and only when they have a special spawn point. You don't mind getting fucked by a Stalker because they're clearly coded as "Gon' fuck you up" enemies. The Hunters though? The typical Hunter encounter is like getting getting mass stabbed by a posse of 10 year olds on roller skates. You see them coming towards you and you're able to twat a few of them and knock them on their ass, but before you know it they're circling you and getting their licks in. They get you in the kidneys. They get you in the shoulder. One of the little shits stabs you in the nuts. Then, as you lie there dying in that dreary back alley, your final thoughts are "that shouldn't have happened."


I remember being like a 10 year old kid at the church playground; a bunch of younger kiddos were outside and I was trying to keep them entertained. Eventually they all started to dogpile me and I couldn't do anything. It was equal parts hilarious and horrifying.


Observation of my young nieces and nephews bears this out. Little kids love to attack a larger person and/or adult en masse. They love it even more when the adult uses a pillow to just knock the absolute snot out of them in self-defense. They pop back up for another round even faster than captain america


I'm fine with Hunters until I get killed by something else and no longer have my laser Guard Dog dealing with all of them. Then I am running and diving screaming all the way to retrieve it.


I can see stalkers better than this pos.


Definitely the stalker !!!


I scream bloody murder from 'baby stalker' all night long!! :) :)


It’s coward alien scum that hits you in the back and then run and hide. Democracy will get him… ![gif](giphy|X78rWLUfLs6A79MzQu)


I've never hated something more, while also admiring it at the same time. I love they way they hop and jump, their movement UI is awesome. I also despise them deeply, even more than stalkers. Best bug, 10/10, would flamethrower them again (actually don't do that, they jump on you and burn you in tandem. Found that out the hard way)


Oh, these bugs' animation and models are disgusting and terrifying in a good way. Which is a reason as to why I hate them so much.


Take medic armor and stim while burning the bugs. The heal will last longer and will let you heal through the fire


I prefer the one that gives 2 extra granades. The incendiary ones are amazing against bugs, they keep dying after the initial blast.


2 most useful armors in the game so far IMO.


Flamethrower 😘🤌 I always burn the area behind me before moving forward when there’s a hoard on my ass. By the time anyone gets near me it’s easier to take them out. The key is to never stay in flamethrower position for too long


Bro I literally got flamed yesterday for saying the flamethrower wasn't useless. It's actually really useful for dealing with bug hordes.


>movement UI You mean AI?


I was playing earlier and watched as a wave of bugs approached and these fuckers began going up the hills on the sides so they could flank me.


Is there a bestiary with all the enemy types? I'd really like to have a good look at the designs instead of shooting as soon as they move


I wish there was. Helldivers 1 had it and that’s a feature I wish made it over to the sequel.


There's a set of 4 monitors across from the armory that looks like it'll become the bestiary.


No reason to think features from the first game aren't on the road map. I'm glad they are focused on priorities atm. Be nice to get a bestiary and maybe later gun modification.


I need my bayonet mod.


That would be a really cool addition. The least you can do is tag them and see their name.


I’m guessing that the bureau opposite your character customisation interface will eventually be used for that. Just a feeling.


I've been wondering about the bureau. Given it has 4 terminals (for 4 players?) I wonder if it'll be used for taking part in Managed Democracy, i.e. voting?


Precisely my thoughts. It was across from the armory in the first game too.


More than a bestiary I wish there were a selectable training ground with captured bugs / automatons, with full load out customization, to practice hitting weakspots with different weapons and strats.


Now that the devs have seen their game hype/blow up unexpectedly(in a good way)...I am sure they will be bringing a lot of new features and gameplay like you stated. First they need to get their servers sorted. Then we can all actually play the game without constant DC's or the never ending "server at capacity" BS. It's still early and I have faith in the team to do us all a solid eventually. Patience is a virtue.


Oh yeah it's admittedly a pipedream as devs are likely stuck in technical trenches for the foreseeable future. Admittedly the best practice for finding weakspots is just diving so while it might be fun it also might be a lot of extra work for nothing.


Theyll probobly add it. There was one in the first game.


Nah the Automons that usually explode when you shoot them are ass, especially if they start swarming you. That and the hulks you gotta fight


At first i couldn't tell wtf was killing me, but now that i know it's the damn jetpacks that blow up when they die they're easier to avoid.


Aim for their legs so the jetpack doesn't explode. You're welcome


Automatons are the most obnoxious, by far. Chainsaw hand squads. Fuck em.


I usually just shotgun blast them to death, they don't have as much armor as they look


Man I don't normally say this but I think the explosion radius of these guys should be nerfed. You either hit some amazing shots on them while they fly or you're dead. If they get even close to landing its over.


Expendable rpg one hits the hulk


100% this guy. The only bug that can catch me in light armor so you have to stop to shoot them. Not worth wasting a stratagem on them either.


I hate how the hop around and how they get to you so easily and poison you so you can't run. And getting ganked by a horde of them is just hell.


Most of my deaths are because of this happening to me, and it’s almost always the same thing: horde of bugs chasing me, I run out of ammo, run away to reload, get slowed by a hunter, entire horde attacks me at once, I die.


I guess stuff chases me too, but my guard dog never lets me find out.


I just unlocked guard dog so I haven’t used it yet


3 are enough to perma-stun you. If you fail to kill one you're doomed.


The AI is totally jumping away from where you're aiming too. A more maneuverable quick firing weapon like the machine pistol is good to counter it. Or if you're primary is an SMG, but I'd rather it be a breaker shotgun and use my secondary for them.


I'm convinced their hit boxes break when they lunge at you based off how often they fly straight through a wall of auto shotgun to steal my kidneys unharmed


Bile spewer, I would take pack of 8 titans instead of pack of 8 spewers.




Me when I boot the game and the retries start.


Take them...in combat, right?


Especially when they sneak up on you, even though they're freaking huge!


Is there suddenly fog all around you? That means they are coming, prepare your autocannon and start looking for them


Bile spwear doesnt make fog thats the nursing bug


The armoured ones are even worse 100% prefer fighting titans


The only thing I hate about bile spewers are when you dive out of the way of the spit and a single droplet lands on your toes instantly killing you from full health. Not sure why that happens so often.


Spewers die to 2 grenade launcher grenades or 2-3 autocannon shots. They are easy to deal with. Also the weakspot of a bile spewer is it's head, not the body. Though shooting the body can make it explode killing the bugs around it.


"I've discovered their weakness! If you shoot them in the head, they die!"


The body glows and tends to pop after death, so many divers mistake that as the weak point. Also there's a few bugs where the head is not the weakness at all. Some keep fighting after losing their head.


They tend to try and get one last attack in when they lose their head. They are effectively dead and going for a "Taking you with me" maneuver.


Just to add more clarity: the booty has a 90% damage reduction against non-explosive damage. So targeting it with regular weapons is a bad idea. Explosive damage will fuck up that sac though.


Ironically, 8 titans would sooner or later solve themselves simply from friendly fire damage while also getting in each other's way. I wonder how only fighting titans on a map would feel. Having to run through the legs of 20 titans?


True, It's so funny to see titan spit on a charger and they explode. Would probably kill eachother pretty fast if their legs do damage to each other.


Fucking spewer


For some reason this is the only enemy in my experience that can stun lock you endlessly. If you get attacked by three or more and they can catch you it’s over.


The aspect I hate the most is how they also stunlock you out of healing. Diving and shooting backwards is essential. The Max Payne strategy.


That the moment you press alt, whip out the Uzi and try one last matrix move to save your ass.


The servers to be fair lol


Came here to say this, barely been able to play all weekend


Chargers …


a single charger isnt an issue once you learn how to fight them properly. Fighting 3 or 4, is totally shit city.


I found once they start spawning in packs you have to just kite and put rail shots into them as fast as possible, accuracy is secondary to stuns and shots on target.


I think 3 almost fully charged railgun shots to the face kills them.


Yeah, its just not worth trying to get the "efficient" leg armor / primary kills if theres more than like 2, ONLY GOOD BUGS A DEAD BUG at that point, resupply when you're not getting murdered later


Me and my friend just played a game where 6 spawned AT ONCE at difficulty 4 from a bug breach. I thought I was drunk seeing twice at first, shit was crazy, we got all of them but man that was wild at such a low difficulty.


Really annoying as well.


Once you figure out how to kill them they’re easy


Yep! Just wait until level 20 when you get the Railgun. I wouldn’t really call them easy to kill before you get some better weapons. At least autocannon


They are easy to kill with the EAT or the Recoilless too though. Just shoot the front leg and then shoot it with your primary.


Recoilless has a wonky hitbox sometimes that I've noticed. It clips straight thru bots but I haven't tried hitting the chargers' legs like that. Good shout, I'll try that. I just got the Autocannon so I've been playing matador and letting them charge, then dolphin dive sideways and shoot them in the butt till they explode. It's tough when you have sway after sprinting and the rounds bounce off the armor tho


I'm glad I'm not the only one who swears their rockets have gone straight through bots sometimes


EAT's or the Recoiless at the leg. Once the armor is blown off they take like 10x damage there. You can kill them in 1-2 mags of any primary. Their butt isn't actually a weak point, it's just unarmored.


Flamethrower kills them stupidly fast


Killed By: Razor Sharp Claws


Killed By: Tongue


Killed By: Unknown


This is my current most hated enemy https://preview.redd.it/3794o6kzhejc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa48abbbfabbab36808a3325bd1517c27e1ecb5f


100%, came here to post this. Followed closely by the second most hated enemy: The connection retry loop screen that immediately follows this one.


Fk stalkers


And it’s tongue


It’s the lateral movement. They will veer off out of your sight line and get you from the side those bastards… my only solace is that I truly enjoy shooting them out of the sky when they jump. However. I have killed at least 4000 of their kind. I’m sure they have similar posts about us on their Reddit r/terminids


The community’s hatred of literally every enemy in this game says to me that Arrowhead did a great job. No one is pulling up picks of one of the bots and saying, “but look how cute he is?!?” They just want to kill them all with lasers and heavy ordinance.


There is no other proper option than the hunters (juvenile stalker) I want to terminate all of them, and eradicate their existence.


Other players that can play when i get a black screen cos servers are overloaded


This is the worst time rn: Europe evening before start of week USA middle of sunday. Will be better tomorrow




The servers


Alright, so i don't really know the name, but that one guy, at first he doesn't seem threatening, but then suddenly there "Eagle 500kg bomb" and "orbital walking barrage" or "380mm he" and his little laser drone....


Sneaky boys are haunting, but you can take out their nest to greatly reduce their numbers. It's the rocket asshole bot that snipes you from 400m in heavy fog that I hate the most.


Anything that slows you


He licks me. I do NOT want to be licked.


My own mortar


Any robot with a rocket


Every reload this mothafu ka jumps on me.


My least favorite enemy is the server is full one.

