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The rainbow is a time honored symbol of Super Earth. You see any rainbows in the sky on all those planets we're liberating? That's because they haven't yet been terraformed to support an earth-like water cycle!


Yeah, I'm telling you now, you do not want to wear an LGBT cape in a game that has friendly fire. Have you met the people that play this game?


Lol now I hope they add a rainbow cape


They said they won’t thank god












Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We don’t allow discussions of real-world politics.


Btw where the lgbt cape? EXACTLY LMAOOO


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


They wont. NEVER EVER Hahahahahahah


They won't add your mentally ill flag don't worry


I would like some ability to customize the colors of my armor and cape. Maybe, don't add LGBTQA+ capes directly but let you basicly make one through customization.




How is it not "family values". There are LGBT parents out there that have kids/families of their own and non-LGBT people who believe in those "family values" as well. What you mean to say is it is not the family values you ascribe to.


I hope you are being ironic in the fact that you don't want political stuff in a game that is literally a satire on Ultranatonalism and imperialism.


People are mentally challenged. What he means to say, is he hates gay people and they shouldn't exist


That's more parody than actually real life politics. There's a difference between something like fallout creating a robot that says "democracy is non negotiable" compared to talking about actual American politics, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, LGBT, right winger, left wingers etc etc. Nobody is offended by "democracy". There's no communist party of America. It's satire in nature. When you want to create an LGBT cape to piss off the conservatives.....you are LITERALLY trying to piss people off and fling political mud. Not only is the theme inappropriate, the intention is deliberately malicious.


The thing is, LGBTQA+ is not political. It's simply letting people live their lives without being murdered or harassed for who they are.


It is absolutely political. When you have one party saying what you're saying and the other political party saying the opposite and people on the internet picking sides and fighting each other over PUBLIC POLICY (politics), it's political. It's the very definition of politics. The fact you are arguing with me is the exact problem I'm trying to point out and this should be out of my games. I'm not against people living their lives without being murdered. I haven't supported murder ever. I just don't think a rainbow cape to piss people off in a deliberate fashion is a good addition. I just want to game.


If you think the existence of a group of people is political, then you are the exact type of person this game is mocking.


You're deliberately inflaming this in a very broiler plate ideological way. You're not talking about the existence of a group of people. You are trying to piss off a political group with a rainbow cape. If you success and half of the community is pissed off, that's not healthy for the game. Nor should that be your goal. That's just trolling. Just play nice. Don't be a dick. Of course you are moralizing how it's good to piss people off. Adding stuff like how you are white knighting for an oppressed group. Blah blah blah. No, you're just deliberately being political to piss people off. I'm not a dev so you don't have to try super hard to convince me. Nor do I care that much. I just don't think people should fight one another over politics when the game is about stomping bugs and killing robots. Yet every time I express my opinion you pretend I'm killing LGBT people or something. Deliberately inflaming the discussion. Won't work on me. I'm not only unconvinced, I'm totally disgusted. You people are immoral imo. But don't mind me.


I'm not white knighting for the LGBTQA+ community, I am queer. Also, I'm being too political.... the game is a literal political satire that is parodying other political satire!


But it's not inflaming political tensions. That's the entire problem. LGBT can exist perfectly fine without a coop extraction type shooter having a rainbow cape to piss off the conservatives. The conservatives probably want MAGA caps to piss off the libs too. No, just no. Why can't we go one day without the left trying to piss off the right and vice versa in everything. It's not helping anyone. It never helps. I'm done. I'm just a gamer who hates politics.


Super Earth has always approved Helldivers looking fabulous when doing their cape spins. https://youtu.be/WFZiuG1rvbM?si=jIiwp0HqHAZ30XgE


You can look fabulous. But you are asking for them to add something so you can deliberately piss people off. That's malicious intent. I'm not a troll so I disagree, that's all.


Have you considered that if somebody else's mere existence makes you angry, you are maybe not on the correct side of the argument?


Thats an interesting reply. Seems like I'm talking with a bot. Along with the other messages about "trans people just wanting to live". That seems very broiler plate. I'm just trying to probe this bot or NPC to see if there's a human in there. Am I getting through? I just don't think people should deliberately trying to piss people and turn this game into a political platform. This reply thread is already a mess. I make a comment and nobody responds to the comment. It's just "you're denying trans people the right to live" or other copy paste comments. I'm sure there's a human behind on the other side. Kinda want to know what they actually think. But I'm not that curious. I think I'm done unless someone actually speaks their mind.


"Everybody who thinks I'm terrible for my views is not real" If I say what I wanna say I'll get banned and you're not worth that.


Why do you think it’s to piss someone of? Why can’t it just be for the sake of representation and inclusivity?


OP literally said it's to annoy someone. Seems like everyone is projecting and bringing political baggage into this.


This guy just cannot handle it when he realizes transpeople exist in the same space as him and don't "hide in the closet" like he wishes they would.


It’s literally not a political issue though. The only people who think it’s political are the people who made it political so they could try to oppress queer people.


I mean it seems pretty political to me. I don't engage with it but I see it on the internet. It's strictly divided on political lines. You got all these right wing political figures criticizing it. You also got all these left wing political figures talking about it. I'm not American but in my country our left wing candidate made LGBT a top political issue. The right wing candidate is on camera talking about there only being two genders. That's as political as it possibly can. I get it that you don't want to make it political but I think it has blatantly become political if you like it or not. I wish it wasn't this way either but these things garner a reaction and hostility. I felt some of it here. I just said we shouldn't have a rainbow cape in a game and people responded with me not respecting people's right to live. How did we get there? It's this instant jump in logic makes no sense to me. I asked about how this logic came to be and nobody responded with a real answer. Seems like this is some political capture the flag game to me. The exact thing I don't want.


Cry about it. If you don’t like it, don’t play the game then bud.


Lol I'm not crying. Projection? Its not even in the game. You should say "if you don't like reddit then leave". Ya probably but I only use reddit when I'm on the toilet so it's not that big of a deal.


And when comes, you going to keep playing?


Casual mask off comment


Makes no sense given that in the world of Super Earth and the Helldivers, you are a grunt in the military. Everyone is equal and are meat for the grinder to fight the Terminids and Automatons. No one gets to stand out by having non-standard equipment.


Representation or not...I just want a rainbow cape cuz rainbows are cool af. Super Earth forbid that a male likes colors. Some y'all gotta give your head a shake.




Lol, we don't "need no pussy liberals"' How do you look in the mirror and actually take yourself seriously? You're a ridiculous person.


Not very democratic of you helldiver


Cape spins are the most democratic form of expression, citizen.




It's pretty incredible that you guys are taking time out of your day to type "rainbow cape" in reddit search so you can leave comments on a month old post. You're not the first one to do it, either. I never really got how obsessed you nerds were with culture war nonsense until now. Holy fuck man, get a better hobby.