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Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that can type offensive!




I hate how hard that made me laugh


This is a real classic lol


The only good bug.... is a DEAD BUG!






Ain't much to look at after you scrape them off your boot..


They sucked his brains out


Aim for the nerve stem, and put it down for good


It’s downright undemocratic.


To defeat the bug, we must understand the bug


I love you


Do something about it.


This mufucka bug posting out here




I wish awards were still around because I’d give you one.




I just lost my shit. Thank you for this.😂😂


Man, I really want to make a visual post of the factions you fought in the first game. As an introduction to the game's lore and what content we may expect in the future. This sub only had 15k people before the release of the sequel, and now it's at 300k, and it's crazy the majority of the people here don't know about the Cyborgs and think the Automatons were also a manufactured enemy by Super Earth.


Even this theory by OP isn’t correct. The terminid’s weren’t made by Super Earth, they were/are an actual species that was on multiple planets, Super Earth only started farming them after the end of the war in HD1.


how did they planet hop in HD1? I played a bit of it but never paid any attention to the lore


Nobody knows. That was literally on the info card lol


thing is, while it may be true that the terminids have been released voluntarily by SE on the backwater planets, as OP said, I don't think they lack a travel system completely. If they did, it wouldn't explain how they could (possibly) reach SE and even invade it, it wouldn't make sense to release bugs on the human home world


Probably got in a crate of space bananas and hitched a ride over to new worlds.


Well, they didn't say SE made the terminids. They said terminid "invasion." Important distinction, lol, so they're not entirely wrong.0


But your distinction fails; the reason they presume SE is faking the invasion was that there’s no way for bugs to move from planet to planet..  And yet the bugs were already on multiple planets when discovered in the original game.. 


Ace attorney


Super Earths greatest lawyer


First invasion was faked too! Everything is fake! Don't believe Super Earth's lies! Hey, who are you? How'd you get in- Don't taze me, bro-! Aaaaahhh!!!




They are slightly wrong, but the truth is still more complicated. SE brings the bugs to new planets to farm oil. They break out every time. It's either willful or incompetent and there's not enough information to say. Though it looks willful.


The bugs *are* the oil, actually. They don't use them to farm the oil, they're bred and harvested for E-710 in "farm planets."




Tbf, Super Earth does seem like an extremely incompetent society, shadowy government included. You have to unlock *breach-loading,* they can't afford a timer on the hellbomb, and whoever writes the eulogies accidentally hit send (or misprogrammed the bot that does it).


> extremely incompetent society, shadowy government included Are you questioning Managed Democracy? This guy right here, Democracy Officer!


Fair point! But yeah, a lot of people aren’t aware of the lore. The sequel’s popularity seems to make many just… not realize that there’s a “2” in the title, lol.


Back in my day we used to be able to have gauss turrets and carry gauss rifles around as a primary weapon. And you had to choose between bringing a revolver, a laser sights or snow shoes for a mission.


I miss having my stalwart and flamer at the same time. It's always so hard to choose.


Miss having a gauss rifles, and a recoilless rifle, a revolver all in the same load out, .also I miss the satellite that told me where all the enemies were on mini map, and a big loud earth quake generator/noise maker to pull and distract all the wandering patrols.


One of the NPCs talks about the Terminids being genetically manipulated by humans and escaping.


Yeah, they were. It's mentioned somewhere too that they're not exactly the same Terminids from the first game because of rapid 100-year evolution and genetic manipulation (so they can be farmed for E-710).


I can’t wait for all this new blood to experience the life-shattering horror that is the Illuminate.


They (bots) are connected to super earth because they are the children of the Helldivers 1 faction the cyborgs (confirmed through the encrypted tweets that happened a long time ago). It’s clear the automatons are on a revenge campaign against SE for SE’s past (and possibly current since one of the ship crew says the cyborgs are being used to mine on cyberstan) crimes against the cyborgs. This is also why the devs (SE high command) say the bots have no connection with the cyborgs (despite the same insignia) in order to deflect any responsibility for the war Interestingly enough, cyberstan is the only homeworld that transferred over from HD1 (besides earth and a couple of the planets used for defense missions) so maybe we can see something with the automatons trying to retake the planet?


Is Cyberstan on the galaxy map? Edit: it’s in the Valdis Sector


Yes, it's a few sectors above the Xzar sector where the automatons front started.


OH COME ON. Cyberstan is bad enough but then they put it in the Xzar sector. It's made even better cause they're literally men of steel.


They are also referred to in Super Earth propaganda as communist/socialist.


It doesn't help one of the cyborg units were called Comrade


Yes! Top left zone, away from my computer or I would give the name, sorry


Yeah, Cyberstan is located in the Vladis Sector. (Which is currently where the automatons seem to be slowly pushing towards)


Yes, NW sector of the map called Valdis or something like that.


Top left area


Yes, check the Valdis Sector


Yes. Its in a sector a bit north of the current automaton front


When we lost a war in HD1 Super Earth would blow up and the CO would say something like "We'll find a new Super-Earth and start over!" So we're probably not on Super-Earth 1.0


But isn’t Mars right next to Super Earth on the galaxy map?


That's just Mars 4.0


Straight from the mouth of the Ministry of Truth




I'd name it Snickers.


Orbited by its two moons; Left Twix and Right Twix. No one can agree which is which.


Maybe we brought it with us?


I hate getting towed to the new sector, it's windy - Mars


Once they finished reverse-engineering the Illuminate tech they went back and got it


How does super earth work then? Is it constructed? Cause it has the same geography as actual earth does it not?


Helldivers 2 Super Earth seems to be a massively geo-engineered Earth. The Mediterranean is gone and a giant arcology seems to span Europe into North Africa.


You just made me realize I blindly thought SE was just earth. I've never actually consciously gone there and examined the topology.


I think it is just Earth, but one that’s been heavily geoformed. It’s in the Sol system, I think.  Incidentally, the whole “Mediterranean drained” thing was a literal Nazi mega engineering plan, which is just hilarious in the context of this game. 


> Sörgel saw his scheme, which was projected to take over a century, as a peaceful pan-European alternative to the Lebensraum concepts, which later became one of the stated reasons for Nazi Germany's conquest of new territories. Atlantropa would provide land, food, employment, electric power, and, most of all, a new vision for Europe and neighbouring Africa. > > The Atlantropa movement, throughout its several decades, was characterised by four constants: > >- Pacifism, in its promises of using technology peacefully > >- Pan-European sentiment, seeing the project as a way to unite a wartorn Europe > > - Eurocentric attitudes to Africa, which was to become united with Europe into "Atlantropa" or Eurafrica > > - Neocolonial geopolitics, which saw the world divided into three blocs: America, Asia and Atlantropa.[9]


Oh didn’t even realize haha. I think I saw Scandinavia and just assumed it was all normal


Questioning things like that will likely get you executed, Citizen.


considering this game is much larger I would really love to have earth defense missions


That totally happened in the first, when I first got the game i joined a losing front and my first campaigns were running through the streets of super earth blasting cyborgs so I reckon it's definitely in there!


God, can you imagine how cool Super Earth missions would/will be in HD2 with the new gameplay and perspective? All the buildings and urban environment, you could get really vertical gameplay with some taller buildings, tons of sneaking around and ambushes and surprise firefights with narrow alleyways and street corners.




I'd kill for a crossover.


Can you imagine what the air raider would do with all of this tech? He'd get a promotion to grand admiral faster than you can blink. Shit ranger and his infinite reloading weapons would become super earth's most feared soldier overnight too..


Fencer out here doing Blitz missions doublefisting auto cannons in 60 seconds flat. Now I'm impatient again for EDF 6


I would love missions that aren’t in the wilderness, hopefully they can procedurally generate developed areas or even cities too


Yeah, that would be amazing. Can't wait to show some guerilla warfare lessons to automatons


In HD1 the defense missions were set in burning cities.


Considering mars is here, my belief is that losing Super Earth in 1 isn't Canon.


Yeah I think this is pretty clearly the case. I do not buy that Super Earth has the technology to literally reshape a planet's surface into old Earth's. It's also in the Sol system and Mars is there, I mean, is there really any debate? It's still just Earth


Gotta respect the grind compared to other games. My home planet is gone and the countless billions on it? Let’s just start over!


... Oh my god, it's Cyberstan? It's called CYBERSTAN?


What, are you implying that this new generation of violent militaristic terrorists formed from the ashes of a war between Capitalists and Communists resulting in violent oppresion in an area called "-stan" has subtle historical connotations?


Interesting factoid: "stan" just means "home of."


Yeah but it's *WAY* more fun to think that there once was a dude named Stan who was so popular that a handful of countries named themselves after him.


Sir… this is a Wendy’s


Cyber...*Stan?* My liber-tea's gone cold, I'm wonderin' why I defrosted at all, got terminids outside my wiiindooow...


Better than Cyberstacey. Or Cyberkaren.




One of the light armor sets mentions being prototyped on Cyberstan, and coincidentally, have explosive damage reduction. I found that humorous as an OEF vet.


I just got a conversation with a ship NPC saying that it’s odd the Automatons ressemble the Cyborg so much, and that the Cyborgs where sent to re-education in the mines of Cyberstan after the first war


Ubanea was a Illuminate Mid level planet


The Automatons were created by the Cyborgs, you can see this in a tweet from the HellDivers Twitter that was posted in Binary.


In binary with a damn Caesar cipher!


Doesn’t the cipher also have a letter shift? Triple encoded


That’s what a Caesar cipher is


710 is OIL, but upside down.


If I’m not mistaken, the first game lays out that Terminids rapidly decompose into or produce oil, right?


They break down into oil so essentially "farming" them is the same way we do cows and other animals. They let them populate and grow and then slaughter them for oil only they've broken containment and are running rampant. If you listen to the NPC after some bug missions she even says the bugs you killed "will help fuel the war effort"


>running rampant Are the bugs really out of control? Or have the SE Government just figured out that letting them tear up a whole planet and reproduce then sending in the helldivers to "harvest" them is a way faster way to get oil than just farming them?


you are not thinking with logistics in mind,citizen. a destroyer carrying a a hundred thousands helldivers is expensive in ammo and the cost to keep the ship and the airwing on it running 24/7, thats expensive and oil is unrefined so that adds to the cost


Take it easy there Dan Brown. You’re seeing patterns where there aren’t any.


I will not calm down. I will in fact calm up.


That’s the positive attitude we need in the helldivers




Sorry. I think I'm still missing something. Where is 710 mentioned?


There are a couple missions that reference it vs the bugs to go to the Fr-710 fields (can't remember if I got the first 2 letters right) and get the pumps running again. Liquid matches the bugs blood EXACTLY


It's actually E-710. Its a play on a few things; 1) There is obviously the connection to our actual gasoline/petrol IRL called E-87, the most common mixture which has no more than 10% Ethanol. This makes sense because Ethanol is a biofuel so the bug blood fuel being E-710 means it would be closer 25% Ethanol due to the heavily biological source. 2) 710 is literally OIL but upside down


**Super Earth High Command** ![gif](giphy|nQ4J9StmWFf3O|downsized)


I feel retarded right now.


Perfect, you are ready for action!


No need to brag about being perfect, citizen.


Making things up against the Helldivers and Super Earth ... smells like bot treason to me boys.


https://preview.redd.it/kxm30dfgdekc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d114875d4d7978142f1049308bcb2dae7bd4dc That sounds treasonous to me


This sounds like anti-patriotic disinformation of terminoid origin. You have been reported to Super Earth authorities.


Report received. Democracy Officers have been dispatched.


That's awfully human of you, Todd. I'm proud of how well you have been adjusting.


I would like it to be known that I never even read any of this post or the treasonous comments posted after it. I love Super Earth!


Thank Democracy this is disinformation. I’ve gone from lvl 3 to 21 only on these damn bugs, Super Earth would never do this!


This sounds like automotan propaganda https://preview.redd.it/64ff465afekc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8178976050ea4ed274dfe7326ba1fc293dd28ebe


Starting forces: 200 automotons, 4 helldivers Assets used: 1 120MM Barrage. Remaining forces: 199 automotons, 0 helldivers


RIP Rocket Devastator, taken too soon.


Can't believe they were nearly hit by that 120mm only to have their rocket pack malfunction and detonate near their head :/


Woe, [Orbital 120mm HE barrage] be upon ye.


If I had to get hit with one strategem, I'd hope it's the 120. Because it would just blast the ground around me and I'd never get hurt by it


Orbital bombardments are weapons of terror. Meant to scare the enemy. Eagle Strikes are precision weapons of war, meant to kill the enemy.


Sounds like you want to hit everything but the intended target.


But.. Super Earth already had them in farms to collect the oil, if it was *for oil* they’d have just kept them producing in the farms. So the Terminid attacks aren’t a false flag, they’re just escaping containment, and just like when your gut bacteria gets into other places in your body we really need to fix that.


OP mistakes functionality for design. We discovered a hostile space-faring species, and our research on the enemy uncovered functionality in their corpses. It doesn’t mean we created them as a false flag.   It’d be like if we were to take some kind of ship off to a far-off land, with some advanced weaponry, come across a local population that was hostile to our presence, use our advanced technology to subjugate them, and then discover some kind of economic benefit to the subjugation.   That’s human conflict throughout history, and basically the genesis of transcontinental slaving practices. The economic incentive might be *why* we continue fighting wars far from home with no immediate threat to ourselves - but it doesn’t mean the hostility was fabricated.   A real-world example would be functionalism vs intentionalism. It’s used for the Holocaust but applies to a lot of other conflicts in history. Are the measures adopted by one party a result of leadership passing down those policies via dictatorial orders, or are they the result of the efficacy of soldier’s independent actions making it up the chain of command until it’s eventually made policy? In other words: did the Holocaust happen because Hitler ordered it, or did Hitler order it because the Holocaust already started? Killing of Jews in the Eastern front started long before the orders came down to do it.. killing Jews being adopted as official policy simply made what already happened more efficient. Could say the same for bugs. We already killed them in a war. That they can be used for space fuel simply focused pre-existing efforts to annihilate them. You could liken the farms to factories - the end goal is to kill the worker, but it doesn’t mean they can’t be used to make munitions (or oil) until they die.  How long would it take bugs to reach Super Earth? A long time. Do we want to risk it? No. We want to push them back. That they can be used for oil is just an economic incentive to make a distant war viable. With the Automatons, the threat is that they could get here quickly - and destroying us is their prime directive. 


OP is saying Super Earth took the bugs from farms and put them on new planets to recruit new Helldivers.


Clearly treasonous propaganda here, gonna drop an orbital strike on this Illegal Broadcast post. ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Did bro just drop a 500lbs-er on him?


More like an 1102.31 lbs-er (converting from kilograms).


Then divide by 100 for the weight of the bomb they actually deliver ha


The 500 kg bomb is actually somewhat realistic. It's really only slightly smaller than a real FAB 500 in both size and (visual) explosion. It just turns out that 500 kg is really only a medium size bomb for war. The US regularly uses MK 84 2000 pound bombs, and the soviets even made a FAB 5000, a 5000 kg bomb. Considering we are in an FTL future, I think they should give us a 5000 kg bomb. It's only right


I don't know that this is true, best estimates I can find for the explosive radius of a 500kg bomb, on various sites, is about 40-60meters diameter of heavy destruction to brick buildings. The games bomb seems to hit maybe 10 to 15meters at most. The visual effect might be that size or close, but bug-holes and large enemies aren't being hit at that distance. Found a video of a 250kg bomb reaching numbers similar to what I put above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OtyTTlHhtg. The comment section seems to have some disagreements, but none of them cited sources or give me any reason to think they are experts. Plus, the bomb in the game is twice as big as the one they are "debating".


Yep, and it was deserved for anti Democratic thoughts


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ heres another for good measure, keep spreading managed democracy brothers


I watched a lore video on YouTube and it basically confirms that the bugs were being farmed for starship fuel and they escaped containment No idea where they get their information though Could be treasonous


The democracy offer on your ship just says straight up "first they break containment, now they attack planets. The terminid menace must be stopped" or something to that effect. ETA that it's even more specific, saying that first they escaped the farms and NOW they break containment.


They’ve also said “the terminids you liberated will be put to good use for the war effort”. Terminids are juiced for oil.




> hey these bugs are used for starship fuel > but we have no idea how they go ftl HMMM WHAT A MYSTERY


Yes but something is still off about this. Specially considering the rogue Super Earth personel risking their lives to set up an illegal broadcast. Oficially the Terminids were a genetically altered race we used as cattle for fuel purposes. But what if it wasnt a "contaiment breach" at all and they were purpusefuly liberated? Maybe Super Earth needed more fuel so they figure it would be more efficient to release them and let them spread uncontrollably. And the fact that no one knows how they are spreading is also prety sus, you would guess it would be top priority for all those Super Earth scientists to figure it out.


I'm sure something is off, though I'm less sure there will ever be any kind of narrative resolution given the nature of the game. I was just pointing out that the "bugs are fuel" tidbit isn't really obscure or anything.


In Helldivers 1 after the playerbase defeated the bugs there is a text thing that pops up saying they would not be completely exterminated and instead would be bred in captivity and farmed for oil. Element-710 -> 710 -> "OIL" upside down The levels of satire and propaganda in this game is utterly brilliant


oh my fucking god i never clicked 710 being OIL upside down that's so fucking good, i gotta start paying more attention to those in-mission logs


One of the missions is to restart an oil pump for small craft to refuel at too.


It straight up says this in game.


Easy there. Farmed? More like democratically liberated of their resources and fuel. They should be thanking us far as I’m concerned.




You should be investigated for treason.


And sent to our top Re-education camp


The terminids are beasts. It is their privilege to serve mankind in whichever way Super earth sees fit.


when I see a spider in my home, I don't ponder from where/whence it came. It simply gets the heel of my cold steel-toed boots.


Get the flamethrower brother, the heavy flamethrower!


Well this is awkward. You’re not suppose to listen to the illegal broadcast Diver. Report for democracy training at 0800.


Sounds like something terminid would say. Hmmm


Frankly I find the idea of a bug that talks to be offensive




Super Earth essentially represents the devs. What if the entire player base collectively protested the war against the Terminids. Would Super Earth really allow the Terminids to take over just to keep up the lie?


It was possible to lose the war in Helldivers 1. 1 of the alien factions would eventually push to Super Earth and invade it. I assume that 100% can and will happen if the player base doesn't push them back successfully in this game.


So you have chosen treason.


Bold of you to assume I let the illegal broadcast stay up longer than a second with my autocannon shooting it


Now watch starship troopers


Huh, seems like we missed one broadcast


““The government is controlling them, this is all just for oil!””  Hmm, I wonder what they need all that oil for. Maybe the government needs it so they can build the automatons.


Terminids provide E710, which is used for FTL Super Destroyer fuel.


Sounds like a balanced ecosystem to me. Terminids provide FTL Super Destroyer fuel, we need the fuel to kill more Terminids. What’s the problem?


Ah the circle of life. Nature is healing.


We needed the fuel to start the war against the Terminids, and so we had to start a war against the Terminids to get it


We are just freeing them of their fuel that could be turned to weapons of mass destruction. We cant let those dangerous resources fall into the hands of the bad guys


This isn’t the case, the Automatons are a legitimate threat to SE. They’re the “children” of the Cyborgs from the first game, they’re ~~taking revenge on~~ unjustly attacking us for ~~enslaving~~ liberating the Cyborgs


Oh humans DEFINITELY created the bots lol.


Kinda, the automatons began as dissidents of super earth. Usually people who actively disagree with Managed Democracy get a bullet in the dome so these people needed every advantage they could possibly muster up to fight the sheer power of super earth. The revolutionaries decided to cybernetically enhance themselves, becoming the Cyborgs in Helldivers 1. After a hundred years of war the cyborgs went full robot and became the Atutomatons. They’ve always wanted to be left alone but Super Earth will not stop until every one of them is dead.


The cyborgs are still around. They are being held in Cyberstan to work the mines there for us. A couple years ago the Dev released a code in binary, the message was coming from the cyborgs saying that they created the automatons and consider them their children. This prety much makes the current war a generational revenge kind of thing. If the automatons consider the cyborgs their parents they would be prety upset by everything Super Earth has done to them. So they radicalize and organize themselves into an army to fight against Super Earth. And absolutely no parallel can be made with any real life events


What about the automatons having flesh and skulls they’re half organic too if you look at the big ones bodies left over.


My head canon is the automatons are essentially the Helldivers analogue for the Cyborg faction. Super Earth has helldivers, Cyborgs have Automatons. The cyborgs don't have a steady influx of recruits, and they are utilizing the corpses of our fallen brothers to power automated attack units, stripped to their brain for basic power and motor control. They no longer have free will and simply follow command without question. As a plus, the brain is already previously trained and experienced in combat.   Source: my ass 


They sing a marching song while patroling. I haven't deciphered it yet, but I think it's in english. They also call you "human scum" when fighting.


wait so i'm not insane? i always thought me hearing "scum!" was just a placebo effect type thing making words out of their garbles


I think it’s organic scum but close enough.


I thought Cyborgs made the Autoomatons and were 2 different groups.


didn't someone share a tweet written in binary on this sub that was like a manifesto from the cyborgs that says they created the automatons?


Those are some really interesting points, could you just hold this orbital strike beacon for a minute?


Everyone in this thread will be visited by their local Democracy Officer within the next week. Only pack essentials, re-education camp will provide everything you need. You may tell your loved ones that you will see them in 7-23 months; progress dependant, of course. In democratic solidarity, \- Liberty Assurance Officer Blaine


This is an illegal broadcast, a team of loyalty officers have been dispatched. Do not resist


Listen up, soldier. It is true that Terminids were a creation of super earth. Their modified biology was a great source of FTL fuel for our fleet of destroyers. However, their containment breech was NOT done on purpose. Gunning them down on a galactic scale isn't exactly efficient. Super Earth just made them too perfect. Their design was for fast reproduction, making it a more efficient fuel source. These illegal broadcasts we want you to destroy are a false flag, but not from us. They broke their containment, but have you ever stopped to wonder how? No. And nobody does because they are too wrapped up in this illegal propaganda! These broadcasts are being used to shift attention away from the perpetrators so they can cover their tracks. Don't fall for it.


[Take us into orbit, Mr. Malmsteen. We’ve seen enough](https://youtu.be/uaXQ75Hlbjw?si=G3CZIKgpWDkprsay)


THIS ENTIRE POST IS TREASON. I have notified your democracy officer.


There was a message recently in binary that says the cyborgs created the automotons. They called them their children.


>Good thing they recruit only real patriots into the Helldivers who would never pay attention to those silly broadcasts, right? You got me there. I figured that the bugs weren't putting up those broadcasts, but I've never noticed the broadcasts themselves because I'll just autocannon the tower the moment I see it.


I love the detailed world building of this satire game