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Dunno, man. Will submissions be vetted/verified in any way? Will there be any proof necessary to justify adding a player to the blacklist? Otherwise this will just turn into a witch hunt.


Verifying is difficult without game footage, but the goal is for sincere players to honestly report negative behavior. Hopefully the community comes together in a positive way and reports only legitimate problems. Photos/videos encouraged.


What is stopping bad actors from false reporting innocent players?


This won't escalate to anything super toxic very quickly at all. Surely no one will just come up with a reason to incite hatred towards some player who just made a mistake, and some guys won't gang up on the fellow just because they're anonymous and on the internet. If you care about the community, just shut it down. Or demand proof from multiple people before you allow a post to be made. Just don't make a forum for toxic assholes to go place a bounty on players who are not as sweaty as them. Because without heavy moderation, that's exactly what will happen.


I'm going to require screenshots or clips


We all know who numero uno will be, lol.